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show episodes
Conversations about culture between international professionals. Each episode one Lithuanian expert sits down for a virtual talk with an expert from a foreign country to share their thoughts on what matters most in culture. This podcast is created by LRT RADIO together with the network of Lithuania‘s culture attaches. Aktualūs kultūros pasaulio klausimai, nepaisantys valstybių sienų ribų. Kiekviename epizode Lietuvos ekspertė/as virtualiam pokalbiui susitinka su panašios srities profesionalu ...
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show series
A conversation between architecture historians Grzegorz Piątek (Poland) and Vaidas Petrulis (Lithuania). How to encorouge big changes and progress in architecture while nostalgia still plays a role in what we consider to be worth protection? Culture Nerve is a series of conversations about culture between international professionals. In each episod…
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The pandemic has forced the film industry to reinvent itself, Lithuanian and German producers agree, and it might be a challenge to get people off their sofas and back to movie theatres. Film producer Jörg Bundschuh (Kick film, Germany) sits for a conversation with Dagnė Vildžiūnaitė (Just a moment, Lithuania). Culture Nerve is a series of conversa…
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In an era of never-ending news feed, how can a monthly literary magazine contribute to public debate? And if you try to participate in a critical discussion, what are the chances that the voice of literary professionals will be heard? Matthias Weichelt, editor of the German literary magazine Sinn und Form, sits down for a virtual conversation with …
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There is a popular saying in Poland that God created theatre for those for whom the church does not suffice. Theatre and religion are two things that Lithuania and Poland have in common. TR Warszawa theatre programme director, playwright Roman Pawłowski discusses these links with theatre critic, head of Jaunimo Teatras in Vilnius Audronis Liuga. Cu…
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Contemporary dance is a universal language that requires no translation. However, it doesn't mean that dancers all over the world hold their bodies in the same way. Jerusalem-based choreographer and CEO of the Machol Shalem Dance House, Ruby Edelman, in conversation with art critic and producer, co-founder of Seiko dance company Goda Giedraitytė. C…
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In a world where everything we do is political, is art the best form of protest? How can an art performance shift our perspective on social and political issues? Dana Yahalomi (Israel), founder of the “Public movement” organization, in conversation with Laima Kreivytė (Lithuania), an art critic, member of the artistic activist group “Cooltūristės”.…
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Director of Centre for Contemporary Arts in Glasgow, writer and curator Francis McKee meets Lithuanian art critic and curator Agnė Narušytė. They talk about the role of an art critic and struggles of developing critical ideas within the small art community. Culture Nerve is a series of conversations about culture between international professionals…
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A conversation about presenting classical music to radio audience. Edward Blakeman, a programme editor at BBC Radio 3, meets Julijus Grickevičius, head of LRT KLASIKA. They talk about radio as the most intimate medium and a great tool for creating shared experience during the pandemic. Culture Nerve is a series of conversations about culture betwee…
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In this installment, two independent curators Maria Sarycheva (Russia) and Adomas Narkevičius (Lithuania) talk about contemporary art scenes in their countries, the heroization of the 1990s, generation gaps and taboo topics in the art world. Culture Nerve is a series of conversations about culture between international professionals. In each episod…
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On this episode Italian professor Roberto Farneti meets historian and diplomat Irena Vaišvilaitė. Together they speak about what soviet regime and fascism left behind in their native countries and how to deal with difficult historical events and their legacy nowadays. Culture nerve is dedicated to conversations about culture between international p…
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Kai vyras žiūri į moterį ir planuoja ateitį su ja, praverstų bent keli patarimai, į ką itin svarbu atkreipti dėmesį. O moteris, kai į ją žiūri, taip pat ieško tinkamiausių būdų pranešti apie save. Patarimų yra daug, o šiandien aptarsime kelis jų, kurie galėtų padėti išvengti nesusipratimų santykiuose. Laidoje dalyvauja psichologė Ramunė Murauskienė…
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Kaip nustatyti, ar žmogus turi psichopatinių bruožų? Kiek galime iš psichopatiško žmogaus tikėtis empatijos, susivaldymo, santykių statymo? Kokių biologinių ir mąstymo ypatumų turi psichopatiški žmonės? Ką psichopatiški žmonės galvoja apie save ir ko tikisi iš santykių? Kaip atrodo sėkmingiausi santykių su psichopatiškais žmonėmis variantai? Laidą …
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Ieva Greičiūnaitė – „Nestoras Maistas“ tinklaraščio ir dabar jau vlogo įkūrėja vis mažiau po pasaulį keliaujantis modelis ir vis dar trečio kurso studentė. Laidoje kalbam apie modelio darbą, maisto tinklaraštį ir vloginimą. Kaip paversti hobį savo darbu? Laidą veda Rasa Jusionytė.
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glitimo turinčių produktų veikia placebo efektas ir kodėl mokslininkė palankiai žiūri į skonio stipriklį. Kaip manote, kokio maisto ruošimo etapo atsiradimas evoliuciškai susijęs su mūsų smegenų šuoliu? Laidą veda Rima Aukštuolytė.
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