://INITIALIZE(); :{" Congratulations! 🎉 You are now able to receive transmissions from any of our deployed PodCube™ recording devices, located throughout the known universe; past, present, and future. What is PodCube™? Beta-testers have described it as "a multiverse workplace comedy" and "a weirdly grounded look into the chaos of mainstream marketing and working under capitalist restrictions". Some reported that when operating a motorized vehicle, they have been forced to stop because they a ...
://PLATFORM(rss_feej); 🔸 UPGRADE TO PODCUBE PREMIUM 360+ 🔸 :: TAGS: robot, ai, crummy, 13, earth, tyler, robot, diarrhea 🔸 🅿owered by 🅿odCube™ 🔸 Utilizing our proprietary technology, PodCube™ is able to deliver high-definition audio from any time or place in space or time or place. This feed is a curated selection of our favorite transmissions. The…
://PLATFORM(rss_feej); 🔸 UPGRADE TO PODCUBE PREMIUM 360+ 🔸 :: PODCUBE MODEL: PodCube Pocket Passenger :: INTEGRITY: 46% :: ORIGIN: Victoria P Coopergrim Technical Institute :: LOCALE: Chicago :: REGION: Illinois :: ZONE: USA :: PLANET: EARTH :: DATE: 01/15/2308 :: TAGS: Victoria P Coopergrim, time travel, circle day, ryan 🔸 🅿owered by 🅿odCube™ 🔸 Ut…
://PLATFORM(rss_feej); 🔸 UPGRADE TO PODCUBE PREMIUM 360+ 🔸 :: PODCUBE MODEL: We Make Paper Inc. Decorative Paper Weight w/ Integrated Mini-Mic - v. 18 :: INTEGRITY: 68% :: ORIGIN: We Make Paper Inc :: LOCALE: Stevens Point :: REGION: Wisconsin :: ZONE: USA :: PLANET: Earth :: DATE: 12/05/2016 :: TAGS: We Make Paper 🔸 🅿owered by 🅿odCube™ 🔸 Utilizing…
://PLATFORM(rss_feej); 🔸 UPGRADE TO PODCUBE PREMIUM 360+ 🔸 :: PODCUBE MODEL: Cable TV Box with a Little Plastic Card in it :: INTEGRITY: 38% :: ORIGIN: Phil Slanter's House :: LOCALE: Lexington :: REGION: Kentucky :: ZONE: USA :: PLANET: Earth :: DATE: 07/18/2023 :: TAGS: tommy birthday 🔸 🅿owered by 🅿odCube™ 🔸 Utilizing our proprietary technology, …
://PLATFORM(rss_feej); 🔸 UPGRADE TO PODCUBE PREMIUM 360+ 🔸 :: PODCUBE MODEL: F 13 v 12. O S T, 6. 15. U I G G 44. V 1. V. 2. V. 6 (with removable outer shell) :: INTEGRITY: 86% :: ORIGIN: Highline Craig Design Firm :: LOCALE: Aberdeen :: REGION: Scotland :: ZONE: Great Britain :: PLANET: Earth :: DATE: 07/10/2031 :: TAGS: 🔸 🅿owered by 🅿odCube™ 🔸 Ut…
://PLATFORM(rss_feej); 🔸 UPGRADE TO PODCUBE PREMIUM 360+ 🔸 :: PODCUBE MODEL: A65 v.17 - Commemorative Wolly Mammoth Paleolithic Skin :: INTEGRITY: 91% :: ORIGIN: Doctor Worbley's Office - Cretaceous Fossil Archiving & Curation Department :: LOCALE: The Museum of Natural Bone History :: REGION: New York :: ZONE: USA :: PLANET: Earth :: DATE: 11/14/2…