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The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals exists to call the twenty-first century church to a modern reformation that recovers clarity and conviction about the great evangelical truths of the gospel and that then seeks to proclaim these truths powerfully in our contemporary context. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.elsitiocristiano.com/donate/581
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Weekly Livestreams on YouTube on Wed nights at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific with hosts Ashley Swearengin and @UnconventionalPastorPaul, Paul Swearengin. She served as mayor of a city, Paul was an evangelical pastor. Together, they were deep in the middle of the rise of Christian nationalism. Come join us as we discussing a spirituality that reaches beyond the walls of a church building and connects deconstructing people of faith to a renewed identity and a beautiful connection to divine love and ...
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A Igreja Evangélica Luterana Redentor foi fundada em 11 de julho de 1932. Herdeira da Reforma Protestante iniciada por Martinho Lutero no século 16, a Redentor é filiada à Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brasil (IELB), denominação cristã fundada em 1904 como resultado do trabalho missionário iniciado no Brasil em 1900 pela Igreja Luterana – Sínodo de Missouri, dos Estados Unidos. Rua Prof. Vilalva Jr, 97 Moinho Velho - São Paulo - SP CEP 04285-120 | Tel.: 2063-0844 CULTOS Sábados, 19h (PRESENC ...
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Our weekly messages recorded LIVE each week and made available Free of Charge to the World from Soul Purpose Evangelical Church, located at 11 Certified Dr. Middletown, NY 10940. Office: (845) 956-0133 Cover art photo provided by Jason Leung on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@ninjason
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Il nostro scopo è presentare la “Buona Notizia” del Vangelo dell’amore, del perdono, della pace, della guarigione e della vita eterna che Dio offre liberamente nel Suo Figlio Gesù. Annunciamo che Cristo risorto è l’unica via, non solo per la salvezza dell’anima, ma anche per vivere serenamente qui in terra.
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Uma igreja que prega o Evangelho com equilíbrio! A Igreja Missionária Evangélica Maranata confessa que somente CRISTO salva, salva somente pela GRAÇA, somente por meio da FÉ, e declara que somente a Escritura Sagrada é a fonte de autoridade final, nossa única regra de fé e prática. A Maranata faz parte da família evangélica Pentecostal, enfatizando o novo nascimento, seguido de um profundo despertamento espiritual, a vivência de uma fé operante, encorajando a todos os crentes a busca de uma ...
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evangelical 360°

Host Brian Stiller

A timely and relevant new podcast that dives into the contemporary issues which are impacting Christian life and witness around the world. Guests include leaders, writers, and influencers, all exploring faith from different perspectives and persuasions. Inviting lively discussion and asking tough questions, evangelical 360° is hosted by Brian Stiller, Global Ambassador for the World Evangelical Alliance. Our hope is that each person listening will come away informed, encouraged, challenged a ...
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Grace Evangelical Church Sermons

Grace Evangelical Church

Sermons from Grace Evangelical Church in Germantown, TN USA (Memphis area). Please feel free to visit our web site at www.graceevan.org to find out more about us. The mission of Grace Evangelical Church is "reaching an unchurched world through maturing Christians". You may contact us regarding the podcasts at podcast@graceevan.org
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show series
Esse não é o nosso lugar! - Pra. Meire Peres by Igreja Missionária Evangélica Maranata de Caxias Para conhecer mais sobre a Maranata: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imemaranata/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/imemaranata Site: https://www.igrejamaranata.com.br/ Canal do youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa1jcJx-DIDqu_gknjlWOrQ Deu…
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Tema – Convicção Inabalável – O Senhor já foi adiante de você. Quarta – 22/01/2025 Pregador : Bpa. Cristiane BarbosaO estudo do vídeo é sobre a importância de ter uma convicção inabalável em Deus, especialmente em tempos difíceis e incertos. O texto usa exemplos bíblicos como Josué e Calebe, Davi e Golias, e Ester para ilustrar como a fé em Deus po…
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In this RESPONDS Episode, Tim engages with Dr. Kevin Carnahan to discuss the concept of deconstruction in faith, particularly in response to Tim Barnett's views. They explore the complexities of defining deconstruction, the challenges of dialogue between differing theological perspectives, and the implications of language used in religious discours…
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These Event Friday messages are from thePensacola Theological InstituteConference 1983. Speakers at this conference include:Sinclair Ferguson,Roger Greenway, O. Palmer Robertson,R.C. SproulandJohn White.To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.elsitiocristiano.com/donate/581/29Kirjoittanut Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Inc
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Saudades de Deus - Pr. Ary Iack by Igreja Missionária Evangélica Maranata de Jacarepaguá Para conhecer mais sobre a Maranata: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imemaranata/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/imemaranata Site: https://www.igrejamaranata.com.br/ Canal do youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa1jcJx-DIDqu_gknjlWOrQ Deus te abe…
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O livramento de Deus - Pr. David Pereira by Igreja Missionária Evangélica Maranata do Méier Para conhecer mais sobre a Maranata: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imemaranata/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/imemaranata Site: https://www.igrejamaranata.com.br/ Canal do youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa1jcJx-DIDqu_gknjlWOrQ Deus te …
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Momentos de crise - Pr. George Nunes by Igreja Missionária Evangélica Maranata do Recreio Para conhecer mais sobre a Maranata: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imemaranata/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/imemaranata Site: https://www.igrejamaranata.com.br/ Canal do youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa1jcJx-DIDqu_gknjlWOrQ Deus te ab…
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Tenha ânimo - Pr. Fabiano Milanese by Igreja Missionária Evangélica Maranata da Tijuca Para conhecer mais sobre a Maranata: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imemaranata/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/imemaranata Site: https://www.igrejamaranata.com.br/ Canal do youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa1jcJx-DIDqu_gknjlWOrQ Deus te abenç…
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Moldados por Deus - Diác. Juninho by Igreja Missionária Evangélica Maranata de Campo Grande Para conhecer mais sobre a Maranata: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imemaranata/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/imemaranata Site: https://www.igrejamaranata.com.br/ Canal do youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa1jcJx-DIDqu_gknjlWOrQ Deus te …
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While 2nd and 3rd John are the shortest books in the New Testament, these two letters introduce us to such distinctively Christian ideas that the letters themselves have great significance. Join Dr. James Boice next time on The Bible Study Hour as he discusses the epistles and how they relate to the body of modern believers.To support this ministry…
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This episode concludes our study of the Book of Revelation. Discover how the message of this book is authoritative and relevant for every generation, urging us to heed its warnings and embrace its truths. Reverend Eric Alexander reminds us of the imminence of Christ’s return and the indescribable glory that awaits us on Hear the Word of God.To supp…
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Os desafios para nós cristãos - Pra. Isabel Iack by Igreja Missionária Evangélica Maranata Para conhecer mais sobre a Maranata: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imemaranata/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/imemaranata Site: https://www.igrejamaranata.com.br/ Canal do youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa1jcJx-DIDqu_gknjlWOrQ Deus te a…
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In this Emergency RECAPS Episode, Tim and April discuss the recent political landscape following the inauguration of Donald Trump. They express their anger and frustration over the events, particularly focusing on the rise of Christian nationalism and the cognitive dissonance within evangelical communities. The conversation delves into the hypocris…
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Trienal C – 3º Domingo após Epifania – Lucas 4.16-30. 🌟 O EVANGELHO DA SEMANA 🌟 [Jesus iniciou o seu ministério na Galileia, terra de pessoas simples. Ali ele chamou os seus primeiros discípulos e fez de Cafarnaum o seu quartel-general. Em geral, as pessoas recebiam bem a Jesus, mas em Nazaré — a cidade onde passou a infância — Jesus foi rejeitado.…
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Trienal C – 3º Domingo após Epifania – 1Coríntios 12.12-31a. 🌟 A EPÍSTOLA DA SEMANA 🌟 [Todos os que creem em Cristo são membros do seu corpo — a Igreja. Um corpo tem muitas partes diferentes, mas todas dependem umas das outras e todas são igualmente importantes para o bom funcionamento do corpo.] 1Coríntios 12.12-31a Um corpo e muitas partes "Crist…
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Trienal C – 3º Domingo após Epifania – Neemias 8.1-3,5-6,8-10. 🌟 O ANTIGO TESTAMENTO DA SEMANA 🌟 [O povo de Deus havia passado 70 anos cativo na Babilônia. Por graça de Deus, o povo foi liberto e, sob a liderança de Zorobabel, Esdras e Neemias, pode pouco a pouco voltar ao seu país natal. Na Babilônia, o aramaico foi adotado pelas novas gerações, f…
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Trienal C – 3º Domingo após Epifania – Salmo 19.7-14. 🌟 O SALMO DA SEMANA 🌟 [O Salmo 19 tem duas partes. Na primeira (versos 1-6), aprendemos que a glória e a sabedoria de Deus revelam-se na natureza, que prega diariamente um sermão sem palavras sobre o poder e o amor de Deus. Na segunda (versos 7-14), aprendemos que a glória e a sabedoria de Deus …
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Different people exercise their authority in different ways. A general does it by barking out orders and enforcing strict military discipline. The traffic officer does it by blowing his whistle and by handing out citations. The tax man does it by conducting an audit and assessing penalties. But how is it that the Lord Jesus Christ exercised his aut…
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American Christians can worship in relative freedom and we tend to view this as a sign of God's blessing, but the early church father, Tertullian, wrote, "the blood of martyrs is the seed of the church". The world was turned upside down in the first centuries of church history because believers were wiling to suffer and die for the sake of Christ.T…
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In this in-person TALKS Episode, Tim engages in a profound conversation with Reverend Otis Moss III, reflecting on the significance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day coinciding with Trump's inauguration. They explore the complexities of race, faith, and the historical struggles of America, particularly focusing on the Black church's liberation traditio…
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Ecclesiastes 1:1-2 The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem. 2 Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity. INTRODUCTION Good morning, Grace. To be honest, it’s been a while since I’ve been this excited to start preaching through a book of the Bible. I think the main reason for my extra excitement …
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