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”The distance between understanding Emunah intellectually and internalizing it emotionally is greater than the distance between heaven and earth!” Short daily inspiration about Emunah and Bitachon with R’ Reuven Garber Link to join WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DZHQRgDbMFiKnahdwTIySC
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Professor- Emu

Florian Mechling und David Rietzschel und Dorothea Rietzschel

In diesen Podcast erwartet euch Diskusionen zu Gesellschaftlichen Problemen die Teilweise runtergespült und Verpönt werden. Ich (Florian), David und Dorothea freuen uns schon auf euch und eure Vorschläge die ihr uns über e-mail und Instagram mitteilen könnt. Professor Emu zuhörermails: professor-emu@web.de Professor Emu Instagrammkanal: https://www.instagram.com/professor_emu/ Professor Emu Telonym: https://tellonym.me/user11796890
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The Sneaky Emu

seth cain

The sneaky emu is an audio expedition to discover the divine and the beauty of life that is ever present. This is an ongoing discussion about waking up to the nature of God, what it means to be human, and how to better navigate this world we’re living in for the sake of finding the truths that have been in front of us the whole time.
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Du sitzt abends vor dem Fernseher und weißt nicht, welche Serie du streamen sollst? Du scrollst durch die Angebote der Mediatheken, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+ aber findest nichts? Du weißt nicht, welche Serie du als Nächstes schauen sollst?Der Serien- und Filmexperten Emu hilft dir! Jeden Freitag gibt Emu dir die heißen, ultimativen Tipps zu den Serien und Filmen, die du unbedingt gesehen haben musst.Emu ist seit 15 Jahren Kino- und Filmkritiker und sucht das Beste für dich raus. Es gibt ...
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電影、遊戲裡的那些神話題材曾讓你深深著迷?還想知道更多有趣的內容嗎?讓Emu用輕鬆無厘頭的方式,與你分享各地精彩的神話故事。 【Emu YouTube】: https://www.youtube.com/EmuPlan 【支持Emu❤】: https://pay.firstory.me/user/emustory Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Second Emulation

Shawn Juarez

Welcome to Second Emulation, the ultimate podcast for all things pop culture! Join me, a devoted fan, as I dive into the fascinating world of movies, TV shows, and the ever-expanding universe of anime. Armed with just a mic and my trusty PC, I'll take you on an exciting journey through the latest releases, discussing everything from current shows to the hottest movies on the big screen. And if you're an anime enthusiast like me, get ready for an in-depth exploration of my watchlist for the u ...
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Emunah Meditation

Elliott Rosenbaum

This podcast teaches listeners from all backgrounds how to bring more joy, inner peace and success into all areas of life using a unique form of meditation called Emunah Meditation (EM). Rooted in mystical Judaism, Emunah Mediation teaches us how to have a direct two-way relationship with God. Learn about and practice EM with creator, Dr. Elliott Rosenbaum.
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Emunah at Work

TYH Nation

In this conversation series, Laibel Schwartz and TYH Nation sits down with business leaders and prominent members of the community to hear how they apply emunah at work and the impact emunah has on their business and personal lives. Join us on this journey of emunah and success. TYH Nation x Laibel Schwartz
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Emu Music

Emu Music

Emu is a ministry devoted to promoting the Word of Christ in Song. On this feed you'll find talks to teach and encourage musicians, pastors and church members in the pursuit of a genuine, Biblical music ministry. Talks come from our Word In Song conferences, featuring leading evangelical Bible teachers and music ministers.
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Excited to Introduce Breslev English podcast! We have a great lineup from our beloved center in Holy Jerusalem, Israel from Rabbi Shalom Arush shlita. We look forward to special guests like Rab Yonatan Galed, Eli Goldsmith, Gedale Fenster, hopefully Nissim Black and more :) For the new inspired year 5780 2020 we will, please G-d, make a tour together in November 2019 with Rabbi Arush and TBA called "Emuna is Our Future". Please contact Eli.Goldsmith@breslev.co.il for #love #soul #joy - #Emun ...
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Chaque mois, avec Emulsion on distille les ingrédients d’une économie durable, d’une décroissance prospère, d’un futur souhaitable… bref Emulsion c’est une dose d’inspiration par voies auditives ! Emulsion, podcast de l'association Les Canaux, donne la parole à celles et ceux qui incarnent les Économies Solidaires et Innovantes (économie sociale et solidaire, économie circulaire, entreprenariat social ou à impact…). Les Canaux animant la Maison des Économies Solidaires et Innovantes, nous av ...
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Emuna Hoy

Diego Shaul Michanie

Bienvenidos a Emunahoy.com El espíritu de este Podcast es compartir con el mundo hispano-parlante, y de forma gratuita, estudios de Tora de acuerdo a la óptica de la ortodoxia judía. Te sugerimos que explores las distintas secciones de audios disponibles, donde vas a encontrar clases de Tora en español organizadas por temas y/o duración.
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Emunah in HaShem - Faith in G-d with Rav Dror This inspiring video gives an amazing amount of help and clarity to those seeking for Emunah and complete faith. Faith and prayer are integral parts of life. Everything revolves around Emunah and Tefilah (Prayer). This inspiring class talks about how to pray when things don't go our way. When we are prayer for one thing, and Hashem (God) is doing something else. When we are trying to achieve something, and the Creator is pushing us in a different ...
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show series
In dieser bewegenden Folge tauchen wir tief in die persönliche Geschichte von Felix Benneckenstein ein, einem ehemaligen Neonazi, der den entschlossenen Weg aus der rechten Szene gefunden und sich zu einer Säule der Unterstützung für Aussteiger entwickelt hat. Felix öffnet sich über seine eigenen Erfahrungen, angefangen bei der Frage, was ihn in di…
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Every little inconvenience that a person experiences, even something as small as putting on his shirt the wrong way, is considered yisurin and does wonders for a person's future life. The Shomer Emunim writes in perek 9 in his maamar on Hashgacha Pratit that any pain endured because of another person is worth infinitely more and this includes one's…
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When Yosef told his brothers that their descendants would one day be redeemed from Mitzrayim , he added that they should make sure that they take his bones with them when they leave. The sefer Tiferet L'Moshe writes, it seems from the way the pasuk is written that there is a connection between the redemption and Yosef's bones. He brings from the se…
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Ever wondered how it feels to wield a lightsaber with even more precision and personal flair? Strap in, because on Second Emulation, we're slicing through the details of Jedi Survivors, the sequel that elevates the Force to new heights. My journey with Cal Kestis takes a deeper dive into enhanced gameplay mechanics, introducing stances and a skill …
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We said in the Hagaddah ״ UB’Moftim Zeh HaDam/ And with wonders,” this refers to Blood When the Torah describes one of the ways Hashem took us out of Mitzrayim with moftim , it’s referring to Dam/Blood . The Rishonim ask why Dam would be singled out here if there were another nine Makot . What was so special about Dam that it's called Moftim ? The …
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The Mishnah Berura writes at the end of siman 218 in Ohr HaChaim , in the name of the Acharonim , that if a person had some type of miracle performed for him, he should set aside money according to his means and give it to Torah scholars and say, “May it be the will of Hashem that this takes the place of the Korban Toda that I owe.” It is also prop…
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People have spent hours upon hours cleaning their homes and making sure to get rid of every last bit of chametz. The nashim tzidkaniyot have had sleepless nights doing very difficult tasks to ensure that not even a crumb of chametz will remain in their homes. And although it is good to feel satisfaction over our accomplishments in avodat Hashem, we…
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A few days ago, I was leaving a shul that I usually don't pray at, and a young man stopped me, telling me he wanted to relate a story that happened to him. He then told the most amazing story of hashgacha peratit . I thought to myself, if I wasn't there at that time, I most probably would have never heard that story. And just like this man had a st…
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On the night of the Seder we are commanded to relate the story of Yetziat Mitzrayim and thereby imbue into our families the emunah that Hashem runs the world. The Haggadah tells us we have to relate the story even if everyone at the table are חכמים . Which means, even if everyone has a wellspring of emunah that they have already learned from their …
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A lot of money needs to be spent to prepare for a holiday, especially a holiday like Pesach. Whether it's food, clothing, or matzot, the money adds up. Shulchan Aruch writes in siman 529 that we are supposed to honor the holiday, and when it comes to something that will bring more honor to the holiday, we should not be cheap about it. The Mishnah B…
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With the resha'im in Iran, firing over 300 missiles capable of causing complete annihilation, we are reminded of the words in the Haggadah, בכל דור ודור עומדים עלינו לכלותינו - in every generation they rise up against us to destroy us. And how fortunate we are to see the conclusion of that statement with our own eyes. והקב"ה מצילנו מידם - and Hashe…
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This week's parasha, Tazriya, speaks about tzaraat , which Chazal tell us primarily came as a result of the sin of lashon hara . The Zohar HaKadosh, in parashat Tazria writes, the same way a person is held accountable for the negative speech that he says, so too he is held accountable for the positive speech that he could have said but refrained fr…
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Ever wondered how 'Ghost Rider' stacks up in the pantheon of early 2000s superhero flicks? Saddle up for a scorching analysis of Marvel's 2007 cinematic enigma. We unravel Johnny Blaze's fiery tale with a lens on its Western-gothic fusion and dissect the star-powered cast, including Nicolas Cage's daredevil charisma and Eva Mendes's underutilized p…
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The hashgacha of Hashem is mind-boggling. There are so many things going on behind the scenes that we are completely oblivious to. We don't realize how far-reaching every deed we do goes. We don't realize the ramifications of every action and thought that we have. All we need to know is that we must try our hardest to follow the will of Hashem in e…
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The Chovot HaLevavot writes in the Sha’ar HaBitachon, perek 4, that if a person needs something and is contemplating asking someone for help, he should not feel that he has any more chance of getting what he's asking for if he asks a powerful, prominent individual as opposed to asking a less prominent individual. Rather, he should believe it's all …
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Nisan is the head of all months. It's a month of miracles, a month that is auspicious for Geula , and we are all hoping that we will finally be zocheh to experience it. The Torah tells us, שמור את חודש האביב , from which we learn that we have to ensure that Nisan comes out in the spring by sometimes adding an extra month of Adar. The sefer Nifseh C…
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Rav Moshe Feinstein, zatzal, writes in his sefer , Igrot Moshe , that the main stress of a parent when it comes to chinuch of children should be in emunah in Hashem. The children should be taught that everything they get is a present from Hashem. Then, they'll develop a love for Hashem as well as their parents who are Hashem's messengers to give th…
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In this week's parasha, Shemini, we read about the kosher and non-kosher species, those that we’re allowed to eat and those that we’re not allowed to eat. One of the birds listed, which is not kosher, is called the chasidah . Rashi brings down the reason it's called a chasidah is because it does chesed with its friends by providing them with food. …
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Have you ever pondered the road not taken, the life unlived, the choices that could've led you down an entirely different path? Join us as we wade through Nicolas Cage's fascinating portrayal in "The Family Man," where we unearth the rich tapestry of 'what ifs' and the profound message embedded within Jack's journey. Nostalgia hits hard as we recal…
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Diese Woche mit Trash-TV vom feinsten bei "The 50" (Amazon Prime Video), der spektakulären Monster-Action "Godzilla x Kong - The New Empire", dem Actionfilm "Monkey Man", und der herrlich schrägen Prime-Komödie "Ricky Stanicky" mit Zac Efron und John Cena. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.…
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Although Hashem does not reveal Himself openly to people, He has infinite ways of communicating with them. We all know He listens to our tefilot , and we all know He helps us all the time. But when we see it so clearly, it gives us extra chizuk . A woman told me, when she was about four months pregnant, she went for a standard sonogram. The radiolo…
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The Shomer Emunim writes at the end of Perek 5 in his Ma'amar on Hashgacha Pratit that any afflictions which Hashem brings upon a person is only because of His endless chesed and love for the person, as it says in Mishleh Perek 13. Furthermore, any amount of suffering or inconvenience that a person experiences in this world, even something very sma…
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There are times when a person is confronted with very big tests, and sometimes those tests entail giving into another party for peace. Whether it's giving up money, property, or just plain old honor, it's always very difficult to do, especially when the person feels that they should not be the one to give in because it was the other side that cause…
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