Global Ikuji
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Daily life in Taiwan.I am Taiwanese and love to share my thoughts with everybody.
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【健全な社会を一緒に🌸アカデミー賞スピーチ2025②】〜🎧Podcast Vol200: the Academy Awards 2025 Speech “A Healthier and More Inclusive World”
Hello everyone! Welcome back to another episode Vol. 200🥂🥂🥂 In Japan, the Kawazu cherry blossoms, one of the earliest blooming cherry trees, are in full bloom. Today, we’re diving once again into the 2025 Academy Awards—a night filled with unforgettable moments and inspiring speeches. Among them, one speech stood out: Adrian Brody’s heartfelt and p…
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【アカデミー賞2025英語スピーチで理解する①】ガザ紛争と平和への道〜🎧Podcast Vol199: The Gaza Conflict and the Path to Peace through the Academy Awards 2025 Speech
Israeli journalist and filmmaker Yuval Abraham (R) and Palestinian journalist and filmmaker Basel Adra accept the award for Best Documentary Feature for “No Other Land” onstage during the 97th Annual Academy Awards, California on March 2, 2025. (Photo by Patrick T. Fallon / AFP) (Photo by PATRICK T. FALLON/AFP via Getty Images) Hello everyone! Toda…
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【Self-love】脳の個性(ADHDなど)が輝くための7つの行動②〜科学的に実証された残り4~7つ目の方法〜Podcast Vol198【Self-Love】7 Science-backed Ways for Neurodivergent to Shine!
Hello, everyone! Our main theme of this podcast is Shine who you are or shine your identity✨ In Japan and overseas, perspectives and systems differ, and I hope the right information reaches more people in Japan. In English, we use terms like Neurotypical children and Neurodivergent to describe cognitive diversity, while in Japan, “developmental dis…
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【Self-love】脳の個性(ADHDなど)が輝くための7つの行動①〜科学的に実証された方法〜Podcast Vol197【Self-Love】7 Scientifically Proven Ways for ADHD to Shine!
Hello, everyone! Our main theme of this podcast is Shine who you are or shine your identity✨ And February’s Self-Love Special 🩷 In Japan and overseas, perspectives and systems differ, and I hope the right information reaches more people in Japan. In English, we use terms like Neurotypical children and Neurodivergent to describe cognitive diversity,…
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【Self-Love】英語力(学力)が最速でUPする5つのマインドセット〜Podcast Vol196: 5 Mindsets for Rapid English and Academic Performance Improvement
Hello, everyone! February is all about Self-Love! Self-love plays a key role in improving both academic and English skills. During my study abroad, when I struggled to communicate, my self-esteem dropped. But I realized that believing in my worth and ability to succeed in English was crucial. Self-love isn’t about being too lenient or punishing you…
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Welcome to today’s episode! Today we are going to explore the powerful concept “Self-Love” together! What is the definition of Self-love? According to Psy D. Khoshaba, she beautifully defines it: “Self-Love is a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical, psychological, and spiritual growth” It is about valu…
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【Self-love】グラミー賞2025が映す時代のキーワード〜Alicia Keysのスピーチを紐解く〜Podcast Vol194: Unpacking Alicia Keys’ powerful Grammy speech 2025
Alicia Keys speech at the 2025 GRAMMYs Photo: Kevin Winter/Getty Images Every year, the Grammy Awards reflect the spirit of the times, and through the artists’ numerous powerful speeches, we can interpret what each artist is thinking and which ideas or communities they support. This is one of the true pleasures of the Grammys. Today’s episode is ti…
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【Self-Love♡生き方と伝え方】グラミー賞2025から学ぶアイデンティティー Doechiiスピーチ全文〜Podcast Vol193: Self-Love & Expression: Lessons on Identity from the 2025 GRAMMY Awards
Robert Gauthier/Getty Images Cardi BがDoechiiにトロフィーを渡す瞬間🏆 Welcome, everyone! January was Vision Series! And February is SELF-LOVE MONTH! To achieve any vision, it’s essential to cherish yourself and build healthy communication. This time, I was truly inspired by the recently held 2025 Grammy Awards. So, using Grammy as a theme, let’s explore self-lo…
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【心理学✖️目標】幸福感が高まる「フロー理論」とは?ー大学教授から学ぶ〜Podcast Vol 192:【Psychology✖️Goal】A professor talks about “Flow Theory”
Hello everyone, and welcome! Today, we again welcome Prof. Masato Kawabata, an expert in sports psychology, to explore the “flow state”—a mental state that enhances happiness and performance. So, how can we create flow? What role do clear goals, feedback, and challenge-skill balance play? He will share key insights to help us intentionally achieve …
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【「人間の3つの心理的欲求」が満たされるウェル・ビーイング】運動心理学×海外経験20年の大学教授が語る~Podcast Vol191: The Three Psychological Needs for Well-Being and Personal Growth
Go8「グループ・オブ・エイト」(Group of Eight)という、オーストラリアの8つの大学で成り立つネットワークの初のGo8卒業生ジョイントイベントが、日本で初めて開催。Photo taken by Hiroshi Ito Hello, everyone! In the second half of this episode, we welcome Prof. Masato Kawabata from Rikkyo University, who has extensive international experience at institutions such as Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and univers…
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【大学教授が語る日本の可能性と課題】運動心理学×海外経験20年からの視点~Podcast Vol190: A professor (Sports Psychology) talks about Japan’s Potential and Challenges
I’m so excited to welcome Dr. Masato Kawabata as our guest today. He is a professor specializing in Sports Psychology at Rikkyo University. He obtained his PhD in Australia. Following that, he taught at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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【英語Visionシリーズ2025】受験英語と生きた英語を「最速で」同時に育むの3つのポイントPart2~Podcast Vol189:The Key to Parenting: Helping your child both Exam and Real-Life English
Welcome back to the show, everyone💜 We have more tips and exciting guests coming on the Vision Series Podcast! 1月は、ヴィジョンシリーズをお送りしています。今月は専門家もゲストにお迎えする予定ですが、英語力についてのご質問も沢山いただきましたので、2本続けて「英語力」について配信しています。 先日は、長男も「はたちのつどい」を無事に終わり、出席できないと思っていたところでしたので、参加...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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【英語Visionシリーズ2025】受験英語と生きた英語を同時に育むたった一つの秘訣Part1~Podcast VOL188:The Key to Parenting: Helping your child Both Exam and Real-Life English
Welcome to a New Year Vision series of my podcast! My name is Sayuri, and this podcast is all about education that heals and uplifts you! Many of my Japanese listeners are working hard to master English while nurturing their identity. But I...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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🥂VISIONシリーズ2025🥂【夢が叶う秘訣②】最新の科学的根拠に基づいた31の「新年ジャーナリング」プロンプトin Eng & Jpn~Podcast Vol.187: 31 Science-based Journaling New Year Prompts!
Welcome back to the show! As we step into 2025, I’m excited to continue sharing meaningful insights and information that help us grow together. In today’s episode, I’m thrilled to share a special gift “31 thoughtfully crafted New Year Vision Jo...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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🥂VISIONシリーズ2025🥂【スピーディーに夢が叶う秘訣①】最新の科学的根拠に基づいた31の「新年ジャーナリング」プロンプトin Eng & Jpn~Podcast Vol.186: 31 Science-based Journaling New Year Prompts!
🥂Happy New Year 2025🥂 Happy New Year, everyone🎍 How was your holiday? Who did you celebrate with, where did you spend it, and with what feelings and visions in your heart did you welcome the New Year? As we step into 2025, I’m excited to continue sha...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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🎁Eng&Jpnギフト付🎁【年末年始をベストコンディションで】科学的根拠に基づいた25の「ジャーナリング」プロンプト Part2: Podcast Vol185 Year-End Reflection: Science-based Journaling Prompt
Welcome to Podcast Vol185: “Stay in Top Shape for the Year-End and New Year!” We’re sharing scientifically-proven journaling prompts to help you reflect and reset. We have 25 prompts rooted in neuroscience and psychology, designed t...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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🎁Eng&Jpnギフト付🎁【年末年始をベストコンディションで】科学的根拠に基づいた25の「ジャーナリング」プロンプト Part1: Podcast Vl184 Year-End Reflection: Science-based Journaling Prompt
Hello everyone! 🎧 Welcome to Podcast Vol.184: “Stay in Top Shape for the Year-End and New Year!” Today, we’re sharing scientifically-proven journaling prompts to help you reflect and reset. Building on our previous episode about the pinea...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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【世界でも実践!1年を締めくくるための秘訣は、松果体にある?】来年可能性を開花できるためのレジリエンス② Podcast Vol183: Activate pineal gland to promote deep sleep.
Hi everyone! As we approach the end of the year, let’s talk about how to finish it strong and set ourselves up for success in the year ahead. In this episode, we’ll focus on the pineal gland, the part of the brain responsible for producing melatonin....Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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【潜在能力を解き放つ①】「レジリエンス」をマスターして新しい自分の可能性を開花〜Podcast Vol182: ”Unlocking your potential①” : The power of resilience for a happy and successful 2025🥂
Hi everyone! Today, as we wrap up 2024, I want to focus on one powerful word that can help unlock your potential. My hope is that today’s episode will inspire you and set the stage for your success in 2025! Let’s dive into the word “resilience&...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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1年を振り返る、とっておきの秘訣〜2025年を輝かせるために Podcast Vol181: December reflections: Review your year and thrive in 2025!”
Hi everyone! Can you believe it’s already December? As we approach the end of the year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on how we’ve spent the past 12 months and prepare for the new year ahead. Revisiting the resolutions we set at the beginni...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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【Eng&Jpn】プロが選ぶQueenslandでお勧めの10の秘境スポット&グルメPart2〜心も身体も豊かに(ケアンズ・ブリスベン・ゴールドコースト)~Podcast Vol180: Qld Tourism Japan Director shares hidden gems and restaurants in Queensland
Welcome to another exciting episode🌟 Today, we’re diving back into the hidden gems of Queensland, featuring must-visit islands and top restaurant choices around the Gold Coast and Brisbane. Our special guest Mr. Paul Summers from Tourism & Events...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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【Eng&Jpn】プロが選ぶQueenslandで訪れたい10の秘境スポットPart1 〜心も身体も豊かに(ケアンズ・ブリスベン・ゴールドコースト)~Podcast Vol179: Qld Tourism Japan Director shares hidden gems in Queensland
Hi everyone! I’m thrilled to introduce a very special guest today and discuss one of my all-time favorite topics, ‘the stunning beauty of Queensland’. Having spent five amazing years in Brisbane during my university days, and return...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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デジタル時代の親子コミュニケーション4つのメソッドPart2(大人気博士から学ぶデジタルデトックス):Podcast Vol178 How to talk with your kids about digital detox!
Hello, everyone! Welcome back to the show! I’m Sayuri. In the last episode, we started exploring how to live wisely in this digital age, discussing digital detox and creating healthy boundaries—especially when guiding our kids. Navigating scree...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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デジタル時代の親子コミュニケーション4つのメソッドPart1(大人気博士から学ぶデジタルデトックス):Podcast Vol177 How to talk with your kids about digital detox!
Hi everyone! Welcome to my show again! I have a question for you: Have you every felt like you or someone else close to you cannot put down their smartphone or stay off social media? I know I’ve found it challenging myself, and it became especi...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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海外の大学レベルの英語力(IELTS6.5以上)が必ず育まれる3つのポイント~Podcast Vol176: How to reach the life-changing level of English proficiency
Hello, and welcome to another episode! Looking back on your life, what was your breakthrough moment or the experience that truly made a difference? For me, mastering English was life-changing! At 16 or 17, my English was limited—I couldn’t even commu...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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【子供の英語マスターやる気UP】コミュニケーション10のチェックリスト(後半)Podcast Vol175: 10 communication tips to boost your children’s motivation for English!
Hi everyone! Welcome back to another episode. Today, we’re diving into another great topic: 10 communication tips to boost your children’s motivation! This time, we’ll be focusing specifically on parenting tips to help improve your...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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【子供のモチベーションがUP】コミュニケーション10のチェックリスト(前半)Podcast Vol174: 10 communication tips to boost your children’s motivation!
Welcome back to another episode, everyone! The weather’s been unpredictable with all these temperature swings. Personally, I’ve been using Manuka honey, tea tree oil, and some secret bath salt that I bought in Australia to reduce tirednes...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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Learning another language is like becoming another person. By Murakami Haruki 村上春樹の言葉 「言語を学ぶということは、新しい自分と出会うようなものです」 Welcome to another episode! Today, we are diving into how to level up your English quickly- and in an enjoyable way. Whether you̵...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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Welcome to another episode! Today, we’re diving into how you can enjoy the magic of “Wicked” – both the musical and its story – while improving your English at the same time. I recently watched the musical in Melbourne f...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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Welcome to another exciting and healing episode! Today, I’ll take you to one of Australia’s most breathtaking beaches and islands that I explored with my boys. Plus, I’ll share my top tips for creating the ultimate beach getaway. Wi...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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Hello, and welcome to another episode! I’m your host, Sayuri. Today, we’re diving into an exciting topic – the difference between real and fake dopamine. Understanding this can have a profound impact on your parenting, goal-setting,...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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💝English 奨学金特典付💝Part2クィーンズランド州立大学のゲスト「キャンパスライフ&留学成功のアドバイス」〜Podcast Vol169: Campus life at The University of Queensland (There is a gift for you)
Welcome to another episode about The University of Queensland! I’m Sayuri. I hope you will enjoy the English and Japanese bilingual version about the campus life in Brisbane! This second episode is so much fun! Mr. Tom Lo from UQ and I will sha...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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💝In English 奨学金特典付💝クィーンズランド州立大学からゲストをお迎えしてキャンパスライフをPart1〜Podcast Vol168: Campus life at The University of Queensland (There is a gift for you)
Hello and welcome everyone to another episode of “Shine who you are for the world with global communication!” I’m your host Sayuri. Today we have an exciting episode lined up for you! Today’s guest is Mr. Tom Lo who will be in...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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【やる気を引き出す】英語が苦手 or 子供が乗り気でない場合のポイントは?Podcast Vol167: How can you make yourself and your child motivated?
Hi everyone! Today’s topic is about learning English! Such a simple topic for someone who can speak English already but it’s really a big and deep topic for us! Also, there’s always some room to improve your language and communicati...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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【海外でのハプニング時】マナーをもって対応する英語フレーズ(オーストラリア便りPart4)~Podcast Vo166: Deal with emergencies gracefully in English.
Hi everyone! I hope you’ve been enjoying Australian trip series as much as I do! I will introduce some more in the future! Today, I will talk about how to deal with happenings and emergencies during your trip gracefully and pick up some English...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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Hi everyone! Today’s episode is a part of the series of how to enjoy restaurants and cafes in Australia! We usually talk about how to improve ourselves, our life, our communication skill and parenting skill on this show but I think there should...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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Hello everyone! Welcome to the show again! I hope you are feeling great and peaceful no matter what you are going through. A lot of people and businesses who my company has been supporting have achieved amazing goals this summer! I am a little tired ...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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Hi everyone! I hope you are all having a great summer!!! What is your highlight and story of your summer? As I have posted on my social medias, I spent the most beautiful summer which is winter in Australia. It’s been decades since I’ve t...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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【日本魅力と明るい日本の未来】グローバル社会の第一線からのメッセージ PART3〜Podcast Vol162: Guest Speaker Trade Investment Queensland commissioner talks about the bright future of Japan!
Welcome back! I have been inviting a special guest from Trade Investment Queensland! Mr Adachi has been the commissioner there for 20 years and has shared so many ideas and tips about successful global communication so far! On this last interview epi...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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Welcome back, everyone! I’m so glad that you are here with me to invite a special guest again! His name is Mr Tak Adachi who has been the commissioner at Trade Investment Queensland for 20 years! I personally loved our conversation so much beca...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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【グローバル社会の第一線で20年ご活躍の秘訣 Part1】クイーンズランド州政府日本代表安達様をゲストに〜Podcast Vol160: Guest Speaker Trade Investment Queensland Commissioner Mr Adachi talks about successful global communication
Hello everyone! Welcome to the show! My name is Sayuri! Today’s episode is very special! I’ve invited a special guest who I truly admire and I’ve known him for many years. His name is Mr Tak Adachi who has been the commissioner for ...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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【誤解が理解に変わる】5つの英語ライティングスキル(IELTS導入編)~Podcast Vol159 : 5 English Writing skills to shift from ‘misunderstanding’ to ‘understanding’!
Hi everyone! Welcome again! I will talk about 5 English writing skills to shift from ‘misunderstanding’ to ‘understanding’ for all the levels today! 🎧Podcast Vol159 【誤解が理解に変わる】5つの英語ライティングスキル(IELTS導入編) というテーマで、Sayuriがお届けしていきます。...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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【脳の可能性】マインドフルネスで直感力をアップ!アファメーションで新しい自分に!(後半)〜Podcast Vol158 ”THE POTENTIAL OF OUR BRAINS” PASS DOWN OUR HOPE FOR THE NEXT GENERATIONS!
Hi everyone! 今日は、「脳の可能性」についての後半エピソードをお届けします! 🎧Podcast Vol157(前半) 【脳の可能性】新しい人生を切り拓く希望を次世代へプレゼントしよう! 〜”The potential of our brains” Pass down our hope for the next generation! 📝Point1 【脳の特徴】「新しいことは脳が拒否をしたがる」と知っておくと楽になる ~ Your brain tend to ...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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【脳の可能性】新しい人生を切り拓く希望を次世代へプレゼントしよう〜Podcast Vol157 “The potential of our brains” Pass down our hope for the next generations!
Hi everyone! It’s been very hot and humid here in Japan and I felt like Mexican the other day after my hard work. I really enjoyed but because I’ve been talking to many students, I’m very worried about the climate change and the fut...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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【1分間でワンランク上の英語雑談力を】英検を題材に英語スピーキング力をUP〜Podcast Vol156: Improve English speaking with the power of small talks!
Hi everyone! We are starting the second half of this year!!! I hope today’s episode will make you smile and improve the quality of your life! Let’s have a beautiful time together! 皆さん、こんにちは!今年も後半がスタートしましたね!梅雨のジメジメしたお天気が、体調に影響していませんか?体を労わり...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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【英検からクラッシーな表現力へアップグレード】丁寧に、相手と異なる意見を提案するクラッシーなフレーズ ~ Podcast Vol155 Classy English phrases when you have different opinions.
Hi everyone! “Communication skills” are one of the most important tools we can keep improving for any success! Our Japanese education focuses on the collective whereas western education puts more focus on the individual. So today’s ...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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海外の友人と豊かな人間関係を築くための3つの英語キーワード~Podcast Vol154 How to keep the great relationship with your friends in English!?
The rainy season has come or is about to come in Japan! We enjoy being quiet at home like reading books, watching movies and listening to music. There’s so much you can do online these days while you are at home. How’s the weather like in...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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Hi everyone! June is my favorite Lavender season and that’s my brand color as well! How are you everyone? As for me, I need to tell you my secret. My husband and I totally forget our 20th wedding anniversary this month! It happens when you are ...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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【モチベーションUP】本来の能力を引き出してくれる世界のリーダーの言葉~Podcast Vol152 Inspirational words that pull out your true potential
Hi everyone! Here in Japan, we’ve started a new semester and a new term at schools and companies in April. So sometimes people tend to start feeling tired when they are getting used to the new environment. Also we are about to reach the halfway...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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【10代で英語脳を】ほめ方と注意の秘訣「脳が育つコミュニケーション」(思春期編③)Podcast Vo151: 5 effective communication ways with teenagers?
Hi everyone! I hope you are having a great time no matter where you are! I am in this global community where people around the world support each other and I don’t even know where they live! We start communicating then I know ‘oh she live...Kirjoittanut Sayuri
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