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'Shri Sai Satcharitra' is not just a celebration of Shirdi Sai Baba's life; it's a conduit for spiritual wisdom and a beacon for those seeking spiritual guidance. Human Podium is proud to present our newest spiritual podcast series in Malayalam, 'Shri Sai Satcharitra.' This podcast is dedicated to exploring the life and teachings of Shirdi Sai Baba, whose wisdom has been a guiding light for many.
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'Shri Sai Satcharitham' is not just a celebration of Shirdi Sai Baba's life; it's a conduit for spiritual wisdom and a beacon for those seeking spiritual guidance. Human Podium is proud to present our newest spiritual podcast series in Tamil, 'Shri Sai Satcharitham.' This series is dedicated to exploring the life and teachings of Shirdi Sai Baba, whose wisdom has been a guiding light for many.
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Shri Gks Nasha Mukti Podcast

Shri Gks Nasha Mukti Kendra

SHRI GKS Nasha Mukti Kendra Bhopal (DEADDICTION AND REHABILITATION CENTER) नशा मुक्ति केंद्र भोपाल started in 1993 is one of the leading anti-drug treatment centers in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh committed to drug abuse prevention, control, treatment, and rehabilitation of those Dependent on any type of Addiction(9584565155). We offer addiction treatment, alcohol treatment, rehabilitation. We try to explain the disease of addiction to the people on our podcast. So that they stay away from Drug/Al ...
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'Shri Sai Satcharitra' is not just a celebration of Shirdi Sai Baba's life; it's a conduit for spiritual wisdom and a beacon for those seeking spiritual guidance. Human Podium is proud to present our newest spiritual podcast series in Telugu, 'Shri Sai Satcharitra.' Sai Baba Jeevitha Charitham is dedicated to exploring the life and teachings of Shirdi Sai Baba, whose wisdom has been a guiding light for many.
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show series
We have done with Chapter 51 and now we come to the last Chapter (No. 52 in the original). In this Hemadpant gave his concluding remarks and promised to give an index, giving the contents of all the Chapters in verse as is given in Marathi sacred books, but unfortunately thatindex was not found in Hemabdpant's papers. It was therefore, composed and…
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Oh Sai Baba, we wave lights before You, the bestower of happiness to the Jivas. Give us- Your servants and devotees rest under the dust of Your Feet, Burning (destroying) desire. You remain absorbed in Your Self, and show the Lord (God) to the aspirants. As one feels intently, You give him experiences or realizations accordingly. Oh kindhearted, yo…
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Victory be unto Sai Who is the main-stay of the Bhaktas, Who is our Sadguru, Who expounds the meaning of the Gitaand Who gives us all powers. Oh Sai, look favourably on us and bless us all.The sandal-wood trees, grow on the Malaya mountains and ward off heat. The clouds, pour their rain-water and thereby, cool and refresh all the people. The flower…
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The Vedas and the Puranas cannot sufficiently praise (describe) Brahma or Sad-guru; then how can we, who are ignorant, describe our Sad-guru Shri Sai Baba? We think that it is better for us to keep quiet in this matter. In reality the observance of the vow of silence is the best way of praising the Sad-guru; but the good qualities of Sai Baba make …
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He who teaches us Veda and Vedanta or the six Shastras (systems), he who controls the breath, or brands his body with Mudras (metallic marks of Vishnu's weapons) or gives pleasing discourses regarding Brahma, he who gives mantras (sacred syllables) to the disciples and orders them to chant the same a certain number of times, but does not assure the…
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Blessed is the face of Sai. If we cast a glance at Him for a moment, He destroys the sorrow of many past births and confers great bliss on us; and if He looks at us with grace, our bondage of Karma is immediately snapped away and we are led to happiness. The river Ganges washes away the dirt and sins of all people who go to her for a bath; but she …
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Blessed is the face of Sai. If we cast a glance at Him for a moment, He destroys the sorrow of many past births and confers great bliss on us; and if He looks at us with grace, our bondage of Karma is immediately snapped away and we are led to happiness. The river Ganges washes away the dirt and sins of all people who go to her for a bath; but she …
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We have described in the last three chapters Baba's Passing away. His physical or finite form has no doubt disappeared from our view; but the infinite or spiritual form (Spirit of Baba) ever lives. The Leelas which occurred during His lifetime have been dwelt upon at great length up till now. Ever since His passing away, fresh Leelas have taken pla…
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It is the general practice amongst the Hindus that when a man is about to die, some good religious scripture is read out to him with the object that his mind should be withdrawn from worldly things and fixed in matters spiritual, so that his future progress should be natural and easy. Everybody knows that when king Parikshiti was cursed by the son …
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The stories given in the previous chapter have shown that the light of Guru's grace removes out fear of the mundane existence, opens the path of salvation and turns our misery into happiness. If we always remember the feet of the Sad-guru, our troubles come to an end, death loses its sting and the misery of this mundane existence is obliterated. Th…
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சித்திரத்தின் கதை - கந்தல் துணி திருடுதலும் ஞானேச்வரி பாராயணமும். 'Shri Sai Satcharitham' is not just a celebration of Shirdi Sai Baba's life; it's a conduit for spiritual wisdom and a beacon for those seeking spiritual guidance. Human Podium is proud to present our newest spiritual podcast series in Tamil, 'Shri Sai Satcharitham.' This series is d…
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பாபாவின் கதைகள் (1) திருமதி தேவ்வின் "உத்யாபன" விழாவிற்கு ஒரு சந்நியாசிபோல் மற்ற இருவருடன் செல்லுதல் (2) ஒரு சித்திர ரூபத்தில் ஹேமாட்பந்தின் வீட்டுக்குச் செல்லுதல். 'Shri Sai Satcharitham' is not just a celebration of Shirdi Sai Baba's life; it's a conduit for spiritual wisdom and a beacon for those seeking spiritual guidance. Human Podium is proud…
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பாபாவின் ஸமஸ்கிருத ஞானம் கீதையின் ஒரு சுலோகத்திற்கு பாபாவின் பொருள் விளக்கம் - சமாதி மந்திர் கட்டுதல் 'Shri Sai Satcharitham' is not just a celebration of Shirdi Sai Baba's life; it's a conduit for spiritual wisdom and a beacon for those seeking spiritual guidance. Human Podium is proud to present our newest spiritual podcast series in Tamil, 'Shri…
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பாபாவின் ஹண்டி - கோவிலை மதிக்காதிருத்தல்- அல்லது கூட்டுக் காலா கலவை - ஒரு கிண்ணம் மோர் 'Shri Sai Satcharitham' is not just a celebration of Shirdi Sai Baba's life; it's a conduit for spiritual wisdom and a beacon for those seeking spiritual guidance. Human Podium is proud to present our newest spiritual podcast series in Tamil, 'Shri Sai Satcharith…
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சாவடி ஊர்வலம் இந்த அத்தியாயத்தில் வேதாந்தத்தின் சில கருத்துக்கள் பற்றி ஹேமாட்பந்த் சிலவற்றைக் குறிப்பிட்டுவிட்டுச் சாவடி ஊர்வலத்தை வர்ணிக்கிறார். 'Shri Sai Satcharitham' is not just a celebration of Shirdi Sai Baba's life; it's a conduit for spiritual wisdom and a beacon for those seeking spiritual guidance. Human Podium is proud to present our new…
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(1) இரண்டு கோவா கனவான்கள், (2) திருமதி ஔரங்காபாத்கர் ஆகியோரின் அற்புதக் கதைகள். 'Shri Sai Satcharitham' is not just a celebration of Shirdi Sai Baba's life; it's a conduit for spiritual wisdom and a beacon for those seeking spiritual guidance. Human Podium is proud to present our newest spiritual podcast series in Tamil, 'Shri Sai Satcharitham.' Th…
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சோதிக்கப்பட்டுப் போதாக்குறை ஏதுமில்லை எனக் கண்டுணர்தல் - காகா மஹாஜனியின் நண்பரும், எஜமானரும் பாந்த்ராகாரரின் தூக்கமின்மை வியாதி - பாலாஜி பாடீல் நெவாஸ்கர் 'Shri Sai Satcharitham' is not just a celebration of Shirdi Sai Baba's life; it's a conduit for spiritual wisdom and a beacon for those seeking spiritual guidance. Human Podium is proud to present…
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உதியின் பெருமை (தொடர்ச்சி) (1) டாக்டரின் சகோதரியின் மகன், (2) டாக்டர் பிள்ளை, (3) சாமாவின் மைத்துனி, (4) ஈரானியப் பெண், (5) ஹர்தா கனவான், (6) பம்பாய்ப் பெண்மணி. 'Shri Sai Satcharitham' is not just a celebration of Shirdi Sai Baba's life; it's a conduit for spiritual wisdom and a beacon for those seeking spiritual guidance. Human Podium is proud to …
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உதியின் பெருமை - தேள்கடி - பிளேக் வியாதிகள் குணமாக்கப்படுதல் ஜாம்நேர் அற்புதம் - நாராயண்ராவின் வியாதி -பாலாபுவா ஸுதார் - அப்பா ஸாஹேப் குல்கர்ணி, ஹரிபாவ் கர்ணிக் 'Shri Sai Satcharitham' is not just a celebration of Shirdi Sai Baba's life; it's a conduit for spiritual wisdom and a beacon for those seeking spiritual guidance. Human Podium is proud to …
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Baba's Wit and I lumour - Chanak Leela - (1) Hemadpant (2)Sudama (3) Anna Chinchanikar vs. Mavsibai.Preliminary To say that, we shall state such and such in the next or this Chapter, is a sort of egoism. Unless, we surrender our ego to the feet of our Sad-guru, we will not succeed in our undertaking. If we become egoless, then our success is assure…
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குரு - கடவுள் தேவை - பட்டினி அங்கீகரிக்கப்படவில்லை 'Shri Sai Satcharitham' is not just a celebration of Shirdi Sai Baba's life; it's a conduit for spiritual wisdom and a beacon for those seeking spiritual guidance. Human Podium is proud to present our newest spiritual podcast series in Tamil, 'Shri Sai Satcharitham.' This series is dedicated to exp…
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(1) சந்நியாசி விஜயானந்த், (2) பாலாராம் மான்கர், (3) நூல்கர் (4) மேகா, (5) புலி இவர்களெல்லாம் பாபாவின் முன்னிலையில் உயிர் நீத்தல். 'Shri Sai Satcharitham' is not just a celebration of Shirdi Sai Baba's life; it's a conduit for spiritual wisdom and a beacon for those seeking spiritual guidance. Human Podium is proud to present our newest spiritual po…
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Bow to the Kind Sai Who is the Abode of Mercy and Who is affectionate towards His devotees. By His mere darshan, He does awaywith their fear of this 'bhava' (samsar) and destroys their calamities. Hewas first Nirgun (formless), but on account of the devotion of HisBhaktas, He was obliged to take a form. To give liberation - self-realisation to the …
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It was in the year 1916 that a Madrasi Bhajani Mela (Party ofthe Ramadasi Panth) started on a Pilgrimage to the holy city ofBanaras1. The Party consisted of a man, his wife, daughter and sister-in-law. Unfortunately their names are not mentioned. On theirway, the party heard that there lived at Shirdi in Kopergaon Taluka,Ahmednagar District, a grea…
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Sai is not finite or limited. He dwells in all beings, from ants andinsects to the God Brahma. He pervades all. Sai was well-versed in theknowledge of the Vedas, as well as in the science of Self-realisation. AsHe was proficient in both these, He was well-fitted to be the Sad-guru.Any one, though learned, but not able to awaken the disciples and es…
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When a man takes a plunge into the sea, he gets the merit of bathing in all the Tirthas and sacred rivers. Similarly when a man takes refuge at the feet of the Sad-guru, he gets the merit of bowing to the Trinity, i.e. Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh and also Para-Brahma. Victory beunto Shri Sai the wish-fulfilling tree and the ocean of knolwedge, whogiv…
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All the things that we see in the universe are nothing but a play ofMaya1 -- the creative power of the Lord. These things do not really exist. What really exists is the Real Absolute. Just as we mistake a rope ofa garland or a stick for a serpent on account of darkness, we always seethe phenomena, i.e. things as they outwardly appear, and not theNo…
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We begin this Chapter with a bow with all our eight limbs to SaiBaba, Who is an ocean of mercy, the God incarnate, who is Para-Brahman and the great Yogeshwara (Lord of Yoga). Victory be unto Sai Baba,Who is the crest-jewel of the Saints, who is the home of all auspiciousthings, who is our Atmaram (Dear Self), and who is the able refuge ofthe devot…
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(1) வணியைச் சேர்ந்த காகாஜி வைத்யா, (2) பம்பாயைச் சேர்ந்த பஞ்சாபி ராம்லால் இவ்வத்தியாயத்தில் சீர்டிக்கு இழுக்கப்பட்ட இன்னும் இரண்டு அடியவர்களைப் பற்றி விவரிக்கப்பட்டிருக்கிறது. 'Shri Sai Satcharitham' is not just a celebration of Shirdi Sai Baba's life; it's a conduit for spiritual wisdom and a beacon for those seeking spiritual guidance. Human Podi…
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We have done with Chapter 51 and now we come to the last Chapter (No. 52 in the original). In this Hemadpant gave his concluding remarks and promised to give an index, giving the contents of all the Chapters in verse as is given in Marathi sacred books, but unfortunately thatindex was not found in Hemabdpant's papers. It was therefore, composed and…
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Chapter 50 of the original Satcharita has been incorporated in Chapter 39, as it dealt with the same subject matter. Now, Chapter 51 of the Satcharita has been treated here as Chapter 50. This Chapter gives the stories of (1) Kakasaheb Dixit (2) Shri Tembye Swami (3) Balaram Dhurandhar. Victory be unto Sai Who is the main-stay of the Bhaktas, Who i…
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The Vedas and the Puranas cannot sufficiently praise (describe) Brahma or Sad-guru; then how can we, who are ignorant, describe our Sad-guru Shri Sai Baba? We think that it is better for us to keep quiet in this matter. In reality the observance of the vow of silence is the best way of praising the Sad-guru; but the good qualities of Sai Baba make …
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He who teaches us Veda and Vedanta or the six Shastras (systems), he who controls the breath, or brands his body with Mudras (metallic marks of Vishnu's weapons) or gives pleasing discourses regarding Brahma, he who gives mantras (sacred syllables) to the disciples and orders them to chant the same a certain number of times, butdoes not assure them…
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Blessed is the face of Sai. If we cast a glance at Him for a moment, He destroys the sorrow of many past births and confers great bliss on us; and if He looks at us with grace, our bondage of Karma is immediately snapped away and we are led to happiness. The river Ganges washes away the dirt and sins of all people who go to her for a bath; but she …
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Blessed, Oh Sai, are Your Feet, blessed is Your remembrance and blessed is Your darshana which frees us from the bond of Karma. Though Your Form is invisible to us now, still if the devotees believe in You, they get living experiences from You. By an invisible and subtle thread You draw Your devotees from far and near to Your Feet and embrace them …
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We have described in the last three chapters Baba's Passing away. His physical or finite form has no doubt disappeared from our view; but the infinite or spiritual form (Spirit of Baba) ever lives. The Leelas which occurred during His lifetime have been dwelt upon at great lengthup till now. Ever since His passing away, fresh Leelas have taken plac…
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Chapters 43 and 44 continue the story of Baba's Passing away,and therefore they are taken togetherIt is the general practice amongst the Hindus that when a man is about to die, some good religious scripture is read out to him with the object that his mind should be withdrawn from worldly things and fixed in matters spiritual, so that his future pro…
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The stories given in the previous chapter have shown that thelight of Guru's grace removes out fear of the mundane existence, opensthe path of salvation and turns our misery into happiness. If we alwaysremember the feet of the Sad-guru, our troubles come to an end, deathloses its sting and the misery of this mundane existence is obliterated.Therefo…
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As stated in the last chapter, we continue here the story of the picture. Nine years after the occurrence of the incident depicted in the last chapter, Ali Mahomed saw Hemadpant and related to him the following story. One day while wandering in the streets of Bombay he bought the picture from a street-hawker; then he framed and set it on a wall in …
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In this chapter we give two stories; (1) How Baba attended theUdyapan ceremony of Mr.B.V.Deo's mother at his house at Dahanu and(2) How Baba attended the Shimga dinner-party in Hemadpant's houseat Bandra. Blessed is Shri Sai Samartha who gives instructions in both temporal and spiritual matters to His devotees and makes them happy byenabling them t…
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Blessed is Shirdi and blessed is Dwarkamayi where Shri Sai livedand moved until He took Mahasamadhi. Blessed are the people of Shirdiwhom He obliged and for whom He came such long distance. Shirdiwas a small village first, but it attained great importance, on account ofHis contact and became a Tirtha, holy place of pilgrimage. Equallyblessed are th…
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In the last chapter we described Baba's Chavadi procession. In this we take up Baba's Handi (cooking pot) and some other subjects. Oh, blessed Sad-guru Sai, we bow to You, Who have given happiness to the whole world, accomplished the welfare of the devoteesand have removed the affliction of those who have resorted to YourFeet. Being very liberal an…
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Blessed is Sai's life, blessed is His daily routine. His ways andactions are indescribable. Sometimes He was intoxicated withBrahmanand (divine joy), and at other times content with Self knowledge. Doing so many things sometimes, He was unconcerned with them.Though He seemed at times quite actionless (doing nothing) He wasnot idle or dozing; He alw…
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This Chapter also continues the subject of the importance of the Udi; it also gives two cases in which Baba was tested and not found wanting. These cases will be taken up first. Preliminary In spiritual matters or endeavours, sectarianism is the greatest bar to our progress. Those, who believe the God is without form, are heard saying that to belie…
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