show episodes

Intuitive Astrology with Molly McCord

Intuitive Astrology with Molly

Join bestselling author, consciousness teacher, intuitive and astrologer Molly McCord for this lively weekly show! Molly shares inspiring cosmic messages, astrological updates, spirituality insights, and timeless wisdom to add empowering awesomeness to your life - and have some fun along the way! Molly's spiritual awakening began in 2002, and she delightfully offers her years of growth and experiences in each episode to inspire, uplift and upLIGHT your journey.
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Illuminators is a show about the people and the forces transforming the business of energy. Businesses and industries regularly face sweeping transitions. Those transitions are now getting more frequent and volatile as technology cycles speed up. We'll tell stories about how businesses or industries have managed disruption throughout history. This show will help energy experts learn from the wider world of business, and help business learn about the unique world of energy.
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show series
The Libra Solar Eclipse on Oct 2 at 10 degrees stirs up emotional intensity as October begins, yet the Libra wisdom reminds us to find a neutral point to return to so we can actively balance where our energy becomes overwhelmed. Libra season is pushing us to grow through disagreement, yet also remain strong in your sense of Self (North Node in Arie…
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October is an eclipse month beginning with the Libra Solar Eclipse at 10 deg on Oct 2, and the energy stays ramped up through month, especially around the tumultuous Aries Full Moon on Oct 17. It is essential to integrate daily spiritual practices and tools, as well as be highly intentional with your energy in all forms. Jupiter stations retrograde…
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Our internal relationships with ourselves are evolving, and Libra season will highlight these relational frequency shifts in potentially uncomfortable ways over the next few weeks. The Universe is showing you what is out of balance, as well as how relational skills can be upgraded, further developed and improved. Revitalizing connections with new f…
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The last Libra eclipse of this cycle occurs on Oct 2, 2024 at 10 degree with a conjunction to Mercury at 11 degrees and the South Node at 6 degree Libra. With the South Node in Libra, we are clearing out lower Libra expressions that limit healthy connections. A grand rebalancing is underway that involves evaluating the new choices you are ready to …
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Pisces Lunar eclipse energies are otherworldly now, and with an ongoing Kite configuration grounded by an Earth Grand Trine, we are re-creating our personal worlds to align with new dreams and visions that are finally available. The Sun in Virgo trines Uranus RX in Taurus and Pluto RX in Capricorn until Sept 21, bringing new insights to what we can…
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What areas of your energy field are holding you back from more multi-dimensional expressions? We are transitioning into new dreams and experiences of reality, which can deepend our practices of surrender, self-compassion, and self-forgiveness. The mutable signs are highly influential this week through the ongoing T-Square with the Sun in Virgo, Jup…
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As the outer planets reach final degree points over the next few years, we collectively graduate into new potentials that we can powerfully direct and co-create. I received the message around seeding collective programming with new intentions, visions, joys, and possibilities that we can put energy into together. I hope this message lifts your ener…
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Earth and water now dominant in the cosmic energies, as Mars enters Cancer on Sept 4 and Mercury re-enters Virgo on Sept 5, plus Pluto RX back at the mountain peak of 29 deg Capricorn. This synergy is connecting our intuition and emotions with our physical world more deeply, especially as the Sun in Virgo brings our focus to effective routines, rit…
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Eclipse season is coming in strong as September begins! Uranus stations retrograde and Pluto RX re-enters Capricorn on September 1, and the Virgo New Moon on Sept 2 is the start of the lunar cycle to the Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on Sept 17. Mars enters Cancer on Sept 4, and will be in this 4th sign of the zodiac for extended period of time in…
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We close out August with Mercury stationing direct on August 28 and Venus entering Libra on August 29, where she is super charged by numerous cosmic forces into September. Venus in Libra trines Pluto RX in Aquarius, trines Sedna in Gemini (Air Grand Trine!), conjunct Super Galactic Center at 2 deg Libra, conjunct the South Node and conjunct Black M…
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A channeled message from my galactic guides sharing how to effectively work with the incoming solar flares, CMEs, and neutrinos. Our energy meridians are being flushed and purged of older energies, which can create an intense roller coaster ride. Please trust the guidance you are receiving around how to care for your physical and energetic self wit…
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The ongoing Jupiter-Saturn square at 17 degrees is still creating tension between 2 houses in your chart, which could feel like you’re experiencing 2 versions of yourself simultaneously. Mars in Gemini and Venus in Virgo are both in the dynamic, applying pressure between masculine and feminine expressions. It may be harder to ‘figure it out’ or arr…
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As the Divine Feminine energies rise within each of us, and within the collective, lower vibrational energies will no longer be tolerated or supported on the planet. If you have experience with Toxic Masculine energies that intend to harm, harass, compete, disrespect, or poison your DF expressions, I hope this special episode gives you 9 beneficial…
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Try not to fall off your unicorn over the next 10 days as the astrological energies ramp up and push us into areas of soul growth that we may have been resisting or avoiding. Now the Universe is saying it's time to bust through our uncertainties and doubts in order to get to a higher realm; the discomfort will pay off. It can be harder to compartme…
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Aquarian Diamond Lightcode Meditation: In this guided visualization, you will connect with more of your cosmic talents, flush out and release expired cellular energy, call in more of your star family connections and gifts from other dimensions, embed the earth's ley lines with higher cosmic frequencies, re-align your relationships with solar consci…
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A week of bursts and calm unfold with interesting activations and new levels of awareness flooding in. August 7th features the Sun in Leo sextiling Jupiter in Gemini at 15 degrees, opening up communications, messages, downloads, and inspiring plans that may give you optimistic forward energy. Yet Mercury retrograde in Virgo is conjunct Venus on the…
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Mercury retrograde begins on August 4 (or 5) at 4 deg Virgo, bringing a clear message or theme that you’ll be working with through the retrograde journey. As Mercury retrogrades back into Leo on August 14, there is an invitation to revisit matters of the heart, creativity, leadership, and personal power to re-align with what is true for you – and w…
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August begins with motivational sprints towards a new lease on life as the Sun in Leo trines the North Node in Aries at 8/9 degrees, followed by Mars in Gemini sextile North Node in Aries. Yet as the Leo New Moon at 13 deg appears on August 4, just as Mercury stations retrograde at 4 deg Virgo, bringing forth matters of the past (projects, ideas, s…
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A month of unexpected changes, shocks, surprises, and turnarounds begins with the Leo New Moon and Mercury retrograde both occurring on August 4. Mercury stations retro at 4 degrees Virgo, ready to assess, analyze, and objectively consider what the Leo energy is ready to tackle with gusto. Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn RX in Pisces begin to form the…
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Leo season brings in opportunities to stabilize and strengthen yourself after an intense Capricorn Full Moon and Pluto influences of the past week. You may feel a deep shift working with you at a core level, as Pluto is revealing what you are going to be evolving into more of your true Self as old roles and programming is released. Mercury enters V…
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They do not change. They will never change. They do not grow. *You must accept this.* They do not stop their tactics because it works for them. Never engage with them. They are dead to you. They always come back for more attention, energy, validation (narcissistic supply). They will try to bait you, humiliate you, engage you in any way, to get acce…
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Saturn appears ringless from Earth's perspective every 13 to 16 years, and we are now entering this experience as of July 2024. Astronomically, Earth is starting to look at Saturn's ring-edge face on, which will be more exact in March 2025 and November 2025. This last occurred in 2009, and previously in 1994 and 1995. Astrologically, this is quite …
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A lot is moving over this next week with powerful turning point energies over the weekend through a big Capricorn Full Moon at 29 deg on July 21 and strong Pluto interactions with the Sun in Leo for the first time in our lives on July 22. Personal and collective evolutionary energies are activating at new levels of our being as the Universe is requ…
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The global evolution is underway, offering opportunities to expand into new potentials as you further define your 5D values. Opportunities to bring together internal and external division is strong. Stay curious and mindful of when judgment arrives as we're also deconditioning centuries of programming that has created division, fear, control, and p…
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Heightened tensions, intensity, and sensitivities are all in the mix this week with high impact transits moving through the cosmos. Venus enters Leo on July 11 and immediately opposes Pluto RX in Aquarius, picking up themes that started on Feb 16 and 17 when Venus was conjunct Pluto. The other side of love, friendship, beauty, creativity, and Venus…
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Black Moon Lilith is a fictional point found at the lunar apogee, where the Moon is the darkest, as well as the most primal, instinctual, and wild. This Lilith point (one of 4) is most commonly referenced in natal astrology charts, yet Black Moon Lilith holds many energies connected to her astronomy, mythology, and astrology, which all overlap to c…
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This week offers flows, support, and lightness that may feel right on time after the ongoing intensity of 2024. The Cancer New Moon on July 5 is a powerful emotional reset on July 5, as we move into a higher sense of what we need that feels true and pure now. This may be especially timely after Mercury in Leo opposes Pluto RX in Aquarius on July 3r…
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July begins with Neptune stationing retrograde at 29 deg Pisces, only a few days after Saturn stationed retrograde in Pisces as well, adding a need for quiet, peace, and calm. 3 planets in Leo will oppose Pluto RX in Aquarius, resulting in significant endings that are meant to invite in more cosmic consciousness that was blocked by pride, ego, or r…
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5 planets in water signs flow us into July, as the Universe asks us to trust that a bigger force is carrying us forward into the second half of 2024. Both Saturn and Neptune station retrograde in Pisces within days of each other, bringing your energetic awareness to what is closing out and ending for your best and highest good. Mercury is active in…
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In July 2024, the lunar cycle returns to its natural state as we have a New Moon in Cancer followed by a second Full Moon in Capricorn that resets how the moon naturally ebbs and flows. We have been in a lunar reversal cycle since April 2023, where the Full Moon preceded the New Moon, which was a switch in the energies that could have created heigh…
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We move through the Cancer Solstice portal on June 20 as the Sun stands still and is at its furthest point from the equator in the Northern Hemisphere, allowing an intentional pause to arrive, which connects with what we’re truly feeling and needing at this middle point of the year. Cancer season is quickly followed by the first Capricorn Full Moon…
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~ New book now available in digital, print, and audiobook versions ~ “Awakening Astrology: Five Key Planetary Energies for Personal Transformation”- Aquarian Diamond Lightcode Meditation: In this guided visualization, you will connect with more of your cosmi…
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Saturn stations retrograde at 19 degrees Pisces on June 29 and travels back to 12 degrees Pisces until November 12, moving through the second decan of this mutable water sign. Saturn in Pisces seeks to complete, unravel and close out what we no longer need in our energy fields, while also establishing stronger boundaries within us. Saturn retrograd…
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Gemini energies are big and highly active this week with a full lineup occurring during the New Moon at 16 degrees on June 6th. Your Gemini house(s) in your chart are going to be very busy, but then expect delays, changes, and possible frustration as Venus, the Sun, and Mercury each square Saturn in Pisces at 19 degrees from June 8 to 12. Then each…
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A 4 year journey of growth and learning culminates on June 3, 2024 when Venus is conjunct the Sun at 14 degrees Gemini. Venus is bringing to life more of herself through Gemini themes that continue to help her self-actualization and personal values thrive. Learn more about your natal Venus and her desired Divine Feminine expressions in “Awakening A…
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Pluto in Aquarius is expanding us into more potentials, including beyond the five senses and into higher levels of intelligence. As we heal and feel more whole, we are also creating new archetypal energies on the planet that have not existed here before. We are being asked to challenge our assumptions, judgments, and first impressions in order to u…
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It’s time for powerful decisions, choices, and words with a strong focus on Gemini expressions over this next week, especially Jupiter and Mercury making trines to Pluto RX in Aquarius from June 1 to June 4. Clarity around your next level options is highlighted, especially during the superior conjunction with the Sun and Venus occurs on June 4 at 1…
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June strongly features planets in Gemini and Pisces energies, bringing up adaptability, thoughtful choices, intentional endings, and remaining open to changes that may be best for the long term. As busy as life can get with Gemini influences - Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter - the Universe is requiring you to slow down and trust the energy you intuiti…
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Gemini season is coming in strong! The Sun trines Pluto RX in Aquarius revealing what is a better choice now based on what you’ve been learning in recent years, and you could feel a powerful knowingness directing you forward. A bright, beautiful Sagittarius Full Moon at 3 deg on May 23 is directing you beyond what you’ve trusted before. Venus is co…
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Neptune in Pisces will be flowing across the final degree of the zodiac starting in May 2024, and will be moving you into a higher awareness of what you’ve been spiritually learning since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is clearing and removing old versions of Self and consciousness that is a big theme in this lifetime. Yet the ego and the mind are not com…
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Taurus season closes out with abundant vibrant opportunities that may be surprising, uplifting, expansive, and healing. This is a week of change-overs, turn-overs, and make-overs! Both the Sun and Jupiter will sextile Neptune at 29 deg Pisces, revealing where you are ready to release anything you’ve been overly attached to and/or up level based on …
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Jupiter enters Gemini on May 25, 2024, and opens up what we want to understand, learn, discuss, and share in a more expansive way. Jupiter has frequency of wisdom, growth, truth, and happiness that it brings to each zodiac sign every 12 years. In Gemini, we take any stagnation or burdens from the fixed earth of Taurus and start to see them differen…
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Oh my, May! This month is bringing in more joy, peace, love, forgiveness, and rewards as a strong Taurus season continues to unfold. The Sun in Taurus conjuncts Uranus at 23 degrees on May 13, which highlights the unexpected developments that the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction started in April. You may be feeling even more of your authentic self, as a …
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Pluto retrogrades in 2024 from May 2 to Oct 11, moving from 2 degrees Aquarius back to 29 degrees Capricorn in order to masterfully complete a deep soul experience, lesson, or growth. Pluto retrograde will highlight what you are learning about your new life potentials, as well as what needs to be cleaned up and cleared out for good so you can move …
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May is a powerful month for manifestations arriving, expansion, intentional growth, and increasing the love frequency on the planet. Pluto stations retrograde at 2 deg Aquarius on May 2, which can reveal the deeper limitations, fears, or blockages that are arising from your subconscious to your conscious awareness. Venus squares Pluto and may try t…
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May begins with Pluto stationing retrograde at 2 deg Aquarius, yet all other planets are direct throughout the month. Mercury continues in Aries until May 16, while Venus enjoys her time in Taurus until May 23. Mars is ready to get moving in Aries, and you could finally feel motivated to do something that was delayed or forgotten in March or April.…
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A week of powerful activations, integrations, and new awareness unfolds as eclipse season opened up where you’re ready to shift your life. Pluto is moving slowly, which brings up where you have been limiting yourself to not expand into higher frequencies. Mercury stations direct on April 25 at nearly 16 deg Aries conjunct the North Node, offering a…
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Sedna enters Gemini in late April 2024 and will stay in the first air sign of the zodiac until 2067, bringing deep transformation to Gemini themes on our planet. Sedna is a ‘slow ascension’ energy that requires pacing, insight, and more understanding, especially in the air signs. We will have new ethical and moral issues to contemplate, as well as …
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A spicy week ahead with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction at 21 deg Taurus and the Scorpio Full Moon turning up change, creativity, emotions, and life themes to a whole new level on the planet. Jupiter and Uranus are receiving spiritual support from a Mars in Pisces sextile that is your soul guiding you into new life experiences and creations. Venus i…
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As Saturn in Pisces makes three semisquares to Pluto in Aquarius into early 2025, you may be noticing a block, barrier, or challenge that makes you want to roar with frustration. A semisquare is a minor aspect (45 degrees), but with two heavy weight planets involved – Saturn and Pluto – there are important messages to stay conscious of in order to …
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