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Host Lucie Výborné

Český rozhlas

Rozhovory Lucie Výborné. Zajímavé osobnosti mluví o věcech, jimž rozumějí. Své dotazy pokládejte přes formulář na webu. Všechny díly podcastu Host Lucie Výborné můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu
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Lucid Cafe

Wendy Halley

What's on the menu at Lucid Cafe? Stories of transformation; healing journeys; thought-provoking conversations about consciousness, shamanism, psychology, ethics. Hosted by Wendy Halley of Lucid Path Wellness & Healing Arts.
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Lucid Drinking Podcast

Lucid Drinking Podcast

We know we're drinking and we think we know what we're talking about. We're Lucid Drinking.
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Lucy Letby is a child killer. Last year she was convicted of murdering seven babies and trying to murder six more while working as a neo-natal nurse at the Countess of Chester Hospital, in the NW of England and was sentenced to spend her life in jail. She also went back in court to face a retrial on one charge the jury could not reach a verdict on - the alleged Attempted Murder of a premature baby girl, known as Baby K. She was found guilty once again. Follow the trial's evidence just as the ...
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Sol in luč

Radio Ognjišče

Sol da okus in ščiti pred pokvarljivostjo, poleg tega je simbol modrosti, prijateljstva in požrtvovalnosti.Skupnost je sol, kadar ima okus po blagrih. Luč je vir stvarjenja. Kdor je razsvetljen, tudi sam sveti drugim. Oddaja govori o smislu življenja, ter o tem, kako se opremiti, kako živeti, da ta smisel, cilj, tudi dosežemo.
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Life With Lucia & Glynn

Lucia & Glynn

Follow this crazy couple's journey of Fun and Food Adventures..... "Welcome to 'Life with Lucia and Glynn,' your ultimate vlog for thrilling adventures in fun, food, music, and travel! 🌟🍔🎶✈️ Join us as we dive into exciting escapades across these four exciting niches, sharing all the highs and lows. Our channel is your ticket to unique experiences and unforgettable moments. From exploring local gems to savoring delicious cuisine, discovering new melodies, and traveling to breathtaking destin ...
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Lucy Lumen is exploring the peripherals of photography and creativity. Searching for answers to the questions we ask ourselves in a world where consumption of art and culture is increasingly an online activity. Lucy wants to know the who, what, when, where, why and how of being a modern creative. Join Lucy as she shares her thoughts, feelings and experiences as a working photographer and artist( as well as a content creator) in both solo episodes and sharing the adventures of others in long ...
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John Sweeney and Edward Abel Smith investigate the conviction of former neonatal nurse Lucy Letby and ask if she is innocent, in fact, was there ever a crime? Please support this independent project on Crowdfunded - Contact -
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What's more important than your thoughts? And why think anything less than your best? Here at Lucidesse we explore everything in order to dissolve limitations and inspire ourselves to live our fullest life. We believe the greatest change is that which happens within, so join us as we shine light into murky areas of life and explore the things which limit our potential....and on the way, let's learn to live our personal truths, together. Together, we are stronger. Let's explore everything, fr ...
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Managing Your Financial Future with Johnny Dean and "Professor" Rick Plum, CFP® Brought to you by the advisors and investment professionals at Lucia Capital Group, a registered investment advisor. Integrating financial planning and investing decisions, designed to help you reach your own financial goals. Want the best tips on which hot stocks you should buy this week? Go somewhere else - we don't do that. It's all about planning, strategy, managing your future and taking control of your fina ...
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Arts Respond with Lucy Gellman


Lucy is a lapsed art historian who loves wordplay almost as much as community building. Prior to her time at The Arts Paper she was a reporter at the New Haven Independent and station manager at WNHH Community Radio, where she still produces and hosts Arts Respond.
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The Colm & Lucy Podcast, presented bybroadcasters Colm Hayes & Lucy Kennedy. Colm & Lucy present the breakfast show on Radio Nova and their weekly podcast describes some of the people they meet and things they talk about each week.
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Laetitia et Lucile présentent le sexe

Laetitia Reboulleau et Lucile Bellan

Laetitia et Lucile sont journalistes, autrices et expertes en sexualités. Dans chaque épisode, seules ou accompagnées, elles décryptent des phénomènes liés au sexe. Légendes urbaines, fantasmes, anorgasmie, vaginisme, pop culture, histoires d’horreur… “Laetitia et Lucile présentent le sexe”, c’est le sexe sous toutes les cultures, par tous les prismes – surtout les moins vus et les moins entendus. Pour en découvrir toujours plus. “Laetitia et Lucile présentent le sexe” est un podcast hebdoma ...
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"Among the personalities of the early Roman Empire there are few who offer to the readers of to-day such dramatic interest as does Lucius Annaeus Seneca, the author of the Epistles which are translated in this volume. ... In these letters, it is impossible to ignore the advance from a somewhat stiff and Ciceronian point of view into the attractive and debatable land of what one may fairly call modern ideas. The style of the Epistles is bold, and so is the thought." (from the Introduction)
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Découvrez la télévision comme vous ne l'avez jamais vue ! Tous les jours dans Culture Médias le truculent Jean-Luc Lemoine livre sa session de rattrapage ! Le principe ? Tandis que vous vaquez à vos occupations quotidiennes, l'humoriste et chroniqueur de Thomas Isle ne lâche pas sa zapette et scrute la télé pour livrer sa critique humoristique ! TF1, France 2, France 3, Canal+, France 5, M6, Arte, C8, W9, TMC, TFX, NRJ12, RMC, sans oublier les chaînes d'informations comme BFMTV, LCI, France ...
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ICONIC Authority – the podcast for audacious entrepreneurs who dare to defy convention and command their space with undeniable presence. Lucie Amanda guides trailblazing visionaries like you to amplify your magnetic authority, master wealth energetics, and scale your legacy with precision and ease. This isn’t about following a formula or playing small—it’s about daring to own your impact, building an empire that speaks to your power, and creating success on your terms. Every episode is an in ...
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Luč v temi

Radio Ognjišče

»Luč v temi« je oddaja, ki prinaša zanimivosti s področja življenja in dela slepih in slabovidnih ter odgovarja na izzive vključevanja oseb z okvaro vida v družbo. Radio Ognjišče jo je vključil v svoj program praktično že na samem začetku svojega delovanja. Gre za edino redno tovrstno oddajo v slovenskem prostoru. Oddaja je v prvi vrsti namenjena ozaveščanju širše javnosti ter razbijanju predsodkov in stereotipov o ljudeh z okvaro vida, je pa tudi pomemben vir informiranja znotraj populacije ...
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Enter the confession box with comedian Lucie Isle, as she decides whether to send her guest to their own personal heaven or hell. In each confession session Lucie's guest proves their worth before the final judgement. A trial of honesty, confession and redemption, prepare to see the very best, and absolute worst sides of people you thought you knew. Featuring guests from trans, queer, drag and SW communities, and our allies. New episodes monthly. Sponsored by Facialteam, experts in Facial Fe ...
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Government of Saint Lucia

Government Of Saint Lucia

A range of topical information based radio programming brought to you from the Government Information Service of Saint Lucia. This podcast aims to bring an array of programming to the listening public. Our goal is to keep listeners up to date with all government developments, from the political arena through to the cultural sphere. Learn about the latest policy changes, growth initiatives and social projects. Stay attuned to Saint Lucia's rich heritage and culture, from our annual Independen ...
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The Lucid Project

Welcome to the Lucidd podcast, where i struggle to provide qualitative productions,.... only basic outlines for potential touching work
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LUCYD Podcast

A supernatural audio drama, written and produced in Ireland. Lucy Dillon has problems sleeping. When she wakes up, so do her dreams.
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show series
Kratke zgodbe Stefanosa Ksenakisa so tako prisrčne in polne življenja, nenazadnje jih je življenje tudi napisalo, da je njegova knjiga v kateri jih je zbral, kot globok vodnjak bistre vode, ki odžeja. Vabim vas, da se odžejate še ob treh iz njegovega zvezka čudežev, kot je knjigo z naslovom Življenje je darilo, poimenoval z delovnim naslovom. Izšla…
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Many retirees have several sources of retirement income: IRAs, 401k accounts, personal money, pensions, and Social Security, to name just a few. Because of this, they may find that it's extremely hard to predict their tax bill each year if they're not sure how - or if - these sources of income will be taxed. Knowing the potential taxation of your i…
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Zlata maturanka, sedaj študentka Mija Koritnik nam je prisrčno spregovorila o svoji poti šolanja in zorenja, na kateri ni manjkalo preizkušenj. Slepi otroci in jihovi starši pa so v poslanici ob mednarodnem dnevu brajice predstavili stiske, ki jih povzroča pomanjkanje gradiv v tej pisavi.Kirjoittanut Sonja Pungertnik
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2 bons match cette semaine à discuter et présentation du NATTY ! Émission spéciale avec invités spéciaux ! Recap des matchs de demi Nouvelles « Out of the box » Stikers and flags Présentation du natty Bonne écoute! Aller regarder en live ! : Twitch Sports Lucides Nous sommes aussi sur twitter : Twitter Triple Option…
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V pouhých sedmnácti letech vyslal na oběžnou dráhu svou první družici LASARsat, aby z ní pomohla odklízet vesmírné smetí. Porouchané družice tam hodlá restartovat. „Obrovsky silný laserový paprsek se dostane na solární panely družice po stranách, dostane tam daleko víc energie, než na kolik je družice zvyklá. V podstatě ji vyleká a ona se vypne a z…
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I have an absolutely amazing interview episode with Wesley Verhoeve for you guys to get stuck into. There are so many moments throughout this conversation that made me truly see everything coming into place and making sense as a creative. I feel like it gave me so much clarity and grounded me, so I hope it does the same for you. Full show notes ava…
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The St. Jude Hospital Reconstruction Project, in Augier, Vieux Fort reached a key milestone as the project steering committee and the St. Jude Hospital Board of Directors visited the site for a physical update on the status of the hospital. Launched in November 2022, the project is rapidly advancing with the dialysis, physiotherapy and west wings a…
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Happy Monday, friends! In Episode 133, we talk about embracing the suck as it leads to change and growth. I created Monday Motivational Minute to give you a small piece of encouragement to start your week. I spent most of my life with anxiety Sunday, and simply dreading having to wake up the next day UNTIL I decided I wasn't losing 1/7th of my week…
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Podcast Episode Summary: The Keddie Cabin Murders This week we are back to True Crime as Kendra brings us the wild case that is known as the Keddie Cabin Murders. In April 1981, in a small Northern California town, a mother, her teenage son and his friend were found brutally murdered. Additionally, another member of the family, a 12 year old girl w…
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Rezistentní bakterie, jednu z hlavních hrozeb tohoto století, krmí mimo jiné zemědělský průmysl, v němž se vyjma Evropy antibiotika používají pro podporu růstu drůbeže. Na nevyléčitelné choroby zadělává i nadužívání postřiků proti plísním. „Lobby je tak obrovské, že prakticky nemáme šanci to osvětou nějak zlomit,“ poukazuje Václava Adámková, primář…
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C'est comment, de quitter le monde de l'hétérosexualité après y avoir vécu pendant des années ? Dans ce nouvel épisode de "Laetitia et Lucile présentent le sexe", on reçoit Mata, fondatrice du collectif "Lesbiennes tardives". Une communauté pour les personnes qui disent adieu à l'hétérosexualité, et n'ont pas vécu leur lesbianisme pendant leurs plu…
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„Nejsme pár, který by si nosil domů práci. Vojta by si ode mě samozřejmě nenechal poradit a já zase dodržuji, že zavřu dveře a zítra je taky den,“ komentuje poměry ve své herecké domácnosti Tatiana Dyková. Jak se jí pracovalo s Alešem Hámou? Kterou knížku by ráda načetla jako audioknihu? A jak vzpomíná na svou roli ve snímku Výjimečný stav? Poslech…
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Welcome to this episode of Iconic Authority! As we step into a new year, I’m reflecting on the power of moving offers from paper to action. Too often, perfectionism and overthinking hold us back from sharing our brilliance with the world. In today’s conversation, I’ll walk you through: • The surprising potency of creating in the moment. • Why your …
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My heart goes out to all of the people in California suffering from evacuations and devastating loss of homes and material goods which support sustained living. To our first responders, leaders, government officials, and those of status, I am praying for you. For those who are in need of some understanding as to why we are facing natural disasters …
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Caroline and Liz are back with the first week of evidence from the Inquiry of the New Year. They explain the testimony of MP Jeremy Hunt, who was Health Secretary, when Lucy Letby murdered and harmed babies at the Countess of Chester Hospital, in 2015 and 2016. He apologised to the families and said he took ultimate responsibility for a failure to …
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Matěj Plachta je studentem pedagogické fakulty, kromě toho, že již vyučuje, je také performer hudební skupiny Matěj a nově i mistr České republiky ve slam poetry, a to přesto, že je na této scéně teprve osm měsíců. Jaké musí mít člověk předpoklady, aby se stal slam poetrem? „Pusa a ždibíček odvahy tam vylézt. To stačí. Myslím si, že každý člověk má…
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„Deskové nebo společenské hry jsou na vzestupu a myslím si, že ještě dlouho budou. Mají akvizici zákazníků a zákaznic od počítačových her, kteří už z nějakého důvodu nemají prostor je hrát,“ říká autor a někdejší recenzent deskových her Petr Čáslava. Kde se vzal nápad vytvořit hru odehrávající se v Kutné Hoře? Jak dlouho trval její vývoj? A na co d…
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The Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs has noted the media reports of the increased respiratory viruses circulating in China that have led to overwhelmed hospital systems and crematories. The respiratory cases reported are due to Influenza A, Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV), Mycoplasma pneumonia and COVID-19. The Chinese Center for Disea…
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Svět představ virtuální reality, ve kterém trávíme stále více času, nás odvádí od tělesného prožívání. „Klíčové je umět vyvažovat a vědomě volit, kdy budu v přítomnosti a kdy naopak potřebuji utéct do konstruktů mysli,“ říká Miroslav Světlák, klinický psycholog, který na Instagramu radí, že Chill je skill. Kdy lidská mysl začíná odbíhat a jak se z …
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In the headlines: CARPHA's Pandemic Fund supports reduction in dengue and other mosquito borne illnesses in Member states through fogging machines and chemicals and; Saint Lucia advances inclusive development with IT support for vulnerable populations For details on these developments and more, visit…
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4 matchs au menu cette semaine, 3 moyens et 1 EXCELLENT ! Segment Carte Postale Recap des matchs de la 2è ronde Nouvelles À chaud ! « Out of the box » – FIGHT ! Stikers and flags Présentation des demies finales Bonne écoute! Aller regarder en live ! : Twitch Sports Lucides Nous sommes aussi sur twitter : Twitter Triple Option…
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„Želim vam, da se vas dotakne veselje, ki je položeno na dno vaše duše. Lahko se zavestno odločite za življenjsko radost – ali pa za tarnanje nad vsem, kar vam je težko. Odločitev ne bo izbrisala težav, toda zaznali boste luč tudi ko bo tema in iskali svetlobo v vsem kar vas doleti.“ Tem željam se v prvi oddaji v letošnjem letu pridružuje tudi odda…
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Happy New Year Lab Rats! In this episode, we take some time to just thank you all for your continued support as we do continue doing what we love, putting our hearts and time into the best content we can provide. This week we take a pause to reflect on how far we have come and our intentions for 2025. It's been a busy holiday season and as we recov…
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Lucid Drinking - Episode 42 - Dark Matter - Mike Hale…
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Herec Tomáš Hanák se v posledních letech věnuje nejen divadlu a filmu, ale také restauratérství a cestování. „Na Kubu jsem jel opravdu ‚na blind‘. Bylo to velmi dobrodružné, protože si člověk ne vždy může rezervovat ubytování na večer. Takže ani neví, zda se večer někde osprchuje, pokud půjde proud a pokud nezahyne kvůli mizerně zmudlané elektroins…
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