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RAFT: Indrani Goradia, Alyce Jurgensen, Jeremie Miller, Amy Jaffe

A podcast about resilience in the face of compassion fatigue and burnout.
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Raf & Story Club

Raf Stevens

Business mentor en vrijheidsarchitect Raf Stevens deelt wekelijks een 'mind shot'. Voeding voor je brein, je verbeelding en je intuïtie. Een boost die je een duwtje in de rug geeft om jouw volgende stap te zetten richting een leven vol rijkdom, volheid en vrijheid.
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Raff Bizzarro & Raffa Rispo host the ONLY SSC Napoli podcast from the USA. Raff N Raff review matches, Rant about hot topics and award the Beast of the Match after every matchday. Raff Bizzarro also hosts “Mind Your Bizz”: A show for the people, by the people. Raffa Rispo also hosts “Frenemies”. Friendly banter with Raffa’s non-Napoli fan friends.
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The PhD Life Raft Podcast

Emma Brodzinski

This is the podcast for you if you are currently doing a PhD; are working with PhD students; or just living with someone who is on a PhD journey. The PhD Life Raft focuses on sharing insights and experiences around common issues like anxiety, procrastination, imposter syndrome, and work-life balance. Host Dr Emma Brodzinski talks to students, supervisors and experts in the field of wellbeing and mental health who share actionable tips and additional resources. Doing a PhD is tough. The PhD L ...
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Queen Raffy's Space

Rafiat Akinwande

On Queen Raffy's Space, whenever you click on PLAY, You Learn, You Laugh, and You Grow...This is exactly where you need to be because with over 5 different segments covering Motivation, Books, Fun Facts, Travel, Tips and Tricks, Poems, Interviews, Bants, and Random Thoughts. You will never be Bored...So Click on PLAY and ENJOY. For Comments, Suggestions, and Feedbacks, Just send an email to [email protected] OR Check out our Instagram handle: instagram.com/queenraffyspacepodcast
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Whiskey Riff Raff

Whiskey Riff

A podcast by Whiskey Riff for the country fan. On 'Whiskey Riff Raff' buckle up for an unfiltered and unapologetic take on country music, life, sports, and all the craziness that comes with it. Laugh with us. Rant with us. Drink with us.
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Diálogos y debates Fundación Rafael del Pino

Fundación Rafael Del Pino

La Fundación Rafael del Pino fomenta el diálogo y la transmisión del conocimiento mediante la organización de reuniones de expertos, debates y encuentros en los que se abordan cuestiones de importancia para nuestros dirigentes y en las que participan destacadas personalidades del mundo académico, empresarial o político.
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R.A.F (Rien à foutre)

Rafaëlle Roy, Florence Belzile

Le R.A.F. (Rien à foutre avec Raf And Flo), c’est un tout nouveau show sur le web qui a pour mission de faire briller nos invité (es) de tous horizons sous un nouveau jour, au-delà des apparences et du métier. En explorant les souvenirs de jeunesse et en faisant des liens avec le présent, les animatrices Florence Belzile et Rafaëlle Roy tracent leur parcours unique à travers des échanges à la fois amusants et émouvants, toujours dans l’authenticité et la transparence. C’est une invitation à ...
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Welcome to randInt podcast, where Raffy & Chandra explore how seemingly random events can shape our lives and lead to unexpected success. In each episode, we either delve into the stories of people from all walks of life and uncover the pivotal moments that led them to where they are today or explore the seemingly random development that influence our state of the world. From chance encounters to serendipitous discoveries, we examine the role of luck and opportunity in shaping the planet. So ...
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Psychotherapist in San Rafael California

Natalie Ducastelle Therapy

Natalie Ducastelle Therapy offers holistic, integrative therapy tailored to each client’s unique needs and goals. With over 20 years of experience in mind-body healing and mental health, Natalie combines talk therapy with somatic (body-based) practices, attachment theory, mindfulness, and practical tools clients can apply in daily life. Her specialties include trauma/CPTSD, life transitions, self-esteem, identity, and support for individuals in and peripheral to the sex industry.
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Sono un Growth Coach e guido le aziende e i professionisti a migliorare i loro prodotti e i loro processi con un approccio sperimentale. Ho fondato il Growth Program, l’unica academy italiana di formazione continua che ti aiuta a far crescere il tuo business e il tuo mindset. 👉 https://growthprogram.academy/ Insegno alla Business School de Il Sole 24 Ore. Faccio divulgazione sui temi del marketing, business e crescita attraverso il mio blog, il mio canale YouTube e un podcast. Credo nella sp ...
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Christian Fox

Welcome to RaffiCast (name pending), a fantasy football podcast for members of the Order of Raffi and Revenge of the Footclan fantasy leagues, of course all others are welcome as well. We cover the NFL and also insult each other. Shenanigans ensue
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Die Rafael Bettencourt Experience

Rafael Bettencourt - Der Podcast für die grenzenlosen Seelen der Veränderung

Willkommen in der Rafael Bettencourt Experience! Der Podcast für die grenzenlosen Seelen der Veränderung. Dass du hier bist und diesen Text liest, ist wahrscheinlich kein Zufall. Es zeigt, dass du zu einer dieser Seelen gehörst. Dass du den Ruf in dir spürst, in dieser Welt Großes zu bewegen. Dass du spürst, dass das „Normal” der Welt noch nie zu dir gepasst hat. Und dass du bereit bist, diese grenzenlosen (vielleicht verborgenen) Kräfte in dir wieder freizusetzen. In diesem Podcast nehme ic ...
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Fertility Life Raft

Alice Rose

Hi. I'm Alice. After my own fertility journey I wanted to support and empower other people facing one too. I needed: powerful tools to cope crucial information must have mindset hacks connection to a community who got it So, on board my podcast the Life Raft this is what you'll find. It's a totally safe space, so you can get cosy and listen to warm, honest, sometimes funny, inspiring and uplifting conversations with leading life coaches; mindset experts, thought leaders, real life patients p ...
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Le Temps - Pascaline Sordet & Célia Héron

Raffut est un podcast qui mois après mois, interroge les idées reçues sur le sport féminin. Un série audio du quotidien suisse Le Temps, réalisée par Pascaline Sordet et produit par Célia Héron. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
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Finding Raffi

iHeartPodcasts and Fatherly

Raffi Cavoukian is a magical musician. His songs, like “Baby Beluga” and “Down by the Bay,” have wordplay and rhyme schemes that are as crowd-pleasing as they come — sweet, silly sing-alongs for kids and adults alike. But his work is anything but simple. Much like the folk singers who inspired him, a radical philosophy underscores all that he does. In "Finding Raffi,” comedian, writer, and podcaster Chris Garcia takes us on a journey through a 10-part series tracing Raffi’s life from aspirin ...
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Rafael Jimenez

Siempre hay historias para contar, a veces nuestras, a veces de otros, en este espacio hablaremos de todas las que nos interesen, todas las que nos impacten o impresionen, acompáñame en este espacio donde estaremos contando historias.
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show series
Plongez dans l’univers déjanté d’Anne-Sarah Charbonneau, humoriste audacieuse et primée ! De ses débuts sur scène après l’École nationale de l’humour à ses shows cultes comme Amour Propre et le fameux Womansplaining Show, Anne-Sarah nous partage ses anecdotes croustillantes – des souvenirs d’enfance étonnants aux révélations hilarantes sur le quoti…
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For the eighteenth episode this season, we will be drawing lessons from Prophet Nuh (AS). Prophet Nuh showed that he believed completely in the promise of Almighty Allah, and even though his human mind could not comprehend it, he followed through regardless. You can listen to this podcast episode from Muslim Central - https://open.spotify.com/episo…
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O kryzysie na linii Unia Europejska USA, potencjalnych scenariuszach jego zakończenia, pomysłach gospodarczych Niemiec i przyszłości Ameryki rozmawiam z panią Magdaleną Ziętek-Wielomską z Instytutu Spraw Obywatelskich.Program ten powstał dzięki Waszemu wsparciu. Abonament Polityko opłacisz tutaj.54 1090 1841 0000 0001 4725 7610 z dopiskiem Darowizn…
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Kay Danes is an award-winning author, human rights advocate and humanitarian. In this episode Kay shares the transformative experience of reshaping her PhD research and provides insights for other PhD candidates facing similar obstacles. Kay posits the importance of recognising challenges as part of the academic process. She reflects on her own maj…
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For the seventeenth episode this season we will be drawing lessons from Prophet Sulaiman (AS), the story of his life is filled with lessons of his wisdom, leadership, and deep devotion to Allah. To learn more about the life of Sulaiman (AS), you can listen to this podcast episode from Muslim Central - ⁠https://open.spotify.com/episode/2JgKFldKMtR2I…
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Qualche giorno fa sono stato intervistato dallo psicologo Antonio Quaglietta per il suo canale YouTube. Abbiamo parlato di intelligenza artificiale, delle sue grandi potenzialità, ma anche dei grossi rischi collegati. Una chiacchierata ricca di spunti interessanti, che ti consiglio di ascoltare fino alla fine. Trovi il canale di Antonio qui _______…
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Ráfaga sobre quiénes son destinatarios de la filosofía y si podemos llevarla más allá de su lugar natural, de un texto de Emilio Uranga: "Rigor y divulgación en la filosofía" publicado en México en la cultura, número 53, 5 de febrero de 1950, página 2, suplemento del diario Novedades. De la segunda época de Ráfagas de Pensamiento en Radio UNAM. Com…
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For the first episode this season we will be drawing lessons from Prophet Sulaiman (AS), the story of his life is filled with lessons of his wisdom, leadership, and deep devotion to Allah. To learn more about the life of Sulaiman (AS), you can listen to this podcast episode from Muslim Central - https://open.spotify.com/episode/2JgKFldKMtR2IpT8nk0q…
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In this episode, the RAFT team is joined by survivor, author, and advocate Emily Bernath. She shares her survivor story, how she healed through spirituality, and how that led to her book series, Broken Lenses. Trigger Warning: This episode contains discussions about sexual violence and assault, including personal survivor experiences. We encourage …
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Sono felice di annunciarvi che è uscito il mio nuovo libro! Si chiama Guida Pratica al Marketing della Generosità. È un libro con il quale voglio condividere un approccio alla comunicazione e alla vendita che sia etico, trasparente, genuino e generoso. Dove le persone vengono (ri)messe al centro, ma sul serio! Un manuale nel quale ho condensato olt…
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In this episode of the randInt Podcast, Raffy and Chandra catch up after a long break, discussing Chandra's sailing adventures across the Atlantic and settling in the Bahamas, while Raffy shares his busy life balancing work and personal time after a sabbatical. They explore themes of relaxation, the challenges of work-life balance, and the importan…
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A can't-miss episode with the legend himself, Cody Canada. Ahead of their sold-out reunion shows in Oklahoma and Texas, the former Cross Canadian Ragweed frontman stops by the podcast to talk about what led them to finally get the band back together and how that all came to be, being a huge part of the rise of the Red Dirt scene when they were comi…
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Louise LePage was in her 30s when she did her MA in Drama and Performance (University College Dublin) and fell in love with academia and performance. Immediately afterwards she undertook a PhD at Royal Holloway, University of London, where she was also a Teaching Fellow. She has since held positions at University of Reading and University of York. …
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Geld ist die Illusion, die dich gefangen hält (Klartext!) Klicke hier, um dich dich kostenlos für die TRUTHFUL ABUNDANCE EXPERIENCE anzumelden: https://rafaelbettencourt.de/experience Die meisten von uns sind gefangen in einer Illusion. Sobald es um dieses Thema geht, geht alles zu. Die Energie verschließt sich und wir verlieren unsere Kraft. Es is…
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Amerykańska wizyta Pete Hegseth w Polsce oficjalnie niewiele wniosła. Tymczasem w tle obyły się istotne dla nas rozmowy. Poznaj ich szczegóły oraz tego co jankesi nieoficjalnie ustalili po cichu w Rijadzie gdzie spotkali się z Rosjanami.Program ten powstał dzięki Waszemu wsparciu. Abonament Polityko opłacisz tutaj.54 1090 1841 0000 0001 4725 7610 z…
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Un comentario sobre el desdén que sienten los científicos por la filosofía desde una comprensión más o menos chata de ésta, a partir de una cita de El fundamento práctico de la ciencia y la tarea de la filosofía, de Jünger Mittelstrass. De la segunda época de Ráfagas de Pensamiento en Radio UNAM. Comentarios: Ernesto Priani Saisó. Producción: Ignac…
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For the 47th episode of Bants With, I spoke with UmmulKhayr Abdulhammed, a real fashion-lover with over a decade of experience in the fashion industry as a designer, illustrator, sewist, and surface pattern designer. She is the founder and creative designer of Heeva Fabrics; a Lagos-based fabric brand that helps fashion enthusiasts, creatives and f…
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On l’a découvert avec Contrat d’gars, puis il a conquis le web avec Fiston et Papa. Derrière son humour grinçant, Jonathan Roberge cache une enfance marquée par les déménagements, une famille nombreuse et des défis immenses, dont la maladie de son fils. Il nous raconte tout : ses mauvais coups, ses rêves et ses plus grandes épreuves, le tout avec u…
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RAFF N RAFF DROP A VERY BIG ANNOUNCEMENT AT THE TOP OF THE SHOW!!! Then, the Raffs take to the state of Napoli, which is after the 3rd straight draw, they fortunately stay at the top of Serie A with Inter losing to Juventus. Has Conte lost the plot? Are we set up to win #4? Our thoughts! TIFOSI!!! Please join us in our Napoli Rant Discord Chat! We …
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Premier Polski sprawia wrażenie rozdającego karty w konflikcie USA vs Unia Europejska. Blefuje, czy gra na poważnie. Czy Europa ma szanse w tym starciu? Dokąd zmierza sytuacja w stosunkach pomiędzy Zachodem? Czy mamy się czego obawiać?Materiał pochodzi z serwisu którego nazwę znajdziecie na moim TT. :)Program ten powstał dzięki Waszemu wsparciu. Ab…
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In this episode Gordon shares his reflections on his PhD experience - particularly the times when he wanted to give up! Gordon discusses the challenges of balancing full-time work and the PhD. He shares the strategies that he used to stay motivated and managing time - in particular the pomodoro method. We explore how to deal with doubts, overwhelm …
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Dowiedz się czym Vance tak naprawdę zdenerwował unijnych polityków, czy pan Brzózka z InPost został wykiwany przez Tuska czy też ustawił się z nim dla zysków, czemu Zenek Martyniuk nie popiera Trzaskowskiego, oraz kto będzie nowym Jarosławem Kaczyńskim.Program ten powstał dzięki Waszemu wsparciu. Abonament Polityko opłacisz tutaj.54 1090 1841 0000 …
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Reflexión a partir de una cita del Corán (azora 30, aleya 23), sobre la equivalencia del sueño y la vigilia, como la condición humana para reconocer los signos divinos. De la segunda época de Ráfagas de Pensamiento en Radio UNAM. Comentarios: Ernesto Priani Saisó. Producción: Ignacio Bazán Estrada. Voces: María Sandoval y Juan Stack. Controles técn…
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La Fundación Rafael del Pino organizó, el día 12 de febrero de 2025 el diálogo «¿Ha llegado a su final el milagro económico alemán?» en el que intervendrán Wolfgang Münchau y Miguel Otero Iglesias con motivo de la publicación del último libro de Wolfgang Münchau «Kaput. El fin del milagro aleman» editado por Plataforma Editorial.…
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La Fundación Rafael del Pino organizó, el día 12 de febrero de 2025 el diálogo «¿Ha llegado a su final el milagro económico alemán?» en el que intervendrán Wolfgang Münchau y Miguel Otero Iglesias con motivo de la publicación del último libro de Wolfgang Münchau «Kaput. El fin del milagro aleman» editado por Plataforma Editorial.…
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Diverse persone mi stanno chiedendo se valga la pena di disattivare tutti gli abbonamenti alle "solite" AI per passare alle AI cinesi gratuite esplose negli ultimi giorni. Prodotti come Deepseek e Qwen sono molto potenti, completi e fanno gola perché completamente gratuiti. Quindi che facciamo? Stacchiamo gli abbonamenti a Claude, Gemini e ChatGPT?…
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For this episode, I decided to daydream about all the things I would do if I ever made a lot of money. From hiring a chef to traveling anywhere I wanted, you would get a laugh out of it. Have you ever wondered or daydreamed in that manner? Share it in the comments if you are listening to it via Spotify.…
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Charlotte Haines Lyon has a background in Youth and Community work. She worked in a variety of youth and community settings and moved on to Adult Education including working with Age Concern. She gained a Masters in Philosophy and Religion at Heythrop College (UCL) and a PhD at York St John University. She worked as a freelance writer for a variety…
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Agencja USAID to gorący temat ostatnich dni. Płaciło za propagandę największym mediom i organizacjom pozarządowym. Mało kto jednak wie ze z jej usług korzystał papież Polak czyli Jan Paweł II.Program ten powstał dzięki Waszemu wsparciu. Abonament Polityko opłacisz tutaj.54 1090 1841 0000 0001 4725 7610 z dopiskiem Darowizna na Polityko.tv PayPal: h…
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Reflexión a partir de una cita del Manifiesto por una ciencia slow de Isabelle Stengers, sobre el lugar de las humanidades en las Universidades, y el conocimiento que crea y circula desde ella. De la segunda época de Ráfagas de Pensamiento en Radio UNAM. Comentarios: Ernesto Priani Saisó. Producción: Ignacio Bazán Estrada. Voces: Margarita Castillo…
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Microsoft e OpenAI accusano la startup cinese Deepseek di aver "rubato" da OpenAI. Dicono di avere le prove del fatto che Deepseek abbia usato una tecnica chiamata distillazione per creare il suo modello di punta R1. Proviamo un attimo quindi a capire cosa sta succedendo, non concentrandoci sul gossip (che non trovo interessante) ma su quale sia la…
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Natalie Ducastelle Therapy offersholistic, integrative therapy tailored to the unique needs and goals of each client. Withover 20 years of experience inmind-body healing and mental health, Natalie provides acompassionate, client-centered approach that blendstalk therapy with somatic (body-based) practices, attachment theory, mindfulness, and practi…
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Colby Acuff joins the podcast to talk about learning how to write songs from a young age and growing up in Idaho, the process of putting together an album, making his Grand Ole Opry debut, his passion for fly fishing and much more. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell…
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Raff N Raff are a bit triggered in this episode of the Napoli Rant. Napoli suffer their first setback in 8 matches, drawing on the road at the Olimpico vs Roma with a stoppage time equalizer after Spinazzola netted his first Napoli goal early on. It was a missed opportunity to go ahead 5 points on Inter, as they also only managed a draw to Milan. H…
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Alex Chapman is an AuDHD Music Psychologist based between the Royal Northern College of Music and Drake Music Scotland, funded through a Collaborative Doctoral Award from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK Research & Innovation). They focus on neurodivergent musicians and audiences’ experiences and challenges in live music settings, speci…
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