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Podcast de mistério tendo na sua primeira temporada a Operação Prato como foco, que gerou vítimas reais e pânico generalizado. Aproveitando a nova onda ufológica inspirada pelos últimos acontecimentos políticos nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil, ele investiga a verdade por trás dos acontecimentos para além das teorias conspiratórias. Com seriedade e em uma mistura do gênero true crime com o sobrenatural/misterioso.
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E aí, minha gente! Eu sou a Alana Anijar, psicologa, especialista em Terapia Cognitivo Comportamental é esse é meu podcast Psicologia na Prática. Aqui, você vai encontrar semanalmente conteúdos práticos, simples e acessíveis para que possa aplicar os conceitos da Psicologia no seu dia-a-dia. Saúde mental, autoestima, autoconhecimento, inteligência emocional e muito mais! Me siga nas redes sociais para mais conteúdos @alanaanijar. Gestão e produção: @clavclavclav
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Aktiv Prat

Niklas og Baas

KJØPT BILLETTER TIL LIVESHOWET HER: ⁠ Niklas og Baas utforsker det skumle konseptet dating (ved å faktisk dra på dates), løser lytternes problemer og byr på masse helt middels god underholdning.
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Kanker over praten?

Tim Schoonhoven

In Kan'ker over praten spreek ik (oud) kankerpatiënten en professionals over hun ervaringen met kanker. Heftige gesprekken met een vleugje lichtheid en een beetje humor erbij om je inzicht te geven in de wereld van kanker.
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Rockonteurs is a podcast all about the real stories behind real music. Presented by Spandau Ballet’s Gary Kemp, who wrote and performed megahits like ‘Gold’ and ‘True’, and Guy Pratt, a bass player who shaped songs for the likes of Madonna and Pink Floyd, you’ll hear exclusive stories of life on the road, in the studio and what really happened behind the scenes from artists who wrote, performed and produced the some of the biggest classic rock and pop tracks of all time. Guests include Sir B ...
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Mindless Prattle

Jordon and Ripley

The Podcast from the minds of Jordon and Ripley where they talk about the random thoughts and events of their life. Join in each week for the crazy conversations and laughs about nothing in particular.
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Prato de Ciência

Prato de Ciencia

O podcast da Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos, a FEA, da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Aqui, vamos conversar sobre os alimentos de uma forma acessível e abrangente, misturando conhecimentos de diversas áreas científicas, sem ser muito técnico, para que você e outros curiosos sobre o assunto da alimentação possam matar a fome de informação.
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Pratidin Ek Kavita

Nayi Dhara Radio

कवितायेँ जहाँ जी चाहे वहाँ रहती हैं- कभी नीले आसमान में, कभी बंद खिड़कियों वाली संकरी गली में, कभी पंछियों के रंगीन परों पर उड़ती हैं कविताएँ, तो कभी सड़क के पत्थरों के बीच यूँ ही उग आती हैं। कविता के अलग अलग रूपों को समर्पित है, हमारी पॉडकास्ट शृंखला - प्रतिदिन एक कविता। कीजिये एक नई कविता के साथ अपने हर दिन की शुरुआत।
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Waar voel jij je thuis? Het is een vraag waarop het antwoord een plaats, een mens, een ding maar ook een geur of een uitzicht kan zijn. Zoveel mensen, zoveel verschillende antwoorden. En zijn die BV’s thuis dezelfde als wij ze kennen? Of scheelt er een introverte huismus in die luidruchtige entertainer die wij kennen? Een handige harry in die erudiete prof? Een grapjurk in die ernstige kunstenaar? Anja komt het allemaal te weten in 'Als de muren konden praten'.
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Prato Cheio

O Joio e O Trigo

Podcast investigativo sobre alimentação, saúde e poder. Este é um projeto de O Joio e O Trigo, veículo independente de jornalismo.
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Hello, I am Stephen, and I prattle! Potentially, infinitely so...[some have said]... On the show I chat about EVERYTHING that intrigues me, such as life, the world, people as well as memories, things personal to me, things I like and all directly into your ears! Along the way I am occasionally joined by some interesting guests who share their stories and 'Prattle!' along with me. The podcast is completely Unscripted & Unedited and ideal for a casual listen to take you away from daily life or ...
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Join Chad Prather for ”Chad Prather Show,” where humor meets the heat of today’s burning issues. Each week, Chad brings his signature Southern charm and witty perspective to the table, engaging with a diverse lineup of guests. From political pundits to cultural influencers, and from grassroots activists to celebrities, this podcast is a melting pot of opinions and insights. Expect lively debates, unexpected laughs, and an in-depth look at the topics that are setting social media on fire. Whe ...
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Praten over . .

Praten over . .

In de Podcast Praten over . . bespreken we thema’s waar we liever zwijgen, omdat ze ons kwetsbaar of ongemakkelijk maken. Doel: een plek waar ongemakkelijke waarheden inspirerende inzichten worden. Waar we onze persoonlijke ervaringen delen, van elkaar leren en samen de taboes doorbreken die ons tegenhouden in worden wie we zijn.
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Gli approfondimenti del dr. Enrico Gamba sono dedicati a tutti coloro che hanno voglia di migliorare la propria vita con semplici esercizi e attività. Il dr. Gamba è psicologo clinico, psicoterapeuta, ipnoterapeuta e formatore. Per info e approfondimenti visita
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Viviane Bellini

Refletir sobre a importância dos cuidados para um envelhecimento saudável em busca de uma longevidade ativa e maturidade libertadora utilizando como base histórias reais.
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Em Pratos Limpos

ProVeg Portugal

"Em Pratos Limpos" traz à mesa uma abordagem descontraída para desmistificar ideias pré-concebidas sobre a alimentação de base vegetal. Junta-te a nós para uma conversa leve, informativa e deliciosamente esclarecedora.
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Pratap Mohanty

Welcome to the Pratap Mohanty podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Efe Kurnaz on Unsplash:
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show series
Kjøp billetter til LIVESHOWET 25. Januar her: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Vi koser oss litt ekstra nå som podcasten er 1 år gammel! Vi kommer med noen tanker rundt liveshowet og er krenka på Jonas Gahr Støre sin opptreden i A-Laget. Er det overraskende attraktivt når de ikke vil ha deg? Den ene pr…
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Happy New Year from the Rockonteurs. Guy and Gary are back with a new year 'Questions and Answers' edition before the new series starts in a few weeks' time. Remember, you can contact the show at any time and leave a question for us either on Instagram, Facebook or TikTok. We’ve some great names lined up for 2025 and some big plans, so we’ll see yo…
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The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: The 89th Texas Legislature comes into being next Tuesday and meets for 140 days. The House starts it off with an entirely avoidable fight for speaker laden with dishonesty, hypocrisy, and absurdity. Beyond that are many general issues to which lawmakers will giving attention …
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घटती हुई ऑक्सीजन | मंगलेश डबराल अकसर पढ़ने में आता है दुनिया में ऑक्सीजन कम हो रही है। कभी ऐन सामने दिखाई दे जाता है कि वह कितनी तेज़ी से घट रही है रास्तों पर चलता हूँ खाना खाता हूँ पढ़ता हूँ सोकर उठता हूँ एक लम्बी जम्हाई आती है जैसे ही किसी बन्द वातानुकूलित जगह में बैठता हूँ। उबासी का एक झोका भीतर से बाहर आता है एक ताक़तवर आदमी के पास जाता हूँ तो …
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Send us a text What does success truly mean to you? As I reminisce about my own winding path—from dreaming of a career in the army and the music industry to unexpectedly finding fulfillment in the rail sector—I invite you to ponder the unpredictable nature of achieving one's goals. Join me on this episode of Infinite Prattle, where I share how adap…
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We spreken met Eveliene Manten; pionier in het opzetten van de AYA zorg. Eveliene is al jaren een voorvechter van leeftijdsspecifieke zorg voor jongvolwassenen met kanker (Adolescenten & Young Adults; AYAs). Voor 2008 bestond er voor deze groep jonge mensen nog geen aparte zorg in Nederland. Nadat de eerste stappen gezet waren in het Radboudumc, we…
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Luca Brecel kocht drie jaar geleden het ouderlijke huis in Maasmechelen en woont er nu met zijn vriendin en hond Buster. Hij vernieuwde de keuken, maar die ligt er nog ongebruikt bij want Luca gaat elke dag uit eten. Orde en netheid voorop ten huize Brecel want Luca doet niets liever dan opruimen. Waar traint hij en hoe vaak staat hij aan zijn snoo…
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हम औरतें | वीरेन डंगवाल रक्त से भरा तसला है रिसता हुआ घर के कोने-अंतरों में हम हैं सूजे हुए पपोटे प्यार किए जाने की अभिलाषा सब्जी काटते हुए भी पार्क में अपने बच्चों पर निगाह रखती हुई प्रेतात्माएँ हम नींद में भी दरवाज़े पर लगा हुआ कान हैं दरवाज़ा खोलते ही अपने उड़े-उड़े बालों और फीकी शक्ल पर पैदा होने वाला बेधक अपमान हैं हम हैं इच्छा-मृग वंचित स्वप्…
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Il viaggio emotivo di un nuovo progetto è come una danza tra entusiasmo e realismo, dove ogni passo ci porta più vicino alla verità della nostra impresa. Iniziamo con quella scintillante eccitazione iniziale, quando tutto sembra possibile e le nostre visioni volano alte come aquile. È un momento prezioso, carico di energia creativa e possibilità in…
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This week, we're joined by Robin, our Holistic Integration Nutritionist, to talk about the dangers of Ozempic-style drugs and how they can harm patients long-term. In this episode, find out: —How Ozempic-style drugs work by trying to imitate the GLP-1 hormone the body produces naturally. And why these drugs don't work as well as the actual GLP-1 ho…
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Former Boise State/NFL coach Dirk Koetter makes his return as our NFL playoff correspondent - courtesy of Timberstone Golf Course (giving $5,000 donation to Boise State's NIL/Horseshoe Collective), our predictions for the Super Bowl, former BSU basketball star Max Rice on why the Broncos have struggled in Logan, Bob previews the BSU-Utah State bask…
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Boise State reporter B.J. Rains ( joins Prater and Mallory for a conversation about football coach Spencer Danielson and his 40-minute press conference this week. Rains touches on the push for NIL cash, CBs/coach, RBs/Gaines, QBs/Hill, and WRs/Marshall. See for privacy information.…
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Former Boise State/NFL coach Dirk Koetter joins Prater & The Ballgame as their NFL playoff correspondent. Each Friday through the Super Bowl, Koetter will preview games - sponsored by Timberstone Golf Course (a $5,000 donation) to benefit Boise State and The Horseshoe Collective. See for privacy information.…
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Max Rice, who played 160 basketball games at Boise State between 2019-24, joins Prater and Mallory to talk about why the Broncos (and himself) have been such a target during road games at Utah State. Rice was often mocked by fans - and BSU is 4-22 all-time in Logan. See for privacy information.…
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BRONCO FOCUS EVERY MONDAY-FRIDAY AT 3:45 P.M.: Bob Behler, the voice of Boise State athletics, joins Prater and Mallory to share his preview of men's basketball and its trip to Logan, Utah, for a key Mountain West game Saturday night. The Broncos are 4-22 all-time in Logan. See for privacy information.…
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नागरिक पराभव | कुमार अम्बुज बहुत पहले से प्रारंभ करूँ तो उससे डरता हूँ जो अत्यंत विनम्र है कोई भी घटना जिसे क्रोधित नहीं करती बात-बात में ईश्वर को याद करता है जो बहुत डरता हूँ अति धार्मिक आदमी से जो मारा जाएगा अगले दिन की बर्बरता में उसे प्यार करना चाहता हूँ कक्षा तीन में पढ़ रही पड़ोस की बच्ची को नहीं पता आने वाले समाज की भयावहता उसे नहीं पता उसके…
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Boise State football coach Spencer Danielson spends 40 minutes with the media and hits all the key talking points going into a new offseason - changes to his staff, new quarterback coach Zak Hill, QB Maddux Madsen & RB Sire Gaines and roster/scheme priorities, Bob previews the Penn State-Notre Dame CFP semifinal in Bronco Focus - from a BSU perspec…
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करूँ प्रेम ख़ुद से | शिवानी शर्मा किसी के लिए हूँ मैं ममता की मूरत, किसी के लिए अब भी छोटी सी बेटी ll तजुर्बों ने किया संजीदा मुझको , पर किसी के लिए अब भी अल्हड़ सी छोटी॥ कहीं पे हूँ माहिर, कहीं पे अनाड़ी, कभी लाँघ जाऊँ मुश्किलों की पहाड़ी॥ कभी अनगिनत यूँ ही यादें पिरोती, कभी होके मायूस पलकें भिगोती॥ कभी संग अपनों के बाँटू मैं खुशियाँ, अकेले कभी ढे…
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The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: There are big, expensive lessons for Texas coming out of the Los Angeles urban wildfires. So far, Texas legislators, while aware of the problem for years, have not had the fortitude to fix it. We have similar problems with TWIA as California has with FAIR and it is because of…
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BRONCO FOCUS EVERY MONDAY-FRIDAY AT 3:45 P.M.: Bob Behler, the voice of Boise State athletics, joins Prater and Mallory to share his thoughts on the CFP semifinal between Penn State and Notre Dame. Bob previews the game through a perspective of Boise State, which lost to Penn State in last week's CFP quarterfinals. See for p…
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Kjøp billetter til LIVESHOWET 25. Januar her: ⁠ Vi feirer 50 episoder med det vi kan best, nemlig en helt vanlig episode!! I jubileumsepisoden får du både dilemmaer, bro code, red flags, ting som er overraskende attraktivt, spørsmål og problemer. På grunn av nyttårsaften tar …
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La pace interiore, quella vera sensazione di calma profonda, emerge da un delicato equilibrio tra accettazione e azione consapevole. Mentre il mondo esterno continua la sua corsa frenetica, il viaggio verso la tranquillità interiore inizia con il riconoscimento che la vera pace non dipende dalle circostanze esterne, ma dalla nostra relazione con es…
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We celebrate a Boise State football legend with Pete Kwiatkowski Appreciation Day, the BSU Hall of Famer and current Texas offensive coordinator has been coaching his own unique style for 37 seasons, Kwiatkowski spent 14 seasons working for Chris Petersen - who joins the show to talk about a football icon without ego, former BSU player/coach Mike S…
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BRONCO FOCUS EVERY MONDAY-FRIDAY AT 3:45 P.M.: Bob Behler, the voice of Boise State athletics, joins Prater and Mallory to share his postgame interview with coach Leon Rice and star player Tyson Degenhart - after the Broncos' 81-59 victory over UNLV on Tuesday night. See for privacy information.…
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दो मिनट का मौन | केदारनाथ सिंह भाइयो और बहनों यह दिन डूब रहा है। इस डूबते हुए दिन पर दो मिनट का मौन जाते हुए पक्षी पर रुके हुए जल पर घिरती हुई रात पर दो मिनट का मौन जो है उस पर जो नहीं है उस पर जो हो सकता था उस पर दो मिनट का मौन गिरे हुए छिलके पर टूटी हुई घास पर हर योजना पर हर विकास पर दो मिनट का मौन इस महान शताब्दी पर महान शताब्दी के महान इरादों प…
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The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: The race is not about Burrows and his Burrowcrat Coalition or David Cook and his backers, it about putting an end to the “most pervasive, long-lasting, and heavily funded divide in the Texas Republican Party.” Incoming state Rep. Paul Dyson tells local media his name was on B…
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Kellen Moore has interviews with Saints and Jaguars - is the time right for the former Boise State legend to land his first NFL head coaching gig, pros/cons of No. 11 coaching those organizations, Bob previews BSU-UNLV basketball in Bronco Focus, Broncos coach Leon Rice had something to say about basketball standout O'Mar Stanley (was it an appropr…
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BRONCO FOCUS EVERY MONDAY-FRIDAY AT 3:45 P.M.: Bob Behler, the voice of Boise State athletics, joins Prater and Mallory to share his thoughts on coach Leon Rice, his basketball team and this week's next two games against UNLV (home Tuesday) and Utah State (road Saturday). No. 1 priority vs. UNLV: Point guard matchup. See for…
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बेचैन बहारों में क्या-क्या है / क़तील बेचैन बहारों में क्या-क्या है जान की ख़ुश्बू आती है जो फूल महकता है उससे तूफ़ान की ख़ुश्बू आती है कल रात दिखा के ख़्वाब-ए-तरब जो सेज को सूना छोड़ गया हर सिलवट से फिर आज उसी मेहमान की ख़ुश्बू आती है तल्कीन-ए-इबादत की है मुझे यूँ तेरी मुक़द्दस आँखों ने मंदिर के दरीचों से जैसे लोबान की ख़ुश्बू आती है कुछ और भी साँ…
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The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: “Scorched earth,” belittling the Governor and Lt. Governor, and much more keeps coming from the Lubbock House delegation in its tantrum-style effort to gain the Texas House Speaker’s gavel. Beyond the obvious self-serving nature of the effort so far is the issue of the false …
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La stanchezza cronica che affligge molti di noi è un riflesso della società contemporanea, dove il ritmo frenetico della vita moderna si scontra con i nostri bisogni biologici più profondi. Viviamo in un flusso costante di stimoli digitali, impegni sovrapposti e pressioni sociali che gradualmente erodono le nostre riserve energetiche mentali.Il seg…
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Newly retired Boise State offensive coordinator Dirk Koetter in the KTIK studio for nearly 40 minutes - new OC Nate Potter, Ashton Jeanty Maddux Madsen, new QB coach, screen plays and the importance of raising NIL money, Broncos lose WR Prince Strachan to the transfer portal - otherwise, the roster remains in good shape going into the offseason, 10…
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Newly retired Boise State offensive coordinator Dirk Koetter joins Prater & The Ballgame in the KTIK studio to talk about new OC Nate Potter, what QB Maddux Madsen needs in a new coach, Ashton Jeanty's impact on the 2024 season, how much money the Broncos spend on NIL, the "haters" and the media, and what's next for the longtime coach. See omnystud…
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दौड़ | रामदरश मिश्र वह आगे-आगे था मैं उसके पीछे-पीछे मेरे पीछे अनेक लोग थे हाँ, यह दौड़-प्रतिस्पर्धा थी लक्ष्य से कुछ ही दूर पहले एकाएक उसकी चाल धीमी पड़ गयी और रुक गया मैं आगे निकल गया जीत के गर्वीले सुख के उन्माद से मैं झूम उठा उसके हार-जन्य दुख की कल्पना से मेरा सुख और भी उन्मत्त हो उठा मूर्ख कहीं का मैं मन ही मन भुनभुनाया उन्माद की हँसी हँसता ह…
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BRONCO FOCUS EVERY MONDAY-FRIDAY AT 3:45 P.M.: Bob Behler, the voice of Boise State athletics, joins Prater and Mallory to share his impressions of Saturday's 76-68 home loss to San Diego State. No. 1: Lack of effort in the rebounding battles. See for privacy information.Kirjoittanut Cumulus Media Boise
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The news of Texas covered today includes: Our Lone Star story of the day: First order of business in the U.S. Senate under new majority leader Thune: Crack down on illegal alien criminals. Senate could vote on the bill by Friday and the House has companion legislation read to go as well. More border news: Texas Arrests Four Tren de Aragua Gang Memb…
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