Rev. Philip B. Strong julkinen
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Many people claim to be followers of Jesus Christ, but when persecution comes to them, they fall away. Others because the World overwhelms them with its cares or because they are deceived by its riches, put the things of the Lord on the back seat. Yet others or more than mere gawkers, they look to the Lord and believe, and the belief, being genuine…
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The Gospel goes out to the nations. What do you do with it-- Do you love it-- Heed its message-- Do you turn from sin in faith to Jesus Christ-- Or do you hate it, despise it and pursue your fleshly desires-- A day comes when God holds people responsible for how they respond to the Gospel. Love it or hate it...God will not be mocked.…
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The Fourth Beast is the final Kingdom, the kingdom that is now in motion. It is different than all previous kingdoms as it is -Exceedingly dreadful and will devour the whole earth and tread it down and crush it.- The last king will be the man of lawlessness. He will be arrogant and blasphemous and will wage war against the Christian, but take heart…
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For good reason Daniel's vision refers to the kingdoms of man as Beasts- Men are wicked and have evil in their hearts. The Christian is bound to suffer at the hands of these -Beasts- and many even today do- But the Christian has a hope that none other's have, that our God reigns and His Son has come and established a Kingdom that will never be shak…
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We are living in the last days, living under the last and ultimate kingdom of men, a Kingdom, -terrifying and dreadful and exceedingly strong-. The Christian should expect persecution for a time, but he is not to be without hope as, in Christ, he has a kingdom which shall not pass away nor shall it ever be destroyed-…
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Does washing one's hands make one more holy-- How about not drinking-- How about Homeschooling-- Often Christians fall prey to a mindset that by doing or not doing certain things we become more holy than others and our confidence is no longer in Christ but in ourselves- Beware Christian, our righteousness is found in Christ alone.…
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Often we think we know better than God- We think we know where we should start a church, whom would be a good candidate for salvation, expecting the Lord to work according to our agenda. This passage reminds us that the Lord works how and when He wants to work- He directed the Apostle and his companions to a situation that may have looked unfavorab…
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Daniel walked in obedience to God, sought for the peace of Jerusalem, was cast into the lions' den and given up for dead, and was delivered because he trusted in the Lord .While persecution of the Christian is a certainty in this world, of greater certainty is the fact that the Christian will be vindicated- Those who rest in Christ will be vindicat…
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It is the task of the Church to advance the Kingdom of God through the preaching of the Gospel, however, it is not a task that may be mechanically performed. Rather the Church may not, and must not move ahead of the Lord, but must fulfill out calling as the Lord directs us. We labor only after we pray and wait for His direction.…
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The Christian is hated by the World as a follower of Christ and will suffer hardship no matter the circumstances in which he finds himself. A new king was reigning over Babylon, however, it did not mean less hardship for Daniel and the other exiles from Judah. Daniel did what was right before the Lord regardless of the unjust decree of the King. A …
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We must learn from those who have gone before us or we will suffer the same consequences of those who have gone before us. The last king of Babylon refused to learn from the lesson that Nebuchadnezzar was taught, that pride will be judged. There is only One who is Sovereign and only One Who should be worshipped. We must as individuals and as a Nati…
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The proud will be destroyed- Belshazzar, the acting King in Babylon, thought himself and his people untouchable. Yet the walls of Babylon, the -Best and brightest- of his kingdom could not bring help. In his pride he would not seek the help of the one who could help him. He would perish in his pride. Likewise, those who in their pride neglect the O…
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Pride is a killer- Pride keeps us from looking to the Lord. Pride keeps us from seeing our sin for what it truly is. Pride keeps us living in rebellion against God. Pride will be our undoing as individuals and as a Nation- It was not until Nebuchadnezzar had come to an end of himself and recognized Who the Most High is that he became sane and was r…
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-The most important person in the whole wide world is you- You are special-- This mindset, so prevalent in our culture today, has bred an attitude of entitlement in the Church. Entitlement and the -Me first- mindset hurts the worship, work and witness of the Church. In Philippians 2-5-8 we are commanded to have in ourselves the attitude of Christ J…
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A faithful church can be hurt terribly by selfishness and empty conceit. More than one church has been rendered ineffective in her work and witness because its members came to blows over coffee creamer and carpet- Rather, like our Savior, we are called to regard one another as more important than ourselves, looking out for the interests of others.…
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Many conflicts in the church are for bad reasons- coffee creamer and carpet- Some, however, are necessary. The conflict between Paul and Barnabas was not petty. Both men were motivated out of a love for their Savior and His kingdom. Their love for the Lord was applied in different ways and was used by the Lord to multiply the work of the Church. Co…
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Discouragement and despair often hit the Christian, who feels overwhelmed with the World around them. There is a temptation to -Join with them- because it is believed there is no way to -Beat them-. We learn from this passage of Scripture that the God of the Bible is greater than the gods and gurus of this world- And that the Lord honors those who …
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When troubles effect the local church, it is the task of the broader church to come alongside of the troubled church and minister to her, to give guidance and encouragement to her that she may weather the storms that she has been through. We see this demonstrated for us in the aftermath of the Jerusalem Council in how they cared for the church in A…
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The most profound and hidden answers to questions like- Who am I-- Why am I here-- From where did all creation come-- Where is history going-- come not from the World. This World cannot answer these so we must stop looking to it for answers. Rather, it is the God of Heaven Who alone can answer these questions. Look to Him and find your peace-…
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The government has its place, but it is incapable of doing for men what they need most- We see in the beginning of Daniel 2 that man can only go so far in its help. Only God, however, can reveal mysteries. Only in God can we be shown what we need most to be delivered from what troubles us. Don't look to this world for answers-…
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When the Church has a major issue that is to be settled in her courts, it is not enough to merely answer the question at hand. The goal of the higher courts must be to strengthen the local church and to care for the people in her midst. It was the church in Antioch that suffered because of false brethren, ministry must be given to the local assembl…
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The tyrannical government is set upon making itself a success. Dissidents must either be silenced or -converted-. Nebuchadnezzar had control over the exiles who were brought from Judah. He had control over their bodies, minds and souls. Again it appears that the deplorable state has won, but it has not. God remains faithful to His own-…
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Old heresies always resurface- Since the beginning, one of those heresies is that a man can save himself from the wrath to come. The Jerusalem Council settled this error. A man is saved by grace alone through the instrument of faith alone. Nothing more. Those who teach otherwise are teaching a false Gospel. Say -No- to those who would add to the Go…
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As Christians we look at the world around us changing, and are tempted to think that God must be losing- Abortion, perversion, persecution of the Church etc. etc. At times throughout history God would appear to lose, but it is only that He may be magnified all the greater- Judah, Daniel and his friends, and the articles of the Temple are conquered …
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When judging an issue, the Church has an obligation to be unbiased in its judgment. The Church, the Apostles and the Elders of the Jerusalem church received the men from Antioch, demonstrating that whatever they may have heard, they did not judge them on hearsay or biased opinion, but upon facts. God had blessed the Gentiles through faith and not t…
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The Church must fight for the Gospel- The good news of God's grace to the sinner through the Christ alone is constantly under attack. Too often Christians today are more concerned about being viewed as nice, than defending the truth. We are given this example in Scripture to encourage us to fight for the Gospel.…
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In our spiritual warfare, we are told to, -Take up the full armor of God,-. How often the Lord's people think that to fight effectively it is just a matter of knowing the right apologetic, being smarter than the opponent. The Apostle instructs the Lord's people, beside putting on the full armor, we must couple this with prayer. Christian, do you go…
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Does it matter what a man believes-- Absolutely- One man says that salvation is the reward of his own efforts, another says that salvation is a gift of God's unmerited grace. They can't both be right. The Apostles, Paul and Barnabas, by their example show us that this is THE Issue that the Church must fight, -For by grace you have been saved throug…
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The Scriptures are a gift that should be taken up by every Christian- It is the Word of God, made effective by the power of the Spirit, that is given to us, -...For the more sure establishment and comfort of the Church against the corruption of the flesh, and the malice of Satan and of the World...--WCF 1-1-...Christian, what is it that is given to…
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David was likely accused of being proud and presumptuous as he awaited his ascension to the throne of Israel. Psalm 131 records his attitude and heart towards the LORD. He was a many of humility, who waited upon the LORD to bring about in His timing David's sitting upon the throne, a true picture of our Lord- Hope in the LORD was not only practiced…
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