Mari mendengarkan Buku Catatan Harian Santa Faustina secara mendalam dan menghayatinya hari demi hari selama 365 hari bersama bersama di podcast kami. Setiap episode akan memperdengarkan beberapa nomer catatan yang mempermudah kalian dalam memahaminya. Bagikan juga podcast ini kepada saudara-saudari kita yang mengalami kesulitan dalam membaca, maupun melihat (disabilitas visual), juga para lansia agar mereka turut mendapatkan berkat Firman Tuhan dari Buku Catatan Harian Santa Faustina ini. K ...
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The Lord’s “Secretary of Divine Mercy,” St. Faustina, wrote what has become a modern-day spiritual classic — a blueprint for living a sacramental life in union with Jesus Christ. For anyone who may think the Diary is too thick and formidable, Most Rev. Joe Roesch, MIC, has the solution. Join him for a few minutes each day as he reads from the Diary and offers commentary. Over the span of one year, you will have “read" the Diary, beginning to end, and by the grace of God, absorbed its rich te ...
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Today we read a letter from Fr. Sopocko to St. Faustina, dated February 14, 1937. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. The Lord’s “Secretary of Divine Mercy,” St. Faustina, wrote what has become a modern-day spiritual classic — a blueprint for living a sacramental life in union with Jesus Christ. For anyone…
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Today we read a letter from St. Faustina to Fr. Sopocko, dated January 31, 1937. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. The Lord’s “Secretary of Divine Mercy,” St. Faustina, wrote what has become a modern-day spiritual classic — a blueprint for living a sacramental life in union with Jesus Christ. For anyone …
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Today we read a note from Fr. Sopocko to St. Faustina, dated December 24, 1936. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.Kirjoittanut Marian Press
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Today we read a letter from St. Faustina to Fr. Sopocko, dated December 20, 1936. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.Kirjoittanut Marian Press
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Today we read a letter from Fr. Sopocko to St. Faustina, dated November 21, 1936. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.Kirjoittanut Marian Press
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Today we read a letter from St. Faustina to Fr. Sopocko, dated November 19, 1936. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.Kirjoittanut Marian Press
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Today we read a note from St. Faustina to Fr. Sopocko on short prayers. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.Kirjoittanut Marian Press
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Today we read a letter from St. Faustina to Fr. Sopocko, dated October 12, 1936. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.Kirjoittanut Marian Press
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Today we read a letter from Fr. Sopocko to St. Faustina, dated October 5, 1936. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.Kirjoittanut Marian Press
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Today we read a letter from St. Faustina to Fr. Sopocko, dated September 20, 1936. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.Kirjoittanut Marian Press
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Today we read a letter from St. Faustina to Fr. Sopocko, dated August 9, 1936. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.Kirjoittanut Marian Press
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Today we read a letter from Fr. Sopocko to St. Faustina, dated July 10, 1936. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.Kirjoittanut Marian Press
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Today we read a letter from St. Faustina to Fr. Sopocko, dated July 5, 1936. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.Kirjoittanut Marian Press
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Today we read a letter from St. Faustina to Fr. Sopocko, dated June 2, 1936. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.Kirjoittanut Marian Press
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Today we read a letter from Fr. Sopocko to St. Faustina, dated May 15, 1936. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.Kirjoittanut Marian Press
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Today we read a letter from St. Faustina to Fr. Sopocko, dated May 10, 1936. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.Kirjoittanut Marian Press
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Today we read a letter from St. Faustina to Fr. Sopocko dated April 1936. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.Kirjoittanut Marian Press
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Today we read a letter from St. Faustina to Fr. Sopocko, dated March 23, 1936. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.Kirjoittanut Marian Press
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Day 323: Diary Appendix 1 - Chronology of Events
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
11:13As the Diary comes to an end we read from the chronology of the events in the life of St. Faustina. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.Kirjoittanut Marian Press
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"Today, my soul is preparing for the coming of the Lord, who can do all things, who can make me perfect and holy." St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.…
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"During Holy Mass, I saw the Infant Jesus in the chalice, and He said to me. I am dwelling in your heart as you see Me in this chalice." St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.…
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"Today, I prepare for the Coming of the King. What am I, and who are You, O Lord, King of eternal glory?" St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.…
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"The most solemn moment of my life is the moment when I receive Holy Communion. I long for each Holy Communion, and for every Holy Communion I give thanks to the Most Holy Trinity." St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit…
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"I feel that there is a power which is defending me and protecting me from the blows of the enemy. It guards and defends me." St. Faustina wrwites. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.…
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"Today I saw the glory of God which flows from the image. Many souls are receiving graces, although they do not speak of it openly." St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.…
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"When I went out to the garden today, the Lord said to me, Return to your room, for I will be waiting for you there." St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.…
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"Jesus said to me, My daughter, have you any difficulties in this retreat? I answered that I hadn’t. In this retreat, my mind is like lightning." St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministri…
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"My daughter, consider the rule and the vows which you have offered to Me. You know how highly I value them," St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.…
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"My daughter, consider the life of God which is found in the Church for the salvation and the sanctification of your soul." St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.…
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"When I went to Church for the evening devotions, I saw the Lord Jesus during the litany. My daughter, we are beginning the retreat." St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.…
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Dalam doa yang khusyuk, jiwa menemukan kelegaan dan mendapatkan ketenangan jiwa. Music by : Christian JBU
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"Be adored, O God, in the work of Your mercy, Be blessed by all faithful hearts On whom Your gaze rests, In whom dwells Your immortal life." St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries he…
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Episode ini menceritakan roh Suster Dominika yang saat meninggal menemui Suster Faustina dan meminta doa darinya, karena dia masih menderita di Purgatorium. Music by : Christian JBU
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"Be adored, O God of mercy, Because You have deigned to descend from heaven to earth. Most humbly we adore You For Your having vouchsafed to exalt all mankind." St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Suppo…
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"May You be adored, O merciful God of ours, O All-powerful Lord and Creator. In deepest humility, we give You praise, Plunging ourselves into the ocean of Your Godhead." St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit ShopMercy.o…
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"O God, who are happiness in Your very self and have no need of creatures to make You happy, because of Yourself You are the fullness of love" St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries …
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"O virgin, lovely flower, You will not remain much longer in this world. Oh, how beautiful your loveliness, My pure bride!" St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.…
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"Write: I am Thrice Holy, and I detest the smallest sin. I cannot love a soul which is stained with sin; but when it repents, there is no limit to My generosity toward it." St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit ShopMerc…
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"During Holy Mass, I came to know that a certain priest does not affect much in souls because he thinks about himself and so is alone." St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.…
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"The Lord answered me, Your prayers are accepted for other intentions. I cannot take away this cross until they recognize its meaning." St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.…
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"During Vespers today, the Lord gave me to know how very pleased He is with a pure and free heart." St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.…
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Yesus menginginkan Suster Faustina selalu setia kepadaNya dan juga kepada Bapak-Bapak Pembimbing rohaninya.. Yesus juga memerintahkan agar Suster Faustina untuk mundur dari Karya Kerahiman Ilahi. Karena dari Karya Kerahiman Ilahi, sudah banyak jiwa yang ditarik kepada kasih Allah berkat gambar tsb, lewat karya itu, Kerahiman bekerja di dalam jiwa-j…
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"The Lord answered, That praise wounds My Heart because love has been banished from convents." St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.…
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Pada hari penutupan Retret Suster Faustina pergi ke gereja yang dikelola Ordo Jesuit untuk mengaku dosa di hadapan Pastor Josef Andrasz,S.J dan hal ini untuk menguatkan hatinya. Music by : Christian JBU
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"Then Jesus said to me, My daughter, know that if I allow you to feel and have a more profound knowledge of My sufferings," St. Faustina writes. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.Kirjoittanut Marian Press
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Tuhan membahas masalah keputusan dan keinginan Suster Faustina untuk menjadi seorang Santa yang sangat menyenangkan hatiNya. Music by : Christian JBU
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"I adore You, Lord and Creator, hidden in the Blessed Sacrament. I adore You for all the works of Your hands." St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.…
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"Jesus answered me, My daughter, faithfully live up to the words which I speak to you. Do not value any external thing too highly," St. Faustina writes. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.Kirjoittanut Marian Press
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"Low Sunday. Today, I again offered myself to the Lord as a holocaust for sinners." St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.Kirjoittanut Marian Press
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"Jesus lovingly listened to me and then said, Be at peace, My child, I am with you. Go in great peace." St. Faustina writes. Listen in as Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC, reads from this modern spiritual classic. To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit Support our Ministries here.…
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