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每期对谈一个陌生行业。欢迎收听TIANYU2FM — 我们是天宇和天域,一名自由作者和一名创业者。我们是挚友,也是一起求知的伙伴。我们认为拓展未知领域最好的方法是与其从业者对谈。希望你与我们一起,通过与人对话来拓展自己对世界认知的新边界。 主持人简介: 天宇 | 大白(声调偏低):从事中日流行文化与媒介研究(文章见于澎湃新闻私家历史、网易新闻历史频道等) 天域 | 杰激(声调偏高):服装电商公司创始人
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Tiarnie Talks Astrology

Tiarnie Talks Astrology

Weekly Astrology Chats. Awakening, Audacious, Authentic. Poddy is unedited and raw like me! I'm wildly passionate and there will be cussing! Monthly guests. Ask Tiarnie segment. Pop astrology chart readings for listeners. Email tiarnietalks@gmail.com
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Tia Jumbe

Tia Jumbe

Tia Jumbe är lärare i shamansk healing, feminin kraft & magi. Hon har en bakgrund som ayurvedisk hälsorådgivare, yoga- och meditationslärare och reiki healer. Tia Jumbe driver den populära portalen Tillsammansmedtia.se och har skrivit ett flertal böcker, senast Nystart i livet med ayurveda.
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Comunicaciones Tian


En el mundo en el que vivimos la información se ha convertido en una necesidad. Pero no solamente nos sirve estar informados, necesitamos una formación, una opinión y una generación de criterio. Comunicaciones Tian rescata diariamente estos aspectos, y nos ayuda a comprender mejor el día a día. Tomarle el pulso a nuestra especie.
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Welcome to The Enchantress Society podcast, where we brew a potent blend of magick, empowerment, and a dash of sass to help you conjure the life of your dreams. Unravel mysteries of the universe, ignite your inner power, and sprinkle a little enchantment into your life every single day. Let's be extraordinary and make magick happen! Tia Johnson is a Spiritual Lifestyle Coach and best-selling author. Visit Tia at www.tiamariejohnson.com IG: www.instagram.com/tiajohnsoncoaching IG: www.instagr ...
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La Tia con Mary Aguirre

La Tia Podcast con Mary Aguirre

Para todas las mujeres latinas que vivimos lejos de nuestro país y nos sentimos en algunas situaciones aisladas o desconectadas, en La Tía Podcast encontrarás compañía a través de cálidas conversaciones con invitados que comparten sus experiencias en todas las facetas de la vida: personal, espiritual, familiar, de pareja y profesional, desde una perspectiva cercana y familiar. Juntas crecemos. La Tía Podcast, con Mary Aguirre, se transmite el primer y tercer miércoles de cada mes.
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The Final FronTia with Tia Kofi

Tia Kofi/W!ZARD Studios

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... well, not that far…she lives in London. Tia Kofi hosts The Final FronTia, the new podcast where the worlds of Geeky-ness and Drag collide for an unforgettable experience. The Glamorous Geek will be joined by pop culture's biggest stars and the universe's top fans to talk about the moments that made them, behind the scenes tea and their geeky guilty pleasures. New episodes every Monday.
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Cuentos infantiles con La Tía Botas

Cuentos infantiles con La Tía Botas

Ganadora a MEJOR PODCAST DEL AÑO 2023 y 2024 y MEJOR PODCAST HECHO EN USA 2023 y 2024 en los Latin Podcast Awards. Ganadora del Premio Lavat 2020 a Mejor Producción de Podcast. Aquí encontrarás cuentos con mensajes positivos para los más pequeños escritos por la misma Tía Botas y otros autores que eligió compartir con todos. Escuchar cuentos desarrolla la imaginación, la creatividad, los calma e invita a dormir tranquilos si los escuchan por la noche; y si le agregas canciones que vienen en ...
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Startup Podcast By Tia Gabbidon

My Podcast is going to be about me and my life. I will also include inspiration , advice and any other things suggested by you lot to talk about. It's just something that will keep people educated, happy and entertained.
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Nurrachmatiah Badaru

Have a nice time Cover art photo provided by Євгенія Височина on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@eugenivy_reserv
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The Tiawia Show


The Tiawia Show is a podcast hosted by TiawiaTV, a twitch streamer and content creator. Topics include twitch streaming, youtubing, mental health, relationships, and more. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thetiawiashow/support
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show series
We're joined by a history maker on this week's episode of The Final FronTia! Layyah is the first female winner of The Rap Game UK on BBC Three, having won the series in 2024 with the support of judges including DJ Target and rap duo Krept & Konan. Tia and Layyah talk about their experience on reality TV shows, empowerment in music, Love Is Blind, f…
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El niño Caleb desde Perú nos trae esta tierna historia sobre Rayo, su mascota. En el día más importante del año ocurre algo terrible, y en familia harán todo lo posible por resolverlo. Episodio 11 de la temporada de cuentos escritos por niños. Sígueme en Instagram @tiabotas, Facebook @latiabotas y en mi canal en Youtube Tía Botas Oficial. Adquiere …
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¿Sientes la necesidad de ayudar en algún momento a las personas que están a tu alrededor, pero no sabes cómo? ¿Quieres estar seguro de cómo puedes apoyar económicamente, con tu tiempo, donando ropa que no utilizas o cosas que pueden servirle a otros? Creo que, dentro de nosotros, todos tenemos esta necesidad, esa inquietud de decir: "Si he recibido…
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The universe is always in motion, and its laws are constantly at work—even when we don’t realize it. In this third installment of the Laws of the Universe series, we explore four more spiritual laws that shape your life and manifestations: ✨ Law of Relativity – Everything is neutral until you compare it. Shift your perspective and transform challen…
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U.S. President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy talked over the phone to share details of Trump's recent phone talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Could the ceasefire lead to a full end of the conflict? And what's next after three years of hostilities between Russia and Ukraine?…
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Wow!! What incredible times we are in! This whole poddy fely like an ode to grace itself! I hope your heart receives all my transmissions! We welcome Aries season, which ain't no ordinary Aries season, its a new turn of the zodiac wheel, happy Astrological New Year, & a new season abounds! It feels rich right now! I share ALL the things around this…
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The Chinese government is seeking to drum up foreign investments through higher standard opening up and stability. These measures are meant to strengthen foreign investor confidence in the Chinese market. How can China maintain its long-term attractiveness to foreign investment amid global uncertainties? And how should China better optimize its for…
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Ohhhh.. wild & exciting times as this total Lunar Eclipse builds but it's ruler Mercury is SLOW AF as he is stationing retrograde! Funny stories to share here plus some you can't make this shit up moments in how LITERAL astrology is! I'm continually blown away! I unpack all the things around this Eclipse darlings so enjoy immensely! We are in the D…
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China remains committed to innovation, to diversifying growth with new production forces. In 2024, China's national high-tech zones contributed nearly a quarter of the country's economy. While innovation has enabled China's economic transition, local and external challenges persist. Looking forward, how can China remain resilient? And, what's next …
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It was only a matter of time until this week's guest made their debut on The Final FronTia! She is a viral content creator who went from stacking the shelves in Tesco's during the COVID-19 lockdown to starring in the West End productions of Heathers, SpongeBob SquarePants and Six The Musical. Yes, Hannah Lowther is this week's guest on the podcast!…
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Descubre la aventura de 3 hermanos que viajan hacia un mundo mágico lleno de sorpresas en donde juntos tendrán una misión muy importante que cumplir.. Escrito por el niño de 6 años Benjamín Gil desde Colombia para la temporada de CUENTOS ESCRITOS POR NIÑOS. Sígueme en Instagram @tiabotas, Facebook @latiabotas y en mi canal en Youtube Tía Botas Ofic…
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Cuando te dicen que tienes una enfermedad progresiva, degenerativa e incurable, te quedas congelado… Tú y tus seres queridos. En mi entorno, conozco a más personas que están pasando por esta enfermedad: el Parkinson. Hoy nos acompaña la Dra. Lili Arvizu Yelin, quien tiene un doctorado en Neurociencias por la Universidad de Texas, en Austin, con esp…
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一个发明家眼中的世界是什么样的?又应该是什么样的? 她们如何从这个世界中发现问题,汲取灵感? 从小到大,我们或多或少都见到过一些让我们体验很差的设计。 它可以是永远无法完整抽出第一张的抽纸、没有门的卫生间、车站里过于光滑的地面、通向电线杆的盲道…… 在我们都为了生活与工作繁忙奔波的今天,也许我们最经常说的一句话之一,就是“算了”。但随着这些”算了“积累得越来越多,它们也像逐渐滑落的细沙一样瓦解着我们的生活质量。 比起这些,还有更多我们甚至都没有意识到的糟糕设计。比如久坐后腰痛的椅子、飞机高铁上两个座位共用的同一个把手、会扎后背的衣服领标等等。 那么,那么一个设计师与发明家是如何看待这个世界的?她如何改变这个不完美的世界?她的视角给我们什么启发? 本期节目,我们有幸邀请到了浙江大学设计学博士 …
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So happy to bring you this Venus retrograde poddy as a cyclone looms & we wait. Patience & surrender to the great mystery is our greatest teacher in these times. I share about Venus in the Underworld, which isn't when she is retrograde in my humble opinion, her new moon phase & why planets aren't weak when retrograde, plus more! I just wanted to gi…
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Innovation is key to unlocking China's potential. The latest developments in AI have made it a great tool for the progress of basic sciences. At the same time, the advancement of basic sciences can create opportunities for breakthroughs in AI. In this episode, our guests share their perspectives about basic sciences.…
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Today we're discussing life-changing artificial intelligence applications, starting with the ability to control artificial limbs with your mind, called brain-computer-interface or BCI. Here's an up close and personal look at how this ultra-advanced technology works, and how its practical use does wonders for the handicapped.…
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我们不知道自己内心有多么冷,周围的环境有多么暖。 我们身处在庞大的社会结构中,依靠着互联网、社交媒体维持着和多数人之间的链接。这些降低人与人之间沟通成本的技术,虽然让我们无时无刻保持着联系,但也似乎让我们前所未有的孤独。 根据日本内阁府2024年发布的调查报告显示,47%的受访者在12分的UCLA孤独感指数问卷中得分超过7分。为什么在社交资源最丰沛的时代,为什么我们却无比孤独? 也许你听过我们和刘鼎博士一起从脑科学角度聊孤独的节目(第88期),本期节目,我们有幸邀请到了斯坦福大学心理学博士后 裴瑞博士,和她一起从心理学的角度聊聊当代人的社交与孤独。 裴瑞博士的研究课题非常有趣,叫做社交冒险。该研究主要关注个体在社交中做出的一些小小冒险行为对于人们心理、情绪以及幸福感的影响。在研究中,她也观察…
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Oliver y Pablo son 2 hermanos que sueñan con conducir sus coches favoritos. Un día toman una gran decisión y viajan con la esperanza de conseguir lo que tanto desean y lo más importante es que lo hacen juntos como 2 buenos hermanos. Sígueme en Instagram @tiabotas, Facebook @latiabotas y en mi canal en Youtube Tía Botas Oficial. Adquiere mis libros …
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You know this week's guest from RuPaul's Drag Race UK, the United Kingdolls, music, DJing (and always being out!), all over the media and, of course, their own podcast The Pieces! This week's guest on The Final FronTia is the one and only Bimini. Tia and Bimini dive into their shared love for sci-fi and pop culture - including a very surprising sec…
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This Friday is the 53rd anniversary of the Shanghai Communique, the landmark agreement that marked the beginning of U.S.-China diplomatic relations. Over the years, the Philadelphia Orchestra’s performances in China have played a key role in fostering musical exchanges between the two countries. Hear from insiders on why the music has kept playing.…
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Preliminary results show that Germany's conservatve bloc made up of the Christian Democratic Union and the Christian Social Union has won the federal election. Meanwhile, the Alternative for Germany party garnered a record vote of over 20 percent in second place with Chancellor Olaf Scholz's party coming in third. What do the election results mean …
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造手机、做电子烟、上直播带货、卖保健品,你很难想象这是在同一个人身上的职业路径。如果说这些行业有什么共同点,那就是它们无一不在争议的焦点中心,也每一个都有一段超级精彩的故事。而无论成功与否,本期的嘉宾每一个行业都折腾出了不小的水花。 本期节目,我们有幸邀请到了原锤子科技001号员工,现在被称作电商界于谦、以及罗永浩身边的“辣个男人”——朱萧木老师做客。 本期你会听到 朱萧木 营养工厂创始人 锤子科技001号员工、产品经理 朱萧木的播客 李天宇 大白 媒介研究者(主要兴趣:科技史、动画与电子游戏) 李天域 Jack 主业有三家公司,主要在服装行业,目前年营收超过千万 我们从“锤子到底是怎么走向倒闭的”聊起,聊到了:朱萧木为什么去做电子烟?直播行业有哪些内幕?什么是“抓小三式直播”?为什么会有大…
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You're listening to the official One Year Anniversary party of The Final FronTia with your host... Tia Kofi! Tia is celebrating the podcast's first year by recapping some of her favourite moments from the past 44 episodes - including highlights from episodes with Juno Dawson, Pearl Mackie, Charlie Craggs, Heartstopper's Jenny Walser and just a few …
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Desde Panamá Mairon Pérez nos trae una historia muy particular acerca de una gallinita llena de historias que contar a sus pollitos. Por su puesto las mejores son las que ocurrieron en su vida. ¿Quieres saber cual es esa historia? Descúbrela aqui en esta temporada de cuentos escritos por niños. Sígueme en Instagram @tiabotas, Facebook @latiabotas y…
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Senior U.S. and Russian officials have had a meeting in Saudi Arabia on ending the conflict in Ukraine. Kyiv and its European allies weren’t present. Security scholar Zhou Bo who recently spoke at the Munich Security Conference shares his assessment of the different approaches by Washington and Europe on the Ukraine crisis.…
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EPISODIO #16 ¿Qué es realmente la espiritualidad?¿Qué beneficios puede tener y cómo podemos encontrarla? ¿De qué manera se conecta con nuestro bienestar emocional y nuestra salud mental? ¿Es lo mismo la religión y la espiritualidad? Hoy nos acompaña Gabriela Quinzaños, psicóloga clínica y coach de vida, experta en salud biopsicosocial y espiritual,…
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Global threats to security, from climate change to regional conflicts, topped the agenda at the Munich Security Conference. As the conference exposes an apparent growing transatlantic divide, what's the likely future of relations between Europe and America? And, how can the Global South better make its voices heard on security matters?…
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Gracias a Paquito de Monterrey en México que con sus 8 años nos ha escrito este romántico cuento sobre un panadero enamorado y una gran misión. Sígueme en Instagram @tiabotas, Facebook @latiabotas y en mi canal en Youtube Tía Botas Oficial. Adquiere mis libros digitales en cualquier App de ebooks, como Amazon Kindle, Apple Books o Google Play books…
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You might have spotted her on the streets... but now she's on The Final FronTia! Tiara Skye has gone mega-viral for her hilarious street interviews asking innocent members of the public to "name three famous lesbians" and other such questions! But, this drag icon is more than just a quick question. On this weeks episode of The Final FronTia, Tia an…
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Chinese animated blockbuster "Ne Zha 2" has broken multiple box office records weeks after its release. It is the first movie ever to break one billion U.S. dollars in a single market. Analysts share their perspectives on the reasons behind its extraordinary popularity and the status quo of the Chinese movie industry.…
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