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ICU - "I See You" - Vestibular Conversations

The Vestibular Disorders Association (VeDA) & Unfixed Media

In the ICU ("I See You") podcast hosts Cynthia Ryan and Kimberly Warner explore the vestibular experience by facilitating conversations between vestibular patients and the health professionals who care for them. They invite patients to share their stories, and healthcare professionals to ask questions so they are equipped to care for, and truly see their patients. This podcast is a co-production of the Vestibular Disorders Association (VeDA) and Unfixed Media.
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Making Vestibular Visible

The Vestibular Disorders Association (VeDA)

Vestibular disorders are invisible from the outside. Even though you look like nothing is wrong, your whole world could be spinning. That is why we are opening a discussion about vestibular dysfunction. By talking about vestibular disorders, what they feel like, how they are diagnosed and treated, and strategies for coping, we seek to shine a light on the vestibular experience and make vestibular visible. This podcast shares recordings of the VeDA Video Education Series. Hosts Drs. Kathleen ...
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ANPT Vestibular Special Interest Group

Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy

The Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy Vestibular Rehabilitation Special Interest Group is a component of the American Physical Therapy Association. The Vestibular Rehab SIG provides a network of collaboration and education to its members that fosters opportunities to highlight and build solid foundations of clinical practice to provide care and management of persons with vestibular deficits and related balance and movement disorders. Its membership focus is centered on supporting the pr ...
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Dicas de como estudar para passar nos vestibulares mais concorridas do Brasil, como ITA e medicina na USP. Com Susane Ribeiro. Aprovados e professores contam quais materiais usar, quais técnicas de estudo são melhores, como aproveitar melhor seu tempo pra você ter uma preparação eficiente e passar este ano.
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show series
In this episode we’re going to talk about silence. The silence that happens when you lose your hearing. Whether it comes on all of a sudden or gradually, losing your hearing is a life changer. It starts when you have to ask your friends and family to repeat what they just said. Eventually you stop asking, and you begin to feel separate, apart, not …
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In this episode we are going to discuss the remote treatment of dizziness and imbalance using a novel virtual platform called Vertigenius, a comprehensive and personalized approach to vestibular rehabilitation that empowers patients to effectively engage with their prescribed exercises. Speaker bio: Dr. Dara Meldrum is a vestibular physiotherapist …
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Three years ago Dr. Bell presented a webinar for VeDA on navigating the healthcare system, and since then she’s been working tirelessly to write a book for people suffering with dizziness or vertigo who are seeking relief through healthcare and who are unable to work with her in person. Dr. Bell’s goal in writing this book is to share what she has …
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This podcast brings to light the revolutionary science of fixational eye movements and how they play a critical role in stabilizing vision during head movements, influencing balance, and maintaining clear vision. We will be introduced to a novel retinal-based eye tracking technology that has unlocked the ability to see the unseen eye movements unde…
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In this episode of the ICU Podcast we’re going to talk about what happens when we lose function in our inner ear completely, when the vestibular system on both your right and your left sides is not working. Bilateral vestibular loss, also called hypofunction, can be devastating. It results in severe difficulty maintaining balance, especially when w…
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The year end holidays are probably the busiest time of year for social events. Family gatherings and work parties, special church services, and cocktail parties with friends. These are meant to be fun and festive, a time to eat, drink, and be merry. But events can often be overwhelming for people with vestibular disorders, with bright lights and lo…
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Living with and supporting someone with a chronic illness can be challenging. First off, we'd like to give a big shout out to all the spouses, parents, friends, and other “care partners” out there who selflessly adapt their lives around the restrictions imposed by their loved one’s vestibular illness. Aborted family events, staying home instead of …
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Host Sarah Pichini PT, DPT is joined by Dr. Robin Evans, PT, DPT, GCS discussing a case study of a patient with bilateral multi canal Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) and underlying Vestibular Migraine (VM). A systematic approach in assessing and treating multi canal BPPV as well as the criteria for VM is reviewed. This case discussion h…
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Host Stephen Merchant PT, DPT, NCS is joined by Dr. Lisa Heusel-Gillig PT, DPT, NCS in a discussion regarding the development of the Modified Motion Sensitivity Test. Dr. Heusel-Gillig describes the reason she assisted in the development of this testing as well as the recommended standardized process to perform the test. The abstract of Dr. Heusel-…
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Have you ever wondered this during a visit to a healthcare provider? This feeling hardly leaves you enthusiastic about following their recommendations, does it? Fortunately, many healthcare providers are adding “Certified Health Coach” to their credentials through a program teaching licensed professionals how to “alter their traditional patient eng…
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Mal de Debarquement Syndrome is a central vestibular disorder that typically arises following exposure to passive motion (i.e. boat, airplane, automobile, train, etc.). The characteristic symptom of MdDS is a constant sensation of rocking, swaying, and/or bobbing. On this episode of the ICU - "I See You" podcast, we connect with one of the leading …
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Can virtual reality help with vestibular healthcare? In this recorded live interview host Kathleen Stross, DPT interviewed researcher Geoff Wright and physical therapists, Bridgett Wallace and Ramiro Maldonado, about their new affordable, ultra-portable, scientifically validated Virtual Reality solution for assessing fall risk, identifying causes a…
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Traveling with a vestibular illness can feel impossible and problematic. Obstacles like rapid altitude changes, visual disturbances, patterned airport carpets, and passive motion can amplify symptoms. Many people with vestibular dysfunction need accommodations or restrictions to prevent symptoms, attacks, or flare-ups. Having a vestibular disorder …
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Firebush, Inc. is a nonprofit organization incorporated in 2017 with a mission to give back to the community through funding that allows health and fitness professionals to provide safe, high-quality health and fitness classes at no charge to the elderly or anyone with mobility challenges. In this recorded live event on Facebook, YouTube and Linked…
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Devices—can’t live with them, can’t live without them. When I was in the first two years of my vestibular disorder I remember longing to turn back the clock to the 1800’s. Televisions, computer screens, even my phone sent my nervous system reeling so it took me years to return to modern communication. And because I wasn’t connecting digitally durin…
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Learn more at The BalanceBelt is a smart belt that helps you to improve your balance during walking and standing. The BalanceBelt contains several tiny vibration motors. When the BalanceBelt senses that you are starting to lose balance, it will vibrate in the direction of your imbalance. Your …
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As you know, dealing with vestibular disorders can take a toll on a person’s mental well-being. Feelings of stress, sadness, and uncertainty about the future are common, and these emotional responses can manifest as anxiety. Anxiety and vestibular symptoms can create a vicious cycle where one exacerbates the other, and it’s ever so hard to break th…
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Host Jennifer Burus PT, NCS is joined by Anne W. Hunt, PhD, OT Reg (Ontario) and Nick Reed, PhD, MScOT, OT Reg (Ontario) for a discussion on multidisciplinary care for pediatric patients with concussion. Dr. Hunt is an Assistant Professor Teaching Stream in the Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy at the University of Toronto…
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Caring for oneself with a vestibular disorder is not easy—add infants, children and teens into the mix and the spectrum of experience can span from feeling downright impossible to uniquely rewarding. In honor of Mother’s Day this month and our community of mothers with vestibular disorders, this episode of the ICU - "I See You" podcast dives into t…
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Host Maureen Clancy PT, DPT, OCS is joined by Joanna Wolfson PhD, ABPP and Emily Kostelnik PhD in a discussion on the integration of psychological care for patients with vestibular disorders. Dr. Kostelnik is a Clinical Health Psychologist who focuses on behavioral health education for the vestibular community through her company Rooted Behavioral …
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BEqualise is a holistic and personalized program to help patients suffering from balance disorders. The Bequalise program is scientifically based and aims to guide patients with day-by-day training, nutrition, brain exercises, and relaxation tips. There is also a section for healthcare professionals to monitor and empower their patients. Learn more…
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Conheça o método Sniper de Questões: #sniperdequestoes O Sniper de Questões é um método comprovado, que aprova nas faculdades mais concorridas do Brasil ______________________________________ Ouça também no Spotify: _______________________________________ Inst…
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Conheça o método Sniper de Questões: #sniperdequestoes O Sniper de Questões é um método comprovado, que aprova nas faculdades mais concorridas do Brasil ______________________________________ YouTube: _______________________________________ Instagram do Lucas: https://www.instagram.c…
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You never thought it would happen. You thought you would work until retirement or beyond, but then along came your vestibular disorder. Now, focusing on a computer screen is a challenge, you can’t drive, walking is a safety hazard, and your concentration is not what it used to be. Getting through a workday is exhausting and frustrating as you strug…
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Each person’s experience of the menopause transition is unique. Changes affect sleep, mood, mental acuity, and subsequently, you guessed it, our vestibular system. Reports of the effect women’s hormones play on their vestibular systems are common, but symptoms vary. During different hormonal periods, some women report a new onset of symptoms, while…
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Primary care practitioners are often the first healthcare professionals we seek when we feel dizzy, disoriented, or not quite right. Their role is to take a medical history and assess whether the person can be treated immediately with medication or therapy, or whether they need to be referred to a specialist for further testing. One challenge, howe…
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We’ve all messed around with art at some point in our lives and with perfectionists at bay, it can be playful, relaxing and revitalizing. But how often do we pick up a paintbrush because it can also be medicine? Personally, when I was in the deepest terrors of MdDS, needle sculpting with wool became a lifeline, and I know I’m not alone when I say t…
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Hoje vamos abordar um tema que muitas vezes é evitado, mas é essencial para o sucesso: a importância de errar e, mais do que isso, a importância de gostar de errar. Isso mesmo, você não leu errado! Vamos desmistificar a ideia de que errar é ruim e transformá-la em uma ferramenta poderosa para seu crescimento. Vamos desfazer juntos alguns mitos comu…
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Hoje temos uma conversa franca sobre as dificuldades que não esperamos encontrar, mas que, surpreendentemente, não estão ligadas ao conteúdo em si. Vamos explorar os aspectos emocionais desafiadores do estudo, como persistir mesmo se sentindo incapaz, lidar com desânimo, a tentação de desistir, e as complexidades da comparação e da decepção consigo…
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Vestibular patients across the globe share many common experiences besides the physical symptoms of vestibular disorders. In this recorded live event, UK-based Peter Rea, MD and US-based Joel Goebel, MD join host Kathleen Stross, DPT to discuss the differences and similarities between the US and UK healthcare systems and how that impacts vestibular…
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For many people with vestibular disorders, what they eat and drink can trigger dizziness, vertigo, nausea, and other symptoms. The good news is that certain dietary modifications can help you manage your symptoms. Figuring out what to eliminate from your diet can be tricky, though. Not only are triggers different for each person, but you also have …
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Host Puja Agarwal PT, DPT, MHA is joined by Dr. Jacob McPherson, PT, DPT, PhD, a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Science and a member of the University of Buffalo Concussion Management and Research Center Team to discuss strategies on how best to advocate for Vestibular Rehabilitation. His current research focuses o…
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In the newest episode of the ICU - "I See You" podcast, guests Jen Warner and Joy Mohr join the hosts to discuss how having a vestibular disorder affects personal relationships. It can be hard to relate to another person’s experience. This is especially true for people struggling with vestibular impairment because the symptoms are invisible and unp…
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Estratégia, leveza e Sniper de Questões! Neste episódio, o Igor nos conta como foi sua preparação e como superou os obstáculos até a aprovação. Não perca ;) O Sniper de Questões é um método comprovado, que aprova nas faculdades mais concorridas do Brasil. Comece 2024 com o método Sniper de Questões!…
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No episódio de hoje, Alexia conta como foi toda a sua preparação até chegar na medicina. Não ser aprovado no curso dos sonhos de primeira pode doer bastante, mas nos dá outras oportunidades de mudar e tentar de novo. Não perca ;) O Sniper de Questões é um método comprovado, que aprova nas faculdades mais concorridas do Brasil. Comece 2024 com o mét…
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Estudar não precisa ser um fardo e você pode ter outras atividades além de fazer listas Sniper e Provas Antigas. No episódio de hoje, a Ana Cecília nos conta como foi estudar para o ENEM junto com a sua irmã gêmea, sempre superando as dificuldades e se ajudando, incrível, não é? Não perca este episódio ;) O Sniper de Questões é um método comprovado…
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A Carolina estudou por seis anos em um cursinho e percebeu que mesmo estudando muito a nota não estava evoluindo, foi assim que decidiu mudar a estratégia e ser Sniper! No ano seguinte foi aprovada em Medicina na UFRJ. Quer entender mais sobre essa estratégia e mudança nos estudos? Não perca este episódio ;) O Sniper de Questões é um método comprov…
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"Sempre acreditei que uma das vagas era minha". É tão difícil assim passar em medicina na USP? O Abraão conta sua história de 2 anos de estudos para o ENEM. Um detalhe é que ele também passou em medicina na UFMG, mas deixa ele te contar. O Sniper de Questões é um método comprovado, que aprova nas faculdades mais concorridas do Brasil. Comece 2024 c…
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In the newest episode of the ICU - "I See You" podcast, guests Dr. Yonit Arthur and Melinda Reed join the hosts to dive into the unnerving vestibular symptom often referred to as Dissociation, Depersonalization and Derealization. These experiences are characterized by a sense of unreality and detachment from one’s surroundings, body, emotions, and …
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In this episode of the ICU - "I See You" podcast, hosts and guests discuss complementary and alternative approaches to supporting your wellness as a person with vestibular dysfunction. If you’re like most people, when you aren’t feeling well you go to see your medical doctor, and hopefully they, in conjunction with other members of your healthcare …
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DizzyDx is a web-based clinical decision support tool to help rehabilitation professionals better define symptoms and prioritize impairments, leading to targeted evidence-informed care for individuals experiencing dizziness. The application promotes broad-based critical thinking from astute client interviews through systematic clinical testing and …
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Existem tantas dúvidas sobre passar na Unicamp! Será que o vestibular é tão diferente mesmo? É preciso estudar especificamente para ele? E os livros? É preciso ler todos? Hoje a Bruna vem nos contar como foi sua preparação, ela aproveita para desmistificar algumas crenças comuns sobre o vestibular da Unicamp. O Sniper de Questões é um método compro…
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Vestibular disorders come with horrible symptoms, including vertigo, dizziness, nausea, and brain fog, to mention a few. It’s no wonder we all want a “miracle pill." Unfortunately, no one treatment works for every person. In this episode of the ICU Podcast, the hosts talk to vestibular patient Lily Carillo who has been on that road, as well as Dr. …
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A support group provides a unique and critical service: acceptance. This forum allows individuals to ask questions and to learn in a non-judgmental and safe environment. Participants know that everyone attending the meeting understands and has compassion for the functional difficulties of getting through each day. As a result, less frustration and …
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Most people have probably heard a high-pitched whining noise in their ears at least once. It comes and then it goes, but it’s temporary. However, for some people, that ringing, hissing, whistling, buzzing, or clicking sound is constant. That noise that isn’t a noise is called tinnitus, and it’s generally caused by damage to the auditory system. In …
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Movement and exercise are two words that can be really triggering for people with chronic illnesses. You may have heard someone say to you “just exercise, you’ll feel better,” but when we take that advice from our doctors the opposite effect might happen. More often than not, picking up a new exercise routine can actually make you feel worse if you…
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Antes de saber o conteúdo, é preciso se cuidar e estar bem. O Vinícius conta sua trajetória unindo estratégia com autocuidado. É uma entrevista bem agradável, tranquila, para realmente se inspirar com os estudos. O Sniper de Questões é um método comprovado, que aprova nas faculdades mais concorridas do Brasil. Comece 2023 com o método Sniper de Que…
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A Isabela se formou em Químina na USP e agora está de volta em Medicina. Ela estudou em menos de um ano, na fase 2 ou 3 dependendo da matéria. Quer saber como ter um estudo bem direto ao ponto? Escute essa entrevista da Isabela, ela ensina muito sobre atalhos, análise de erros. O Sniper de Questões é um método comprovado, que aprova nas faculdades …
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Aula completa e Ebook aqui: Instagram do Rafael: @rafaellmed O Sniper de Questões é um método comprovado, que aprova nas faculdades mais concorridas do Brasil. Comece 2023 com o método Sniper de Questões! ​ _________________…
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In this episode, Dr. Kathleen Stross spoke with Nidhi Seth, a Doctor of Physical Therapy who has a unique method of providing for the needs of neuro and vestibular patients in the Bay Area. Her practice, NeuroBloom Physical Therapy & Wellness, uses an holistic approach with evidence-based techniques in a way that differs from traditional physical t…
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