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Native American Flute Music Podcast

Bill Webb Music

The Native American Flute Music podcast is hosted by Bill Webb. Bill Webb is a composer, performer and singer of original music featuring Native American flute and world instruments. The Native American Flute Podcast includes music from dozens of his published albums from the first release, 'Native American Flute' in 2003 to 'Medicine' released in 2017. New albums will be played on the weekly podcasts as they are released along with the many previous albums. Native American Flute guest artis ...
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show series
Season 3, episode 12. Right identification and reinterpretation.Identify and reinterpret everyone, everything, now and always...or be controlled by the world's interpretations thrust upon unsuspecting ones who do not find the truth of being within themselves. Practice, practice, practice.Kirjoittanut Bill Webb Music
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This audio podcast introduces the forthcoming free YouTube flute lessons: Native American Flute Experience by Bill Webb. Experience the flute, how it functions, how you function, how the body, mind, spirit and breath harmonize together to form music. Today's audio podcast,Season 3 Ep 10, includes live flute, a few basic features of the flute and th…
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Introducing!!! The Native American Flute Experiemce. This episode encourages you to learn the flute by listening and getting pumped up for the forthcoming free flute lessons on You Tube. They are called, "The Native American Flute Experience" and Episode one will be on Youtube in one week. Look for it here or at our Youtube Native American Flute ch…
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Transform the body. 800,00 Billion cells in your body. each one living in you in perfect harmony and love. Recognize the perfection and send love to your cells and be transformed. Realizing the perfection of your body is a mindset in accord with the infinite soul of the universe: your soul and my soul 0 the One Soul. Music from Rushing Waters, Medi…
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One Infinte Mind. THis week, we 'weave' a picture of infinity with music. Listen to the flute weave in and out of the drums, the piano weave it's melodic picture, and the guitar singing its voice to the infinite heaven. Music from One Lone Friend, Native American Flute: One SOul, Grand Rain, Forever, Bill Webb Jazz, Rushing Waters and Grand Rain. L…
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You are Free. You are born free. Discover this truth and be amazed. It is the most exciting journey you can take in this life. This music will take you on a freedom hourney, if you choose. Listen to 'Free as a Bird', Core of Being, the Wind Blows Where it Pleases and more. Enjoy a brief meditation. Dance to 'New Orleans High' and, Be kind and gentl…
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Native American Flute Podcast Season 3 begins next week, Oct 23, 2019 at 7OM CST. Hear 30 minute audio podcasts weekly from the 7th dimension hosted by Bill Webb. The 7th Dimension is out of this world, invisible, and more real than anything this human mind could ever conjure. Hear this 7 minute preview of the new SEASON THREE now, right here.…
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Last Episode is Season 2 is very special. Music to realize by. Realize what? Well, you can REALize whatever you wish. Here, we realize our true inheritance - the invisible you that means all creation is perfect, and your life is perfectly in balance to the greatest joy you could know. Realize, now. Now is all. I am the perfect love, and love is. Al…
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Take a walk in the forest. Sit awhile among flowing streams and listen to the music of nature and the flutes, harps, guitar and voice. Music from One Lone Friend and a description of the book, One Lone Friend. Music from Rushing Waters a some live flute improv from the studio. Everything in this episode, as always, comes from the sincere heart of L…
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This week we invite you to 'Come Inside' as sung by Josh Knight and remind you that "Supply is What You Give" also by Knight. Songs from the 2009 release, "Light of Day" by Knight, and, Rushing Waters and One Lone Friend by Bill Webb. Come inside to the light of Love that is Infinitely available everywhere. Realize it now and share from the abundan…
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This podcast features tracks from a NEW ALBUM, "Rushing Waters" to be released Sept 30, 2019. Rushing Waters features music and songs that will be on the audiobook, "Rushing Waters", the second novel by Bill Webb in the Lopeha Adventure series. Get Book I, "One Lone Friend" now in paperback, Kindle or audiobook. Experience what Love, Peace and Harm…
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This Week, episode 21, includes part of the story of how Lopeha came to be what Lopeha is today. Bill Webb shares his 'trail mix' but says you have your own, yet it could be all in the same. Music from Seventh Dimension, Medicine, World Flute Music and others in this 30 min audio podcast. A new episode goes live every wed at 7PM CST. Subscribe at S…
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Lopeha to all. Another 30 minutes of new, unique, improvised and old music and deep thoughts shared by Bill Webb. Enjoy and share the LOve, PEace, and HArmony as you receive it. give it away. Give it away and receive it. Music from Forever, Grand Rain Drums of Yoga, Rushing Waters (the forthcoming album and audio book. Download One Lone Friend, the…
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I Am Love, Peace and Harmony. I Am Lopeha. Practice this conscious realization in silence and peace and watch your world transform. MUSIC AND SONGS ABOUT LETTING GO, ABOUT LOVE, NOT AS THE WORLD KNOWS IT, BUT LOVE, THE LOVE I Am. Bill performs All You Need is Love live in the studio and much more. Let your heart be vibrated and tuned in to the Infi…
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Love is the substance of every human being. Recognize this every day and you won't be fooled by fear mongers. Music live from the log cabin studio in the woods. Words of Love, Peace and Harmony. Tracks from the album and audiobook, "One Lone Friend". Music from Drums of Yoga and the single, "As the Sparks" played and sung by Bill Webb.…
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This week's audio podcast: Three live improvised tracks from the studio featuring piano and native flutes, songs from the albums Native American Flute: One Soul, Forever and Medicine; and a few words for us to discover ourselves with. We are Love, Peace and Harmony (Lopeha). Go to Lopeha for everything, everything; and Lopeha is in you. I Am Lopeha…
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Love, Love, Love. I Love You. We are all made of Love...One Love which appears as us. Realize this and be totally free, free of pain, struggle, discord, fighting, sickness and death. Bill Webb speaks of love and plays live, and you will hear music from Native American Flute: One Soul, Summer Woods, Drums of Yoga, and a special vocal song from an ou…
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This week's Native American Flute Music podcast is Season 2 Episode 12. It features music from the forthcoming album, "Burning Waters". Special pre-release of some of the tracks. Burning Waters is also the name of Book 2 of the Lopeha Adventure series. Read book 1, "One Lone Friend" and experience how a drug addict and an alcoholic, through spiritu…
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We are well into Season 2 of the Native American Flute music podcasts. Episode 11 this week features tracks from the first original Native American Flute album by Bill Webb entitled, "Native American Flute". You will hear why it is still a best seller after 15 years. It is because, we believe, that the music expressed through the flute is a pouring…
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In Season 2 Episode 10, hear tracks from the album "Dream Presence" by Bill Webb. Interspersed throughout are piano, flute and sound improvisations live from the studio with words to inspire you to continue the practice of going inside to see the love that you are, and to let it pour out to the world and people around you. Native American Flute Mus…
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1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x...= 1. We are all individuals yet we are one. This can be realized spiritually, not through the intellect. This weeks podcast encourages you to take your mind off of yourself and your life for a few moments, and let the music take you on a spiritual journey. Music from Summer Woods, Bill Webb Jazz, Grand Rain, Drums of Yoga and more…
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As usual we begin with Kiowa Love Song and all the introductions. Then a short track from Bill Webb Jazz, followed by a beautiful drum, flute and guitar piece, The Infinite Way, from Grand Rain. Then, played on the most beautiful piano I have ever recorded in my studio, a 19 minute journey or walk through the evening taking you, by piano only, to a…
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Native American Flute Music Season 2 EP 5 is filled with music that connects us, in love, to all of us. We're all connected. Forgive your enemies and realize, there is no sane reason to condemn anyone. Has condemnation helped anything other than ego and revenge satisfaction. And how well is that working? The route to peace may be as simple as, "For…
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The second season episode 3 already! The music today shows forth the healing effects of the Native American flute. Music from "Healing Music", "Medicine", "World Flute Music" and "Native American Flute Vol II". You will sense and realize the essence of healing as you listen deeply to this music. Then, go out in the world and forgive, heal, love and…
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Season 2, Episode 2 brings you meditative Native American Flute music from Cosmic Healing, Meditation Music and Chakra Tuning. Other more lively flute songs from World Flute Music, Drums of Yoga and Grand Rain. Enjoy the flutes as they intertwine with other world instruments to form a unique soundscape that will spark your inner light.…
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This episode is 38 minutes of Native American Flute Music with commentary by Bill Webb. Songs from three of his albums: 'Native American Flute', 'Native American Flute Vol II' and 'Native American Flute: One Soul'. Listen to the simple 6 hole hand carved wooden flutes as they sing deep in to your soul and bring out the love, peace and harmony that …
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This week we let our teacher sho the flies off our wounds and let go of our all that has been holding us back. We hear selections of poetry from Rumi and Bill Webb, some pithy sayings Bill jotted down this year, and some sponatneous music live from the studio on unusual World instruments like the ney, hand drums of odd types, Celtic Harp and even a…
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Music from the forthcoming album and audiobook, "Rushing Waters", the second book in the Lopeha Adventures Series. (Read or listen to Book One, "One Lone Friend" now at Also, a tribute to jazz pianist, Cecil Taylor, music from Cosmic Healing, and new music without a name. Enjoy your day and take a few moments to contact your inner self…
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