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show episodes
talkSPORT has got you covered this season with Premier League All Access Join Sam Matterface & Alex Crook, along with a big name lineup of guests twice weekly - bringing you all the previews, reviews, interviews, exclusives and plenty of laughs along the way.. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Kino Řevnice

Filmové premiéry, recenze, souvislosti očima kinařů. Na jaký film zajít do kina a jakému se naopak vyhnout? To a mnohem více na vás čeká v podcastu Kina Řevnice. Cover art photo provided by James Pond on Unsplash:
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Premiera Pisma

Pismo. Magazyn opinii

Przyszłość rynku pracy, reforma edukacji, kryzys klimatyczny, bolączki kapitalizmu czy problemy kościoła – to tylko niektóre z tematów, jakie podejmujemy w czasie debaty z cyklu Premiera Pisma. Jej uczestnikami są autorzy, eksperci, ludzie mediów, a przede wszystkim czytelnicy Pisma. Zapis rozmowy udostępniany jest następnie w formie podcastu.
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Correspondentes Premier

ESPN Brasil

Podcast sobre o futebol e a vida na Inglaterra. Bastidores da Premier League, debates, entrevistas e reportagens exclusivas. Com João Castelo-Branco, Natalie Gedra e Renato Senise gravado em Londres, quando possível em um pub.
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An L.A. based podcast brought to you by two forensic psychologists who dissect the intersections where true crime, forensic psychology, and entertainment meet. "True Crime, Psychology, and Snark: Trust Us. We're Doctors." All of our episode resources can be found on our website: and be sure to follow along on Instagram: @lanotsopodcast, TikTok: @lanotsoconfidential & X: @lanotsopod
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Santé, modes de vie, sexualité, parentalité, justice, écologie, économie, consommation, travail… Chaque semaine, Véronique Thyberghien et Cédric Wautier décryptent ensemble les grandes tendances qui façonnent une société en pleine mutation. Tendances Première s'accompagne d'experts de tous horizons : médecins, psychologues, avocats, entrepreneurs, scientifiques. Au programme ? Des thèmes qui font réfléchir et débattre, comme l’alexithymie (l’incapacité à exprimer ses émotions), les violences ...
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Premier Cast

CANAL+ Sport

Milujete anglickou Premier League a chcete být neustále v obraze? Odebírejte Premier Cast ! Pořad televize CANAL+ Sport, ve kterém si můžete dvakrát týdně vychutnat názory i emoce expertů, které znáte z televizních obrazovek. Vždy v pondělí odpoledne dohrajeme víkend rozborem těch nejsilnějších témat. V pátek vás zase pozveme na nejzajímavější duely následujícího kola. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Premier Pain Talk


The Premier Pain Talk podcast is focused on helping those living with chronic pain. Host, Dr. Michael Danko, will share cutting-edge treatments that are improving the lives of those living with pain and chronic medical conditions. If you have lost hope of getting relief from your suffering or have been searching for ways to regain lost function, tune in to hear options that might be right for you. Pain management does not always involve opioid medications and when a team of professionals wor ...
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A show dedicated to helping accounting professionals confidently and competently offer quality accounting services to get paid what they are worth. Each episode is conversational with tips and tricks to help you apply the principles of M.A.P. as they relate to starting and building a successful accounting business. Topics include Marketing, Lead Generation, Ideal Clients, Pricing, Price Strategies, Accounting Services, Value Added Services, Workflow, Practice Management, Staff Training, Clie ...
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Question Q ‐ RTS Première

RTS - Radio Télévision Suisse

Talk-show hebdomadaire autour des sexualités. Une heure de discussions, de témoignages, d'analyses, avec sérieux et humour, franchise et liberté. Disponibilité des fichiers audio illimitée. - Pour un usage privé exclusivement.
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Premier League Gambling Podcast

Sports Gambling Podcast Network

The Premier League Gambling Podcast on the Sports Gambling Podcast Network is your essential betting guide for everything happening in the English Premier League and beyond. Malcolm Bamford and Barry Penaluna have all the action covered, giving thoughts and picks on every Premier League match, plus anything else that catches their eye, including all the major domestic and European cup competitions and international games. If you're a fantasy PL player, the boys will also be giving out weekly ...
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Podcast de la Premier League con Leo Bachanian. Premier League podcast in Spanish with Leo Bachanian. Find more from talkSPORT at 046285 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Premier Business Academy!

Bernard Powell

Follow us for real advice on how to build an epic workplace culture! If you put culture first, everything else will follow! Things like: great service, high quality, team engagement etc all fall into place if you put culture first! Bernard Powell is the founder of Premier Group International. Winners of the IBM kenexa Best Workplace competition 2 years running! Also winners of the Westpac service excellence award! Bernard loves to share his award winning tips on how to build an epic workplac ...
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En première classe

Groupe Gentologie Média

Bienvenue en première classe, où, deux fois par mois, Normand Boulanger, éditeur et rédacteur en chef de Gentologie, vous convie à explorer divers sujets d’actualité de tout acabit portant sur le style de vie au masculin. Il y aura des discussions tantôt sérieuses, tantôt amusantes, mais toujours intéressantes et pertinentes. Un balado présenté par Gentologie, le magazine pour gentlemen.
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The Premier 'View' Tipperary Gaelic Games podcast brings you all the latest happenings in Tipperary Gaelic Games. Each week, we look at what's happening in the Tipperary club scene as well as bringing you all the latest from the intercounty setup. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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La Matinale ‐ RTS Première

RTS - Radio Télévision Suisse

Toute l'info pour débuter la journée. Le 6h30-8h00 c'est des journaux, des chroniqueurs, des invités, dans une émission rythmée, variée et conviviale emmenée par Nathalie Hauert. Fichiers disponibles durant 30 jours après diffusion. - Pour un usage privé exclusivement.
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Vertigo ‐ RTS Première

RTS - Radio Télévision Suisse

A la rencontre d'une personnalité et des événements qui feront l'actualité des scènes, des médias et des arts. Fichiers disponibles durant 30 jours après diffusion. - Pour un usage privé exclusivement.
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Touchline Fracas is a weekly Football Podcast that gives you enthralling debates from all corners of the footballing world. Whatever the subject, you are guaranteed differing opinions and Touchline Fracas gives regular football fans a platform to voice those opinions and debate with other fans whose opinions contrast.
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show series
Albin de la Simone, "Mes battements", ed. Actes sudChanteur délicat, musicien à lʹimaginaire fertile, Albin de la Simone dessine, depuis toujours. En parcourant lʹunivers de son enfance et les aléas dʹune vie de baladin, lʹauteur picard fait alterner textes et illustrations de son cru, dans un beau livre secondé par la sortie dʹun album semi-rétros…
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Assurances, conso, nouvelles technologies… "On en parle" vous oriente dans tout ce qui fait votre quotidien.Au programme aujourd'hui:1. Provenance du pain: qui respecte la loi?2. Gare aux moisissures dans nos maisons3. Guichet: la réparabilité et le partage de nos objets au quotidienKirjoittanut (Radio Télévision Suisse)
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Get ready for an electrifying week of Champions League action as the Round of 16 reaches its thrilling conclusion! Join us as we dive into the heart-pounding drama, where Europe's elite clubs battle it out for a coveted spot in the quarter-finals.This week, all eyes are on two monumental clashes. Liverpool takes on Paris Saint-Germain in a nail-bit…
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Les crypto monnaies reposent sur la blockchain. Mais comment expliquer de quoi il s’agit et est-ce le seul secteur qui utilise ce système ? Maurgane Rose Nlandu tente d’éclaircir tout cela. Merci pour votre écoute Tendances Première, c'est également en direct tous les jours de la semaine de 10h à 11h30 sur Retrouvez tous les …
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Épisode 3 de la franchise Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Les Tortues Ninjas 3, sorti en 1993 et réalisé par Stuart Gillard. Rendez-vous sur le site du podcast PREMIERVISIONNEMENT.COM pour accéder facilement à toutes les autres rétrospectives couvertes par le podcast. Liens du podcast: feed rss: Facebook: https…
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He’s our only podcast guest who has his own groupies! For this episode of The High Ground powered by Premier Companies, returning guest Glenn Longabaugh joins hosts Sal Sama and Jeff Jarrett in the podcast room. Glenn, a master storyteller, is also the Agronomist for Premier Ag, and he’s taking a few moments out of a very busy schedule to sit down …
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O trio está de volta mas sem muito entrosamento! Polêmicas no podcast Correspondentes. 1 min Bastidores 4 mins Arsenal e agora? 9 mins Analisando o Manchester United 30 mins Liverpool é só questão de quando 37 mins Brasileiros convocados 40 mins Man City risco na briga pelo g5 43 mins Forest baila com Nuno 47 mins Chelsea vence mas não convence 53 …
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Leo Bachanian y Manu Sánchez analizan la jornada 28 de la Premier League. Manu estuvo en Old Trafford y vivió de cerca la protesta de más de 5 mil hinchas del United contra los Glazers e INEOS. En lo futbolístico, un primer tiempo para el olvido de los de Amorim, aunque la mejora en la segunda parte invita a pensar que la situación puede mejorar. M…
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Det blir mye Manchester United med besøk av styreleder i supporterklubben, Madelene Stolpe. Hun forteller om livet som supporter før og nå, og følelsene rundt protestene før Arsenal-kampen, Amorim og viktigheten av Europa League-suksess. Sammen med Andreas og Gunnhild oppsummeres runde 28. Episoden kan inneholde målrettet reklame, basert på din IP-…
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5 bodů mezi pátým a desátým týmem tabulky. Aktuální sezona anglické Premier League je extrémně vyrovnaná. Zatímco boj o titul je (zdá se) rozhodnutý, do evropských pohárů může postoupit teoreticky až 10 anglických týmů! Které to budou? I tato otázka byla tématem nejčerstvějšího Premier Castu. Moderátor Martin Minha přivítal experty CANAL+ Sport Kar…
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Bruno Fernandes chockade Arsenal med en vacker frispark efter att gästerna dominerat på Old Trafford. Men vart stod muren och Raya egentligen? Nottingham Forest gjorde vad de gjort hela säsongen och krigade till sig en välförtjänt seger med 1-0 mot Manchester City som fortsätter se skakiga ut. Bournemouth tappade 2-0 mot Tottenham, ett sömningt LIv…
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Join Sam Matterface, Alex Crook and Kevin Hatchard for a look back at the weekend's Premier League action! This week; frustrations for Arteta as Manchester United show up for a change, City spanked by Forest, Spurs get a sad point at Bournemouth, tepid Chelsea and does someone need to buy the ref a measuring tape? Hosted on Acast. See…
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Nie była to najbardziej emocjonująca kolejka. A może to problem całej ligi i etapu, w którym aktualnie jesteśmy? Znamy mistrza, wiemy kto prawdopodobnie spadnie - co dalej? Czym jeszcze możemy się emocjonować? Zapraszamy! Wszystkie mecze Premier League obejrzysz w Viaplay: Podcast: Jonasz Zasowski, Kacper Klasiński, Kuba O…
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Join Josh and Brandon as we recap the Premier League's ups and downs, highs and lows from this weekend. Major disappointment for Cole Palmer punters who can only watch in terror as Salah break's the single-season points record (that he already owned) . . . in March. But it's guaranteed that Salah will not factor in GW29 as Liverpool blank in favor …
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Play Podcast: 03-10-25f1weekly1085.mp3 As the beginning of the Formula 1 ® season gets closer let’s listen to more classic Nasir Hameed. This week we bring you more early Motorsports Mondial an interview with former FIA steward Johnny Herbert! Nasir and I are attending the Petit Le Mans series race at Laguna Seca in 2006 and […] The post F1Weekly P…
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En 1959, un cinéaste remuant de 29 ans, Jean-Luc Godard, frais émoulu du journalisme, réalise avec un budget ridicule une œuvre dans lʹair du temps dont le retentissement sera considérable.A bout de souffle, sorti en 1960, est un film révolutionnaire, dʹune audace esthétique incroyable, basé sur un schéma de cinéma classique de film policier, vérit…
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Car aerodynamics during brakingLearn OpenFOAM here: you want to help support us in making educational aerodynamic videos, you can through our Patreon: OUT our new OpenFoam CFD course that covers everything from literally installing it to running your own DE…
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Miles & Sheyi are back at it. Listen to the guys talk about midweek fixtures, champions leagues round of 16 and who's hot / who's not. We'll provide the listeners with some interesting takes about how the table will finish up and talk about how bad Manchester United's current form is. Thanks for listening this season and if you rate us 5 stars and …
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This week's Premier Skills English Podcast focuses on English for players; the language that players need. In this episode, Jack talks about communication skills, specifically language and skills that players need to give and receive instructions on the pitch and also leadership language that captains, key players and coaches need. You can read the…
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Emily Newsom joins Amanda to chat about finding the bike through running and piano playing, her transition from road to gravel, and why the Life Time Grand Prix needs a transparent selection criteria. Follow Emily on Instagram at @emilyjoynewsom. Visit to start listing your items. For a limited time only, you can save 30% on th…
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Send us a text Join us for an insightful conversation with Jason Rozin, a true steward of Premier Research Labs and a passionate advocate for holistic health. Jason shares his journey from high-level banking to the wellness industry, his deep connection with PRL’s mission, and his invaluable experiences with Dr. Bob Marshall. Learn how his expertis…
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A bajnoki cím sorsa eldőlt, a kiesés elleni harc majdhogynem véget ért, de még szerencse hogy az európai kupaindulást érő helyekért szinte mindenki más versenyben van. Szinte… 04:44 - a Football Tourette-ben: félautomata les, Postecoglu és Solskjaer, valamint az alkás Grealish. 31:03 - 🔥🔥🔥 Témák: 📌 Nottingham Forest, Manchester City, Chelsea, Newca…
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Building on the last few forensic psychology episodes, the doctors explore how attachment disorders intersect with other childhood maladaptive conditions. From there, they trace the troubling progression into even darker psychological phenomena, revealing how these issues can escalate over time. If you want audio access to these episodes early and …
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In this episode of Premier Pain Talk, host Dr. Michael Danko is joined by April Egbert, DNP, APRN, and special guest Lindsay Link, PA-C, a newer provider in the field of pain management. Together, they pull back the curtain on what it’s really like stepping into this specialty — from the challenges of treating complex pain conditions to the rewardi…
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Jonas Bergh-Johnsen og Kjetil Ånnevik er som vanlig i studio, men nytt av episioden er at vi har med en gjest for Christian Hunstad, nemlig vår kollega Joakim Skogvold. Vi snakker om Cunha-erstatter, hva som skjer med Mateta, og om Freehit 29 kan være noe for enkelte i panelet. God lytt! Episoden kan inneholde målrettet reklame, basert på din IP-ad…
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Cystites chroniques, mycoses tenaces, vulvodynie ou encore vaginisme, les femmes doivent composer avec tout un catalogue de douleurs dans leur vie sexuelle. Comment expliquer que ces souffrances liées à l'intimité féminine soient tant répandues et pourtant si banalisées? Une émission de Christine Gonzalez avec les journalistes Caroline Ernesty et A…
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Welcome back to The Premier Non League Podcast, the A-Z of Non League, supported by Flooring Products Direct! Time for our C's and this week James, Chris & Dave are joined by long time fan and new contributor Danny. Some interesting ones this week! Want to know what they are? You best tune in! Let us know what you think by contacting us on our soci…
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Episode 141 of The Premier 'View' sees Enda invite back Colm Purcell & Jamie Barrett alongside Stephen Cronin for a GAA chat to warm the cockels. Cork were in the stadium and left with their tails between their legs as the homeside pilfered two league points. Darragh McCarthy was on fire in the first half and the lads look his and the teams overall…
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