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This podcast contains a short daily devotional to help guide your prayer time with the Lord. Each episode is three to five minutes long and is designed to help you focus your prayer life and time with the Lord.To sign up for the daily email use the following link
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Uwolnij Swoją Głupotę Wszystko co powstrzymuje cię przed tym co chcesz robić jest głupotą. Uwolnij ją - pozwól jej odejść. Moim hobbi jest uwalnianie własnej głupoty. Wychodzi ona z ukrycia podczas działania, demaskuje ją otwartość i gotowość do popełniania błędów.
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Pawel Kosinski PROPASJA

Paweł Kosiński

Życie może być lepsze tylko dzięki TOBIE. Wyprostuj się. Ten dzień jest taki jakim chcesz aby był. Przestań myśleć o sobie, myśl o działaniu. Jesteś odpowiedzialny za bliskich i sprawy z nimi związane. Hej, dobrze, że jesteś. "Blog osobisty" do takiej kategorii zaliczam to miejsce, w którym teraz jesteś. Zapisuję i opowiadam moje osobiste interpretacje smaku, barwy i odczuć życia codziennego. Jeżeli choćby jedna myśl tu zawarta będzie dla Ciebie inspirująca i sprowokuje do działania, które d ...
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Paweł Kosinski Propasja

Paweł Kosiński

Opowiadacz historii Wszystko co powstrzymuje cię przed tym co chcesz robić jest głupotą. Uwolnij ją - pozwól jej odejść. Moim hobbi jest uwalnianie własnej głupoty. Wychodzi ona z ukrycia podczas działania, demaskuje ją otwartość i gotowość do popełniania błędów. W historiach, które opowiadam chcę demaskować to, co czesto uważane jest za "normalne", a jest zwykłą głupotą, do której trudno sie przyznać. Bardziej istotne jest to czego powinniśmy się pozbyć a nie nauczyć.
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Paweł Lenar jest liderem w branży Marketingu Sieciowego od 12 lat. Zbudował organizacje sprzedażowe liczące łącznie ponad 70 000 partnerów w 23 krajach. Jest laureatem nagrody Polish National Sales Awards dla najlepszego menedżera branży MLM w Polsce. Autor bestsellerowych książek oraz systemów szkoleniowych. Pomaga Networkerom wrzucić piąty bieg w karierze. Paweł Lenar Podcast skierowany jest do tych przedsiębiorców budujących swój biznes w marketingu sieciowym, którzy chcą przenieść swoje ...
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show series
W tym odcinku rozmawiamy z Jakubem Mauriczem – jednym z najbardziej rozpoznawalnych dietetyków w Polsce, ekspertem ds. żywienia i suplementacji. Jakub dzieli się swoimi sprawdzonymi metodami na budowanie superodporności, czyli jak dbać o układ immunologiczny, aby rzadko chorować. Odkryj tajemnice ludzi, którzy niemal nigdy nie chorują!O czym rozmaw…
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Hey there! Have you ever felt like your faith is rock solid when things are going well, but it starts to waver during tough times? You're not alone! In this episode, Pastor Pete dives into Mark chapter 9, sharing a powerful story about a father's struggle to believe amidst life's challenges. You'll hear an inspiring message about finding faith when…
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Have you ever felt like you’re asking too much from God, or that you’re not even worthy to ask? In today’s episode, Pastor Pete dives into the story of a Canaanite woman who approached Jesus with a faith that was both bold and humble. Despite societal barriers and an initial rejection, her persistence and great faith led to a miraculous outcome. Jo…
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Thank you for joining me again for another time in God's Word and a time of prayer. Today, we're diving into the awe-inspiring words of Job 38. This passage struck me like a thunderbolt, and I felt compelled to share it with you. We'll explore the greatness of our Creator, who established the earth, set its dimensions, and commands the seas. It's a…
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Have you ever poured your heart out in prayer, only to feel like God wasn't listening? You're not alone. In today's episode, Pastor Pete dives into the story of a relentless woman in Mark, Chapter 7, who showed incredible faith by persistently asking Jesus for help, even when it seemed hopeless. This mama's bold and humble faith is a powerful remin…
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Welcome to this edition of the Daily Devo with Pastor Pete. Today, we dive into John chapter 14, focusing on the profound words of Jesus: "If you love me, you will keep my commands." Visit for more resources or to become a financial supporter of this ministry. Today, Pastor Pete reflects on the importance of genuine obedience to …
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Hey there, friend! 🌟 Ever felt like you don't have enough to make a difference? Well, Pastor Pete is here to remind us that God doesn't ask for what we don't have—He works with what we've already got! 🙌 In today's episode, we dive into the story of Jesus feeding 5,000 people with just five loaves and two fish. Spoiler alert: It's a lot about using …
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Hello there, this is Pastor Pete. Thank you for joining me for this edition of the Daily Devo. Don't forget to visit my website, for more resources and to sign up for Daily Devo emails. Today, I reflected on Deuteronomy 31:8, where Moses reassures Joshua that the Lord will always be with him. This powerful message is a reminder that …
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Where can you find comfort during tough times? This episode delves into the ultimate sources of comfort, especially when you're facing a bad day or difficult situation. We often turn to food or other temporary fixes, but there's a greater comforter available to us. Discover how God, the Father of mercies, and His followers can provide the solace yo…
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Have you ever been in a tight spot where it felt like the odds were stacked against you? You’re not alone! In this episode, Pastor Pete takes us through Mark chapter 6, where the disciples find themselves in a seemingly impossible situation. We'll uncover powerful lessons about turning to God first, even when it feels like all hope is lost. Join us…
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Hey there, friend! Ever felt like life is throwing everything at you, and you're wondering if God even notices? In today's episode, Pastor Pete dives deep into Mark 4:38 and shares a powerful reminder: even when Jesus is in your boat, the storms can still rage on. We'll explore those moments of confusion, fear, and doubt that make us question if Go…
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Join Pastor Pete for today's Daily Devo as he delves into Psalms 86. Reflecting on the first 10 verses, Pastor Pete shares insights on approaching God with humility and recognizing our dependence on His grace and love. In this episode, Pastor Pete emphasizes the importance of acknowledging our neediness and faithfulness before God, rather than pres…
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Hey everyone sorry I missed yesterday. I am out of town right now and I forgot my microphone to record back at the office. Here is an old daily devo on worry. I hope you enjoy it. I will put up another rerun tomorrow then we will be back on track next week. Join Dr. Pete in this edition of Daily Devo as he delves into Philippians 4:6-7, exploring t…
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Hey there! 🌟 Have you ever felt like life should be smooth sailing with Jesus by your side, only to find yourself caught in a storm? You're not alone! In today's episode, Pastor Pete dives deep into Mark Chapter 4, shedding light on the paradoxical reality that even with Jesus in our boat, we can still face life's chaotic storms. Pastor Pete shares…
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Hey there! Do you ever feel like your job is just... meh? Like it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things? Well, today, Pastor Pete has some heartwarming encouragement for you. No matter what you do—whether you're a teacher, plumber, or a cashier—your role is more significant than you might think. In today's message, Pastor Pete dives i…
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Kiedy studiowałem, wynajmowałem mieszkanie, każdego miesiąca odliczając pieniądze na czynsz. Patrzyłem wtedy z pozytywną zazdrością na moich znajomych, którzy nie musieli się tym martwić – ich rodzice podarowali im mieszkanie. Mieli dach nad głową, a koszty ich życia były znacznie niższe niż moje. Dziś, po latach, ich kredyty są już w połowie spłac…
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Hey friends! 🌟 Have you ever felt overwhelmed by all the steps some churches require to become a member? You're not alone. Pastor Pete is here to remind us that being a disciple of Jesus is much simpler than we often think. It’s all about following Him and listening to His call. 📖✨ In today’s message, we dive into the book of Mark, chapter 1, to ex…
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Join Dr. Pete for today's edition of the Daily Devo, where we explore Acts 22 and the important lessons it holds for us. In this episode, Dr. Pete talks about the moment when Paul was instructed by God to leave Jerusalem and relates it to our own experiences of finding ourselves in places we shouldn't be. Discover the three crucial steps we must ta…
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Welcome to another edition of The Daily Devo with Dr. Pete. In today's episode, we delve into Psalms 122, reflecting on the recent events in Israel and the importance of praying for peace in Jerusalem. Dr. Pete shares personal experiences and encourages us to remember the spiritual significance of Jerusalem and the need to pray for the saints in Is…
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Hey there! 🌟 In today's episode, Pastor Pete dives deep into John chapter 15, exploring the beautiful analogy of Jesus as the true vine and us as the branches. He breaks down the essential truth that we can't do anything significant without staying connected to Jesus. It's all about bearing spiritual fruit, which comes in many shapes and sizes but …
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Hey there! If you're here, it's because you genuinely want to follow Jesus and be a faithful disciple. You know deep down you were created to be fruitful and dedicated to His kingdom. Today, Pastor Pete dives into John 15 and reminds us of a powerful truth: we can't do anything significant without Jesus. He’s our source of strength and all good thi…
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Welcome to this edition of The Daily Devo with Dr. Pete. This week, we've been exploring what it means to stand firm in faith. If you missed any previous episodes, we encourage you to start from the beginning for a complete understanding. These devotions are only four minutes long, designed to inspire, equip, and encourage you each day with a study…
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W tym wyjątkowym odcinku świętujemy przekroczenie 110 000 subskrybentów! 🎉 Chciałbym podzielić się z Wami moją historią – od momentu, gdy stawiałem pierwsze kroki w biznesie, po refleksje, które towarzyszą mi na co dzień.Opowiem Wam o tym, jak zarobiłem swoje pierwsze pieniądze, jakie wyzwania i przemyślenia przyniosła mi choroba, oraz dlaczego zro…
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Hey there! Ever wonder how to truly live a life of significance? In today's message, Pastor Pete dives deep into Romans 12, showing us how daily submission, sanctification, and study can transform our lives and impact those around us. It's not about checking boxes, but about genuinely dedicating time to God's word and letting it shape us from the i…
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Welcome to this edition of The Daily Devo with Pastor Pete Pawelek, where we spend four minutes unpacking a scripture or a thought from God's Word to encourage us. This week, we're exploring how to stand firm in the Lord, inspired by Philippians 4:1. Today, we discuss the importance of seeking what we truly want to find. Just like a game of hide an…
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Hey friend, ever feel like life is a giant Rubik's Cube, all mixed up and impossible to solve? Well, you're not alone! In today's episode, Pastor Pete dives into the heart of what it means to live a life devoted to God, starting with daily surrender and submission. It's not about getting more from God, but giving more to Him. We kick off in Romans …
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Welcome to another edition of the Daily Devo with Dr. Pete. In today's episode, we continue our series on how believers can stand firm in the Lord. Dr. Pete emphasizes the importance of being sober-minded and alert, drawing from the Apostle Peter's advice in 1 Peter 5:8. Dr. Pete clarifies that sobriety in this context is not just about abstaining …
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Hey friends! Ever wondered what it really means to be set apart for God? In today’s episode, Pastor Pete dives deep into the book of Revelation, unraveling what it means to live as God's possession and how His mercy changes everything. 🌟 Pastor Pete emphasizes that true freedom from sin comes with a commitment to live for God, not ourselves. We can…
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Welcome to part two of Dr. Pete's daily Devo series on standing firm in Christ. Building on yesterday's discussion about immersing ourselves in scripture, today's episode delves into a surprising yet powerful strategy: full surrender to the Lord. Dr. Pete explores the profound concept of submitting your life and will to God, drawing insights from J…
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Hey there! Have you ever wondered why your life feels so different from others? Today, Pastor Pete dives into 1 Peter chapter 2 to remind us that we are distinguished for significance. God's mercy sets us apart, making us unique and special in His grand plan. 🌟 In this episode, Pastor Pete shares how we, as believers, are called to be set apart fro…
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Thank you for joining me for this edition of the Daily Devo. If you enjoy these episodes, please consider supporting this ministry by clicking here. In today's episode, we explore a fundamental question: How can we stand firm in the Lord? I've recently had many conversations with people facing various hardships—divorce, health diagnoses, family con…
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In this episode, Pastor Pete reflects on Philippians 1:6, a scripture that has provided him with strength and assurance throughout his faith journey. Pastor Pete emphasizes the certainty that God will complete the good work He has started in each of us. He encourages listeners to hold on to this truth, regardless of their current circumstances. If …
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Cukrzyca staje się jedną z największych epidemii naszych czasów. W Polsce dotyka już około 3 milionów osób, a kolejne milion może żyć bez diagnozy. W Europie sytuacja jest jeszcze bardziej alarmująca – cukrzyca odpowiada za około 10% wszystkich zgonów. Co gorsza, w krajach o wyższym wskaźniku otyłości, takich jak Turcja czy Wielka Brytania, śmierte…
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If you’ve been blessed by this message and would like to support our ministry, please consider making a financial contribution at Your generosity helps us continue to spread the Gospel, and impact lives around the world.Kirjoittanut onetoanotherradio
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In today's edition of the Daily Devo, Dr. Pete delves into Ephesians chapter 6, emphasizing the importance of spiritual strength and the true nature of our battles. He reminds us that our struggles are not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of darkness. Dr. Pete encourages listeners to rely on the Lord's vast strength, especially …
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If you’ve been blessed by this message and would like to support our ministry, please consider making a financial contribution at Your generosity helps us continue to spread the Gospel, and impact lives around the world.Kirjoittanut onetoanotherradio
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Welcome to another episode of The Daily Devo with Pastor Pete. In today's devotion, we delve into Matthew chapter 4, focusing on the calling of the first disciples, Simon Peter and Andrew, and their transformation from fishermen to disciples of Christ. Pastor Pete emphasizes how God uses our existing skills and professions to fulfill His divine pur…
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In today's teaching, Pastor Pete highlights the many ways the church has faced opposition and how this only confirms that the work being done is significant. The enemy will use every tactic possible to try and stop the meaningful work you may be doing for the kingdom of God. How can you grow your faith so that you might withstand the criticisms of …
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The mess you are in does not change the mission you are on! Matthew 28:16–20 (CSB) —16The eleven disciples traveled to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had directed them. 17When they saw him, they worshiped, but some doubted. 18Jesus came near and said to them, “All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. 19Go, therefore, and mak…
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W tym odcinku zagłębiamy się w temat świadomego żywienia dzieci, który jest kluczowy dla ich zdrowia i prawidłowego rozwoju. Na początku omawiamy, jak kształtować zdrowe nawyki żywieniowe, które stanowią fundament diety każdego dziecka. Dowiesz się, jakie produkty spożywcze powinny dominować w codziennym jadłospisie, a także na co zwracać uwagę prz…
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