CSWB 110 - Web Page Development Using HTML and XHTML - at Palomar College, San Marcos, CA - Instructor Teresa Pelkie.This show will consist of video recordings of the PowerPoint presentations and / or code display for the classes in this course.
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Some theory behind search engine optimization (SEO) and coding techniques. Accompanying URL: wwwsights.com/seoKirjoittanut Teresa Pelkie
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An overivew of the history behind the creation of XHTML and how it is used in the HTML document. Covers a well-formed and valid document and validating at validator.w3.orgKirjoittanut Teresa Pelkie
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Working with selectors and selector patterns, theKirjoittanut Teresa Pelkie
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Using an id selector, the float property, column layout using CSS, the "box" model: margin, padding, border, display propertyKirjoittanut Teresa Pelkie
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text and font styles, image file formats, background propertiesKirjoittanut Teresa Pelkie
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Inline, embedded and external styles, color and background-color properties.Kirjoittanut Teresa Pelkie
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other resources, attirbutes, meta tagsKirjoittanut Teresa Pelkie
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How to link to files that are located in different folders.Kirjoittanut Teresa Pelkie
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This video covers using the tag to link pages and to link to points within a document.Kirjoittanut Teresa Pelkie
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img, hr, centering, special char
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
Sorry, but the voice is a bit off at times. This video introduces the image tag, the horizontal rule tag, centering baiscs and how to use special characters.Kirjoittanut Teresa Pelkie
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Lists and Other Elements
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
Lists and other block level and inline elements. This lecture is taken from Tutorial 1.2, CSWB 110 at Palomar College, San Marcos, CA, by instructor Teresa Pelkie.Kirjoittanut Teresa Pelkie
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An overview of the HTML / XHTML language. For class CSWB 110 at Palomar College, San Marcos, CA, instructor Teresa Pelkie.This covers the concepts presented in Tutorial 1-2A.Kirjoittanut Teresa Pelkie
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