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Integrated helps us rightly cherish the Bible and theology, but John won’t stop there. He will show us how to make the connection between head and heart. We will understand how the Bible and theology are not only meant to inform us, they are intended to impact our lives which, in turn, will impact the lives of others.
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The Integral Stage

Layman Pascal / Bruce Alderman

At THE INTEGRAL STAGE, we provide a platform to explore emergent integral perspectives, host innovative thinkers, communicators, and creators from around the world, and reflect the larger integrative meta-community back to itself in all its forms. Additional Audio Podcasts: Integral Stage Sexuality Series Integral Stage Metapodcast Integral Stage Author Series The Integral Stage is BRUCE ALDERMAN - Creator, Producer, and Occasional Host LAYMAN PASCAL - Interviewer, Co-Conspirator, and Digita ...
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Integrative You Radio

Integrative You

The Leading Global Integrative Doctor Duo - Dr. Nick & Dr. Nicole get Real, Raw & Disruptive on IntegrativeYou Radio diving deep into the human’s mind and body potential. They share out-of-the-box insights and techniques rooted in neurology, human behavior, quantum medicine, innovation, and biology to help families create leaders and geniuses. Learn More About the Docs Here:
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Allow media from to inform the process of embodying heart-centered awareness. By balancing holistic wisdom with the love flavors of unimpeded friendliness; compassion; vicarious joy; and equanimity we naturally unfold our innate courage while aligning into wholeness upon our progressive development journey into completing our full potentials and capacities towards complete freedom.
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It's easy to get overwhelmed with all the information out there on alternative ways of healthcare. Join Pharmacist and Integrative Health Practitioner Kari Coody as she simplifies the process of taking care of yourself in a different, more preventative way. If you want a different way of healthcare and all the information out there simplified- this is the show for you!
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GW Integrative Medicine

GW Integrative Medicine

Welcome to GW Integrative Medicine, a podcast about using an integrative approach to disease prevention and health promotion. We look forward to sharing the latest news and research on Integrative Medicine – where the best practices of conventional medicine and evidence-based complementary medicine meet. This podcast is brought to you by the Office of Integrative Medicine and Health, the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, in collaboration with the university ...
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Integrative Practitioner Podcast

The IPractitioner Podcast is the leading on-the-go resource for the latest news, trends, and strategies in the world of integrative medicine. Tune in for exclusive interviews and insights from a wide spectrum of top integrative practitioners and thought leaders as they delve in to what’s new in brain health, mind-body medicine, the microbiome, integrative nursing, and more, plus hear case studies, practice management tips, and Q&A with experts helping integrative healthcare professionals sol ...
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Integrated Wisdom

Tatiana Da Silva

Integrated Wisdom podcast aims to bridge the gap between spirituality and science. By exploring the lessons of neuroscience, psychology, holistic healing modalities and spiritual wisdoms, and integrating these insights, we seek to uncover the keys to deepening our connection with ourselves and others, whilst paving the way for a more deeply connected and inspired world along the way.
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📻 La radio d'hier, d'aujourd'hui et de demain, en un podcast ! Des archives qui ont marqué la bande FM aux discussions autour des futurs possibles du média, "Des Ondes Vocast" est dédié aux passionnés de radio. Retrouvez le projet Vocast sur Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Behavioral Health Integration is meant to raise knowledge and awareness of the behavioral health field for those planning to enter the field and the professionals that are currently in it. Behavioral Health Integration prides itself on discussions and topics on mental health and substance abuse interventions being used as a collaborative approach to improving the lives of others.
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Discussions and musing on health from an integral perspective. Incorporating Integral Life Practice, LifeForce Dynamics Qigong & Integral Health. We've also been rated as one of the top 15 Qigong podcasts Become a supporter of this podcast:
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Interior Integration for Catholics

Peter T. Malinoski, Ph.D.

The mission of this podcast is the formation of your heart in love and for love, Together, we shore up the natural, human foundation for your spiritual formation as a Catholic. St. Thomas Aquinas asserts that without this inner unity, without this interior integration, without ordered self-love, you cannot enter loving union with God, your Blessed Mother, or your neighbor. Informed by Internal Family Systems approaches and grounded firmly in a Catholic understanding of the human person, this ...
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Join Tisha, functional hormone nutritionist and TMI bestie as she unpacks all things related to diet culture, hormonal health, sexuality and, let's be real, the topics that maybe we’re too shy to bring up anywhere else. Follow Tisha on Instagram @nourishedwithtish and make sure to subscribe to the podcast, so you never miss an episode!
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The mission of the UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Health is to nurture health and inspire well-being in all people. Our educational programming, formerly known as Osher Mini Medical School for the Public, has been reimagined as Osher WISE (Well-being and Integrative Science for Everyone). This public education program offers courses on integrative health topics that are current and compelling, providing an opportunity for community members to become active, informed participants in their ...
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Hosted by integrative palliative medicine physician, Dr. Delia Chiaramonte, The Integrative Palliative Podcast helps physicians and clinicians guide families facing serious illness to physical and emotional wellbeing. Listeners will find insights, skills and knowledge in evidence-supported integrative symptom management, as well as attention to their own self-care, because you can't pour from an empty cup! Everyone who cares for seriously ill people will find something for themselves and the ...
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Medycyna Integracyjna

Maciej Duczyński

Podcast Medycyna Integracyjna powstał dla każdego, kto chce świadomie dbać o swoje zdrowie pod każdym względem. Mówię o aktywności fizycznej, zdrowych nawykach, jedzeniu, emocjach, naszych przekonaniach i relacjach między tymi czynnikami.
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Mindfully Integrative Show

Dr. Damaris Grossmann FNP-C

Welcome to the Mindfully Integrative Podcast! We are dedicated to featuring inspirational and successful individuals who have embraced mindful investing to achieve optimal integrative wellness. Our podcast delves into all aspects of mindfully incorporating integrative functional health into our lives, aiming to help create a more balanced and fulfilling life. New episodes are released every Friday and cover a wide range of informative and entertaining topics, interviews, and discussions. We ...
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BioSoul Integration Podcast

Dr. Jay Uecker | |

The mission of the BioSoul Integration Podcast is to help individuals create an ever-deepening connection to their bodies, their lives and their World; to help those who have felt the strong calling to embody their Soul’s purpose and to give their unique gifts on this planet.
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Your guide to harnessing the evolutionary power of psychedelic medicine and inner navigation. Join me and my special guests as we explore transformative methods for expanding consciousness and integrating change through psychedelic experiences. About The Host: Clara Parati I'm a qualified Psychedelic Integration Specialist, a Psychosynthesis Accredited Coach (certified by Being True To You and Psychospiritual Institute), and a Shamanic Practitioner (IPHM certified). My holistic approach blen ...
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Integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION!

Integrative Nurse Coach Academy | International Nurse Coach Association

Where Nurses, healthcare professionals and consumers hear from inspirational Nurse Coaches who are leading the way in health and wellness coaching. Listen to innovative Nurses who are shifting the paradigm of disease care to HEALTH care through the art and science of Nurse Coaching.
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“The Integrated Home” examines the home integration business. Every episode speaks to business owners, technicians and industry insiders who understand the challenges and the opportunities facing those working in the professional smart home space. Guests draw on their own, very real experiences to share their thoughts and ideas on what's happening now, the business trends that matter and what's important to build and maintain a successful integration business. For an informative and entertai ...
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Our positive vibe podcast series radiates uplifting energy and inspiration, featuring heartfelt conversations and empowering stories that spread joy and optimism. With each episode, we share a virtual space where positivity thrives, fostering a sense of community and motivating listeners to embrace the bright side of life. There's no alternative to always having a positive attitude. .
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Welcome to the Integrative Women's Health Podcast with Jessica Drummond, your go-to resource for cutting-edge insights into women's health and wellness. Hosted by Dr. Jessica Drummond, DCN, CNS, PT, NBHWC, a renowned expert with over two decades of experience in pelvic health and clinical nutrition, this podcast is designed for health and wellness professionals specializing in pelvic health, fertility, perinatal, postpartum, perimenopause, menopause, and overall wellness. The "Integrative Wo ...
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The #EduDuctTape Podcast, hosted by Jake Miller, focuses on viewing #edtech as a tool used to meet goals, address learning standards, and solve problems in the classroom, much as duct tape is used as a tool that solves a plethora of problems in our lives. In each episode, Jake sits down with a different inspiring guest to share and discuss some awesome ideas for using tech in the classroom!
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Bienvenidos a "Educación Integral en el Hogar", un podcast dedicado a transformar tu hogar en un espacio de crecimiento, bienestar y aprendizaje. Soy Yanmarie Rijos, madre homeschooler y Coach de Vida certificada, Facilitadora de educación Integral y estoy aquí para compartir contigo estrategias prácticas, consejos y recursos para educar a tus hijos en casa mientras promovemos el bienestar integral de toda la familia. ¿Qué encontrarás en este podcast? Este es tu espacio para descubrir todo l ...
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The Cancer Pod: Integrative Medicine Talk

Dr. Tina Kaczor and Dr. Leah Sherman

Join Tina and Leah, two naturopathic physicians with lots of experience in natural medicine and cancer care. Leah is the ”cancer insider.“ Tina is the science-y one. Listen in and join us as we talk with each other or respected experts in integrative oncology. Whether it is you or a loved one, whether you are in treatment or beyond, you'll find helpful info, tips, and tricks to get through tough times. We frame things around cancer, but honestly, anyone can benefit. So, tune in, join our com ...
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The Integrative Health Podcast is hosted by Dr. Jen Pfleghaar. Dr. Jen is a double board certified physician (Emergency Medicine and Integrative Medicine). This podcast is meant to educate and empower about important health topics. Dr.Jen's passion is to get to the root cause of disease and prevent illness. Dr. Jen will feature guests who are experts in their fields and experiences in all things related to Integrative Medicine. From Hashimoto's to Breast Implant Illness, Dr. Jen and her gues ...
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Welcome to the podcast series of the UNESCO Chair in Refugee Integration through Languages and the Arts (RILA) at the University of Glasgow. We bring you sounds to make you think about integration, languages, culture, society and identity. A collection of academic musings, poetry, lesser heard voices and personal stories for you to enjoy and expand you horizons with. In short: a podcast for everyone with stories from the world, about the world, released fortnightly. We work in collaboration ...
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Are you struggling with various health issues that are keeping you from experiencing a life overflowing with vibrant health? Have low energy, excessive weight, chronic fatigue, imbalanced hormones or body aches and pains robbed you of doing the things that you enjoy the most? Hi, I’m Rekishia. I’m a mom, honorably retired Air Force veteran, award-winning author, social worker and Christian Alternative Medicine provider. This show helps Christian women experience undeniable results like: more ...
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Diana Kay Romero is a purpose cultivator, life coach, team builder, and visionary. Diana will share wisdom and experiences learned through 30 years in corporate business, lessons learned and still learning while being an entrepreneur, and her journey of transitioning into living the integrated life. An integrated life is a life lived full of passion and purpose. A life that is no longer fragmented into silos of work-life, family life, school life, and church life, this life contains all thes ...
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Integration er og bliver et af de mest aktuelle, vedkommende og afgørende politiske temaer i vores samfund. Den borgerlige samfundsdebattør, Ali Aminali, mener, at integrationen i Danmark er forfejlet, og at debatten er blevet for overfladisk. I Alis integrationsland kæmper Ali Aminali for at få gjort integrations-debatten relevant igen bl.a. ved at komme ind bag de skarpe holdninger og udfordre både sig selv og sine gæster.
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show series
Axel Kanne är utbildad ingenjör inom IT och arbetar på ett större industribolag i Sverige. Vid sidan av sitt arbete är han en engagerad amatöridrottare inom triathlon, med ett särskilt fokus på cykling. I detta avsnitt delar Axel med sig av sina erfarenheter av den allvarliga mobbning han utsattes för under sin uppväxt och de långtgående konsekvens…
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'Tis the Season! Tina and Leah delve into myrrh's historical and modern uses, including its uses for gum health, wound healing, and its role as an antiseptic. The doctors also touch on its potential anti-cancer properties, interactions with blood thinners like Warfarin, and the FDA's approval of myrrh as a food additive. The episode aims to educate…
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Le Président Macron a réuni les forces politiques, sauf LFI et RN, pour former un gouvernement et nommer un nouveau Premier ministre sous 48 heures. Les partis de gauche réclament un Premier ministre issu de leurs rangs, tandis que le Président envisage une majorité élargie incluant la droite. Entre concessions et tensions, l’équilibre reste fragil…
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Dans cette édition : Le nouveau Premier ministre de transition nommé par les islamistes en Syrie promet calme et stabilité, mais les réfugiés syriens en France restent méfiants face à ce changement de régime. Le trafic de la drogue de synthèse appelée "captagon" a permis à l'ancien président syrien Bachar al-Assad d'amasser une fortune estimée à pl…
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Dans cette édition : Situation incertaine pour le retour des réfugiés syriens en Syrie malgré la chute de Bachar el-Assad, avec des craintes concernant la prise de pouvoir des islamistes. Bombardements intensifs d'Israël en Syrie pour empêcher que l'arsenal militaire ne tombe entre les mains de groupes djihadistes. Début du retrait des troupes fran…
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Dans cette édition : Des Syriens réfugiés en France depuis 10 ans réagissent avec espoir et prudence à la chute de Bachar el-Assad, souhaitant participer à la reconstruction de leur pays mais craignant les tensions communautaires et les ingérences étrangères. Le chef du groupe islamiste radical HTS, Abu Mohamed Al-Jolani, se veut rassurant sur la v…
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Alexandre Le Mer enquête sur les pratiques trompeuses des industriels agroalimentaires à l'approche de Noël. Accompagné d'Audrey Maurice de Foodwatch, il dévoile les arnaques à l'étiquette dans les supermarchés. Le foie gras contient des nitrites controversés, les accompagnements de fête sont vendus à des prix exorbitants, et les recettes toutes pr…
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It was a honor and pleasure having Jeff on the show! In 2012, Jeff Tejcek founded Virtual EMDR after his own experience with EMDR changed his life completely. Diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) stemming from childhood abuse and neglect, Jeff struggled with anxiety, uncontrollable emotions, and self-esteem issues. He set out to tra…
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"In the Nurse coaching certificate course, we definitely learned about mindfulness. And you know, that sounds maybe trivial to somebody who's not familiar with Nurse coaching. Sure, we know mindfulness is research fact and very effective, but it just goes so much deeper than that. You know, we don't often as Nurses, allow ourselves enough time, tim…
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Send us a text My good friend, Kevin McNamee has been in the business of assisting individuals and families in their move to Costa Rica for over 20 years now! We'll be having dozens of conversations in the next few months. Short and sweet. . to the point. For those of you who are considering a move to Costa Rica, we know you'll find this a great so…
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In this episode of #TheIntegrativeHealthPodcast, Dr. Joel Kahn joins me to dive into how thyroid hormones directly impact the heart. We also discuss conditions like hyperthyroid-induced cardiomyopathy and the risks of hypothyroidism leading to cholesterol elevation and metabolic slowdowns. Tune in now to gain insights into practical, integrative ap…
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“I always pair the exercise and nutrition plan with the medication because the goal is to foster positive behavior changes to reinforce the changes occurring with the medication. That's what maintains the weight loss.” - Dr. Elizabeth Sharp Losing weight can be very challenging, and many people get stuck in a vicious cycle where they are making pos…
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Cette édition d'Europe 1 Nuit couvre plusieurs sujets majeurs : la chute du régime de Bachar Al-Assad en Syrie, suscitant des craintes de crise migratoire en Europe ; les consultations de Macron pour nommer un nouveau Premier ministre, critiquées par La France Insoumise ; l'emprisonnement de l'humoriste Pierre Palmade pour un accident de la route s…
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Send us a text My good friend, Kevin McNamee has been in the business of assisting individuals and families in their move to Costa Rica for over 20 years now! We'll be having dozens of conversations in the next few months. Short and sweet. . to the point. For those of you who are considering a move to Costa Rica, we know you'll find this a great so…
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Send us a text My good friend, Kevin McNamee has been in the business of assisting individuals and families in their move to Costa Rica for over 20 years now! We'll be having dozens of conversations in the next few months. Short and sweet. . to the point. For those of you who are considering a move to Costa Rica, we know you'll find this a great so…
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In this eye-opening episode of Integrative You Radio, Dr. Nicole dives into a critical topic that challenges conventional medical norms: the myth that blood work is the "gold standard" for understanding health. Drawing from her 13 years of clinical practice and recent cases, she exposes the flaws and potential errors in lab testing, emphasizing the…
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What does the Bible reveal about humanity’s greatest problem? In part two of this series on the gospel, Dr. John Crotts explores our creation, our sin, and why recognizing the depth of our need is the first step toward salvation. ___ Thanks for listening! Integrated would not be possible without the financial support of our Gospel Partners. If you …
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Dans cette édition : La chute du régime de Bachar el-Assad en Syrie après plus de 50 ans de règne, saluée par les pays occidentaux comme une bonne nouvelle, soulève des interrogations sur les véritables intentions du nouveau maître de Damas, le chef rebelle Abu Mohamed Al-Joulani. La famille Assad aurait trouvé refuge à Moscou, illustrant la protec…
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Dans cette édition : La chute brutale du régime de Bachar Al-Assad en Syrie, surnommé le "boucher de Damas", en moins de 15 jours face à l'offensive des groupes djihadistes, laissant le pays dans l'incertitude. Le profil d'Abu Mohamed Al-Djoulani, le leader du groupe rebelle Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), qui tente de se construire une image de dirige…
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Au Brésil, la signature d'un accord de libre-échange UE-Mercosur est perçue positivement, promettant une hausse de 0,5% de la croissance annuelle brésilienne jusqu'en 2040. Le secteur agricole devrait en bénéficier, malgré des inquiétudes sur l'impact de la concurrence européenne pour l'industrie locale. Au Japon, les projections démographiques rév…
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Dans cette édition : Le régime de Bachar Al-Assad s'effondre en Syrie après plus de 13 ans de guerre civile, chassé par une offensive de rebelles islamistes en seulement 11 jours. Emmanuel Macron entame une série de consultations à l'Élysée pour trouver un nouveau Premier ministre, avec plusieurs personnalités politiques reçues. L'accord de libre-é…
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Alexandre Le Mer s'entretient avec Philippe Le Guillou, ancien proviseur du lycée Maurice Ravel à Paris. Il nous livre un témoignage poignant sur les défis auxquels font face les établissements scolaires en matière de laïcité. Après avoir été menacé de mort en février dernier pour avoir demandé à une élève d'ôter son voile islamique, Philippe Le Gu…
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En éste episodio de Educación Integralen el hogar, nos sumergimos en uno de los desafíos más comunes para los padres educadores: la gestión del tiempo y la organización. Exploraremos estrategias prácticas para equilibrar la enseñanza con otras responsabilidades del hogar y el trabajo, herramientas que te ayudarán a optimizar tu día, y consejos para…
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[Partial AI assisted show notes:] On Oct 22, 2024 I spoke (again this time online) with David Johnson, a meditation practitioner with over 13 years at Dhammasukha. David reflects on his interactions with renowned meditation teachers such as Mahasi Sayadaw and Deepa Ma, as well as his evolving meditation journey. After practicing what’s considered b…
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Dans cette édition : La réouverture de la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris après 5 ans de travaux, avec une messe exceptionnelle célébrée par l'archevêque de Paris et la présence du président Emmanuel Macron. Le rôle de médiateur joué par Emmanuel Macron entre les présidents ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky et américain Donald Trump, lors d'une rencontre…
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Dans cette édition : Cérémonie grandiose pour la réouverture de la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, ravagée par un incendie en 2019, en présence de nombreux chefs d'État et de gouvernement, dont le président élu des États-Unis, Donald Trump. Offensive éclair des rebelles et des islamistes en Syrie, menaçant le régime du président Bachar el-Assad, qu…
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Welcome to Integrative Medicine for Energy and Health! The Go-To Holistic Health Podcast for Christian Women Seeking to Boost Their Energy and Overall Well-Being! Blubrry Nominated as a Favorite Woman Podcaster! Ranked in the Best 20 Christian Health Podcasts! Oil pulling has been gaining traction as a natural and effective way to support health an…
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Dans cette édition : La réouverture grandiose de Notre-Dame de Paris sous les yeux du monde entier, avec la présence de nombreuses personnalités politiques comme le président élu des États-Unis, Donald Trump, et le président ukrainien, Volodymyr Zelensky. Le pèlerinage national des agriculteurs catholiques à Lourdes, un moment de spiritualité et de…
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Send us a text My good friend, Kevin McNamee has been in the business of assisting individuals and families in their move to Costa Rica for over 20 years now! We'll be having dozens of conversations in the next few months. Short and sweet. . to the point. For those of you who are considering a move to Costa Rica, we know you'll find this a great so…
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For the forty-sixth episode of the Integral Stage Author Series, Layman sits down to talk with John H. Buchanan about his new autobiographical and philosophical meditation on process thought, death, psychedelics, and the journey from addiction to sobriety and meaningful living.John H. Buchanan received his master’s degree in humanistic/transpersona…
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Philippe de Villiers décrypte une semaine politique marquante. La motion de censure adoptée par l'Assemblée nationale, une première depuis 1962, désavoue le président Macron. Autre sujet brûlant : l'accord commercial UE-Mercosur, validé malgré l'opposition des agriculteurs français. Philippe de Villiers détaille les coulisses de cette négociation e…
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