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The Voice Of Freedom

Voice Of Freedom

We are the Resistance in the United States and I am The Voice Of Freedom the voice of the resistance and the American people. If are hearing this podcast you are part of the Resistance and help us spread the truth to the people.
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The controlling theme of our Podcasts is that we are all children of God who is no respecter of persons. We are all created equal by God. The primary purpose of a democratic republic is to protect that equality, making all laws equal to all citizens all the time. We need to return to the vision of our forefathers that "certain truths are self evident, that among our inalienable rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If we are to survive as a republic, we must hold firm to th ...
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show series
Season 5 Podcast 120 Book of Revelation Chapter 9 “Opening of the Seven Seals, E, “The Seventh Seal, The Bottomless Pit.” In the previous podcast entitled ‘Opening of the Seven Seals D, we examined the first four angels of the Seventh Seal. In this podcast we shall continue with the opening of the seven seals of the Seventh Seal. Revelation 9:1 1 A…
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Season 5 Podcast 119, A New Voice of Freedom, Argument for the Existence of God, “Analogy.” Analogy is a comparison of two or more things with similar characteristics. Extended analogy is the ability to break down each element of the comparison. False analogy is to carry an analogy beyond its logical limits. Common analogies in science which are ca…
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Season 5 Podcast 118 Revision John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Episode 35 Chapter 7 B, “In The World but not of the World.” In last week’s episode, after the martyrdom of Faithful by the people of Vanity Fair, Hopeful, who is converted by observing Faithful and Christian, joins Christian on his journey to the Celestial City. They meet Mr. By-ends …
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Season 5 Podcast 117 Book of Revelation Chapter 8, “Opening of the Seven Seals D, The Seventh Seal, Silence in Heaven.” In the previous podcast entitled ‘White Robes’ we examined the sixth seal. In this podcast we shall continue with the opening of the seven seals. Revelation 8:1 “1 And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heav…
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Season 5 Podcast 116, A New Voice of Freedom, Argument for the Existence of God, “Cause and Effect.” Even the best of scientists do not always distinguish between cause and effect or among fact, inference, and judgment. In analytical thinking it is critical to be able to distinguish between cause and effect, fact and inference. The cause always pre…
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Season 5 Podcast 115 John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Episode 34 Chapter 7 A, “By-Ends of Fair Speech.” In last week’s episode we discussed the martyrdom of Faithful in Vanity Fair. In this week’s episode we meet characters from Fair Speech. Vanity Fair symbolizes Babylon, or the world. Fair Speech symbolizes hypocrisy. “Now, I saw in my dream, th…
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Season 5 Podcast 114 Book of Revelation C 7, “Opening of the Seven Seals, C, White Robes.” In the previous podcast entitled ‘The Great Earthquake,’ the angel opened the fifth seal which revealed the glorious fate of those who became martyrs for Christ. Also the opening of the sixth seal revealed the signs of the times. In this podcast we shall cont…
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Season 5 Podcast 113, A New Voice of Freedom, Argument for the Existence of God, “Comparison and Contrast.” Evolutionists look at man and monkey and focus on the similarities; and from those similarities, they draw the conclusion that man descended from monkey, a hasty generalization as well as false analogy. A hasty generalization occurs when you …
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Season 5 Podcast 112 John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Episode 33 Chapter 6 E, “The Martyr.” This segment is John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Podcast 112 Episode 33 Chapter 6 E, “The Martyr.” In last week’s episode, Faithful and Christian were arrested. Faithful was put on trial before an unjust judge, Judge Hate-Good, and three false witnesses, E…
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Season 5 Podcast 111 Book of Revelation Ch 6:9-17, “Opening of the Seven Seals, B, The Great Earthquake.” In the previous podcast entitled ‘The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,’ the four beasts opened the first four seals. This podcast begins with the angel opening the fifth seal. It reveals to us the tremendous blessings giving to the martyrs of C…
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Season 5 Podcast 110, A New Voice of Freedom, Argument for the Existence of God, “Classification and Division.” Nowhere is science more at home than in using the rules of classification and division. Classifying and dividing the animals was the first assignment that Adam had in the Garden of Eden. It was science that taught us the principles of cla…
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Season 5 Podcast 109 John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Episode 32 Chapter 6 D, “Faithful Becomes a Martyr.” In last week’s episode, Christian and Faithful were persecuted by the citizens of Vanity Fair because they purchased truth rather than the vain things of Vanity Fair. They were considered mad and were beaten and put in a cage. Christian and F…
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Season 5 Podcast 108 Book of Revelation Ch 6:1-8, “Opening of the Seven Seals A, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.” Christ begins to open the Seven Seals. It is significant that it is one of the four beasts who speaks. Remember the description of the four beasts. Revelation 4:6 “6 And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal:…
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Season 5 Podcast 107, A New Voice of Freedom, Argument for the Existence of God, “Essential Attributes.” Science talks more about laws than anyone, but understands less about their overall purpose because they don’t always apply the rules of classification and division. They do not recognize all the essential attributes. They have reduced law to fu…
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Season 5 Podcast 106 John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Episode 31 Chapter 6 C, “The Trial.” In last week’s episode, we were Introduced to Vanity Fair. Vanity Fair symbolizes Babylon, the world, the natural man. To get to the Celestial City, Christian and Faithful must travel through Vanity Fair. In this week’s episode, they are abominably abused by…
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Season 5 Podcast 105 Book of Revelation Ch 5 B vs 9-14, “Worthy is the Lamb.” The Savior alone was capable of opening the Book. Revelation 5:9 “And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people,…
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Season 5 Podcast 104, A New Voice of Freedom, Argument for the Existence of God, “Creation & Destruction.” The recycling we observe on earth is a type of the recycling that occurs in the cosmos. Universes undoubtedly will come and go, just like trees and other forms of life come and go on this earth, but the law of creation will never die, and ener…
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Season 5 Podcast 103 John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Episode 30 Chapter 6 B, “Vanity Fair.” In last week’s episode, Evangelist returns to Christian and Faithful. He praises them for their faithfulness. He then prophesies that they shall leave the wilderness and go into a city where one or both of them shall seal their testimony with their blood b…
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Season 5 Podcast 102 Book of Revelation Ch 5 A 1-8, “Golden Vials Full of Odours.” From the beginning, God has spoken to his prophets. It has been the responsibility of the prophets to write down the words of God. Those words have been passed down to us for thousands of years. Books of scripture symbolize the words of God, the laws of God, the comm…
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Season 5 Podcast 101, A New Voice of Freedom, Argument for the Existence of God, “Freewill B.” Billions of people confirm the existence of God through daily experience, yet science must deny God in order to stay within the box. They are like crabs in a narrow container. They can never escape their theory nor can they afford to allow others to escap…
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Season 5 Podcast 100 John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Episode 29 Chapter 6 A, “Evangelist, the Prophet.” In last week’s episode, after Faithful unveils the hypocrisy of Talkative, Talkative parts company. In this week’s episode we begin new adventures as we open Chapter 6. First, we again meet Evangelist, who is considered a prophet. He asks how C…
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Season 5 Podcast 99 Book of Revelation Ch 4 D verses 8-11, “One in Us.” John further describes the four beasts. Revelation 4:8 And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come. Wings symbolize p…
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Season 5 Podcast 98, A New Voice of Freedom, Argument for the Existence of God, “Freewill A.” Because of the deterministic laws of nature, science has taken the stand that freewill does not exist. The fallacy in their argument is that laws have conditions and conditions allow freewill. It gives man the ability to organize laws to accomplish creativ…
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Season 5 Podcast 97 John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Episode 28 Chapter 5 G, “Talkative cont. Grace and Works.” In last week’s episode we were introduced to Talkative. Faithful was taken in by Talkative; however, Christian, who knew him previously said, “He is the son of one Say-well. He dwelt in Prating Row, and is known to all that are acquainte…
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Season 5 Podcast 96 Book of Revelation Ch 4 C vs 7, “The Images of Christ.” In verse 6 the beast was described as being ‘full of eyes before and behind,’ which suggest all-seeing or omniscience. Beginning with verse 7, John gives us further details of his extraordinary vision. Revelation 4:7 “And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beas…
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The Principle of Opposition Season 5 Podcast 95, “The Principle of Opposition.” The law of justice is one law, but only the law of justice is unconditional. The law of justice imposes conditions on other laws but has none itself. All other laws are conditional meaning we have freewill. They operate on the principle of causality, otherwise freewill,…
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Season 5 Podcast 94 John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Episode 26 Chapter 5 F, “Talkative.” In last week’s episode we are warned against Shame who is the “promotion of fools” and tries “to make us ashamed of that which is good.” In other words, in the words of Isaiah Shame would have us call good evil and evil good.” In this episode we meet Talkativ…
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Season 5 Podcast 93 Book of Revelation Ch 4 B vs. 5-6, “The Sea of Glass.” In this podcast we shall continue with Revelation 4 beginning with verse 5. Revelation 4:5 “And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.” John, of cour…
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Season 5 Podcast 92, “Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy Pt B.” In Part A We listed the following seven blessings of keeping the Sabbath Day Holy. 1. Physical health 2. Spiritual health, 3. Better working hours. 4. The Law of Equality, 5. Rest from merchandisers. 6. Self-Reliance: 7. Liberty. That is actually just the beginning. If you listened closely t…
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Season 5 Podcast 91 John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Episode 26 Chapter 5 E, “Shame.” In last week’s episode, Faithful recounts his encounter with Discontent who tried to persuade him to return to the land of destruction and Shame who held God and religion in contempt. In this week’s episode, Bunyan concludes the discussion of Shame. “Chris. I am …
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Season 5 Podcast 90 Book of Revelation Ch 4 A vs 1-4, “Taken up into Heaven.” Many prophets of the Old Testament spoke of the last days, most notably perhaps were Ezekiel, Daniel, and Isaiah. None, however, even Isaiah, has equaled the modern attention given to the Apostle John, known as John the Revelator, as recorded in the Book of Revelation. Du…
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Season 5 Podcast 89, “Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy Pt A.” There is a practical side to keeping the Ten Commandments that is easily overlooked. The blessings and cursings are not arbitrary laws, but natural consequences of irrevocable laws based on absolute truth. If you want to go on a treasure hunt, search the Holy Scriptures and ferret out every …
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Season 5 Podcast 88 John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Episode 25 Chapter 5 D, “The Natural Man vs The Spiritual Man.” In last week’s episode, Faithful recounts his encounter with Moses, the Law Giver, who beat him to the ground for his sins. However, he was redeemed through Christ. In this week’s episode, Christian criticizes Faithful for not stopp…
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Season 5 Podcast 87 The Stories of the New Testament, Matthew 28 C, “Christ’s Final Charge to his Disciples.” Following Christ’s resurrection, Christ tells the women who were there early to take care of his body to announce his resurrection to his apostles. “Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, an…
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Season 5 Podcast 86, A New Voice of Freedom, Argument for the Existence of God, “Justice and Mercy C.” Strictly speaking you can apply the scientific method to metaphysical truths. The stumbling block is that in discovering metaphysical truths, the first step is faith. To discover God, one must take a leap in the dark. Even a cursory reading of the…
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Season 5 Podcast 85 John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Episode 24 Chapter 5 C, “The Wages of Sin.” In last week’s episode, Christian meets Faithful who tells him of his trials with Wanton, and his meeting with Adam the First who lived in the town of Deceit. He symbolized the Wages of Sin which was death or the deeds of the flesh. This all occurred o…
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Season 5 Podcast 84 The Stories of the New Testament, Matthew 28 B, “Christ’s First Appearance.” One can only imagine the feelings of the Christians following the resurrection of Jesus. If it was difficult for the eleven disciples to believe, imagine the turmoil in the minds of all the other saints who would immediately have heard the stories. One …
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Season 5 Podcast 83, A New Voice of Freedom, Argument for the Existence of God, “Justice and Mercy B.” In Justice and Mercy A, we talked about the absolute nature of law and the role of Lucifer. The law of justice is unconditional. The law of mercy is conditional. Mercy satisfies the demands of the law of justice. It was stated that without justice…
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Season 5 Podcast 82 John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Episode 23 Chapter 5 BA, “The Wages of Sin.” In last week’s episode, Christian meets Faithful. Christian was in such a hurry to leave the City of Destruction that he left Faithful behind. Faithful followed Christian; however, because Christian became embroiled in the snares constructed by Satan,…
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Season 5 Podcast 81 The Stories of the New Testament, Matthew 28 A, “The Resurrection.” Throughout the gospels it was women who looked after the practical needs of the Savior. It is fitting that at his death it was women also who came to look after the practical needs of the body of the crucified Savior; therefore, it was women who were first honor…
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Season 5 Podcast 80, A New Voice of Freedom, Argument for the Existence of God, “Justice and Mercy A.” Justice is absolute. Mercy is conditional. Without justice there would be no God. Without mercy there would be no atonement. God is not some abstraction, merely an idea of an ideal. God is a real person, a divine being who created us in his image.…
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Season 5 Podcast 79 John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Episode 22 Chapter 5 A, “Christian Meets Faithful.” In last week’s episode, Christian speaks of two giants in the Valley of the Shadow of Death, Pagan and Pope, which once prevented Christians from continuing their journey to the Celestial City. However, the giant Pagan was dead, and the giant P…
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