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Naturfagsdidaktiske Nuancer

CFU/KP og Naturcenter Amager Strand

Naturfagsdidaktiske nuancer er din ugentlige podcast om naturfagsdidaktikkens fascinerende verden. Vi udforsker bredden og dybden af naturfaglig undervisning i grundskolen, med et kritisk og nysgerrigt blik. Hver episode tager fat på specifikke emner eller temaer, hvor vi diskuterer pædagogik, didaktik, og naturformidling med lærere, undervisere og forskere. Vi tilbyder praktiske tips, refleksioner og inspiration til at styrke din undervisningspraksis. Målet er at inspirere lærerne til nye d ...
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Nuance is a podcast of The Collaborative helping Christians to faithfully live out their faith in their work. We recognize most of life is not lived in black and white but rather lived in the gray, lived in the nuance. You can find more, including complementary spiritual exercises, at
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Nuanced Nutrition Pod

BeFueled Sports Nutrition

Sports Dietitian, runner & triathlete, Natalie Robertello, brings the human piece into performance & sports nutrition. Support your mind & body to have more fun and do big things! IG: @befueledsportsnutrition web:
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Nuance Needed

Amanda E. White, LPC and Sam Dalton, LCSW

The internet is saturated with content that talks about mental health in all the wrong ways. Licensed therapists, Amanda White and Sam Dalton, know firsthand the harm and confusion that this causes. We are on a mission to bring nuance back to the internet and help you make sense of it all. Together, we’ll psychoanalyze internet culture, debunk TikTok trends, and teach you how to *actually* care for your mental health while being online. Join us every Wednesday as we give you the tools to tur ...
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We are on a mission to find the latest ideas, techniques and technologies, in Risk Operations, from companies all around the world. We bring them and the people behind them to you, all to help discover new ideas, spark new thinking and help... at work, as a leader, an employee, in business, at the office or at home.
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Le Poids de la Nuance

Kinvolve Fitness

Ce podcast est pour tous ceux qui se sentent désinformés, désorganisés et démotivés en naviguant à travers le monde du fitness. Dans chaque épisode, la science et la pratique sont mis de l'avant sous toutes leurs nuances pour donner les meilleurs outils et les fondements derrière l'entrainement et la nutrition. Si tu cherches à t'investir dans ta transformation une fois pour toute, ce podcast est pour toi.
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Nuance Podcast

Nuance Podcast

Nuance A podcast in which a mother and daughter get together to discuss the ratchet and the righteous - from pop culture to politics, and all the nuanced things in between. Subscribe to us on iTunes or Stitcher! Get all the updates and follow us on: Facebook: Twitter:
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Je m’appelle Vanessa Daigle, je suis nutritionniste passionnée par l’humain et les différentes sphères de la santé humaine. tant d’une grande et belle complexité, les sujets qui touchent de près ou de loin à l'être humain peuvent parfois nous laisser dans une incompréhension. Si comme moi, tu es curieux et ouvert d’esprit et que tu aimes apprendre sur différents sujets en lien avec la santé, ce podcast est pour toi!
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Les Nuanceuses

Les Nuanceuses

Nous vous accueillons avec plaisir sur notre podcast Les Nuanceuses, une expérience audio-vidéo traitant du travail du sexe dans toutes ses nuances. Vos animatrices Marie-Manuelle Moya, Jessica Cyr et leurs invité.e.s démystifient pour vous cet univers méconnu. Bienvenue, aux Nuanceuses ! Rejoignez notre communauté sur Facebook, Instagram, Youtube & TikTok
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Nuanced Authenticity

Arielle and Assan aka Seven and Sigma

Siblings Assan and Arielle bring their authentic selves to the mic, inviting listeners into raw, heartfelt conversations about love, relationships, and family. Assan, an ex-military single father, is a thoughtful, vulnerable, and spiritual man who shares his journey of fatherhood and personal growth. His sister Arielle, a maverick with deep wisdom and spiritual empathy, brings a fresh perspective as she navigates life's challenges with grace and insight. Together, they create a powerful and ...
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Nuanced Conversations Podcast

Dr. George E Hurtt

Welcome to Nuanced Conversations Podcast, where we dive deep into the complex and often overlooked aspects of today's most pressing topics. Each week, we bring you thought-provoking discussions with experts, innovators, and everyday people who offer unique perspectives and insights. Whether we're exploring the intricacies of social issues, science, culture, or personal development, our goal is to move beyond the surface and engage in meaningful dialogue that challenges assumptions and expand ...
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Nuance Over Narrowtives

Dr Tim Kelly

Join me, Dr Tim Kelly, a physican with a passion for challenging groupthink. This monthly podcast peels back the layers of oversimplified narratives in health, science and global affairs, promoting a deeper understanding. We prioritise the big picture, moving beyond soundbites to explore the complexities and nuance of today's world. Dive into discussions that transcend conventional media portrayals and foster critical analysis.
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In a era where the lines of reality and perception are so blurred, Shway and Kay look to give a realistic outlook on how love can grow in the social media age. Some may think love today is hard to find, but we argue people haven’t quite grasp the nuances of today’s romantic journey.
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Nuances is an award-nominated audio space where guests from a wide range of Asian ethnic groups, careers, countries, and communities explore our often complicated relationships with our culture(s) and how they shape us. It can be a source of validation, a space for healing, a call to self-reflection, or a good laugh, often all at the same time. The current 5th season is a limited series exploring wholesome queer stories from premodern Asia, what they can teach us about our cultures, and why ...
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Nuance of Impact

Rebecca Nedelec

👋🏾 I’m Rebecca Nedelec— and I‘m fascinated by the nuances of social impact— how the activist convinced the big company, how the child prompted change (like seriously, Greta!) and really, that split moment where the influence was lit. Here, we’ll forget the big concepts and hear stories of the unseen moments that changed things for the better.
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Nuance and Nonsense

Sam Hake and Shani Belshaw

Sam and Shani believe that looking at life with many perspectives is important. There are pros/cons, and give & take to most matters. There is usually never one perfect solution, but that's what makes life challenging and rewarding. We like to play what we call "angel's advocate", which is similar to devil's advocate, but with a little more empathy and taking a look at things from all angles. We do this on our show covering topics in the Tech, Music, Health, Fashion, Pop Culture, and Psychol ...
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50 Nuances de sport

50 Nuances de sport

Le podcast qui te donne envie de mettre du mouvement dans ta vie, pour remettre ta vie en mouvement. Comment ? En donnant la parole à des femmes et des hommes dont le rapport au sport est singulier, et dont les histoires inspirantes te donneront envie toi aussi de courir, bouger, agir pour tes propres raisons et aspirations. Par Rosanne Lgd. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Inspirez vous des plus grands entrepreneurs de la Tech Française. Ils sont membres du Next40, du FT120, ont levé des millions d'euros, sont parfois valorisés des milliards. Chaque épisode est un concentré de leçons business pour créer son entreprise, trouver ses clients, embaucher les meilleurs talents du marché, se démarquer de ses concurrents, positionner sa marque, générer des revenus, lever des fonds, et scaler. Il n'y a pas de recette magique pour réussir, Pas de tuto pour devenir riche ...
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The Hot Nuance Book Club

Ali, Aradia, and Bree

A podcast in which a novelist, a screenwriter, and a podcaster walk into a book, diving into its craft and impact in their mission to bring nuance back. Join your hosts Ali (@92aliboo), Aradia (@BestFirstChair), and Bree (@mostlybree) as they take you back to the 1990s to read one of Bree's childhood favorite fantasy novels: Exiles: The Ruins of Ambrai by Melanie Rawn. Grab your own copy and read along with them each week as they ask important questions like: what was going on with the wind ...
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Nuance is a current events podcast hosted by StayUp.News editor-in-chief Roberto E. Alejandro (PhD, JD) and police scientist Michael A. Wood Jr. Roberto Alejandro is a former fast food worker, transit bus driver, assistant book preservationist, hospital interpreter, and handyman. He holds a PhD in Religion and Theology from Durham University, a JD from the University of Connecticut School of Law, and is a journalist who reports from Baltimore and New York City. He is also the creator and pub ...
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À la rencontre des hésitants à la vaccination | Qui sont ces gens qui hésitent à se faire vacciner en temps de pandémie et pourquoi? La journaliste Isabelle Burgun, de l'Agence Science-Presse, va à la rencontre de ces personnes et tente de faire la lumière sur les craintes et les motivations de ceux et celles qui refusent la vaccination.
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show series
In this final week of Epiphany, we are invited to reflect on our own sinfulness in order to greater appreciate the bounty of God's mercy and forgiveness. Nuance's Formed for Faithfulness is a weekly liturgy to encourage all of us to be faithful to Christ in the public square. Join Case Thorp as he follows the Church calendar through the reading of …
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Ready to get uncomfortably honest about why being "the nice one" is leaving you feeling resentful? This is part 2 of our people pleasing episode. Go listen to the first episode before diving into this one! In conversation, we tackle: * The exhausting cycle of expecting people to read your mind * How avoiding conflict actually creates MORE conflict …
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Vi taler om fordybelse og tværfaglighed i de nye fagplaner sammen med Morten Bertelsen fra Utterslev Skole Morten deler sine erfaringer med at undervise i naturteknologi og naturfag, og hvordan han bruger sin nysgerrighed til at skabe engagerende og praktisk orienteret undervisning. Han fortæller om projekter som at dissekere dyr og bygge med genbr…
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Qui est vraiment Julian Jacob, le nouveau visage de QVEMA ? Toutes les réponses dans cet épisode. Avec Wyncor, il cherche à jouer les troubles fêtes dans le secteur du jouet, pourtant dominé par une poignée d’acteurs historiques. En misant sur le modèle des licences, il bouleverse aussi les codes en réinventant la chaîne de valeur et en proposant u…
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Buckle up! We get radically candid about our own (very different) journeys with people-pleasing. We share: * How Amanda discovered her "thoughtful gift-giving" was actually manipulation to avoid accountability * Why Sam's role as a childhood caregiver shaped her people-pleasing patterns * How Sam learned to stop apologizing for existing * Their per…
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Vi taler med Nicoline Lyng Strange fra Strandvejsskolen om de nye fagplaner og om hvordan undersøgelser skal være det væsentligste i naturfagsundervisningen. Nicoline, en naturfagslærer på Strandvejskolen, deler sin passion for fysik og teknologi og taler om, hvordan hun arbejder med at fremme elevernes nysgerrighed og kompetencer i naturfag. Hun u…
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In this eighth week of Epiphany, we reflect on the godly attributes of the person described in Psalm 15, and how we can bless those around us. Nuance's Formed for Faithfulness is a weekly liturgy to encourage all of us to be faithful to Christ in the public square. Join Case Thorp as he follows the Church calendar through the reading of Scripture, …
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Andy Johnson, Client Partner at 4Most, explores the evolving affordability landscape in the UK. The discussion covers emerging trends in consumer spending, the impact of inflation, and the need for real-time data in credit decisioning. Key topics include the affordability pressures on lower-income households, the ongoing structural changes in consu…
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On this episode of Nuance, Case is joined by Dr. Barbara A.B. (Bobbi) Patterson, retired professor of pedagogy at Emory University. Together they explore the intersection of spirituality, education, and community engagement, along with the rich history of Emory as a place of learning and faith. Patterson also describes the pilgrimages she has been …
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Tired of understanding all your patterns but still feeling stuck? In this episode, we're diving into the uncomfortable truth about why all that self-help content and therapy insight isn't actually changing your life. In conversation, we tackle: Why being "the self-aware friend" might be your newest form of avoidance How instant access to informatio…
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Vi taler med Marta Christiane Skov fra Nørre Fælled Skole om nysgerrighed og begejstring i naturfagsundervisningen, og om hvordan man kan få den slags ind i de nye fagplaner. Martha deler sine erfaringer med at vælge undervisningsemner, der engagerer og begejstrer eleverne. Hun understreger vigtigheden af, at undervisningen skal være relevant og ny…
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In this seventh week of Epiphany, we reflect on Psalm 1 and the practice of repentance. Nuance's Formed for Faithfulness is a weekly liturgy to encourage all of us to be faithful to Christ in the public square. Join Case Thorp as he follows the Church calendar through the reading of Scripture, prayer, and short reflections on faith in all facets of…
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Catalina Luna Kisic explains the debt servicing and collections landscape in South America, focusing on key markets, economic drivers, regulatory environments, and technological advancements. In this discussion she provides insights into portfolio sales, SME lending trends, fintech disruption, and AI adoption in collections, highlighting the growin…
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Join us for a conversation with Andrew Spencer, associate editor for books at The Gospel Coalition and author of Hope for God’s Creation: Stewardship in an Age of Futility In this episode, we talk about what environmental stewardship looks like for the Christian.Kirjoittanut Room for Nuance Podcast
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Non Elon Musk et Space X ne sont pas hégémoniques. Il existe un petit village gaulois peuplé d’irréductibles ingénieurs français et européens qui, avec Yohann Leroy à leur tête, souhaite reprendre le contrôle et donner un avenir au spatial français. Fils d’ouvrier, Yohann Leroy s’était promis de rendre fier son papa. Après le cabinet du Premier Min…
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Is your commitment to being perfect or good actually the enemy of your growth? In this episode we discuss: - The subtle ways perfectionism masquerades as preparation and protection - How perfectionism can become a form of self-harm and procrastination - The connection (and important differences) between perfectionism and people-pleasing - Why letti…
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Vi taler om digital teknologiforståelse med Jakob Damgaard Laursen fra CFU, Future Classroom Lab. Jakob Damgaard Laursen reflekterer over, hvordan teknologiforståelse kan integreres i undervisningen. Jakob, der har stor erfaring med teknologiforståelse og IT-didaktik, deler sin indsigt i de udfordringer, lærere står over for, især i forhold til den…
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Dans cet épisode, Jérémie et Simon vous expliquent les différents paramètres liés à l'entrainement qui sont compris dans votre programme d'entrainement. Parce que oui, ce ne sont pas des décorations, chaque paramètre a une intention et vous permet d'avoir davantage de focus et résultats.
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In this sixth week of Epiphany, we read Luke 5 and reflect on following Jesus in the workplace. Nuance's Formed for Faithfulness is a weekly liturgy to encourage all of us to be faithful to Christ in the public square. Join Case Thorp as he follows the Church calendar through the reading of Scripture, prayer, and short reflections on faith in all f…
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Gavin Stewart from VCC Live discusses the latest trends and technologies in the contact centre industry, particularly in the financial services sector. In this conversation, he highlights the integration of AI and machine learning, the adoption of multichannel communication strategies, and the regional variations in technology uptake. The discussio…
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The episode furthers the conversation into the realms of personal growth, touching upon the importance of setting clear expectations in both professional and personal relationships. The notion that performance evaluations should mirror the expectations we set in our lives resonates throughout the discussion. Seven draws parallels between workplace …
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On this episode of Nuance, Case is joined by Dr. Jeffrey Scholes, Director at the Center for the Study of Evangelicalism at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. Together they discuss Dr. Scholes' work exploring the intersection of religion and sports in North America. Scholes discusses the cultural significance of sports, especially in the…
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Petite, Anne Osdoit rêvait de devenir médecin. Aujourd’hui, à défaut des blouses blanches, Anne Osdoit a enfilé d’autres tenues mais sans jamais quitter des yeux le médical. D’abord en tant qu’ingénieure biomédicale, puis aujourd’hui avec une double casquette d’investisseure-entrepreneure. Anne est la CEO de Moon Surgical, la MedTech française qui …
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Nathan Carlson is a Doctor of Physical Therapy. He is a physical therapist and owns a running-specific practice based in Kansas City. He works with runners and triathletes specifically focusing on BSI management and prevention. He teaches BSI management nationally and internationally, and is also a reviewer for the International Journal of Exercise…
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Want to prevent estrangement in your kids? This is the second part of our conversation with Whitney Goodman, LMFT. For the first part, please listen to the "Calling Home" podcast. In the first part of this conversation, we cover, what social media gets wrong about parental estrangement and what the nuance is that is missing online. In this second p…
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Hvordan kan vi få bæredygtighed ind i de nye fagplaner? Vi taler med Dorte Lange fra UBU-partnerskaberne om bæredygtighed og om hvorfor hun synes bæredygtighed skal være en del af formålet i alle fag. Dorthe forklarer, hvordan bæredygtighed bør være en grundlæggende del af undervisningen i alle fag og ikke blot et projektuge-emne. Hun fremhæver, at…
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In this fifth week of Epiphany, let us reflect on our workplaces as places where God can mold us as his disciples. Nuance's Formed for Faithfulness is a weekly liturgy to encourage all of us to be faithful to Christ in the public square. Join Case Thorp as he follows the Church calendar through the reading of Scripture, prayer, and short reflection…
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Steve Suarez, CEO of Horizon X Consulting, explains some of the best practices he uses in the identification of emerging technologies and how to integrate them in order to generate business transformation. The discussion covers the evolution of AI, the growing significance of quantum computing, and the role of innovation in shaping the future of in…
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Marine Bibal, co-fondatrice d’EasyPicky, nous raconte les débuts de cette aventure. Et tout commence, presque comme dans un film. Son futur associé, Renaud Pacull, arrive pour la énième fois en retard à un diner. La raison ? Il a hésité une nouvelle fois dans le rayon dans lequel acheter une bouteille de vin. Il s’amuse alors à concevoir une app qu…
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Has "setting boundaries" turned into an excuse for treating people like they're disposable? We're seeing a concerning trend in our therapy rooms: people are using self-care language to justify ghosting, dishonesty, and basic human decency. In conversation, we tackle: The wild disconnect between how we treat strangers IRL vs. potential partners onli…
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Vi taler med Nadia Raphael Rathje om bæredygtighed i et helskoleperspektiv. Du kan læse mere om Nadias forskning i denne artikel eller hvis du slet ikke kan få nok så også i hendes PhD. Nadia, der har forsket i bæredygtighed i skolens kontekst, forklarer, hvordan bæredygtighed bør integreres i hele skolens udvikling, ikke kun som et isoleret emne i…
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Dans cet épisode, Jérémie et Simon discutent de l'élément clé et souvent négligé qu'est l'adhérence à son plan ! Peu importe la stratégie employée, être capable de la faire durer dans le temps est la chose la plus importante étant donné que le changement est un processus qui prend du temps. Bien entendu, ici, nous ne parlons pas d'un contexte de pe…
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In this fourth week of Epiphany, we reflect on Nehemiah 8 and the sharing of God's word. Let us be encouraged to highlight the joy and hope that come from a relationship with God in our evangelism. Nuance's Formed for Faithfulness is a weekly liturgy to encourage all of us to be faithful to Christ in the public square. Join Case Thorp as he follows…
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Mark McElvanney, Client Services Director for IEHub, discusses the impact of regulatory changes, the importance of affordability assessments and innovative tools designed to support customers. Key themes include the integration of benefits assessments, affordability data portability, and partnerships with third-party organisations to deliver seamle…
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On this episode of Nuance, Case is joined by retired Florida Supreme Court Justice Alan Lawson. Lawson discusses the challenges faced by judges, as well as how his faith formed the way he served on the bench. He also shares insights into the judicial system, his transition from the Florida Supreme Court to private practice, and his work with Mi Esp…
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In this raw and personal bonus episode, Sam and Amanda process their feelings on Inauguration Day, sharing a candid conversation about: Dealing with political anxiety and finding hope amid uncertainty Sam's experiences working in healthcare during COVID-19, including confronting conspiracy theorists and managing the hospital's COVID response The im…
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In this candid episode, therapists Sam and Amanda discuss Sam's recent experience with a TikTok going viral. After posting about friendship and flaking culture, Sam faced unexpected backlash leading to a broader conversation about social media, nuance, and connection in today's world. The hosts explore: How legitimate concerns about accessibility a…
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Fejl i første upload, nu kan du få afslutningen med. Vi har besøg af Martin Exner som fortæller om SkoleGPT og om hvordan du kan bruge generativ AI i din undervisning. Martin siger i episoden at ChatGPT bruger 0.9 kWh pr. prompt, Ifølge denne rapport fra International Energy Agency (…
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