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show episodes

Dante's Divine Comedy

Mark Vernon

I invite you to experience the odyssey, by accompanying me as I discuss each canto. My book, Dante’s Divine Comedy: A Guide For The Spiritual Journey, is published by Angelico Press for the 700th anniversary of Dante’s death on 13th September 2021. For more information see - www.markvernon.com
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Legacy Dads with Dave and Dante

Legacy Dads

Real men with authentic faith. Legacy Dads is a community of Christian men focusing on issues such as marriage, parenting, and leadership. We equip men who are trying to balance faith, our modern lives, and leading our families to a lasting legacy.
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Walking With Dante

Mark Scarbrough

Ever wanted to read Dante's Divine Comedy? Come along with us! We're not lost in the scholarly weeds. (Mostly.) We're strolling through the greatest work (to date) of Western literature. Join me, Mark Scarbrough, as I take on this masterpiece passage by passage. I'll give you my rough English translation, show you some of the interpretive knots in the lines, let you in on the 700 years of commentary, and connect Dante's work to our modern world. The pilgrim comes awake in a dark wood, then w ...
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The Great Dante Readthrough

Simon Fraser & Edie Nugent

Artist Simon Fraser and writer Edie Nugent read through all of The Adventures of Nikolai Dante comic strip co-created by Robbie Morrison and Simon Fraser from the weekly Science Fiction Anthology Comic 2000AD.
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Mamãe do Dante

Ju Bárbara

Antes dormir, desde bebê, Dante ouve historinhas para ajudar a relaxar e ter bons sonhos. Nem sempre a parte de relaxar é fácil, mas é sempre divertido. Aqui você pode encontrar as últimas historinhas contadas para esse menininho difícil de dormir.
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The Edmond Dantès Experience

Cameron Skiles

During my podcast, I will usually talk about what happens in my real life, interesting affairs that go on each day, and exciting misfortunes that happen to me. Cover art photo provided by rawpixel on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@rawpixel
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Dante Gutierrez

Dante Gutierrez

Soy locutor de Mendoza, Argentina. Podras disfrutar varios contenidos, entre ellos la Cueva del Dandroide, y Te quiero leer un cuento. A la vez de diversos contenidos, tambien subo recomendaciones musicales en mi instagram @Dantegutierrezloc
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Ian Danter’s Barmy Old Podcast

Ian Danter’s Barmy Old Podcast

Ian Danter, National radio presenter with talkSPORT & Planet Rock, was once host of comedy shows “The Barmy Brummies” on BRMB & “The Sunday Carve Up” on Heart FM during the early 2000’s - he revisits those shows here with a chance to hear editions of ‘Des’s Dedications’ ‘Black Country Bob’ and ‘The Mr Men’, plus new sketches and parody songs too
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Radio Dante

Radio Dante

Radio Dante is a trilingual podcast radio programme in Italian, Spanish, and English that embraces everything about the cultures of these three beautiful languages, including music, food, cinema, education, history, travel, interviews and a lot more.
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Dante & Jenny Streaming

Dante & Jenny Streaming

Formerly known as Lytcast under the umbrella of LAnformant, we've re-branded into Dante and Jenny Streaming with the desire to expand our conversations into all things streaming which include: - Documentaries - Docu-Series - News - Tv Shows, Movies, and Series - Movies - Mini Series - Youtube We'll cover the good, the bad, and the ugly as well as discuss current going-ons with the world with no filter. As our motto goes: why waste time scrolling when you could be streaming? Support this podc ...
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Dante's History

Mallon Khan

The poem is allegorical, with multiple meanings. Each episode will cover a canto at a time, summarizing and interpreting the poem based on dozens of commentaries. Check the website for further reading.
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Las Letras De Dante

Pepe Lara

Bienvenidos a un universo de literatura, lleno de letras, frases, reseñas, y resúmenes de libros de diversos generos. Toma asiento, toma tu libro y prepárate para hundirnos en el mundo de la literatura, esto es "Las letras de Dante" Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lasletrasdedante/support
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100 Days of Dante

100 Days of Dante

100 Days of Dante is a project walking through the Divine Comedy, one canto at a time. This project is brought to you by Baylor University in collaboration with the Torrey Honors College at Biola University, University of Dallas, Templeton Honors College at Eastern University, the Gonzaga-in-Florence Program and Gonzaga University, and Whitworth University. Learn more at 100DaysofDante.com
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La Divina Commedia, originalmente Commedìa, é un poema di Dante Alighieri, capolavoro del poeta fiorentino, considerata la più importante testimonianza letteraria della civiltà medievale e una delle più grandi opere della letteratura universale. È diviso in tre parti chiamate cantiche: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso; il poeta immagina di compiervi un viaggio ultraterreno. Il poema, pur continuando i modi caratteristici della letteratura e dello stile medievali (ispirazione religiosa, fine mor ...
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show series
Dante has gone beyond Pope Adrian V but hasn't left the fifth terrace of Purgatory. He and Virgil pick their way among the many shades until the pilgrim hears one shade call out three examples that entice the pilgrim to find this penitent. Join me, Mark Scarbrough, as we work through this passage on the terrace of the avaricious that will eventuall…
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Depending on the translation, there are somewhere around 397-515 words in Romans 12. Yet in this chapter there is so much wisdom for how we should live our lives as a living sacrifice. Listen in as the guys discuss the chapter and how to apply it to our daily lives. For more about Legacy Dads, click here: Legacy Dads Website Legacy Dads Facebook Gr…
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Tenemos nuevo socio que nos saca de los juegos de guerra para llevarnos al mundo de la poesía más excelsa. Toni nos sigue descubriendo juegos al resto e investigando las virtudes del juego en línea mientras el resto nos sacamos arena de los bolsillos y nos colocamos con especia en nuestro nuevo juego favorito. Bienvenidos a Club Dante en Guerra de …
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Hay muchísima gente que se considera cristiana, pero la sola idea de tener una relación íntima con Dios les parece ilusoria, algo imposible de lograr. Mientras algunos creen conocer al Padre a través de las experiencias de terceros, otros lo hacen a través del recuerdo de aquellos momentos en que experimentaron Su gracia y Su amor en el pasado, y o…
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March 2025 Dante’s Old South Desmund Dangerfield is an entrepreneur, educator, and PhD candidate in Educational Leadership, dedicated to student success and community development. With experience in academic recruitment, leadership development, and entrepreneurship training, he has worked with institutions like Prairie View, A&M University and San …
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Pope Adrian V has pushed the pilgrim Dante to move on . . . even though the pilgrim doesn't want to. He and Virgil pick their way through the crowded fifth terrace of Purgatory. The avaricious are so many that the poet has to step out and offer a prophetic denunciation among the wreckage. Join me, Mark Scarbrough, as we edge our way toward the seco…
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Pope Adrian V concludes his discourse on the fifth terrace of Mount Purgatory on a strangely lonely, alienated note. Perhaps this is what avarice does to a person. Or perhaps this is what exile has done to Dante. Join me, Mark Scarbrough, as we work through the end of PURGATORIO XIX and Pope Adrian's speech on the terrace of the avaricious. We end …
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Pope Adrian V, bound hands and feet to the ground, sets out to answer the pilgrim Dante's second question: What's going on here? In doing so, the pope unwittingly gives one of the most misunderstood lines in PURGATORIO. Join me, Mark Scarbrough, as we explore more of this conversation with the first (and only) pope we meet on Mount Purgatory. Here …
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Las personas que viven simulando tienen pánico de decepcionar y moldean su comportamiento para tratar de agradar a todo el mundo todo el tiempo. Aunque algunos lo disfracen como “cuidar el testimonio”, simular siempre nos hace vivir en un mundo de engaño y, con el tiempo, olvidamos que estamos fingiendo, hasta el punto de creer que esa “máscara es…
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When it comes to spiritual warfare, it is important to do two things. First, admit that it is real. Second, arm up. What weapons do you have at your disposal? When you're in battle against the enemy, God has provided us plenty of options. Listen in as the guys discuss the weapons of righteousness and how they can help you leave a lasting legacy! Fo…
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Dante the pilgrim has asked Virgil--at least with a look in the eyes--if he could speak to one of the avaricious penitents, lying face down on the ground. On Virgil's okay, the pilgrim walks up to Pope Adrian IV . . . or at least so Dante the poet thinks. Sources vary. And interpretations, too. Join me, Mark Scarbrough, as we work through the inter…
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Dante and Virgil now walk along the fifth terrace of Purgatory, looking at the souls who are face down, stuck to the ground, unable to move or turn over. One of them answers Virgil about the way up . . . and the pilgrim Dante wants to stop for a conversation. Join me, Mark Scarbrough, for a look at this transitional passage in PURGATORIO as we step…
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El cristiano que espera que Dios le resuelva todos los problemas familiares, sane todas sus enfermedades y le dé solidez financiera sin tener que esforzarse, busca una ‘eterna infantilidad’, en lugar de una madurez real. Con una fe infantil, la gente trata de hacer que el Señor cumpla sus caprichos, mientras que, con una fe madura, trata de seguir …
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Dante the pilgrim has had a "P" wiped off his forehead by the angel at the stairs. He's started his climb to the next terrace. All seems well, but he's still sad, bent over with worry, troubled about his dream. Virgil again comes to the rescue. He reinterprets the dream for the pilgrim (leaving us with quite a few questions!) and commands the pilgr…
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Awakened from his dream by a foul odor, Dante the pilgrim finds himself fully out of tune with his surroundings: a bright new day on the mountain of Purgatory, beautiful sunshine at his back, and an angel whose feathers fan him on to the next terrace. He's even promised the curious "ladies of consolation" as a salve for his mourning. Join me, Mark …
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Muchos cristianos no solemos orar pidiendo a Dios que revele lo que realmente está oculto en lo profundo de nuestro corazón, porque tememos que la verdad sea demasiado dolorosa y no podamos soportarla. Sin embargo, en el ocultamiento nunca hay sanidad. Para recibir la gracia del Padre, tenemos que lograr ver nuestros puntos ciegos y reconocer el pe…
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What does it mean to be part of the body of Christ? In this episode, the guys discuss this important facet of the Christian life and how it can impact leaving a lasting legacy. Listen in for a good conversation! For more about Legacy Dads, click here: Legacy Dads Website Legacy Dads Facebook Group: Legacy Dads Facebook Legacy Dads Instagram: Legacy…
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We've had two dreams in PURGATORIO, one at Canto IX and one at Canto XIX (although it actually started in the last line of Canto XVIII). Let's take a moment to compare and contrast these two dreams. What can they tell us about the changing nature of PURGATORIO, especially given my thesis that this is a poem in process, one in which the poet is lear…
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Here's the second episode on the pilgrim's second dream in PURGATORIO. Things get wilder after the ugly lady becomes beautiful under the pilgrim Dante's gaze. She begins to sing. She identifies herself as a siren. She mentions Ulysses (incorrectly?). Another lady appears and begs Virgil for help. And Virgil saves Dante (yet again). Join me, Mark Sc…
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February 2025 Dante’s Old South Dr. Fubbs: Singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, composer, master engineer, cinematographer, editor, actor, designer, recording engineer, Death Row Record-signed artist: linktr.ee/drfubbs Kelly J Nelson Founder / Chief Creative Officer / Director: 30+ Year entertainment and event industry veteran and award-winni…
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La fe en Dios no es un seguro contra tragedias. El dolor y el sufrimiento son parte integral de nuestro planeta y los cristianos no estamos exentos. Cuando recibimos un diagnóstico difícil de digerir, cuando un sueño se convierte en pesadilla, cuando un matrimonio se deshace o cuando los hijos parecen perderse, debemos tomar una decisión entre dos …
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When it comes down to it, one of the best things you can do as a Legacy Dad is to make sure you have your house in order. We don't know when Jesus will return, but while we wait, we should definitely make sure we are doing the things we can to prepare for his eventual (and promised!) return. Listen in as the guys discuss this part of leaving a last…
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Our pilgrim has fallen asleep on the edge of the fourth terrace of Mount Purgatory. He's seen the racing slothful but night has gotten the better of him . . . so he begins to dream. That dream is all about desire and the male gaze. It's also about poetic space and dream space . . . and the porous nature between the two. Join me, Mark Scarbrough, as…
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Too often today it is easy to get caught up in the victim mentality. When that happens, it affects us and those around us. Listen in as the guys discuss being a victim or a victor, and how that can impact you as a Legacy Dad. For more about Legacy Dads, click here: Legacy Dads Website Legacy Dads Facebook Group: Legacy Dads Facebook Legacy Dads Ins…
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Muchos cristianos de hoy confunden su fe con una lista de deseos egoístas y van a la iglesia para “empoderarse”. Sin embargo, sólo cuando usamos nuestros recursos para el servicio de Dios -ya sea dinero, autoridad, talento o influencia- es cuando construimos altares al Padre; si los empleamos en nosotros mismos, estamos erigiendo monumentos persona…
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Volvemos a reunirnos para hablar del chascos y aciertos. Alberto se bate el cobre contra Jarib en la fría Rusia de 1812, Yofri y Fredy se preguntan qué harías tú en un ataque preventivo de la URRS. Operaciones urbanas en Somalia donde las gentes te saludan con alegría y pedradas en el barranco. Todo eso y muchas más aventuras en nuestro episodio nú…
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La ley del gallinero puede darse en una granja, pero no es válida en el Reino. Cuando sintamos que somos la gallina ‘omega’, debemos recordar que no estamos solos. Al igual que David ante el tormento de Saúl, debemos permitir que sea Dios el fundamento sobre el cual nos ponemos de pie. Actuemos conforme a Su Palabra, sin rencores ni venganzas, sino…
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In this episode, the guys discuss (of all things) legacy. Dave shares a little bit of his current situation and how his focus on leaving a lasting legacy extends beyond the four walls of his home, and beyond the relationships with his family. Listen in and enjoy! For more about Legacy Dads, click here: Legacy Dads Website Legacy Dads Facebook Group…
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January 2025 Dante’s Old South Steve Gillon is a Senior Fellow at the Miller Center at the University of Virginia, Scholar-in-Residence at HISTORY, and Professor of History at the University of Oklahoma. Gillon received his B.A. in History from Widener University where he graduated summa cum laude with honors in History. He was named the recipient …
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En ocasiones, nuestro anhelo de conocer la voluntad de Dios suele mezclarse con nuestros deseos personales, y tratamos de manipularlo a Él para que nos diga qué hacer o qué puerta atravesar. Queremos Su garantía para sacarnos de encima la responsabilidad de la decisión. Sin embargo, tomar decisiones es una herramienta indispensable para desarrollar…
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Legacy Dads was proud to have Nate Deen and Derrick Dienner from the recently released movie "Brave the Dark" on the show. Listen in to hear the behind-the-scenes truth about the genesis of the movie and learn where you can go see it today! To learn more about the Stan Deen foundation, go here: Stan Deen Foundation To learn more about Derrick Dienn…
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In this episode, the guys continue the conversation with Legacy Dads founder Lance, and friends of the show Jeff and Joe. The topic: taboo topics! What is the one thing that a lot of churches don't really talk about in depth? You probably guessed it. Listen in and enjoy the conversation! Jeff and Beth's IG: https://www.instagram.com/dr.jeffandbeth/…
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