Weekly long-form discussions about books with authors, translators and critics from around the world.
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Insights from players, creators & insiders from across the Online Gaming Universe! We're talkin about video game Titles, Studios, as well as Online Culture and its impact on the Gaming Community! "Letz LEVEL Up 2gethr!"
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Cada Lunes y Viernes, Ricardo Zerón toma la palabra de este programa y nos cuenta su forma de ver los temas deportivos del momento alrededor del Soccer europeo y mexicano, NFL y Fórmula 1. Con un seguimiento de noticias en el perfil de instagram oficial @ricardo_zeron_
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Helping you stand for truth in a world that falls for lies. Join rocket scientist Rob Webb, wildlife biologist Jessica Jaworski and world traveler Patricia Engler as they interview authors, filmmakers, apologists, and other guests whose real life stories will give you practical encouragement to stand on God’s Word . . . with zero compromise.
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Zerocarbonista is the podcast from green entrepreneur and climate change campaigner, Dale Vince. From building his first windmill in 1996 to taking Forest Green Rovers Football Club vegan in 2015 and becoming a United Nations Ambassador in 2019, Dale Vince has made saving planet his life’s mission.
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Join our intrepid agents on their mad dash for safety and sanity, through a bastardization of multiple rule sets that we know a lot less of then most of you listening. Delta Green meets Call of Cthulhu meets The Thing meets Scooby-Doo meets True Detective, among other things. This podcast is for mature audiences only. Content warnings can be found in the episode descriptions.
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The Zero100 Podcast reports from the digital frontier, where supply chains are being reinvented. We interview leaders from the Zero100 Community who are digitizing supply chains in order to power growth, improve resilience, and decarbonize operations. Join us as we accelerate the Zero100 vision of Zero Percent Carbon, 100% Digital supply chains.
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Get the latest AFL news, analysis, opinions and rumours from the team at Australia's #1 independent footy destination, ZeroHanger.com!
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ブレイク間近のお笑いコンビ三四郎が金曜の深夜に大はしゃぎ! おもしろナイトにカモン!カモン!! みんなでワイワイ騒ごうぜ!
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株式会社10Xというスタートアップを経営するyamottyの #ゼロトピ です。スタートアップ、小売、歴史、教養、テクノロジー、プロダクト中心の組織づくり、DX、コーポレートガバナンスなどを取り扱ったりします。 * 文字起こしはこちら → https://listen.style/p/yamotty * おたより箱はこちら→ https://yamotty.notion.site/12eeed076ccd80658096fabc085fb027?pvs=105 番組の感想やご質問等なんでも構いません。反響があると続けるモチベーションになります。頂いたおたよりは番組内で取り上げさせていただくことがございます。
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A space aimed at exploring the world through the eyes of an economist, and making concepts fun, relatable, and real.
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The Show Where We Talk About Thing(s)
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Trying to understand the world by talking to those living in it. Politics, history, culture and life stuff. Hosted by Kevin Maley.
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Please join Sam Tripoli on his spiritual journey to understand meaning of life and how each one of us is part of the universal consciousness! Want more episodes? Check out the hundreds of past episodes of Zero plus two new ones every week on Rokfin.com/Zero.
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O Inglês do Zero Podcast é destinado às pessoas que têm dificuldade em encontrar bons materiais online para aprender inglês sozinhos. Aqui você encontrará o passo a passo do estudo auto-didata de um jeito descontraído e com uma metodologia que te ajudará a aprender definitivamente o idioma. Apresentação: Jader Lelis (Teacher Jay).
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この番組は、 トランスジェンダー男性で、俳優・タレントの諭吉と若林佑真が送るpodcast番組。 「トランスジェンダー男性」とは、 生まれた時に割り当てられた性別と、性自認が異なる人たちを表す言葉です。 つまり僕たちは二人とも、 生まれた時に割り当てられた性別は女性で、性自認は男性の 「トランスジェンダー男性」です。 当番組は、 コロナ禍で人と話す機会が減った中、 「コメディ相談室」をテーマに、 2人合わせても0本の僕たちが、 あなたのどんなしょうもない話も、ただただ聞いてほしい話も、相談事も、笑い(コメディ)にして、一緒に成仏させよう! という想いから、始まりました。 「オールナイトニッポン0(ZERO)」のパーソナリティ を目標に、 2021/4/4(日)0:00より配信スタート! 【質問・スポンサー枠 募集】 当番組では、毎月2人に聞いてほしい話や、 スポンサーになってくれる方を募集しています。 ◎募集・販売サイト FANY クラウドファンディング https://cf.fany.lol/projects/4006 #LGBT #LGBTQ #Transgender #ト ...
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Zero Degrees is the podcast with no qualifications, where we solve your complications every week! Join Harry, Lydia and Ravs as they stumble their way through a variety of silly, serious and down right ridiculous questions submitted by their audiences! Send in your questions here! https://yogsca.st/zd Hosted by: Harry @harrybarry Lydia @squidgaming Ravs @ravsy_
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Senja Berbicara
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Charlie Robinson, Lindsey Scharmyn, Cory Hughes and XCubed420 give their unique commentary on the news and the crazy world around us. Charlie Robinson http://theoctopusofglobalcontrol.com/ XCubed420 https://www.spreaker.com/show/xcubed420s-podcast Cory Hughes https://coryhughes.org Lindsey Scharmyn https://rogueways.org/ Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/day-zero--5053134/support.
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Get the latest NRL news, analysis, opinions and rumours from the team at Australia's #1 independent rugby league destination, ZeroTackle.com!
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A trip through life. Amazing chats to aid in the journey. No topic off limits. On the way breaking the stigmas behind mental health. Hosted by Sean Thompson aka Tommo Instagram @granitezeropod Twitter @Granitezero Facebook @GraniteZer0
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Your go-to resource for mastering tax savings! Each week, we bring you cutting-edge insights and advanced strategies designed to help maximize your deductions and save on taxes like never before.
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Bienvenue dans Zero Bullshit, le podcast qui démystifie le monde de l’entrepreneuriat. Participez à des discussions sans tabous avec des entrepreneurs aux parcours toujours atypiques et inspirants. On vous dit tout, sans filtre et sans bullshit ! - Par Vincenzo Ruggiero
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Zero Knowledge is a podcast which goes deep into the tech that will power the emerging decentralised web and the community building this. Covering the latest in zero knowledge research and applications, the open web as well as future technologies and paradigms that promise to change the way we interact — and transact — with one another online. Zero Knowledge is hosted by Anna Rose Follow the show at @ZeroKnowledgefm (https://twitter.com/zeroknowledgefm) or @AnnaRRose (https://twitter.com/Ann ...
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A relaxed conversation with those on the cutting edge of science and technology - hosted by Britain's first astronaut Helen Sharman - Presented by Imperial College London and Saab
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"זה רוק" היא תחנת הרדיו הראשונה בישראל שמוקדשת כל כולה למוזיקת רוק, על כל סוגיה וגווניה. פרויקט "זה רוק" החל את דרכו בשנת 2014 כעמוד פייסבוק, במטרה לקדם את הרוק הישראלי, לתת במה לאמנים, להקות, נגנים ומעריצים, ע"י העלאה ושיתוף של שירים, הופעות ואירועים, וכל דבר נוסף שיסייע בקידום סצנת הרוק בישראל. "זה רוק!" הוקם ע"י שישה מנהלים מנוסים בניהול קהילות ועמודי פייסבוק בינלאומיים וישראליים, שעבורם רוקנרול זה דרך חיים. באוקטובר 2015, לאחר שנה של פעילות ענפה ברשת החברתית, במהלכה צבר העמוד קהל עוקבים ...
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Chicago Bears. Podcast. Two pretty weird 40ish dudes. B1G (s/o @hughrober1son). Kinda original tunes. Gambling with Rick Feelsmen. Auto Racing with Greasetank. Lots of things available for your ears often.
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Using a podcast to create works of art, study works of art, review works of art, and interview artists. Interviews/reviews can be found under "unknown season" in iTunes. Follow Zero Point Fiction on Instagram @zero_point_fiction.
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Climate action on your doorstep. Dr Jen Roberts, Prof Matt Hannon and Dr Fraser Stewart are your trusted guides to smart local energy and a zero carbon future. Find us at www.localzeropod.com
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Podcast by Ecstattic Studio
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The Jewish People make up just .2% of world population. How does a People that makes up virtually zero percent of humanity have such a huge impact on our world?
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The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow. "The Time is Now."
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Two emerging screenwriters – Chas Fisher and Stuart Willis – try to work out what makes great screenplays work. Discovering what it takes by analysing what successful writers put on the page
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A história dos empreendedores e empresários por trás das maiores empresas do país e do mundo. Cada episódio mergulha na história de homens e mulheres que enfrentaram os desafios, as incertezas e passaram por momentos decisivos ao longo dos anos para chegar ao topo.
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Path to Zero is a podcast focused on clean energy and the journey toward a low-carbon future. Zero emissions is a goal we can all get behind, but how do we meet the growing energy demands of the world AND reduce carbon in the atmosphere?
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Four friends revisit a movie every week to see if it holds up and go on numerous tangents in the process!
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We talk the talk 🦁🦁
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20MinuteLeaders features the world's prominent leaders for short conversations about their journeys and insights. The Human Zero Day brings together Cyber, AI and Social Engineering experts to discuss the vulnerabilities in human decision making.
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Atomic Zero is a SF Bay-Area political news, culture and opinion show. Featuring relevant and irrelevant materials for laughter and entertainment. Working with different Pan-Asian American Cultural groups, local Artists, Community Advocates, and Innovators.
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Tax rates 10 years from now are likely to be much higher than they are today. Is your retirement plan ready? Learn how to avoid the coming tax freight train and maximize your retirement dollars.
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Ground Zero Radio presents classic episodes of Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis. We have scanned the archives of the last 25 years and grabbed the best episodes to present to you. Clyde Lewis is a powerful voice in parapolitical and paranormal news and commentary. With a diverse background in news, acting, writing and radio, he entertains and captivates audiences across multiple platforms. Lewis’ career in radio began in Utah in 1982 and he created Ground Zero in 1995 in Salt Lake City. Lewis ha ...
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Join Sam Tripoli on his spiritual journey to learn how unique and powerful each one of us is how truly special this place we live in is.
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Podcast by Zero14cast
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Adopting Zero Trust offers an ongoing conversation that elevates cybersecurity conversations that encourages you to rethink how you build strategies, defend against threat actors, and implement new technology. We go beyond the millions in marketing budgets fueled by VCs, and chat with practitioners like you who want to make a difference (or hack the planet, which ever happens first).
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Dive into the raw, unfiltered journey of startup founders and CEOs as they navigate the tumultuous waters of entrepreneurship. "Zero to Umm..." flips the script on typical success stories, focusing instead on the pivotal moments of uncertainty, fear, and adaptation that truly define a startup's path.
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ZeroCheckPodcast.com is a Pathfinder 2e Actual Play podcast of Paizo's Kingmaker Adventure Path. Five gaming friends join together to share what it's like to kick back, roll some table top dice, riff on each other, and crack jokes.
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Zero is about the tactics and technologies taking us to a world of zero emissions. Each week Bloomberg’s award-winning reporter Akshat Rathi talks to the people tackling climate change – a venture capitalist hunting for the best cleantech investment, scientists starting companies, politicians who have successfully created climate laws, and CEOs who have completely transformed their businesses. The road to zero emissions has many paths and everyone’s got an opinion about the best route. Liste ...
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Ep1132: Building Security at the Design Stage with Michael Nov
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20:15Michael Nov’s journey—from the Israeli military to enterprise software and entrepreneurship—shaped his approach to product security. He shares how AI can bridge the gap between engineering and security teams, ensuring security is embedded at the design stage rather than becoming a last-minute hurdle. Drawing from his experience at OwnBackup and now…
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Special Dog: a empresa que começou “por acaso” e vai faturar R$ 2 bilhões
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1:11:59O número de bebês por família vem caindo, mas o número de pets, por outro lado, não para de crescer. Em junho de 2024, o Brasil atingiu a marca de 160 milhões de pets e é um dos maiores do mundo em quantidade de animais domésticos. As empresas que viram essa onda começar lá atrás, estão conseguindo surfar essa onda e crescer cada vez mais. Um desse…
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Episode 368: A Supplemental Reading of The Substance (2024)
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1:27:41Once again we find ourselves examining society through the lens of a horror movie. Directed by Coralie Fargeat, The Substance (2024) is a movie that defies genre trappings to deliver a thoroughly well written experience that shapes the mind. Find out our thoughts and more right here on Zero Credit(s).…
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While hiding out at his deceased father's fishing cabin in the Everglades, a young man meets an immigrant and his daughter who are also in hiding. Bartow is an audio screenplay from Zero Point Fiction.Kirjoittanut Joe Kamm
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Live at ZTW2025: Cyberwire Daily’s Dave Bittner + Dr. Zero Trust
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32:50Catch this episode on YouTube, Apple, Spotify, or Amazon. You can read the show notes here. Live from ThreatLocker’s Zero Trust World (ZTW), cybersecurity heavyweights Dave Bittner, host of CyberWire Daily and Dr. Chase Cunningham AKA Dr. Zero Trust shared their unfiltered thoughts on the state of cybersecurity, AI, and government regulations. From…
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Episode 213 Teague Young
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1:48:06Tommo is joined by serving member of the British Army and business owner Teague Young, best known for the outstanding Combat Clipper Compant @combatclippercompany @kent_CBD PROMO CODE: GRANITEZERO 10% off Green Beret Coffee @greenberetcoffeeco PROMO CODE: GZPODCAST10 10% OFF HR4 K@hr4k_ PROMO CODE: GRANITEZERO 10% OFF…
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Vincenzo Latronico - PERFECTION
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1:12:40Vincenzo Latronico - PERFECTION @vlatronico Get the Book from here Aust http://www.textpublishing.com.au/books/perfection UK https://fitzcarraldoeditions.com/authors/vincenzo-latronico/ US https://www.nyrb.com/products/perfection Gateway books Poe - Tales of Mystery and Imagination The Count of Monte Cristo - Dumas Current reads Rejection Tony Tula…
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It’s not just Trump. Canada’s climate policies face a bumpy road post-Trudeau
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32:13As President Donald Trump heats up a North American trade war, Canada is already facing big challenges within its own government. Next week, the governing Liberal party will announce Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's successor. And later this year, the country will hold a general election. Rick Smith, president of the Canadian Climate Institute, join…
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In this week's polycast we receive the answers to some of our questions! Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/zerodegrees Follow us: https://www.pickaxe.uk/zerodegrees Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesKirjoittanut Pickaxe
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Handy Point: Cyclone chaos, Luke Jackson, plus our big calls for the 2025 AFL season!
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56:20Welcome to HANDY POINT, our brand new weekly podcast. Join host Phoenix Trinidad and the writers at ZeroHanger.com for a weekly behind-the-scenes chat about all things AFL, trade, draft, and footy culture. RECORDED: 05/03/2025 ⬇️ TODAY'S RUNDOWN ⬇️ 00:00 Welcome to Handy Point 01:35 Postponed Games 04:23 Sydney vs. Hawthorn 09:20 GWS vs. Collingwoo…
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Zero Knowledge Systems, Privacy and Security with Jonathan Wilkins
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1:05:07This week Anna jumps back into the story of Zero Knowledge Systems with Jonathan Wilkins, cofounder Blockstream and Cloaked Services and previous employee of ZKS back in 2000. They explore the emergence of security culture in the 1990s, what led Jonathan to join Zero Knowledge Systems and his experience working on projects such as the Freedom Netwo…
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Today’s episode of The Power of Zero Show features part of David McKnight’s conversation with Caleb Guilliams and Tom Wall, PhD. David kicks things off by addressing the liquidity issue. Handing a chunk of your retirement savings over to an insurance company in exchange for a stream of income that’s guaranteed to last as long as you do sounds great…
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En este episodio el protagonista es el soccer, hablamos de la liga MX y su actualización previo a la jornada 11. En la sección de Champions League hoy tuvimos un invitado especial, dimos predicciones y más. Redes Sociales: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ricardo_zeron_/ Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/ricardo.zeron.3344?ref=bookmarks…
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Chris Cunningham - ClickUp
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41:01Send us a text *Episode Stack:* https://stackl.ist/43dFyTt 🚀 From Zero to ClickUp: Chris Cunningham's Startup Journey In this incredible episode, Chris Cunningham shares the fascinating story of how he and his co-founder Zeb Evans built ClickUp from the ground up! *Key highlights:* 📍 Early Beginnings: - Started by managing a rapper in college - Bui…
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#10 Jonathan Schockaert: découvrez les coulisses, les galères et les succès de Ring Twice (ex Listminut)
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2:02:17Retrouvez Zero Bullshit sur Youtube: http://youtube.com/@zerobullshitshow/ --- Une discussion sans tabous avec Jonathan Schockaert, CEO de Ring Twice. Il nous raconte son parcours entrepreneurial, les défis rencontrés, les stratégies de croissance, et les leçons apprises en chemin. Une conversation franche qui offre un regard inédit sur l’évolution…
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Ep. 119 - Fort Serenko (Big Pig)
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54:55The party is forced to battle against familiar enemies. Website Discord Twitter Pathfinder Second Edition and the Kingmaker Adventure Path are published by Paizo. "Take the Lead" and other featured music were composed by Kevin MacLeod and licensed under Creative Commons by: Attribution 4.0 License. All ambiances were composed by Michael Ghelfi Stud…
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45:212025/2/28(金)放送のオープニングトークをポットキャスト配信。 放送は毎週金曜日深夜3時から! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Kirjoittanut ニッポン放送
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The Offload: Vegas Recap! + Rabbitohs finals chances, Mitch Moses, and more!
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39:01Welcome to The Offload! Zero Tackle's newest show discussing and dissecting all the hottest talking points in the world of rugby league and the NRL. ⬇️ Today's Rundown: 00:00 Welcome to The Offload! 01:36 Raiders vs. Warriors 09:42 Panthers vs. Sharks 13:51 Las Vegas Recap 22:09 Rabbitohs Finals? 26:15 Captain Gilbert 29:48 Mitch Moses 2029 36:07 R…
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#304 一人目BizDevとして、10Xでの5年間の経験はどんなものだったか (Campship Academy 赤木さん)
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24:3210Xの一人目BizDevとして5年間勤務され、2024/8に退職後Campship Academyを起業された赤木さんにインタビューを行いました。前編は10XでのBizDevでの経験や学びについて語ってもらっています。 Campship Academy HP Instagram --- お知らせ ゼロトピックへのおたよりはこちらまで 。番組の感想やご質問等なんでも構いません。反響があると続けるモチベーションになります。頂いたおたよりは番組内で取り上げさせていただくことがございます。 株式会社10Xでは絶賛採用中です。ご関心を持っていただけた方は、こちら…
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Crisis in Jordan; and, Fighting the Party Machine
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41:09Sam Rosenthal, political director at RootsAction Annelle Sheline, research fellow in the Middle East program, Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft
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Aprenda Inglês Com o Pequeno Príncipe (The Little Prince Ep. 14) Chapter 9 - Glass (Part 2)
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1:07:43LINK PRA REALIZAR SUA MATRÍCULA NA TURMA 19 https://bit.ly/IDZTurma19 ㅤㅤ 📌 SE TORNE APOIADOR DOS NOSSOS PROJETOS https://apoia.se/inglesdozeropodcast ㅤㅤㅤㅤNeste capítulo de O Pequeno Príncipe, uma flor diferente surge no pequeno planeta. Ao contrário das outras, ela fala e tem uma personalidade única. Vaidosa e sensível, a flor encanta o príncipe,…
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6.16 – Geoengineering as a Last-Resort Climate Strategy with Climate Economist Dr. Gernot Wagner
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31:57The post 6.16 – Geoengineering as a Last-Resort Climate Strategy with Climate Economist Dr. Gernot Wagner appeared first on Propane.Kirjoittanut Propane Education & Research Council
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67. Economics of the woman poet - how great voices (almost) got lost in time
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21:50Women have been locked out of the literary arena - not because they weren't writing, but because they weren't being published, read, or remembered, Joanna Russ said. Through Virginia Woolf, Betty Friedan, Emily Dickinson, the Bronte sisters and others, this episode delves into the works and lives of women who almost got lost in time. Join Gargi and…
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Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG): Arup's Tom Butterworth
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51:39We're all familiar with the concept of Net Zero – but what about Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)? Joining Matt and Jen to explain BNG and its implications is Tom Butterworth, Nature Lead at ARUP for the UK, India, the Middle East and Africa. Onward links: Episode 74 with nature writer and journalist Kate Bradbury: how can our gardens protect the enviro…
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Zero Brightness Ep. 180: The One About the Dreamcast (Part 2)
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2:40:27...in which we take a look at Carrier, Illbleed, Blue Stinger, Resident Evil: Code Veronica, and The Ring: Terror's RealmKirjoittanut Ecstattic Studio
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From Military Missions to Mitzvot: A Couple’s Journey to Judaism
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1:04:45Welcome to Zero Percent, the podcast that explores the outsized impact of the Jewish people! 🌟 Join us as Tehilla and Mikhail, a young couple who married as teenagers, share their remarkable journey from Christian backgrounds to Orthodox Judaism. Their transformation began during Mikhail's military deployment to Afghanistan when Tehilla started que…
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The Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, meets annually, usually in Washington DC, and is a key gathering of conservative policymakers, media and officials from all over the country. Over the last decade it has also become ground zero for the Trump wing of the Republican Party. This year the line-up of speakers included Trump himself,…
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DZ-116: Writing physical comedy
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1:35:40How do you make extended technical scenes funny on the page? Mel joins Chas to tackle physical comedy. We limited our homework selection to extended scenes (as opposed to moments and sight gags) in live action projects and - with the help of our Patreons - selected early sequences from BRINGING UP BABY, the pilot for HAPPY ENDINGS and that wonderfu…
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Day 177 - February 22, 2025
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1:52:09Join our NEW Telegram chat! https://t.me/+f9gcmbRG0ARiODNh Charlie Robinson http://theoctopusofglobalcontrol.com/ XCubed420 https://www.spreaker.com/show/xcubed420s-podcast Cory Hughes https://coryhughes.org Cory's Book - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CL14VQY6 Substack - https://bloodyhistory.substack.com Lindsey Scharmyn https://rogueways.org/ Becom…
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Aeronautical Engineer DEBUNKS Dino-Bird Evolution
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20:44From an aerodynamics perspective, what are some major problems with the popular belief that birds evolved from dinosaurs? Kevin Hadsall of Answers in Genesis reveals the answer.
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#95: The Discipline Of Divinity With Gregory Kaminsky
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49:35Thank you for tuning in for another episode of Zero with Sam Tripoli. This episode I welcome Author Gregory Kaminsky to the show to discuss his new book PRONAOS: Reflections on the Preliminary Practices of Buddhist Tantra from a Western Perspective". This episode is a banger. Thank you for your support. Check out Gregory Kaminsky's new book: PRONAO…
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Atomic Zero Show #103
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2:57:59Happy Lunar New Year, Atomic Zero fans! We're kicking off the year with a bang! For our first show of 2026, we're thrilled to welcome back Ryan Takemiya and his popular open mic event, Talk Story. Join us as we catch up with Ryan and the whole crew. Talk Story Every 4th Tuesday This Month: February 25th 6PM - 8PM https://kohosf.org/events/0225-talk…
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Bonus: Space Stations with Christer Fuglesang
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35:33In the last of our series of special bonus editions, Helen Sharman is joined by Swedish physicist and ESA astronaut, Christer Fuglesang, who spent 26 days on board the ISS, and in that time conducted 31 hours of extravehicular activities (that’s space walks).
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S7Ep1: All The Way Back.
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2:16:31Zero Doinks is back for Season 7 and we have never been more full of life. So much has changed since S6 ended with the golden foot of Cairo Santos breaking the hearts of annoying Packers fans. The dream head coach candidate surprisingly said yes to Kevin Warren and the Bears braintrust. Ben Johnson’s coaching staff is expensive and impressive. Virg…
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3:16:59PHOENIX RESURRECTION The debate continues over exactly what the truth is behind the sightings of anomalous objects that are above the Earth. The U.S. Air Force has explained on many occasions that a lot of what is seen can be explained. However, with the obsession of extraterrestrial mythology and reality, every bright light, shooting star on PHOEN…
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