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How to Do the Pot

Ellen Scanlon

An award-winning cannabis podcast for women, by women. Hear joyful stories and useful advice about cannabis for health, well-being, and fun—especially for needs specific to women like stress, sleep, and sex. We cover everything from: What’s the best weed for sex? Can I use CBD for menstrual cramps? What are the effects of the Harlequin strain or Gelato strain? And, why do we prefer to call it “cannabis” instead of “marijuana”? We also hear from you: your first time buying legal weed, and how ...
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Johnny 420

Es geht um alltägliche Dinge die mir passieren. Ich hoffe meine Stimme lässt dich entspannen.. Neuer Instagram Account: https://www.instagram.com/mortlergarnele
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Harry Potter and the Sacred Text

Not Sorry Productions

It’s the English class you didn't know you missed and the meaningful conversations you didn't know you craved. Join Vanessa Zoltan and Matt Potts as they bring thought, reflection and laughter to Harry Potter; not just as novels, but as instructive and inspirational texts that will teach us about our own lives. Relive the magic of Harry Potter chapter by chapter as Matt and Vanessa explore themes such as commitment, revenge and forgiveness. This podcast creates time in your week to think abo ...
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Mike Schubert

Join Mike Schubert, a grown man reading the Harry Potter series for the first time, as he sits down with HP fanatics to poke fun at plot holes, make painfully incorrect predictions, and bask in the sassiness of the characters. Schubes and his guests cover a portion of the Harry Potter franchise each week, taking you on a journey through your childhood, this time with the rose-tinted glasses off. Follow Potterless on Twitter (@PottterlessPod) and Instagram (@PotterlessPodcast), and learn more ...
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MuggleCast is your weekly ride into the world of Harry Potter, including the books and upcoming TV show! Our Harry Potter podcast, hosted by four life-long friends, brings its listeners entertaining and thought-provoking discussions about the Wizarding World. With each new episode we discuss everything Harry Potter: the latest news, the Potter books, the upcoming MAX TV Show, Fantastic Beasts, the theme parks, the video games, the fandom, and more! We're currently hosting a Chapter by Chapte ...
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Knackeboul & LUUK

Pottcast - der erste Schweizer Podcast mit tiefem Niveau. Honeypott (Kollekte): Twint: 079 558 45 19 Iban: CH29 8080 8003 9862 8898 1 Im Pottcast essen sich Luuk und Knack quer durchs Millieu und rauchen sich durch sämtliche Gras-Sorten, damit ihr es nicht tun müsst. Dafür dürft ihr euch ihre wirren Thesen zu Gesellschaft, Musik und allem anderen anhören. Jeden Sonntag eine neue Folge 🥦
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Ihr mögt Pokémon und wolltet schon immer mal andere Meinungen zu einem bestimmten Pokémon hören? Ihr seid jahrelange Fans des Franchises und könnt einfach nicht genug davon bekommen? Dann ist „Podrott - Pokémon Pottcast“ genau das Richtige für euch.
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Im PottCAS halten wir Euch jede Woche über die aktuellen Nachrichten in Castrop-Rauxel auf dem Laufenden. Jeden Freitag bekommt ihr bei uns News über Politik, Kultur, Wirtschaft und das Stadtgeschehen. Und zwischendurch immer mal wieder Spezial-Folgen mit interessanten Gästen aus Castrop-Rauxel. Jetzt RN+ günstig testen: https://www.ruhrnachrichten.de/pottcas-angebot/ Habt Ihr Anregungen für Themen, Lob oder Kritik für unser Team? Dann schreibt uns eine Mail an [email protected]. Im ...
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Harry Pottcast

Harry Pottcast

Harry Pottcast er en podcast om den famøse Harry Potter-serie. I hvert afsnit dykker Nanna og Amalie ned i to nye kapitler, og giver dig nye detaljer, perspektiver og viden om HP-universet. Udkommer med en ny episode hver måned.
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Harry Potter Theory

Harry Potter Theory

Welcome to Harry Potter Theory! This podcast features Harry Potter Theories, Fantastic Beasts Theories, Explanations, Top Lists, News, Character Backstories, Fan Fictions & More!
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Potterversity: A Potter Studies Podcast

Potterversity with MuggleNet.com

In the hallowed halls of Potterversity, hosts Katy McDaniel (Marietta College) and Emily Strand (Mt. Carmel College and Signum University) explore the Harry Potter series and wider Wizarding World from a critical academic perspective with scholars from a variety of fields, finding new ways to read and opening new doors. Made in association with http://MuggleNet.com.
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Der eine is Blau-Weiß, der andere Schwarz-Gelb - doch in einem sind sich beide einig: Rot-Weis nur auffe Pommes. Alle beide kommen vom Pott wech, datt is da, wo man dat Herz auffe Zunge trägt. Auf Kohle geboren, mitm Pilsken inne Hand - dat sind die Pottrivalen: Ungleich und doch ähnlicher als ihnen lieb ist. 2 Blagen der Pottkultur mitm Kissen unterm Arm über Land und Leute, den neusten Klatsch und Tratsch und allet, watte Omma übern Straßenfunk so inne Welt verbreiten tut. Also: Hol dir wa ...
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🪜墙内听众自22年10月28日起需要连接VPN收听🪜 益康糯米主持的文艺潮流圆桌节目,聊影视、文学、戏剧和文化历史。完整节目、会员通讯、付费系列、会员小报、听众群链接等等资源请访问官网:culturepotato.com。文化土豆并不上传除自己服务器与 YouTube 之外的任何内容平台,无法保证其他平台上节目的其完整性,谢谢留意。 Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Fanatical Fics and Where to Find Them is a Harry Potter fanfiction podcast. Fanfiction fanatics, Sequoia Simone and Kim, read and react to some of the craziest, funniest, and most outlandish fanfiction on the internet. This podcast is created for any level of Harry Potter fan, and we strive to keep it accessible to those with no fanfiction background. We’ll even leave you with more links to stories we’ve enjoyed, so you too can appreciate this exciting part of fandom culture. New episode eve ...
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🚴‍♀️✨初心者向け自転車トーク×タロット占い✨🔮 ポタラジは毎週(水)あさ6時~更新🎵 🚴パーソナリティ:MOCKY&NORI 🔮占い師:kach-kach☆恵恋-eko- 四国は徳島より笑顔をお届けします💞 ■お便りはこちら [email protected] ■ユーチューブ https://youtube.com/user/ckopost ■TCC / LINE公式オープンチャット https://line.me/ti/g2/lW_ao-GL3-XFaRtpeS75Aw?utm_sourc ■インスタグラム https://www.instagram.com/mockey.cko ■スポーツやろうよ! https://www.net-menber.com/look/data/124945.html 《ALL Music&Lyrics by / MOCKY》 ・TCC / Tokushima Cycle Club ・NPO法人とくしまさいくるくらぶ
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Pot Psychology

Pot Psychology

One is gay, one is straight, and both are alive: Tracie Egan Morrissey & Rich Juzwiak navigate pop culture and whatever of past, present, and beyond. For access to bonus episodes, visit http://patreon.com/potpsychology
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Kirche im Pott - Podcast

Kirche im Pott

Wir sind Kirche, damit Menschen Jesus kennenlernen und ihm leidenschaftlich nachfolgen. Das ist der Herzschlag unserer Kirche. Unser Podcast nimmt dich mit in unsere Sonntagsgottesdienste und soll dich für deinen Alltag ermutigen und ausrüsten, ein erfülltes Leben zu führen. Sei herzlich eingeladen uns auch persönlich kennen zu lernen. Alle weiteren Infos findest du unter www.kircheimpott.de.
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Discovering your unique voice in pottery can be very difficult if you do it alone. That is why The Shaping Your Pottery podcast was made to help potters like yourself to help you find your voice, standout from the crowd, and help you enjoy making pottery
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Potter's Quill


We believe that writing is a journey, not a destination. That's why we are dedicated to providing a supportive community. Content creators can share their work, get feedback, and grow. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting, Potter's Quill offers a unique space. You can connect with fellow writers, readers, editors, artists, photographers, and industry professionals.
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Swish and Flick: A Harry Potter Podcast

Swish and Flick Podcast

www.swishflickcast.com We are a book club style podcast made up of three friends from different Hogwarts houses! We are rereading the Harry Potter series chapter-by-chapter and putting together all our knowledge from the complete canon as well as adding in what we have learned from the Wizarding World. We explore unknown areas with fan theories and even come up with some theories and ideas of our own! And be warned - there will be spoilers!
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Pot-pourri africain

Campbell Lawson

Toute la vie culturelle et l’actualité africaines, dans les différents pays du continent noir mais aussi dans nos régions, avec des interviews, des reportages et des illustrations musicales. Retrouvez Pot-pourri africain en radio sur RCF Liège le dimanche à 14h30.
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The Couch Potatoes


Thinking about catching a movie? Brett Megarry and Jeff Braun are our resident experts when it comes to new movies and television. Find out what is big at the box office and how many couch cushions Brett and Jeff rate it. Saturdays and Sundays at noon on 680 CJOB, and through the weekend on various Corus stations across Canada.
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Im Schalke POTTcast sprechen unsere Redakteure über alles, was Blau und Weiß bewegt. Mit spannender Vor- und Nachberichterstattung zu Spieltagen und Breaking News zum FC Schalke 04. Alle zwei Wochen plaudert unser Experte René Preuß zudem im S04-Talk mit spannenden Gästen aus der großen Schalker Fan-Welt. Mit RZ+ erfährst du als Erster, was bei Schalke los ist. Jetzt für nur 3€ in den ersten 3 Monaten testen: https://www.recklinghaeuser-zeitung.de/schalkepodcast-angebot/ Impressum: https://w ...
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Mundo Potter

Mundo Potter

MUNDO POTTER é o seu podcast para ler e reler toda a saga de Harry Potter. Semanalmente comentamos, capítulo a capítulo, desde 'A Pedra Filosofal' até 'As Relíquias da Morte'. Disponível as sextas-feiras em todas as plataformas de áudio. Apresentado por Itamar Santos e Paulo Rodrigues. Apoie o nosso projeto: https://www.padrim.com.br/mundopotter Mande sua coruja para: [email protected] Entre para o grupo no Telegram procure por @mundopotter
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Two British lifelong Harry Potter fans Hannah and Charlie re-read their favourite childhood book chapter by chapter with added alcohol and cynicism in fortnightly episodes! The perfect podcast for HP fans who want to revisit the story through an adult lens (AKA, NSFW), and with the added bonus of British accents, Hannah and Charlie lovingly tear apart the books pointing out plot holes, anti-feminist moments, transphobia, fat phobia, and most of all...dick jokes. A unique combination of intel ...
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African Couch Potato

Gino Shelile

African Couch Potato is a South African perspective on all things film and television. Hosted by award-winning TV producer, Gino Shelile, it mashes up in-studio interviews with industry professionals, titles to check out each week, a current film or series review, and a look at old movies that are worth rewatching.
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show series
Tracie just got back from a trip to California where she saw Tyler the Creator's Chromakopia show and, of course, went to Disneyland. Rich talks about the documentary Goodbye Horses: The Many Lives of Q Lazzarus. Purchase Girl Scout Cookies from Troop 6000, a program designed to serve families living in temporary housing in the New York City shelte…
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Sonntagspredigt aus dem Standort Bochum. Du bist neu hier? Du möchtest mehr über uns erfahren? Dann connecte dich mit uns: ⁠https://kircheimpott.de⁠ ____________________ Du hast dich für Jesus entschieden, möchtest Teil unserer Kirche werden oder für dich beten lassen? Dann meld dich doch gerne. Wir freuen uns dich kennen zu lernen: ⁠https://kirche…
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Why don’t more women talk about menopause—especially with their doctors? In part 2 of our 4-part series, journalist Megan Margulies shares insights from a Harvard study on cannabis and menopause, revealing why many women are turning to THC for relief. We also hear from menopause expert Dr. Lauren Streicher about why doctors are still undertrained i…
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Mitten im Freudentaumel der Wiedervereinigung brechen die Baseballschlägerjahre über ganz Deutschland herein. Doch was in den 90ern eskaliert, hat seine Wurzeln weit früher in der Geschichte. Wir begegnen Artikeln über ignorante Behörden und hetzende Asylpolitik. Die Parallelen zur Gegenwart werden unübersehbar. Shownotes Weiterführende Links: Webd…
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Howdy gang, welcome back for another episode. On today we are lucky to have a Big Sur Native, a man who's work spans many continents as he travels the globe with non other then Rob Clarke, the creator of the S.A.G.E which took the scene by storm in the 90s and a true connoisseur of the plant - we are grateful to have none other then Mr Mojave Richm…
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Tach 2025 / noch son Recap 24 und der übliche Wahnsinn... Das Jahr der Schlange beginnt mit unserem nachgeschobenem Recap '24 plus jeder Menge anderem Quatsch. Wir driften wieder gnadenlos ab. Viel Spaß mit der neuen Folge! Unsere Playlist findet ihr unter: Link zu --> Apple Music Link zu --> Spotify Und schreibt uns mal eine Rezension bei Apple Po…
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Mind-bending, unnerving, and utterly fascinating, this podcast dives deep into the rapidly evolving world of Artificial Intelligence and its potential to reshape humanity. Join us as we explore the groundbreaking advancements in AI, from OpenAI's O3 model, claimed by some to have achieved AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), to the hypothetical b…
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100 Feuerwehrleute nur wegen Pfefferspray Hier findet ihr die Themen, über die wir im Podcast gesprochen haben: Einsatz im Motel de Winter Ein Tag wie im Film fürs Motel de Winter Von einer roten Flüssigkeit bis zum Spezialeinsatz (RN+) Verwüstetes Zimmer mit roten Rückständen Alexander Winter (59) zum Großeinsatz in seinem Motel (RN+) Brauchte es …
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Send us a text *moods* compiled by Lara Potthoff TOPzen, Gent/Belgium www.topradio.be Every thursday 8 pm CET _____________________________________________________________________________ Playlist 27. febuary 2025 Southern Coastline (Awakened Souls) - CVOIA Aevorin - Tepon Snowed In - Liam Thomas Deep Breath - Tim Angrave Temptation - Emiliano Secc…
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This week we discuss the death of the legendary Gene Hackman; Oscars weekend; Daredevil Born Again starts next week; reaction to Reacher's first 3 episodes of season 3; big news for Star Wars and some big releases in April; Full Swing season 3; Survivor has returned for its 48th season! - BrettKirjoittanut Curiouscast
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Vanessa and Casper wrap up their discussion of The Half-Blood Prince with a look back on the entire book! They discuss Dumbledore's strengths and weaknesses as a leader, Harry's final year at Hogwarts, and Hermione's unique role in this book. We're off for a few weeks between seasons, but we can't wait to get into Book 7 with you all! Stick around …
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Eric Rempe first touched clay when he was in high school in Lancaster, PA. Eric has a BFA in ceramics from Penn State University and an MFA in ceramics from San Diego State University. Eric now lives in Princeton, NJ and he teaches ceramics at Princeton Day School. https://ThePottersCast.com/1110
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In this episode of 'Shaping Your Pottery,' host Nic Torres revisits an enlightening interview with Sarah Pike, a renowned potter specializing in slab-built pottery with intricate textures. Sarah shares her journey from her early days in pottery to establishing herself as a full-time artist. Listeners will learn the importance of scheduling consiste…
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Magic is displayed (at a MINIMUM) by the time the witch or wizard reaches eleven years old, otherwise known as Hogwarts age. But..Can magic be stripped away just as quickly as it manifests? Can one who finds themselves accustomed to their magical capabilities be then reduced to what is effectively a..Squib? Let's find out See Privacy Policy at http…
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Mit unserem Schalke-Abo erfährst du als Erster, was bei Schalke los ist. Jetzt für nur 1 Euro für 4 Wochen testen: https://www.recklinghaeuser-zeitung.de/schalkepodcast Alle Berichte über den FC Schalke 04 findet ihr unter: https://www.recklinghaeuser-zeitung.de/schalkeKontakt per E-Mail: [email protected] Kontakt per What…
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In this episode of Shaping Your Pottery, host Nic Torres interviews Kelly Witmer, a talented artist known for her unique combination of clay and glass in her pottery. Kelly shares her journey of overcoming rejection, the evolution of her work, and the experimentation that helped her find her distinctive pottery voice. The conversation covers everyt…
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Mahlzeit ihr Malocher! Heute ham wa uns mal auffe Fott gesetzt und bissken über unsere Zeiten als Stift sinniert. Wat wa da für Sperenzkes fabriziert ham, da schlackerste echt mit die Ohren. Außerdem philosophiern wa über Autos: Kaufen oder Leasen, wat macht mehr Sinn? Richtich und falsch gibbet da nich, aber wir tragen ma zusammen wat uns so durch…
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【ポタラジ】■お便りはこちら[email protected] ■Spotifyhttps://open.spotify.com/show/6macU6QWlmcBQLa7DOGHz1?si=wLcPksCXTe2Gg6S-UAby2w■Apple Podcasthttps://podcasts.apple.com/jp/podcast/tcc%E3%83%9D%E3%82%BF%E3%83%AA%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0%E3%83%A9%E3%82%B8%E3%82%AA/id1721159930■Amazon musichttps://music.amazon.co.jp/podcasts/ea9456ab-8961-4aec-9932-aca74c5cf9b4/tcc■…
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Welcome to my reading of Death’s Pride by Paladeus! In this thrilling Harry Potter fanfiction, Harry is given one last chance at life—armed with his memories and guided by a vigilant Death Angel determined to protect him and his soul mates at all costs. Join me as we dive into this alternate universe, filled with second chances, hidden bonds, and t…
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A return to HQ sees us covering Eastenders.......forty years ago, what's going on in the land of TV and film and who's been concentrating on the dental habits of the rich and famous! It's basically four well informed people (it says here) keeping you entertained for an hour or so... Stuart Simmonds Adrian Velasco Ilona Wake Andy Stokes infohomerpot…
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Welcome back to PKD! Brian and Steven wrap up their adventures in the mind of Philip K Dick. We’re gonna keep this going with Blindsight! Come back in a week or two for … part of Blindsight. We’ll figure this out later. Also, did you happen across this looking for HPMoR stuff? Find it here.Kirjoittanut The Methods of Rationality Podcast
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NCECA is around the corner. NCECA is the largest art conference around and the event takes a massive amount of effort to make it happen. In today's episode we spend time with three amazing artists who helped to make this year's conference happen. Our guests, PJ Anderson, Antra Sinha, and Dara Hartman, have spent the last two years organizing, plann…
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Help MuggleCast grow! Become a MuggleCast Member and get great benefits! Patreon.com/mugglecast Grab official merch! MuggleCastMerch.com Pick up overstock merch from years past! MuggleMillennial.Etsy.com On this week's episode, grab a dirty bottle of Butterbeer from the bartender who kind of looks familiar and pull up a seat or two, because Andrew,…
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Castrop-Rauxel hat gewählt - wir analysieren Eine neue Spezial-Folge im Castrop-Rauxel-Podcast ist erschienen: Tobias Weckenbrock und Fabian Hollenhorst diskutieren die Wahlergebnisse aus Castrop-Rauxel, kompakt und bunt in knapp 20 Minuten PottCAS spezial, Episode #134. Hintergründe zum Thema „Fantastischer Unterschied zwischen Erst- und Zweitstim…
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Welcome to Fanatical Fics and Where to Find Them! Fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/10788165 Rec Zone: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1594597/1/Language-Truth-and-Telepathy Please leave a review! We’ll take kind and constructive… but no flames! You can also help us by suggesting this podcast to every person you’ve ever met! To see a full list of…
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Alice and Martha take some time to remember their grandmother, Doris Krebill, who passed away earlier this month at age 99. Following a brief introduction is the Real Weird Grandma’s interview from the 2019 Mother’s Day special episode. Regular episodes will resume next week. The post Remembering the Real Weird Grandma appeared first on The Real We…
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What do you think? let us know "I bless the rains down in Africa, I bless the rains down in Africa (gonna take the time). . ." sung Toto way back when, and the rains sure have been happening here in Jozi, so we thought it best to also take our time. This week's episode finds Gino on his couch catching up with what Netflix has on offer. Umjolo: Ther…
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SURPRISE OF OUR LIVES when a Swish Prefect showed up in the Swish Lair! Fun clip at the end :) We love you, Brandon! And huge shoutout to Kayla and Janell for making it happen! Poop has hit the fan (chandelier?) at Malfoy Manor. The trio is in trouble - Harry and Ron are locked in the cellar and Hermione is being tortured by Bellatrix. HOW DID THEY…
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Order of Merlin, Third Class. Honorary member of the Dark Force Defense League. Five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award. Ringing any bells? I am of course talking about none other than the legendary, the UNFORGETTABLE, the spellbinding sensation himself… GILDEROY LOCKHART And today I’ve got a sinister little theory for you abou…
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This episode examines a transition to a post-labor society by 2030. The transformation will be driven by AI and AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), leading to job displacement. To address economic disruption, the author proposes solutions like Universal Basic Income (UBI), decentralized ownership, and community-based economics. The author also e…
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On this airing of The Great Outdoors, Charlie Potter discusses how change at the United States Department of Agriculture and the Department of the Interior is altering how they operate for the country. Plus, he emphasizes the important role of conservation in the private sector. https://serve.castfire.com/audio/7290919/7290919_2025-02-20-215519.128…
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这期误读会我们分享波兰作家,1905 年诺奖得主亨利克·显克维奇 Henryk Siekiewicz 1896出版的年的长篇小说 Quo Vadis「你往哪里去」。 https://book.douban.com/subject/36807499/ 节目中提到的显克维奇描写旧金山中国城的专栏作家文章可以在这里读到: https://www.jstor.org/stable/25155011 编辑推荐是王朔的历史小说「起初·纪年」以及Rivka Galchen的小说 Evereyone Knows Your Mother is a Witch Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.…
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Send us a text mindmelody# compiled by Lara Potthoff ≈dance, house, minimal≈ …nightlights… 022025 ________________________________________________________________ days becoming longer, nights shorter. tender awakenings. with: Alex Kiss Nicky Elisabeth Bruno Andrada Jon Gurd & Reset Robot Solanca & Natascha Polké Marsh & Volen Sentir Tim Green Kamil…
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Neue Schulweg-Regel einfach erklärt Hier findet ihr die Themen, über die wir im Podcast gesprochen haben: Sicherheit auf dem Schulweg Straße wird für Elterntaxis gesperrt Erste Schulstraße in Castrop-Rauxel soll Kinder schützen (RN+) Das erste Haus an der Alten Eiche Familie Dick wohnt im ersten Haus am Emscherufer „Man sollte bis zu 70.000 Euro me…
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Hosted by Ellen and Abigail, we embark on a magical journey through the pages and frames of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince as we explore the first half of Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Lightning-Struck Tower and the corresponding film scenes. While we love Harry Potter, we do not condone or agree with its creator’s ignorant opinions. We stand w…
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