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show episodes
Die Welt scheint aus den Fugen geraten. Sorgt Donald Trump für eine neue Weltordnung? Was machen Söldner in Afrika? Ist China im KI-Wettlauf allen anderen überlegen? Und kann Europa die Ukraine schützen? In «NZZ Geopolitik» analysieren Marlen Oehler und David Vogel die weltpolitischen und wirtschaftlichen Fragen unserer Zeit. Mit ihren Gästen setzen sie das geopolitische Puzzle zusammen, um das grosse Ganze zu verstehen. Immer mittwochs.
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NZZ Akzent

NZZ – täglich ein Stück Welt

Täglich erzählen NZZ-Korrespondentinnen und Redaktoren, was sie bewegt: Geschichten aus der ganzen Welt inklusive fundierter Analyse aus dem Hause NZZ, in rund 15 Minuten erzählt. Das ist «NZZ Akzent» – täglich ein Stück Welt. Und wenn du dich schnell, kompakt und fokussiert über das Weltgeschehen informieren möchtest, dann mach das mit unserem täglichen Newsletter, dem NZZ Briefing. Registriere dich dafür kostenlos unter
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Eric Gujer ist Chefredaktor der NZZ. Einmal im Monat debattiert er mit einem Gast aus Politik oder Gesellschaft die grossen Fragen unserer Zeit. Dies ist der Podcast zur gleichnamigen Fernsehsendung.
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Erwachsensein ist manchmal eine ziemliche Zumutung. Warum bleibt von meiner Zeit so wenig übrig? Wie funktioniert das mit der Liebe? Und wo genau gehöre ich hin? Unsere Hosts fragen sich das auch und sprechen mit Menschen, die Antworten gefunden haben. Jede Staffel nehmen wir uns ein grosses Thema vor und decken überraschende Fakten und Perspektiven auf. «NZZ Megahertz» ist Fühlen für Fortgeschrittene. Jeden Donnerstag frisch. Hörerinnen und Hörer von «NZZ Megahertz» lesen die NZZ online ode ...
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The official podcast of the NZXT community! 💜 Tune in live every other Friday at 10AM PT on and send your questions to: Subscribe on SoundCloud, Spotify, and Apple.
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NZZ Live

NZZ Live

Journalismus live erleben – jetzt mit dem NZZ-Live-Podcast: damit hört ihr jeden Monat bis zu zwei Stunden der spannendsten Mitschnitte unserer Live-Veranstaltungen. Ihr begleitet interessante Gespräche mit bekannten Persönlichkeiten, moderiert von unseren Redaktorinnen und Redaktoren – und das überall, wo es Podcasts gibt.
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In our Opening Bell podcast we aim to provide a snapshot into what's happening within our economy, the capital markets, our organisation as New Zealand's Exchange, and our community. Featuring a range of industry leaders, each podcast is packed with trends, insights and learning opportunities.
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NZART Official Broadcast

Jim Meachen ZL2BHF

The NZART Official Broadcast is made on the last Sunday of each month, starting with February through until November. In December it is made on the Sunday before Christmas. There is no broadcast in January.
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Your Garden Coach NZ

Ali Soper and Jen Anderson

Guiding keen new gardeners to become confident vegetable growers no matter the size of your garden or your skill level. We aim to share tips and tricks to help you grow healthy, nutrient-rich vegetables. Based in the Central Otago region of New Zealand. Happy gardening
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Renew Church NZ

Renew Church NZ

Renew Church NZ podcast Renew Church NZ is a New Zealand based church founded in 1977 in Whangarei. Led by Senior Pastors Symon and Kristy Drake, Renew Church NZ aims to present the gospel in a contemporary manner to every generation. Renew Church NZ and Renew Music are joint in their aim of being a family of believers celebrating God’s goodness, demonstrating His love and equipping His people to change the world.
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NZ Everyday Investor

Podcasts NZ / / Darcy Ungaro

The NZ Everyday Investor! A podcast designed for the the everyday person, who's keen to build new wealth in the new world using existing, and new tools to get the job done. We select guests for our show who have a genuine story to tell - not just industry experts but people who have made great financial moves, some on purpose and some totally by accident! We hope you enjoy the show.
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NZ Business Owners

Ryan J Melton

Step into the world of NZ Business Owners, where we explore the complexities of life and entrepreneurship in New Zealand. From the deep-seated beliefs and values that guide these entrepreneurs to the strategies they use to navigate the twists and turns of success, we dive into the depths of the human experience. Whether you're interested in business, personal growth, or just curious about what it takes to succeed, join us on this journey of self-discovery and explore the many facets of the h ...
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NZ Society of Authors

NZ Society of Authors

Listen to the New Zealand Society of Authors Oral History Podcast, hosted by Karyn Hay and including author interviews collected over 30 years. Also find our new podcast, NZSA Live! Featuring audio recorded at NZSA events.
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New Zealand's podcast that inspires and challenges those in business and leadership. Hear from numerous top NZ leaders and entrepreneurs including Rod Drury, Sir Stephen Tindall, Sir Michael Hill, Sir Graham Henry, Mike Bennetts, Andy Hamilton and many more.
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Sebuah podcast yang bercita-cita menjadi podcast komedi. Maka dari itu obrolannya pun kadang diketawa-ketawain biar sah dianggap lucu. Jadi, tolong di tertawakan!
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Rabobank's RaboResearch Food & Agribusiness team has 90 analysts working in local teams across the worldwide Rabobank network. They generate knowledge, and develop views and insights on businesses, topics and developments in the food & agribusiness sectors across the globe. All analysts have their own sector specialisations—ranging from meat and fish to dairy, vegetables, fruit and floriculture, coffee and cocoa. RaboResearch Disclaimer: Please refer to our Australian RaboResearch disclaimer ...
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From its early days, Bridges has been a church that uses the Bible as the foundation of faith. We value worshipping God highly, and place a lot of emphasis on this in our regular meetings. Individual and corporate prayer is a vital part of discerning Gods will for us, and moving forward as a church. We welcome the supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit in our church - from the salvation of people through faith in Christ, to the empowering that comes from baptism in the Holy Spirit, and the ...
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NZS Capital Podcast

NZS Capital LLC

The NZS Capital Podcast features interviews with members of the investment team covering a range of topics about innovative companies. Not investment advice. Please see important disclosures at
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The Puzzle Factory - Powered by NZ Trade Group Welcome to The Puzzle Factory, the podcast where we piece together the secrets to running a successful electrical business. Hosted by Alex, an electrician by trade, and Tait, a business leadership and management expert, this show offers a unique blend of industry expertise and entrepreneurial insight. Each episode, Alex and Tait dive into the ins and outs of the electrical trade, sharing practical tips, valuable knowledge, and real-world experie ...
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show series
Ein Frieden in der Ukraine liege wohl noch in weiter Ferne, sagt der Russland-Korrespondent Markus Ackeret. Dass es Donald Trump nicht gelang, einen bedingungslosen Waffenstillstand auszuhandeln, sollte niemanden überraschen. Heutiger Gast: Russland-Korrespondent Markus Ackeret Host: Jenny Rieger Weitere Informationen zum Thema: Putin kommt Trump e…
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🌿🎙️ Today's Podcast Episode! 🎙️🌿 Jen's verdict on today's cuppa? Not a fan! 😆 Chilli & Rosemary tea might not be making it into her regular brew! ☕🔥🌿 🌘 We're in the Barron phase until March 23rd – perfect for weeding, mulching, pruning, and garden maintenance. 🧑‍🌾✨ Then, get ready to plant root crops on the 24th & 25th! 🥕🧄 🌳 Plus, we’re diving into…
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Weihnachten feiern und meditieren, oder Tarotkarten legen, während eine Buddha-Figur im Regal steht – heutzutage ist all das kein Widerspruch mehr. Was bedeutet Spiritualität, wenn man Zugriff auf ein ganzes Buffet an Glaubensrichtungen hat? Darf man sich seinen eigenen Glauben zusammenbasteln? Darüber diskutieren die «Megahertz»-Hosts Alice und Je…
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Originally from Brighton in the UK, Josh at first hadn't considered working in wine, now the new winemaker at Huia, he brings a wealth of experience from both New Zealand and overseas. Josh shares insights into his journey in the industry, what drew him to Huia, and how his time working overseas has shaped his approach to crafting expressive Marlbo…
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Podcast guest Leigh Paulden business consultant at Chapters 00:00 Vision and Strategic Alignment 02:57 Purpose and Core Values 05:58 Accountability vs. Responsibility 08:42 Hiring for Growth 12:05 Communicating the Vision 14:59 Setting Achievable Goals 17:56 Balancing Growth and Delivery…
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Wachgerüttelt von Donald Trump rüstet Europa massiv auf, um Russland abzuschrecken. Dafür wird den EU-Mitgliedsländern ausdrücklich erlaubt, sich zu verschulden. «Für Frieden in Freiheit muss man zahlen. Notfalls mit Schulden», sagt der Ökonom Guntram Wolff von der Freien Universität Brüssel. Host: David Vogel Heutiger Gast: Prof. Guntram Wolff htt…
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Episode 8: How to Quote an Electrical Job with Alex Hulme Pricing electrical work isn’t just about throwing out a number—it’s about accuracy, profitability, and making sure you’re not selling yourself short. In this episode, host Alex Hulme gives a candid, no-nonsense take on how he approaches quoting, packed with practical advice you can put into …
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Join host Paul Spain and Grant Straker, CEO of Straker.AI, as Grant shares insights into Straker's journey from building early websites to a leading provider of AI-driven content automation, verification, and translation services. With operations spanning ten countries and more than 150 staff, Straker's innovative approach leverages both human and …
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Michael Harvey is joined by Emma Higgins to unpack her report comparing milk production costs in key regions. Costs have lifted across the board for most key producing regions. China has become more cost-competitive, while Oceania has the lowest costs. The next decade will see more expensive and variable operating costs, making cost control crucial…
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Tom Deacon is a senior investment analyst at Mint Asset Management, who focuses on stock research for New Zealand and Australian-listed companies in the healthcare and technology sectors. Read more YouTube Version Book in a free 15-min phone call with Darcy Ungaro (financial adviser). Sign up to the fortnightly newsletter! Brought to you in partner…
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Check out our latest episode of the New Zealand Property Podcast featuring Greg Hornblow, CEO of OneRoof. Greg has an incredibly strong commercial background, with more than 30 years of experience working alongside real estate professionals in a variety of roles and in advertising and marketing, including previously at NZME. His passion for the rea…
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Sunday 2nd March, 9:00AM Gathering, Tauranga Location Ps Adem Guneyi on a 2025 Freedom Centre message "I Identity As..." With Freedom Centre NZ Online, you can join us every Sunday live at 11:00am NZT, and our gatherings are available on-demand. Join us at __ Subscribe to our channel to see more messages from Freedom C…
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Die konservativen Wahlsieger und ihre politischen Gegner stehen sich immer unversöhnlicher gegenüber. Nimmt die Demokratie selbst unwiederbringlich Schaden? In der neuen Folge von «NZZ Standpunkte» ordnet die Expertin für transatlantische Beziehungen und Grossmachtwettbewerb ein. Gastgeber: Eric Gujer, Chefredaktor NZZ Gast: Gerlinde Groitl, Polito…
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Host Paul Spain is joined by Simon Bridges, former leader of the National Party and current CEO of the Auckland Business Chamber. Simon shares insights into the decision-making processes that have shaped his career path from law to Parliament and eventually into the business world and reflects on key moments of risk and opportunity. Simon also offe…
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Dr. Laura Newhouse on her 2 year Douglas Starship Simulation Programme Fellowship Season 2. Episode 7 Episode Summary: In this episode of SimNurseNZ, we had the privilege of sitting down with Dr. Laura Newhouse, who recently completed her two-year fellowship with the Douglas Starship Simulation Programme in Auckland, New Zealand. Dr. Newhouse share…
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Für Eckart von Hirschhausen stehen «die planetare Gesundheit und die Gesundheit des Menschen in einem direkten Zusammenhang». Er vertritt die Meinung, «dass wir nicht das Klima retten müssen, sondern uns selbst». Im Gespräch mit Kalina Oroschakoff, NZZ-Redaktorin Wissenschaft und Technologie, erläutert Eckart von Hirschhausen, warum ihm das Thema s…
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