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Întrucât ne-am decis să trăim o veșnicie, ne-am hotărât că vom avea destul timp să povestim despre istoria intelectuală a omenirii într-o serie de podcasturi începând cu antichitatea și ajungând până în zilele noastre. Planul nostru este ca, în fiecare săptămână, să purtăm o discuție despre o temă esențială din sfera umanistă. Vom vorbi, așadar, despre literatura, istorie, religie și, bineînțeles, filozofie. Totul în ordine cronologică.
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Paleo Nerds


A Paleo Nerd is a grown-up who still has the child-like wonder and love for dinosaurs, fossils, science, and paleontology. Paleo Nerds follows Alaskan artist, Ray Troll, and his friend ventriloquist David Strassman, as they host exciting interviews with paleontologists, scientists and fellow paleo nerds from around the world. They take what would’ve been a boring science class and turn it into an exciting and extremely informative party.
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PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe

Jay Bowers aka PaleoJay

A quick podcast that features tips about the paleo, ancestral, carnivore or barbarian template type of lifestyle. Sometimes politics as well- a succinct summation by your own PaleoJay! Come join the tribe...
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Paleo Bites

Matthew Donald

Welcome to Paleo Bites, the weekly podcast hosted by Matthew Donald where we make dumb jokes, reference pop culture, derail like crazy, and oh yeah, discuss and rate dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals. Each episode Matthew and a rotating set of guest co-hosts talk about a different genus of primeval critter, explain basic stats, exchange plenty of banter, barely fact-check, and at the end, rate the creature one out of 65 million for any reason, including but not limited to sexiness, man ...
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Take control of your health by moving beyond the Paleo template and learning about cutting edge health strategies that really work. This podcast will give you tips and tricks from the mouths of experts and common folk alike who discovered exactly what it takes to THRIVE. Join Chas and Autumn Smith, loving and passionate husband and wife and founders of as they guide you on the journey to cultivate vibrant health and wellness.
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Paleoradio on Hanna-Kaisa Ranisen ja Jaakko Savolahden podcast. Aiheina hyvinvointikokonaisuuden osa-alueet, kuten ravinto, elämäntavat ja liikunta. Voit halutessasi lähettää kysymyksiä podcastiin osoitteeseen [email protected] Hanna-Kaisan löydät: Ja Jaakon:
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Karl Hultén och Anna-Maria Norman

Vi hjälper dig att ta makten över din egen hälsa, med hjälp av en läkande kost och livsstil. Podden riktar sig till dig med autoimmun sjukdom, magbesvär, allergier och kroniska hälsobesvär. Vi ger dig fördjupande kunskap, effektiva metoder och inspiration. Aktuellt: Prenumerera på nyhetsbrevet och få en gratis e-bok: Läs om våra kurser och medlemskap. Här kan du köpa våra böcker. Vi som gör podcasten är: Karl Hultén (biomedicinare och författare som själv minskat sina symtom av autoimmun sju ...
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Paleosophie Podcast

Constantin Gonzalez

Im Paleosophie-Podcast geht es rund um Paleo-Ernährung, Ernährungs-Wissenschaften und Paleo-Lifestyle: Hintergründe, Diskussionen, Rezepte, Erfahrungsberichte und News zu gesunder Ernährung für den zivilisierten Urmenschen.
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Gluten-Free Keto Paleo

Glenda The Good Foodie

Glenda The Good Foodie The focus is to sharing healthy eating tips, products, with a focus on gluten-free keto & paleo Cover art photo provided by Tiago Faifa on Unsplash:
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Latest in Paleo

Angelo Coppola

Latest in Paleo is a weekly podcast that delivers the latest health and fitness news from a unique perspective where scientific evidence intersects with evolutionary clues. Hosted by Angelo Coppola.
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It’s like Gilmore Girls meets paleo except for funner! A quirky mother-daughter duo sharing our real life tales, tips + tricks from our unedited, paleo lives. From New York City to small town Idaho, we’re adding the party to paleo together. So grab your bulletproof coffee + join us every Monday morning for your weekly dose of LOL worthy encouragement while adding a dash of pep to your paleo step.
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That Paleo Show

The Wellness Couch

Dr Brett Hill (Chiropractor) is passionate about helping people get healthy naturally and believes that your body needs no help to perform at it’s best, just no interference. This show will help you get back to basics and redefine the way you eat, think, and move in order to maximise your innate potential.
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Le Paléo Contemporain

Le Paléo Contemporain

"Le Paléo Contemporain" vous aide à adopter le mode vie paléo dans notre monde actuel en optimisant l'expression de vos gènes. Vous encourage à adopter un mode vie actif et une alimentation saine en respectant le mode de vie de nos ancêtres. À travers le paléo contemporain, je vais vous diffuser des conseils et astuces sur les sphères physique et mentale de la santé.
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Food and Therapeutic Diet Solutions for Women with Autoimmune Disease and Chronic Illness. Are you a woman with autoimmune disease or chronic illness? Are you so tired of feeling tired and going to doctor after doctor and trying the different naturopathic methods, all the different diets, and literally nothing sticking? Nothing is helping you? Autoimmune Disease and Chronic Illness are difficult to navigate and you’re often doing it on your own. Doctors can test, maybe diagnose, and medicate ...
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Paleo Diet Magazine with Rose

Paleo Dieter Rose interviews Mark Sisson, Chris Kresser, Nell Stephenson & Sarah Ballantyne on Fat Loss, Dieting, Online Business, & Podcasting 7-days a week!

Paleo Diet Magazine is devoted to helping YOU with information and tools for a lifestyle change today. If you are looking for inspiration, motivation, and ACTIONABLE advice during your daily commute, workout, or "me" time. Paleo Diet Magazine’s main goal is to help YOU live a happier and healthier lifestyle by providing YOU with support and ideas for enjoying foods that people like. Paleo Diet Magazine is chock full of recipes, information, and images of the food YOU love to eat. YOU can hav ...
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Paleo, Love & Transformation

Camille Macres

How does one create and sustain a lifetime of abundant health? Camille Macres of & special guests find the answers in some unexpected places. Episodes will explore: -Transformation, spirituality, love and relationship (with self and others). -The journey towards finding and living your unique purpose in the world. -Food as medicine, natural health and its application in daily life. Special emphasis on living a paleo lifestyle and determining the foods uniquely suited to you. -Th ...
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Best selling author JJ Flizanes brings easy ways to cook, eat and snack within a paleo diet. All recipes are gluten free and dairy free and make it easy and delicious to be on a paleo, grain free diet. Whether you are a great cook or not, these recipes are easy and some can be modified to make them vegan as well. Lose weight, reduce inflammation and eliminate cravings and still love your food that is paleo, gluten free, grain free, soy free and dairy free. JJ will show you how to work with o ...
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Transitioning To Paleo Made Easy is a podcast with you in mind, beginners as well as those of of you who are trying to transition to the paleo-way of eating but have not succeeded, those of you who are looking for inspiration, a role-model, someone you can relate to in your quest for living the paleo lifestyle. Every week, your host, Marie Grace Berg brings to life the stories and the journeys of of everyday folks as well as experts who were exactly where you are today. Their true stories ar ...
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Jean-Jacques Hublin est paléoanthropologue, auteur de nombreux travaux sur l'évolution des néandertaliens et sur les origines africaines des hommes modernes. Il a joué un rôle pionnier dans le développement de la paléoanthropologie virtuelle, qui fait largement appel aux techniques de l'imagerie médicale et industrielle et à l'informatique pour reconstituer et analyser les restes fossiles. Il s'est aussi intéressé à l'évolution des rythmes de croissance et au développement cérébral chez les ...
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The Land Before Podcast explores fossil histories and paleo mysteries from Dinosaur Ridge, sites around Colorado, the United States, and everywhere on Earth where the remains of dinosaurs and prehistoric life is found. In 2022, a group of Dinosaur Ridge staff members teamed up to create this podcast to connect with dinosaur enthusiasts, those interested in paleontology, geology, ichnology, natural resource preservation, STEM education, natural history, and new fossil discoveries. Dinosaur Ri ...
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show series
There is little connection to the body when it comes mental wellness yet our microbiome plays an integral part in it! The type of probiotic matters and Sylvia Hall shares with us what they are and has a solution for you to get you started. We also talk about the dangers of allowing your chronic illness diagnosis to become your identity. You do not …
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(image source: Host Matthew Donald and guest co-host Stephen Curro discuss Allosaurus anax, the new lord of the lizard eaters after supplanting the great and now dubious Saurophaganax after a hard-fought duel. There is truly no mercy sometimes in the battlefield of science. F…
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This time co-hosts Korey Maas (Lutheran), Miles Smith (Anglican), and D. G. Hart (Presbyterian) talk about whether non-denominational Christianity is the future of American Protestantism and what stake confessional Protestants have in denominational structures. The basis for discussion is sociologist Ryan Burge's analysis of church statistics whose…
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Send us a text One piece of misinformation that has been around for a long time is the idea that strength training workouts need to be…LONG! And I mean HOURS long… I fell for this myself in my younger days. I mean, if 1 hour of intense workout exercises is good, well, 2 hours is even better, right? And the big one: if 3 workouts per week is enough …
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Denis Diderot este una dintre figurile emblematice ale secolului al XVIII-lea, cunoscut în special pentru coordonarea monumentalului proiect "Encyclopedia". Această lucrare nu este doar un simplu dicționar, ci un dicționar critic al ideilor și cunoașterii, simbolizând dorința iluministă de a răspândi cunoașterea nu doar printre elite, ci și în rând…
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Giambattista Vico este un gânditor napolitan din secolul XVIII, cunoscut pentru lucrarea sa "Scienza Nuova" (Știința Nouă), în care propune o împărțire a istoriei în trei etape: teocratică, eroică și umană. Într-o epocă dominată de raționalism, Vico acordă o importanță deosebită imaginației și religiei, pe care le consideră fundamentale pentru civi…
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Blodprover ger en unik inblick i kroppens hälsa och kan hjälpa dig att identifiera riskfaktorer, brister och inflammation långt innan symtom uppstår. I detta avsnitt går vi igenom hur du tolkar dina blodvärden och hur de kan användas för att förbättra din hälsa. Vi delar också erfarenheter och insikter från Hälsodetektiverna, där vi just nu genomfö…
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(image source: Host Matthew Donald and guest co-host Michele C. Hollow discuss Temnodontosaurus, a rather large marine reptile with potentially the largest eyes of any animal ever at 10 inches wide. Sheesh, my most impressive body part in terms of size is only half that length! From the Early Jurassic, thi…
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Falling asleep shouldn't be as difficult as it is. Surprisingly, there are things we are accidentally doing that are sabotaging our body's ability to get tired and fall asleep quickly once in bed. In this episode, I'm sharing with you 3 things you can do starting tonight to fall asleep faster and wake up more energized. xoxo, Marian Connect with Ma…
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Astăzi am discutat despre Voltaire, o figură centrală a secolului XVIII, cunoscut pentru prolificitatea sa literară și influența sa asupra contemporanilor. A trăit 84 de ani și a scris tragedii, romane filozofice, cărți de istorie și filozofie, având o corespondență vastă cu personalități importante ale vremii, inclusiv regi și împărați. Voltaire a…
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(image source: Host Matthew Donald and guest co-host Laura Owsley discuss Hippodraco, a dinosaur with a funny name that makes me think of hippos, horses, dragons, and a shipping portmanteau between Draco Malfoy and the hippogriff he tried to get killed. What a cacophony of emotions this guy brings o…
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De råd som dominerar samhället kring kost och hälsa fungerar inte – det är dags att ifrågasätta dem. I den här podden utforskar vi hur du kan ta makten över din egen hälsa genom kost och livsstil, trots att normerna säger något annat. Jag delar min personliga resa från autoimmun sjukdom till ett symtomfritt liv med hjälp av paleokost – och varför j…
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Montesquieu este un autor fascinant, cunoscut pentru operele sale esențiale precum "Despre spiritul legilor" și "Scrisorile persane". În aceste lucrări, el explorează teme importante, cum ar fi cauzele creșterii și decăderii Imperiului Roman, oferind lecții istorice relevante pentru contemporaneitatea sa. Despotismul este un subiect central în scri…
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From accounting in the healthcare system to improving people's health with fitness and nutrition, Ariana Hakman of LunaFit shares her story and mission. Connect with Ariana: Website: / Facebook - Instagram - Connect with Mari…
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(image source: Host Matthew Donald and guest co-host Natasha Krech discuss Magnolia, another wonderful example of a prehistoric animal we cover on this show in that it is not an animal and is also still around today. It’s okay to break rules if yo…
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Kan ett enkelt tillskott förändra ditt sätt att åldras? I detta avsnitt utforskar vi den senaste forskningen om GlyNAC, en kombination av glycin och N-acetylcystein, och dess potential att stärka kroppens naturliga skyddssystem, glutation. Vi tittar på hur GlyNAC kan påverka inflammation, mitokondriefunktion, muskelstyrka, kroppssammansättning, kog…
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George Berkeley, episcop irlandez și filozof idealist, este cunoscut pentru teoria sa cunoscutăd drept de „idealism subiectiv”, exprimată prin fraza „esse est percipi” (a fi înseamnă a fi perceput). El contestă materialismul și dualismul lui Locke și Descartes, susținând că nu există materie independentă de percepția noastră. Berkeley crede că mate…
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While peptide therapy isn't new, peptides are the new up and coming therapy to help your body reduce inflammation from autoimmune disease, help your body naturally balance your hormones, and even assist with weight loss without losing your muscle mass. Dr. Scott Edwards, MD joins Marian to talk about this exciting tool to improve health. Meet. Dr. …
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(image source: Host Matthew Donald and guest co-host Jaymes Buckman discuss Atlasaurus, a lanky and wonky longneck that looks just wrong and quite frankly disgusts me. Look at its proportions, look at it! It’s like if A.I. made a dinosaur. From the Mid Jurassic, this 49 foot sauropod had a shorter nec…
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Send us a text I have worked out with weights, and then with calisthenics for many, many years. Starting in my teens, and continuing now, as I prepare to turn 73 in April. My results have been phenomenal, and as I continue to work out daily, I have turned more and more away from weights and equipment, and more and more rely on calisthenics and virt…
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IN THE EPISODE Did you know that some of the skincare products you’re using to fight acne might actually be causing it? Or that a paleo-approved sweetener and certain vitamins could trigger breakouts? This week, we’re diving deep into the shocking truths behind acne, skincare, and the root causes of aging skin with acne expert and co-founder of the…
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Astăzi discutăm despre Bernard de Mandeville, autorul „Fabulei albinelor", o lucrare adesea citată, dar rar citită. Mandeville, de origine franceză-olandeză, s-a stabilit în Anglia. S-a născut la Rotterdam și a fost influențat de Pierre Bayle, un alt hughenot. Bayle susținea că o societate bună poate fi formată din atei, iar Mandeville a preluat id…
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(image source: Host Matthew Donald and guest co-host Lexi Ryan discuss Lokiceratops, a dinosaur with asymmetrical horns, much like my relationship with my girlfriend where we’re asymmetrical in our horniness for each other. From the Late Cretaceous, this 22-foot centrosaurine ceratopsid is a…
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Jonathan Swift este un autor faimos, cunoscut mai ales pentru romanul său satiric și filozofic, „Călătoriile lui Gulliver". Acest roman, deși adesea perceput ca o poveste pentru copii, este de fapt o lucrare care explorează diverse aspecte ale societății europene din secolul XVIII. Fiecare dintre cele patru călătorii ale lui Gulliver abordează teme…
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Är sötningsmedlet allulos verkligen det hälsosamma sockeralternativet vi alla har väntat på? Vi går igenom vad forskningen säger om allulos och dess påverkan på hälsan. Hur skiljer det sig från vanligt socker och andra sötningsmedel? Kan det hjälpa till att stabilisera blodsockret, minska inflammation och stödja viktnedgång – och är det verkligen s…
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(image source: by Fred Wierum) Host Matthew Donald and guest co-host Ben O’Regan discuss Austroraptor, a dromaeosaurid theropod masquerading as a spinosaurid theropod, because that sentence is comprehensible to more than hardcore dino nerds. From the Late Cretaceous, this 18-foot meat-eating dinosaur snapp…
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The Pudcast returns with co-hosts Korey Maas (Lutheran), Miles Smith (Anglican), and D. G. Hart (Presbyterian) in the after glow of a very long holiday season -- that seems to get longer the older the observer becomes. The recording starts with question of whether the five to six weeks between Thanksgiving and New Years -- when everyone seems to re…
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Astăzi vorbim, în sfârșit, despre un român: Dimitrie Cantemir a fost o personalitate remarcabilă a secolului XVII-XVIII, cunoscut pentru contribuțiile sale în diverse domenii, de la politică la muzică și filozofie. A fost domnitor al Moldovei de două ori și a avut o carieră intelectuală notabilă în Rusia, fiind recunoscut în întreaga Europă. Cantem…
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(image source: Host Matthew Donald and guest co-host Allen Brooks discuss Heterodontosaurus, a very heteronormative dinosaur in that it had heterodont (or “differently-shaped”) teeth. Canceled! You’re canceled by the woke police, Heterodontosaurus! Love is lov…
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I det här avsnittet svarar vi på en delatagarfråga från en av våra hälsodetektiver. Det handlar främst om sötningsmedel och deras påverkan på hälsan. Vad säger forskningen om aspartam, sukralos, stevia och andra alternativ? RESET-30 [KURS] - 20% boka-tidigt rabatt till måndag 6/1 Kursstart 20/1. Kickstarta året med en 30-dagars hälsoutmaning där vi…
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Astăzi discutăm despre Pierre Bayle, un contemporan al lui Leibniz, cunoscut pentru contribuțiile sale în gândirea critică și precursor al enciclopedismului. Bayle, un pastor protestant, a fost influențat de contextul religios și politic al timpului său, fiind un critic al superstițiilor și al gândirii magice, cum se vede în lucrarea sa despre come…
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(image source: Host Matthew Donald and guest co-host Natasha Krech discuss Pulmonoscorpius, another nope of a nope that crept and crawled and stabbed and stung. Why don't you stay over there and I stay way over here, you big monster? I think that's an arrangement we can all agree on. From the…
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I detta avsnitt talar vi om mental träning tillsammans med Therese Hansson, personalvetaren som utbildat sig inom mental träning och coaching. Hon delar med sig av hur mental träning har hjälpt henne att skapa balans i livet, förbättra sin självkänsla och hantera utmaningar. Vi diskuterar tekniker som det mentala rummet och hur visualisering kan an…
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Discutăm despre Leibniz, un geniu universal și un personaj fascinant, cunoscut pentru contribuțiile sale în filozofie, matematică și drept. Deși a publicat puțin în timpul vieții, opera sa a avut un impact semnificativ ulterior. Un aspect important al gândirii sale este dialogul cu alți filozofi, cum ar fi răspunsul său la Locke în „Noi eseuri desp…
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(image source: Merry Christmas! Host Matthew Donald and guest co-host and one of Santa’s elves Snowdrop Jimjam Jollypie discuss Uintatherium, a big hoofed mammal kind of like a rhino but with these weird antler-things on its head like a reindeer on crack. That’s the Christmas connection I’m ma…
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Ozempic and other GLP-1's are a widely used weight loss and blood sugar management medication and many people are experiencing unwelcome side effects. Are GLP-1's actually helpful and worth the risks associated with them? Can you get on them short term to help jumpstart your health goals? Do you have to stay on them for life? Here's what I've learn…
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INSIDE THE EPISODE There’s a common, often overlooked, dietary imbalance that may be increasing the risk of obesity, heart disease, pain, and mental health issues. That imbalance lies in the type of fats we consume, or the essential omega-6 (think seeds oils) and omega-3 (think fish and leafy greens) fats. While our ancestors evolved with a balance…
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Send us a text Our country has been failing, for quite some time. The democrats have become a new party, completely: from the “party of the working man”, which was never really true at all, they have fallen to the level of a totally leftist, socialist/communist totalitarian state, ready to rule over us all! Donald Trump has changed all that. Not th…
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Astăzi discutăm despre John Locke, un filozof important, contemporan și prieten cu Newton, influențat de acesta. Relația dintre filozofie și știință este evidentă în cazul lor. Locke este cunoscut pentru contribuțiile sale în filozofia cunoașterii, politică, educație și religie. În filozofia cunoașterii, Locke este un reprezentant al empirismului, …
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Stop choking down food in the name of health and learn how to enjoy eating the foods that support your health. Eating foods that love your body shouldn't be miserable! Good food is good food, period. Here are my life-changing tips to help you reach your health goals and enjoy the process.…
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(image source: Host Matthew Donald and guest co-host Stephen Curro discuss Capromeryx, a teeny-tiny pronghorn with a teeny-tiny amount of information available, perfect for another teeny-tiny bite-sized episode. Dawww. From the Late Pliocene to the Early Holocene, this 2-foot hoofed mammal was among the small…
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When most confessional Protestants are preparing for end-of-calendar-year holidays, they are likely thinking about Lutheran seminary education. For that reason, this discussion with co-hosts Korey Maas (Lutheran), Miles Smith (Anglican), and D. G. Hart (Presbyterian) will be a treat. The basis for discussion is an article that Korey Maas wrote for …
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Isaac Newton este o figură monumentală în istoria științei, având un impact profund asupra filozofiei și viziunii asupra lumii. Alături de Copernic și Galilei, Newton a schimbat radical perspectiva modernă asupra universului. El face parte dintr-o generație extraordinară, contribuind la revoluția științifică prin lucrările sale fundamentale, cum ar…
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I det här avsnittet svarar vi på en fråga från en av våra medlemmar i Hälsodetektiverna. Den handlar om hur man hanterar högtider som julen om man samtidigt försöker följa en läkande kost. RESET-30 [KURS] Kickstarta året med en 30-dagars hälsoutmaning där vi hjälper dig att skapa hållbara hälsovanor med riktig mat och enkla rutiner. Kursstart 20:e …
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Chronic pain is annoying at best and debilitating at its worst. Applied Kinesiology is a widely misunderstood, and thus, underutilized modality. Dr. Scott Vrzal joins Marian again, this time to explain what Applied Kinesiology is and the role it plays in regaining our health.Kirjoittanut Marian Mitchell, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Meal Plan Mentor
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(image source: Host Matthew Donald and guest co-host Lexi Ryan discuss Psittacosaurus, an early representative of the dinosaurs that would later become Triceratops and Styracosaurus and the like despite looking almost nothing like one. It has the parrot-like beak …
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