Há muitas coisas que mexem com o seu bolso e nem todas são más. Todos os dias, um facto bom e um facto mau para as suas finanças.
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Misschien lees je Moeyaert. Hier hoor je hem. Hij leest zijn verhalen en gedichten voor, persoonlijke stukken, en je ontdekt unieke opnames.
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Oggend Oordenkings vanuit die NG Harrismith Moedergemeente.
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Changing the fitness culture of the force. Your one stop shop for all things fitness for tactical professionals.
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Join host John Moe (The Hilarious World of Depression) for honest, relatable, and, yes, sometimes funny conversations about mental health. Hear from comedians, musicians, authors, actors, and other top names in entertainment and the arts about living with depression, anxiety, and many other common disorders. Find out what they’ve done to address it, what worked, and what didn’t. Depresh Mode also features useful insights on mental health issues with experts in the field. It’s honest talk fro ...
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JP Moery discusses the experiences which led his bootstrapped company to successful exit - and launching new enterprises including motorsports development. Fast, candid and authentic content weekly from JP Moery!
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Moeller Real Estate & Business Podcast mission is to provide you with valuable insights, strategies, and stories that will help you navigate the world of real estate and business. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just getting started, we're here to support your goals and get you to the next level of business and quite frankly, life!
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Arjan Spoormans, Koen Minnema en Stefan Kollaart bedenken alledrie een onderwerp. Elk onderwerp bespreken we 10 minuten. Na die 10 minuten gaat er een zoemer, en is de volgende aan de beurt.
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Just listen
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Vol vertrouwen, genieten van het moederschap en je gezin. Je verbonden voelen met jezelf en echt aanwezig zijn voor je kinderen heeft niet met meer tijd of energie te maken. Maar met liefdevolle aandacht voor jezelf. De lieve moeder podcast helpt je ontdekken hoe jij het moederschap wilt invullen en het veel meer te doen op jouw manier. Want een moeder die zich goed in haar vel voelt is alles wat een kind nodig heeft.
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Moe’s World - The Baseball Podcast is hosted by MoeAtlanta. Long time Baseball fan with views and perspectives sounding like a Friday Happy Hour Bar discussion with friends. Various topics will be discussed and suggestions are very encouraged. Join us weekly, new Episodes are released each Friday of the month for a 20-minute broadcast. Whose World is it?- It’s Moe’s World!
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Finanças pessoais, histórias de empresas e empresários, casos de mau funcionamento da máquina do Estado, descodificação de grandes números. Rubrica sobre dinheiro do Paulo Ferreira e da Judite França.
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In Moestuin Advies de Podcast, gaan jeugdvrienden Ruud & Joris iedere week in gesprek met elkaar over hun (moes)tuinen. Van tomaten tot composteren, en van fruitbomen tot luizen. Luister gezellig mee naar deze Brabantse gezelligheid terwijl je bezig bent in de tuin! In de wintermaanden laten Joris en Ruud de moestuin even voor wat het is, maar stilzitten? Dat kennen ze niet! Om toch een goed excuus te hebben om elkaar iedere week te zien én lekker door te kletsen, bedachten ze een winterpodc ...
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Welcome to "A Convo with Moe" – where Moe Diggs' warmth, wisdom, and relatability turn every episode into a conversation, a connection, and an exploration of the beautiful chaos that defines your transformative 20s. Follow Moe Diggs on @moeediggga @aconvowithmoe to get a closer look into her world. Engage with the community, share your stories, and be part of the ongoing dialogue that transforms "A Convo with Moe" into more than just a podcast – it's a shared journey.
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My life is crazy. This is me trying to deal with it all. [Snapchat @emmdawnn] & [Instagram @melissadawnnnn]
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Michael Moeck's take on leadership, management, and how to achieve your true potential. All it takes is a little sacrifice, and a boat load of hard work.
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ကျွန်တော်ဖတ်မိသောစာအုပ်များထဲက အကြောင်းအရာများ၊ ကျွန်တော်ရဲ့ ကိုယ်ပိုင်ထင်မြင်ယူဆချက်များကို ပြန်လည် ဝေမျှပေးသွားပါမယ်။
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Hei! Dette er en podcast som vil garantert bringe lys i hverdagen din, jeg alphonce kommer nemlig til å levere en vanlig eller uvanlig hverdagen med familien min. Ida(samboen min) og våres flotte 4 barn.
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Advice, news , and other stuff make requests at any time add my Snapchat at yourwolfgirl
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Welcome to Albrecht Moeller, where amazing things happen. Sprücheklopfen, aber mit Niveau!
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Sports and more sports
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Het verhaal van drie alleenstaande vrouwen die na een leven van hard werken, kinderen opvoeden en een voortdenderend leven moeten vaststellen dat er op het einde van de rit geen rijkdom, maar een hel aan facturen wacht.
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Money Over EveryThing... Life through the eyes of a misrepresented and misunderstood women... (sounds nice!) but Uhmmmm.. I'm just being real about real life day to day Shit!!! ENJOY!!!! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/moetchick/support
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CHANGE YOUR WORDS. CHANGE YOUR WORLD! Welcome to the Perpetual mOetion Podcast 🎙️, where curiosity meets career excellence! Join Dr. mOe Anderson, TEDx speaker, (8x) bestselling author, and healthcare provider, on a journey of personal growth. In each weekly episode, we dive into inspiring and often hilarious conversations with global experts. From communication mastery to wise investments, we’ve got you covered. 🌟 Subscribe now and let’s ignite your curiosity, one empowering conversation at ...
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Bina Stories
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Pós graduação uno Cover art photo provided by thr3 eyes on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@thr3eyes
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Group chat conversations in real life.
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A lil bit of any and everything that's happening in your area...with words of advice and daliy discussions
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Moebayer on instagram
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Aled Hughes yn mynd at wreiddyn moel straeon difyr rhai o Gymry’r byd. Aled Hughes gets to the root of the stories which have shaped people's lives.
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Moesgaard Museum syd for Aarhus er altid på jagt efter fortiden. Med sin enorme udstillingsbygning graver Moesgaard sig ind i fortiden. Museet formidler de store og små historier, som betød noget dengang - og som stadig har betydning for mennesker i dag. Kunsten og kulturen har altid hentet næring i fortidens muld. Den engelske forfatter J. R. R. Tolkien studerede fortiden og dens sprog hele sit liv. Det blev til hans berømte fortællinger om ‘Hobbitten’ og ‘Ringenes Herre’. I 5 podcasts unde ...
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Wild Game, Great food, Life Experience And The Great Outdoors
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Live a life worth living... Is he a Producer, a DJ, a rapper, an actor?
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Welcome to Moe Alrefaei, where amazing things happen.
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Noah's journey in his military teen life. * All statements and remarks made in any video posted by Noah Morales are his personal views and thoughts. The following are personal opinions/experiences and do not reflect the views of the United States Air Force or any branch of the military.*
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Blessings Come To Those Who Wait Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/praiseexperiencechurch/support
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all music all genres
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Welcome to the Moe Rich podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Moe Factz with Adam Curry
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Wir sind ein neuer Podcast und besprechen diverse Themen rund um Anime, Manga und random Slice of Life Stuff~ Struktur und Equipment kommt mit der Zeit.
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En quizpod i kryssform. Vi ställer frågor om de mesta inom popkulturen och dina svar ska in i ett korsord. Länken till varje korsord hittar du i infotexten till varje podcast.
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ကြိုတင်လေ့ကိင့် ထားသမျှတွေ နဲ့
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My friends say I talk to too much so listen !
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Anything that is pop culture whether its movies, fashion, sports, music. You name it, I will talk about it.
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Building Resilience: Tips for Strength in Chaos
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
16:10Feeling overwhelmed by the chaos in the world today? Discover how to transform despair into resilience and hope with Dr. mOe Anderson. In this episode of Perpetual mOetion, learn actionable strategies to enhance your mental fortitude and find peace amidst turbulence. Memorable Quotes: "As long as we have hope, we can cope." "Your inner strength rad…
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In this bonus content edition of Depresh Mode, We’re joined by some Maximum Fun all-stars for some very light-hearted and delightfully competitive games that are as informative as they are silly. Our competitors: Justin McElroy of My Brother, My Brother, and Me, Adventure Zone, and Sawbones Hal Lublin of Tights & Fights and We Got This Laura Swishe…
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Booked, Busy & Bad Attitudes? The Salon Shift We Need to Talk About
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20:51In this episode, Moe Diggs discusses the current state of the beauty community, focusing on the decline of customer service in beauty salons and the rising costs of beauty services. She reflects on her personal experiences and the shift in salon culture, emphasizing the importance of kindness and respect in client-provider relationships. The conver…
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USASOC Command Sergeant Major JoAnn Naumann
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Toista myöhemmin
1:03:36CSM JoAnn Naumann planned on serving one enlistment in the Army to get a clearance and learn a language so she would be competitive for the Foreign Service. 28 years and 14 deployments later she's now the USASOC Command Sergeant Major. We originally got in touch because she appreciated our episode with Alyssa Clark where we talked about ultra marat…
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A redução fiscal para jovens na compra de casa foi aproveitada já por 26 mil pessoas que compraram 18 mil habitações. A redução fiscal média é de 5.560 euros por transacção. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Kirjoittanut Observador
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A redução fiscal para jovens na compra de casa foi aproveitada já por 26 mil pessoas que compraram 18 mil habitações. A redução fiscal média é de 5.560 euros por transacção. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Kirjoittanut Observador
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Season 2 - Episode 9 - The Uecker Line
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26:23We love to hear your thoughts. Tell us how you enjoyed the Podcast. Howdy, Howdy and welcome to Moe’s World - The Baseball Podcast. We're excited to bring you our latest episode. Your feedback is important to us, so please feel free to share your comments. If you enjoy the podcast, spread the word to your friends and subscribe. In our 9th episode o…
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S09E04. 🇮🇸 Ijsland 🏡🏡 Buren 🔗 Kink-borrel
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39:26Koen gaat naar Ijsland, Stefan ging koffie drinken met zijn buren en Arjan was bij een kinky borrel.
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I loved producing this episode for you about how decades of experience could be your super power. If you like this podcast, could you review it on Apple Podcasts? Get rewards and save money on the Push to Pass Marketplace Signup for my LinkedIn Newsletter: Push to Pass Podcast Newsletter Follow JP Twitter: twitter.com/jpmoery. Facebook: https://www…
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O governador do Banco de Portugal confessou ter “algum horror a pagamentos automáticos”, já que dessa forma se pode perder aos gastos familiares. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Kirjoittanut Observador
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A cotação do ouro quebrou a barreira dos 3000 dólares por onça pela primeira vez. O metal é considerado um valor refúgio em momentos de incerteza e instabilidade. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Kirjoittanut Observador
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O apoio público para a compra de carros 100% eléctricos vai ser alargado a ligeiros de passageiros com mais de cinco lugares. O limite de preço é de 55 mil euros (incluindo IVA e demais despesas). See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Kirjoittanut Observador
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#64 Life as a Masterpiece: Entrepreneurship and Fulfillment with Cathy Christen
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41:23Send us a text In this episode, we sit down with Cathy Christen, a powerhouse entrepreneur, business leader, and advocate for women’s success. With two decades of experience building businesses and leading teams, Cathy shares her journey of balancing ambition with fulfillment. As a wife, mother of three, and multi-business owner, she understands th…
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Estreia. "O Misterioso Engenheiro Jardim". Episódio 1: Uma foto vai salvar-lhe a vida
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33:53É o homem certo para resolver os casos mais difíceis. Jorge Jardim formou-se como engenheiro agrónomo e chegou ao governo com apenas 29 anos, mas em 1952 um convite vai mudar-lhe a vida. Muda-se com a família para África para trabalhar como administrador de uma fábrica. Mas a capa de um homem de negócios e de um pai de uma família numerosa escondia…
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John Moe helps kick off MFD Spring Break
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1:19:17It’s not MaxFunDrive without a wild kickoff spectacular! Former real-life VJ and host of MTV's Spring Break 1999, Dave Holmes, takes your favorite MaxFun hosts through some wacky ‘90s- and Spring Break-themed mini games!! Featuring: Dave Holmes, Jeremy Bent, Oscar Montoya, Dimitry Pompée, Tom Lum, Ellen Weatherford, Alex Schmidt, Brenda Snell, Drea…
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J. Kenji Lopez-Alt on Food, Booze, Weed, Anxiety, Depression, and Living a Healthy Life
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54:07The alcohol, says J. Kenji Lopez-Alt, came about in young adulthood, when it solved persistent social anxiety and made him the life of the party. As Kenji found tremendous success in food writing and restaurateuring, he found that he couldn’t really make it through the day without downing between two and five drinks. This wasn’t hard to pull off in…
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As despesas dedutíveis que cada contribuinte vai colocar na declaração de IRS de 2024 já podem ser consultadas no Portal das Finanças. Todas as reclamações devem ser feitas até ao final de março. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Kirjoittanut Observador
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219 - Waarom meer geduld niet werkt en wat dan wel
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Toista myöhemmin
20:48Steeds tegen jezelf zeggen dat je ‘gewoon wat meer geduld moet hebben’? En waarom lijkt dat geduld altijd op te raken op de momenten dat je het het hardst nodig hebt? In deze podcast ontdek je waarom méér geduld niet de oplossing is – en wat je wél kunt doen om rust en verbinding te ervaren, ook op die lastige momenten waarin de spanning oploopt.He…
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Gym Myths and Truths: Research Review
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Toista myöhemmin
1:02:24In this episode we look at a few pieces of recent research that focus on how knowledgeable both health and fitness professionals and average gym goers are on a variety of topics. We break down the results, but we also challenge the quality of questions the researchers asked in their assessments. We spend the bulk of the time on this survey by resea…
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Season 2 - Episode 8 - The Future of the CBA
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Toista myöhemmin
17:00We love to hear your thoughts. Tell us how you enjoyed the Podcast. CBA Expires Dec. 1, 2026 at The current CBA expires on Dec. 1, 2026 at 11:59 p.m. MLB commissioner Rob Manfred is grappling with a dramatic change in the media rights landscape that will alter how the league does business and set the stage for nasty labor negotiations with the play…
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S09E03. 💬 Signal 📬 Postbozorgers 🪩 Vrijgezellenfeesten
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37:47Arjan wil dat iedereen verhuist van Whatsapp naar Signal. Koen wil de problemen van postbezorgers oplossen. En Stefan gaat trouwen, dus er moet een vrijgezellenfeest komen.
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Kirjoittanut Ds Ulrich Ohlhoff
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Os encargos com melhoramento da casa podem abater no cálculo da mais-valia quando se vende um imóvel. Desta forma, o pagamento de IRS pode ser reduzido. Mas há regras restritas. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Kirjoittanut Observador
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Are you stuck and not making more money? Well, how many of your projects are laser focused on revenue generation. How much time is spent on meetings or activities that don't move dollars? Financial reports, balance sheets, and budgets are boring, right? Yes, for most of us. However, once I had fundamental financial awareness, my business operations…
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Toen De Melkweg in 2011 verscheen, verraste Bart Moeyaert de lezers met een speciaal voor het boek gecomponeerd muzikaal thema. Muzikant en componist Bart Voet vertaalde de sfeer van het boek. Laat je weten wat je vindt?Kirjoittanut Bart Moeyaert
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Kirjoittanut Ds Ulrich Ohlhoff
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Desde o início do ano, a moeda americana já caiu cerca de 8% em relação ao euro. Isso quer dizer que, para os europeus, os preços dos Estados Unidos ficam mais baixos. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Kirjoittanut Observador
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#9 - Bizarre verhalen
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Toista myöhemmin
1:06:04Vijf minuten voordat we de opname startten, bedachten we pas het thema: bizarre verhalen. En geloof ons, we hebben er een paar! In deze aflevering delen we drie van onze eigen, meest absurde ervaringen. Zet je schrap! Wil je onze vakantie sponsoren? Neem dan GRATIS een 45 dagen proefabonnement op Bookbeat via deze link: https://hsl.ink/BookBeat30-g…
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Kirjoittanut Ds Ulrich Ohlhoff
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As operações de pagamentos de serviços através de meios eletrônicos vão passar a identificar o destinatário do dinheiro. A nova funcionalidade, imposta pelo BdP, destina-se a evitar fraudes. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Kirjoittanut Observador
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#63 From Mission to Millions – and Beyond with Brian Tibbs
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44:55Send us a text What if you could build lasting wealth while staying true to your purpose? Brian Tibbs did just that. At 26, Brian was thriving in business—investing in real estate, running companies, and climbing the corporate ladder. But then, he made a bold move: selling most of his assets, leaving his career, and moving to Guatemala to serve as …
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Kirjoittanut Ds Ulrich Ohlhoff
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Checking in With Friends During Scary Times: Paul F. Tompkins, Ana Marie Cox, and Gary Gulman
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Toista myöhemmin
50:32Maybe you’re one of those people who dreads even looking at the news these days, with stories of layoffs, tariffs, upheaval in foreign policy, and a lack of knowledge as to where this is all going and what it might mean for the future of America and the world. It’s a tumultuous time. When things are chaotic, it can be good to check in with one’s fr…
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Reabertas as candidaturas para o apoio à compra de carros, motos e bicicletas eléctricas. Os particulares têm direito a 4.000 euros na compra de um carro 100% elétrico. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Kirjoittanut Observador
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Blijvend mindful met je kind
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1:16:48Blijvend mindful met je kind by De Lieve Moeder PodcastKirjoittanut De Lieve Moeder Podcast
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Kirjoittanut Ds Ulrich Ohlhoff
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Stolen Lunch Money with Steve Beynon
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Toista myöhemmin
1:20:44After they complete initial entry training all soldiers are entitled to Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) to help pay for food, but many of them have most of it deducted to pay for meals provided in dining facilities (DFACs). Recent investigative reporting by our guest, Steve Beynon, has revealed striking inconsistencies between how much money …
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