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Why Is This Happening? The Chris Hayes Podcast

Chris Hayes, MSNBC & NBCNews THINK

Every week Chris Hayes asks the big questions that keep him up at night. How do we make sense of this unprecedented moment in world history? Why is this (all) happening? This podcast starts to answer these questions. Writers, experts, and thinkers who are also trying to get to the bottom of them join Chris to break it all down and help him get a better night’s rest. “Why is this Happening?” is presented by MSNBC and NBCNews Think.
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各界のトップランナーやその道のプロフェッショナル、時代を映す市井の人々…… プロインタビュアー早川洋平が、国内外の分野を超えるインタビューを通じて「人生をアップデートする人と世界」をお届けします。 http://bit.ly/yohaya
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Hayaller Paris

Pastime Agency

Bu kanalın içeriği, 'Hayaller Paris, yaşantı Somali' deyiminden esinlenerek, tamamen otomatik olarak (el değmeden) yapay zeka hazırlanmaktadır. Amaç, işlenen konuları gerçek yaşamdaki olaylarla bağdaştırmaya aracı olmak. Konunun her bireyin kişisel anektodlarıyla buluşturulması, dinleyicinin hayal gücüne bırakılmıştır. Bölümlerdeki konular Paris ve Somali kaynaklı, gerçek haber başlıklarından yorumlanmıştır. Yorumlama ve seslendirme yapay zeka tarafından yapılmıştır.
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Teo Hayashi

Teo Hayashi

Founder @DunamisMovement | Senior Leader Zion Church @zionsaopaulo | Author of #NextLevel & #ReinoInabalavel | Junia, Zach & Koa | Revival & Reformation | Make History!
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Hay Kings

Hay Kings

Want to reconnect to agriculture? Just starting a farm? Been farming awhile? Come with us as we explore what a modern farmer is. Sponsored by Vermeer.
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Hayata tutunan, örgü örmeyi, yemek yapmayı, dikiş dikmeyi, dekorasyon yapmayı, doğa ve doğadaki hayvanları seven bir Ebru karşınızda sizinle düşünüyor ve konuşuyor! 💖 Hadi hepberaber evrensel bir yolculuğa çıkalım! Sorularınız veya podcastim ile ilgili arzularınız varsa, bana hem sesli cevap ile, hem yorum bölümünden, hemde İnstagram dan ulaşabilirsiniz ♡INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/ebrulita.oz?igshid=3ldurt8ybr4g ☆ SESLİ MESAJ: https://anchor.fm/ebrulitaveevreni/message ♤WEB SAYFAM: htt ...
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Bu podcast Kur’an-ı Kerim'in anlaşılması amacıyla yayımlanmaktadır. Podcast ve Tasnif edilmiş içerikler için şu linkleri ziyaret edebilirsiniz. https://kurandan-hayata.transistor.fm/about https://kurandan-hayata.transistor.fm/tasnif
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This is Teo Hayashi's Podcast. Here you will find tools for your growth as a disciple and as a leader bringing Kingdom culture in our society. Teo Hayashi founded the Dunamis Movement which was established in 2008, Dunamis is a global Christian movement that spiritually AWAKENS a generation, ESTABLISHES Kingdom culture, and TRANSFORMS society. Besides leading Dunamis with his wife Junia Hayashi, Teo is the senior leader of Zion Church, a thriving, global church impacting cities worldwide. Te ...
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Hopeton Hay Podcasts

Hopeton Hay

Hopeton Hay Podcasts is the founder, producer, and host of Diverse Voices Book Review (formerly known as KAZI Book Review) which features interviews with a wide range of culturally diverse authors of recently published fiction and nonfiction, and Economic Perspectives, an audio interview show featuring discussions on finance, economic, and small businesses and policies.
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Hayek Program Podcast

F.A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics

The Hayek Program Podcast includes audio from lectures, interviews, and discussions of scholars and visitors from the F. A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. The F. A. Hayek Program is devoted to the promotion of teaching and research on the institutional arrangements that are suitable for the support of free and prosperous societies. Implicit in this statement is the presumption that those arrangements ...
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Un programa de música ecléctica para las sudorosas masas. Todos los sábados de 19 a 20 en RADIO DE LA CALLE FM 87.9 (BAHÍA BLANCA) y los miércoles de 22 a 23 en RADIO ASAMBLEA FM 94.1 (CABA). Conduce y hace todo: Saurio. Twitter: @cosas_hay Bluesky: @lascosasquehay.bsky.social Face: @lascosasquehay Instagram: @lascosasquehay 😃
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Weekly Stock Market Commentary from a seasoned Hedge Fund Professional. Terms, Bio, and Free Newsletter available at site: www.HedgeFundTips.com. (not investment advice) About Tom Hayes: https://www.hedgefundtips.com/about-tj-h Contact Us: https://www.hedgefundtips.com/contact-us Free "Hedge Fund Tips" Stock Market Newsletter & Mini-Webinar: https://www.hedgefundtips.com/free/ Testimonials & Free 3 Week Trial to "Hedge Fund Trade Tips" trade alerts: https://www.hedgefundtips.com/membership-join/
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Welcome to Talking US Visas with Immigration Attorney Frances Hayden, your go-to podcast for all things related to US visa consular processing. Hosted by Kevin Rosenquist, this show features immigration expert Frances Hayden, who has nearly 40 years of experience specializing in consular processing of non-immigrant visas at US embassies and consulates worldwide. Join us as we break down the complexities of consular processing, discuss immigration challenges, and provide expert insights to he ...
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Just Say Hay

Just Say Hay

Welcome to the Just Say Hay: The Podcast! With new episodes every other Monday, we talk about the things that are important to small farmers. If you're wanting to market your farm, grow your farm, improve the soil health of your farm or ar just interested in agriculture... this is the place for you. We run a small cattle ranch as well as an 850 acre commercial forage farm, but for the past 20 years, my main gig has been as a marketing & business consultant to some of the most recognizable br ...
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Yeni Hayat


Fatih Taşkıran, her hafta yeni konu ve konuklarla hayatın gözden kaçan detaylarına ve incelikli zevklere dair eğlenceli bir yolculuğa çıkıyor.
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Hay Más

Hay Más

Hay Más es un podcast honesto y personal sobre salud mental, salud emocional, bienestar y el camino hacia una vida plena. Desde la experiencia de alguien que vive y enfrenta desafíos de salud mental, este espacio busca normalizar las conversaciones sobre nuestras emociones, miedos y luchas internas. Aquí descubrirás que no estás solo. Hablaremos de lo difícil, pero también de lo esperanzador. Porque hay más que sobrevivir; hay conexiones, crecimiento y una vida plena y llena de significado e ...
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Aqui Hay Miga

Aqui Hay Miga

Es un podcast conversacional en el que Álvaro Trigo con sus Colaboradores Noelia y Elena discutirán sobre cultura pop, ahondarán en sus obsesiones y miedos y yo que sé, hablarán de sus movidas y algunas veces con artistas independientes de invitados. No te podemos prometer que vayan a salvar el mundo con este podcast, pero pasarás un buen rato como con tus amigas.
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show series
Vừa qua, bức thư của Giáo sư John Vu – Nguyên Phong gửi tới ông Nguyễn Văn Phước, CEO First New – Trí Việt, bày tỏ những trăn trở về tương lai giáo dục trong thời đại công nghệ đã nhanh chóng nhận được sự chú ý của giới truyền thông và mạng xã hội, đặc biệt là các bạn trẻ. Mới đây, Giáo sư John Vu tiếp tục chia sẻ một cuộc trò chuyện đáng suy ngẫm …
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Episodio 7.02 de Las Cosas Que Hay Que Escuchar, en el cual sufrimos el cambio climático mientras escuchamos la música de Bite Me Bambi, Il Maniscalco Maldestro, Can, Cardiacs, Electrodomésticos, Charlelie Couture, Sister Rosetta Tharpe, Estrella Negra, Blondie, Beastie Boys, Einstürzende Neubaten, Bene Gesserit, Die Katapult y Jean-Michel Jarre. Y…
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Diverse Voices Book Review contributor Amanda Moore interviewed Brea Baker about her new book, "Rooted: The American Legacy of Land Theft and the Modern Movement for Black Land Ownership." Through a close examination of historical events, Brea explores the significance of land ownership and how generations of black families have been impacted by sy…
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En este episodio especial de No Hay Tos hablamos sobre el transporte público en México. - Para ver los show notes de este episodio visítanos en Patreon. - Venos en video en YouTube. - ¡Si el podcast te es útil por favor déjanos un review en Apple Podcasts! - Donate: https://www.paypal.me/nohaytos No Hay Tos is a Spanish podcast from Mexico for stud…
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Send us a text In this episode of Just Say Hay: The Podcast, we take a deep dive into the controversial topic of immigration—specifically how it impacts small farms. With mass deportations and labor shortages making headlines, large-scale agriculture often dominates the conversation, but what about the small farmer? We break down the realities of l…
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Dive into "The Battle for Better Alfalfa," where experts Jeff and Leta from Croplan unveil strategies to conquer alfalfa yield challenges. This episode explores the urgent need for yield mapping and innovative farming techniques transforming alfalfa production. Perfect for farmers and agronomists eager to push agricultural boundaries. Tune in to fu…
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Hola, soy Stephanie y en este episodio de “Hay Más” abordo un tema que me preocupa profundamente tras ver diferentes situaciones en mi país, El Salvador: el acoso laboral. Basándome en la historia de Camila, una profesional que vivió de cerca el bullying en el trabajo, exploramos cómo actitudes y prácticas nocivas pueden desencadenar ansiedad, depr…
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Doomsday Clock (Kıyamet Saati), dünyadaki felaket risklerini simgeleyen metaforik bir saat. Nükleer savaş tehdidi, iklim krizi, biyoteknolojik tehditler ve yapay zekâ gibi faktörler insanlığın geleceğini nasıl şekillendiriyor? Kıyamet Saat'ine göre hangi yıl sonumuza en çok yaklaştık? Bu bölümde Kıyamet Saati’nin tarihçesini, nasıl çalıştığını ve b…
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Paris Moda Haftası sırasında odun yakıcılarının yasaklanması, hava kalitesi ve çevre sorunları hakkında tartışmaları körüklüyor. Çeşitli bakış açıları ve alternatif çözümler gündemde. Somali, barış anlaşması yıldönümünü kutlarken, enerji sektöründeki gelişmelerle uluslararası iş birliklerini güçlendiriyor. Çevresel kaygılar ve ekonomik bağımsızlık …
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Geno Smith TRADED Las Vegas Raiders - Josh Norris and Hayden Winks cover the surprise trade the Raiders made for Geno Smith. Big Board is LIVE for 2025 Best Ball on the Underdog app. Go hop in a draft and play for $2M. Promo Code: THESHOW 🐕 First Time Deposit Match On Underdog Fantasy: https://play.underdogfantasy.com/p-underedog-football-show Subs…
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Hayatta bazen ne kadar çabalasak da her şey bizim istediğimiz gibi gitmez… İnsanları, olayları ya da duyguları kontrol etmek yerine, bazen akışına bırakmak en büyük özgürlüktür. Bu bölümde, başkalarını değiştirme çabasının neden yorucu olduğunu, kabul etmenin ve sınır koymanın önemini konuşuyoruz. İç huzuru korumak ve daha sağlıklı ilişkiler kurmak…
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Paris Moda Haftası'nın ardından Roscoff-Ullapool feribot bağlantısı, kültürel ve ekonomik değişim için fırsatlar sunacak. Seyahat deneyimini zenginleştiren bu girişim, bölgesel turizmi teşvik etmeyi amaçlıyor. Somali Sağlık Bakan Yardımcısının Kigali'deki zirvedeki katkıları, sağlık altyapısındaki iyileşmeler ve uluslararası iş birliğinin sağlık so…
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Guests: Jared Bernstein, Heather Long, Josh Marshall, Dr. Peter Hotez, David Shulkin Tonight: the flashing warning signs that Donald Trump is botching another inheritance. Then, new reporting on an "explosive" confrontation between Trump's cabinet and Elon Musk. Plus, Trump former Veterans Affairs Secretary on the DOGE damage to the VA. And a stunn…
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Minggu ini akhirnya ada tamu lagi, dan tidak lain adalah Sandy Walsh. Thom Haye dan Neal Petersen berbincang dengannya tentang transfernya ke Jepang, TIMNAS, hobi unik, dan banyak lagi. Socials: Thehayeway See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.…
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Guests: Alex Wagner, Kyle Cheney, Sen. Chris Murphy, Stacey Abrams Elon Musk is told to put the chainsaw down. Tonight: why the co-president is suddenly asking DOGE to chill out. Then, Trump's billionaire treasury secretary explains why you should pay more. Plus, Stacey Abrams after this week's attack from the President. And Sen. Chris Murphy on wh…
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Cumhurbaşkanı Macron, nükleer enerji ve Ukrayna'ya asker gönderme önerileriyle Fransa'nın uluslararası rolünü pekiştiriyor. Bu durum, güvenlik ve çevresel sürdürülebilirlik tartışmalarını da beraberinde getiriyor. Somali, mali istikrarı artırmak için önemli bütçe ve vergi reformları sunuyor. Yeni tasarılar, ekonomik büyüme ve kamu hizmetlerini geli…
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About Tom Hayes: ⁠⁠ https://www.hedgefundtips.com/about-tj-hayes/⁠⁠ Contact Us/Tom: ⁠ https://www.hedgefundtips.com/contact-us/⁠ Great Hill Capital (Money Management) Contact: https://www.hedgefundtips.com/money-management/ Free Stock Market Newsletter and Book: ⁠⁠ https://www.hedgefundtips.com/free/⁠⁠ Not Investment Advice - See Terms: https://www…
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RINGER FANTASY FOOTBALL COLLAB - Josh Norris and Hayden Winks are joined by some of the brightest minds at The Ringer - Danny Kelly, Craig Horlbeck and Danny Heifetz. The Goal: Draft the best 6 players. One from each draft class: 2020-2025. And win social media's heart. Hop on the Underdog app, hit the Big Board, grab some Player Pick'em. Promo Cod…
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Christian Kirk TRADED Houston Texans - Josh Norris and Hayden Winks cover the surprise trade the Texans made for Christian Kirk. Big Board is LIVE for 2025 Best Ball on the Underdog app. Go hop in a draft and play for $2M. Promo Code: THESHOW 🐕 First Time Deposit Match On Underdog Fantasy: https://play.underdogfantasy.com/p-underedog-football-show …
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