Wendigo is Logical Monkey’s first actual play Dungeons & Dragons campaign. It is set-in modern-day Solihull, a typical town in the heart of England. Our adventurers are plunged into a nightmare struggle against an ancient evil that will leave each of them changed forever. Drawing on Ravenloft’s Domains of Dread setting, bringing it to a modern environment, Wendigo seeks to combine horror and humor for a unique Dungeons & Dragons experience. In this episode, the group gathers at Alissa's apartment and tries to make sense of everything that is happening. Everyone meets the seemingly psychotic Percival, a man who insists on acting like a dog. When night falls, the party head over to Agatha's flat in Olton where they each receive a card reading, revealing hints of the future. And as the episode closes, Agatha leads them in a seance, disturbing Alisson Gross from her deathly slumber. Cast We have a fantastic cast of roleplayers heading up this campaign. Chris Roberts: Dungeon Master and Creator of Wendigo Lucy Elliott: Playing Alissa Hart James Rice: Playing Clarke Jonathan Majewicz: Playing Merrick Bosk Sulayman Jones: Playing Dr. Al Nafs Tasha Halstead: Playing Celia Umbra Links Please follow us on whatever social media platforms you favor. Website: https://logicalmonkeypodcast.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/logicalmonkeypodcast Instagram: https://instagram.com/logicalmonkeypodcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LogicalMonkeyPodcast Twitter: https://twitter.com/logicalmonkey Theme Music Wendigo’s theme song, Abandoned , is generously provided by Kent-based band ‘ 14 Hundred Tonnes ’. Illustrations All of Logical Monkey's illustrations are created by Scottish artist Claire Brown . Sound Effects All sound effects used in this episode were sourced through freesound.org under a creative commons license. A massive thank you to the following artists for their work: deleted_user_13 (Radio Cuba Cue) Doctor_Jekyll (wah wah trumpet) sophiehall3535 (Eerie Atmos With Flutter) elliott.klein (Phone call outgoing) Breviceps (phone vibration)…