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show episodes
If you love storytelling, Punch The Timeline is the podcast for you. Each episode, Jarrod and friends tell you about the comics you should be reading. The PTT Brand also features Starman Supper Club, where Jarrod reviews each issue of the 1994 DC Comic Starman. Follow PTT on Twitter @timelinepunch and check out the Exit Zero newsletter on Substack.
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We do weekly reviews of DC Comic books, and talk about so much more (sorry about that, lol). We cover all of the big books in depth and the rest of them as well - If there's titles you want to hear more on, let us know! You can join the Discord for free right now, where it's pretty much anything Geek you can think of in a place where any kind of Geek can feel free to be themselves. Watch our Livestreams, chat in real time and in the server, while we all talk about our favorite things... In T ...
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Comic News Review


Here at ComicNewsReview the only thing we love more than comics, movies or television, is talking about them. Whether its a new trailer, a useless comic event, or news that your favorite Disney animated feature is getting remade into a live action film, we have got it covered.
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Super Tuesday isn’t just for politics anymore. Now it represents the day of the week where we get CW’s The Flash and ABC’s Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD back to back. Dpalm and Kriss are here to recap and nerd out about both shows. Join Us. We also cover Arrow & Legends of Tomorrow and Shanna & the Doctor review Supergirl
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show series
Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Technical Difficulties 02:56 Episode Number Confusion 05:53 Exciting News: Donny Cates Returns 08:56 Captain America Creative Team Announcement 12:01 Marvel's New Initiatives and Series 15:02 Dark Gwenpool Announcement 21:00 New Godzilla Series 24:02 Captain America: The New World Order Review 25:33 The Fantastic Fou…
  continue reading Heute legen wir uns mit Gott an! Nein, nicht dem Gott. Fantasy-Gott Neil Gaiman. Viel Spaß mit der neuen Folge! Josch-Frosch von Helge Vogt Napalm Lullaby (Splitter) WYND: The Power of The Blood The Displaced #1 Josch der Frosch (Ravensburger) Viel Spaß bei der neuen Folge! YouTube Hunting …
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Join Jarrod comic creator Mike Hartigan for the latest episode of Exit Zero! On this week's episode, Mike has a Curb Your Enthusiasm take, Jarrod talks about The Pitt, the guys talk NXT and AEW, and discuss the DC Comics Style Guide. Find the livestream of this episode on Mike's Youtube! Follow Mike: twi…
  continue reading Zack! Und schon sind wir im Jahr 2025! Wen interessieren da noch die lahmen Comics aus dem prähistorischen 2024? Wollen wir doch mal lieber gucken, was das neue Jahr so zu bieten hat! Viel Spaß mit der neuen Folge! Dudley Datson (Splitter) In Bloom (BOOM! Studios) Viel Spaß bei der neuen Fo…
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(00:00:00) The Geek Matrix Pod reviews DC’s Weekly Comics Releases This week, (2/20/25), that's: (01:08:45) #Flash 17 (01:47:35) #Superman 22 (02:02:30) #JusticeLeagueUnlimited 3 (02:21:28) #GreenArrow 20 (02:30:50) #DetectiveComics 1093 #comics #comicbookreviews #comicreviews #dccomics #allin #dcu
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(00:00:00) The Geek Matrix Pod reviews DC’s Weekly Comics Releases This week, (01/15/25), that's: (00:44:35) #Titans 19 (00:56:45) #ActionComics 1082 (01:12:55) #BlackLightning 3 (01:29:42) #Nightwing 122 (01:43:06) #TheNewGods 2 (02:02:22) #ChallengersoftheUnknown 2 (02:14:15) #TheQuestion #AllAlongtheWatchtower 3 (02:21:08) #GreenLantern #Fractur…
  continue reading Was gibt’s Neues bei Splitter? Ne ganze Menge. Aber für mich sahen diese Comics hier erstmal am interessantesten aus: Napalm Lullaby Dudley Datson Night of the Ghoul Little Monsters #2 Seventh Sons The Cull Unheilige Bräute der grausamen Sklaven im düstren Haus der Nach…
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It's the Geek Matrix All In On DC Honorable Mentions Show ep 231! This week Josh talks about Batman: Dark Patterns #2 and DC vs. Vampires: World War V #6 Don't forget to listen to the Main Show to listen to all the rest of the book from DC this week! #batman #robin #batmanandrobin #aquaman #allin #dccomics #comics #comicbooks #comicbookreviews #com…
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(00:00:00) The Geek Matrix Pod reviews DC’s Weekly Comics Releases This week, (01/08/25), that's: (01:01:45) Batman and Robin 17 (01:26:27) Aquaman 1 And don 't forget to check out the Geek Matrix All In On DC Honorable Mentions Show each week! This week Josh talks about Batman: Dark Patterns #2 and DC vs. Vampires: World War V #6 #batman #robin #b…
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This week covers: #Batgirl 3 #BatmanFullMoon 3 #BatmanGargoyleofGotham 3 #Batman #SantaClaus – #SilentKnightReturns 5 Batman #BraveandtheBold 20 Batman #TheLongHalloween #TheLastHalloween #4 #BlackCanary #BestoftheBest #2 #DC Horror Presents #CreatureCommandos #4 #DCHorrorPresents … 3 #GreenLanternDark 2 #HarleyQuinn 46 #PoisonIvy 29 #PowerGirl 16 …
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(00:00:00) The Geek Matrix Pod reviews DC’s Weekly Comics Releases This week, (01/01/25), that's: (00:13:32) #TheFlash 16 (00:31:00) #GreenArrow 19 (00:36 :00) #ActionComics 1081 (00:54:45) #DetectiveComics 1092 (01:02:25) #Superman 21 (01:17:43) #JusticeLeagueUnlimited 2 (01:48:12) #Metamorpho 1 (02:00:37) #JusticeLeagueTheAtomProject 1 (02:23:55)…
  continue reading Was gibt’s Neues bei Cross-Cult? Ne ganze Menge. Aber für mich sahen diese Comics hier erstmal am interessantesten aus: Death Dealer Vinyl Damn Them All Gumaa Hexagon Bridge Viel Spaß mit der neuen Folge!Kirjoittanut Comic Review
  continue reading Panel, Pixels und Brokkoli: Ein Rückblick auf 2024 Da Jahr war spannend, chaotisch und voller Dinge abseits von Comics, ein bisschen wie unser Podcast. Cheers auf ein weiteres Jahr voller Panels, Pixels und egal was kommt, es wird auf jeden Fall Brokkolossal! Viel Spaß bei der neuen Folge! …
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(00:00:00) The Geek Matrix Pod reviews DC’s Weekly Comics Releases This week, (12/18/24), that's: (00:37:40) #TheQuestion 3 (00:44:06) #WorldsFinest 34 (00:51:26) #AbsoluteBatman 3 (01:05:03) #Nightwing 121 (01:30:15) #ChallengersoftheUnknown 1 (01:54:00) #Titans 18 (02:12:50) #TheNewGods 1 (02:27:15) #ActionComics 1073 #TheQuestion #Watchtower #Wo…
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Full Reviews Black Lightning #2 - Brandon Superwoman Special #1 - Rob Action Comics #1079 - Josh Batman and Robin #16 - Brandon Green Lantern #18 - Rob Honorable Mentions Gotham City Sirens: Uncovered #1 Batman / Santa Claus: Silent Knight Returns #3 DC vs. Vampires: World War V #5 Batman: Dark Patterns #1…
  continue reading Advent, Advent, die Zeit die rennt. Bald ist schon Weihnachten und Daniel und ich haben ein paar Comics mitgebracht, die eine hervorragende Ergänzung zu Plätzchen und Glühwein (besser Kinderpunsch) bieten! Da gibt es die schwarze Riesenwespe, die Euch des Nachts absticht. Oder Dornröschen, …
  continue reading Surfer Dudes – Ein aufregendes Comic-Abenteuer voller Action, Humor und Surf-Spaß! Erlebe die verrückte Ananas Piña „Loca“, den griesgrämigen Hund Mad-Dog Murphy und die Surflegende Sharky „SharkBite“ Robinson in ihrem Kampf gegen den fiesen Mr. Big Kahuna. Gemeinsam müssen si…
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(00:00:00) The Geek Matrix Pod reviews DC’s Weekly Comics Releases This week, (11/20/24), that's: (00:52:42) #Shazam 18 (01.02.07) #JSA 2 (01.12.35) #PoisonIvy 28 (01.23.50) #BirdsofPrey 16 (01.31.40) #TwoFace 1 (01:45:30) #ActionComics 1078 (01.54.50 ) #Batman 155 (02.15.25) #AbsoluteSuperman 2 (00:47:58) Plus our Honorable Mentions covered each w…
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The Geek Matrix Pod reviews DC’s Weekly Comics Releases This week, (11/27/24), that's: (Full Reviews) Action Comics 1077 Detective Comics 1091 The Flash 15 Green Arrow 18 Harley Quinn 45 Nightwing 120 Superman 20 Black Canary: Best of the Best 1 Absolute Wonder Woman 2 Justice League Unlimited 1 and Honorable Mentions Batman/Santa Claus Silent Knig…
  continue reading Stürmische Verwirrung und schattige Pfade in Hunting Down Comics Ausgabe #119. Liegt da etwa ein Hauch von Tofu in der Luft des neuen Deutschlands? Eine Frage, die sich keiner zu stellen traut – und doch schwebt sie wie Kohlgeruch im Raum. Eins steht fest: Karotten feiern ein leises Comebac…
  continue reading Doctor Strange: Anfang und Ende YouTube Alle Comics, die ich bisher aus der Marvel Must Have-Reihe gelesen habe, stellten sich tatsächlich als echte Must Haves heraus. Dazu noch JMS (der Schöpfer von Babylon 5) als Autor? Was soll ich noch sagen außer: Der ne…
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(00:00:00) The Geek Matrix Pod reviews DC’s Weekly Comics Releases This week, (11/20/24), that's: (00:36:19) Action Comics #1076 (00:48:00) Batman-Superman World’s Finest #33 (00:53:29) Titans 17 (01:04:50) Catwoman #70 (01:09:45) The Question: All Along The Watchtower #1 (00:41:33) Plus our Honorable Mentions covered each week by Josh! Here’s the …
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(00:00:00) The Geek Matrix Pod reviews DC’s Weekly Comics Releases This week, (11/13/24), that's: (01:01:11) #ActionComics 1075 (01:22:45) #BatmanandRobin 15 (01:32:45) #GreenLantern 17 (02:01:00) #AbsoluteBatman 2 (02:25:45) #BlackLightning 1 (00:41:33) Plus our Honorable Mentions covered each week by Josh! Here’s the run down – Variants Absolute …
  continue reading Stürmische Verwirrung und schattige Pfade in Hunting Down Comics Ausgabe #118. Liegt da etwa ein Hauch von Tofu in der Luft des neuen Deutschlands? Eine Frage, die sich keiner zu stellen traut – und doch schwebt sie wie Kohlgeruch im Raum. Eins steht fest: Karotten feiern ein leises Comebac…
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Where in DPalm and Ro take turns trying to convice each other what should be the next series to breakdown and dig into on Super Tuesday Recap. Come for a few lingering thoughts on Agatha All Along and stay to see which shows they can convince the other to add to their watchlist on: Next on Super Tuesday Recap …Maybe. Like what you hear? Subscribe s…
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(00:00:00) The Geek Matrix Podreviews DC’s Weekly Comics Releases This week, (11/06/24), that's: (00:40:05) #GreenArrow Annual (00:50:15) #Shazam 17 (01:04:40) #PoisonIvy 27 (01:18:58) #Birds of Prey 15 (01:29:32) #Batman 154 (01:50:20) #ActionComics 1074 (02:12:48) #AbsoluteSuperman 1 (02:28:18) #JSA 1 (02:38:40) #Batgirl 1 (00:34:56) Plus our Hon…
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Ro and Dpalm are back discussing the final three episodes of new Disney+ show Agatha All Along S1: Death’s Hand in Mine/ Follow Me My Friend; To Glory at the End / Maiden Mother Crone. When the answers have been in front of your face the entire time, and yet you’re still locked-in right til the end, that’s when you know you’ve truly been entertaine…
  continue reading Windige Überraschungen und düstere Nächte in Hunting Down Comics Ausgabe #117. Is there a whiff of sauerkraut gone bad in the state of Germany? Diese Frage bleibt am Ende unbeantwortet, weil nie gestellt. Doch eines ist sicher: Brokkoli ist der grüne Superstar der Gemüseküche. Viel Spaß bei…
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(00:00:00) The Geek Matrix Pod reviews DC’s Weekly Comics Releases. This week, (10/30/24), that's: (00:28:00) #ActionComics 1073 (01:47:30) #PoisonIvySwampThingFeralTrees 1 (00:21:53) Plus our Honorable Mentions covered each week by Josh! Here’s the run down – Batman The Long Halloween – The Last Halloween #2 – I’m really surprised. This is good. A…
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(00:00:00) The Geek Matrix Pod reviews DC’s Weekly Comics Releases This week, (10/23/24), that's: (00:51:00) #HarleyQuinn 44 (01:12:03) #TheFlash 14 (01:29:11) #GreenArrow 17 (01:43:25) #Superman 19 (02:10:40) #DetectiveComics 1090 (02:24:37) #Nightwing 119 (02:48:17) #ActionComics 1072 (03:02:39) #AbsoluteWonderWoman 1 (00:41:33) Plus our Honorabl…
  continue reading Batman One Bad Day: RIDDLER ComicReview #397: Die Batman One Bad Day-Reihe beleuchtet in jedem Teil einen anderen von Batmans zahlreichen Superschurken. Der Riddler gehört sicher zu den beliebtesten unter ihnen. Aber der Räts…
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Ro and Dpalm discuss the next three episodes of new Disney+ show Agatha All Along S1E-6: If I Can’t Reach You, Let My Song Teach You / Through Many Miles of Tricks and Trials / Darkest Hour, Wake Thy Power. Generational curses, disjointed foresight, and more twists, turns and grimdark reveals certain to upend or confirm that theory you’ve got cooki…
  continue reading Ohne Pause weiter und so…. Wenn die Enten aus den Gräbern steigen, dann ist wieder Halloween. Aber keine Sorge: Wir haben nicht nur den seichten Horror aus Entenhausen dabei, sondern auch richtige Monster: Universal Monsters. Außerdem Fledermäuse, Pinguine und natürlich Brokkoli! Viel Spaß …
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(00:00:00) The Geek Matrix reviews DC’s Weekly Comics Releases This week, that's: (00:33:43) #ActionComics 1071 (00:47:11) #WorldsFinest 32 (00:58:42) #Catwoman 69 (01:10:00) #GreenLantern 16 (01:38:52) #WonderWoman 14 (01:53:50) #Titans 16 (02:15:40) #Nightwing 118 (00:24:57) Plus our Honorable Mentions covered each week by Josh! Here’s the run do…
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(00:00:00) The Geek Matrix reviews DC’s Weekly Comics Releases This week, that's: (00:33:57) #ActionComics 1070 (00:45:32) #AbsoluteBatman 1 (01:22:05) #BatmanAndRobin 14 (01:30:42) #GreenLanternCivilCorpsSpecial 1 (00:30:03) Plus our Honorable Mentions covered each week by Josh! Here’s the run down – DC vs. Vampires: World War V #3 – 8/10 – It sta…
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(00:00:00) The Geek Matrix reviews DC’s Weekly Comics Releases This week, that's: (00:54:02) #AbsolutePower 4 (01:20:39) #DCAllInSpecial 1 (02:05:07) #PoisonIvy 26 (02:23:28) #Shazam 16 (02:50:25) #JusticeSocietyofAmerica 12 (03:20:07) #BirdsOfPrey 14 (03:31:00) #Batman 153 Plus our Honorable Mentions covered each week by Josh! Here’s the run down …
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