[幼教老師玩外文]#143 Jacqueline and the Beanstalk: A Tale of Facing Giant Fears
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Jacqueline and the Beanstalk: A Tale of Facing Giant Fears
by Susan D. Sweet and Brenda S. Miles
Illustrated by Valeria Docampo
Twirl 轉圈跳舞
Nasty 討厭
Insist 堅持
Suit yourself 隨便你
Chime 鐘聲響起
Squash 擠壓
Once upon a time there lived a princess named Jacqueline.
The royal knights protected her – from EVERYTHIING!
“Shields up! There might be danger!”
“But there might not be,” said the princess,
“and I can’t see!”
Shields up! There might be danger!”
“But there might not be,” said the princess,
“and I can’t twirl!”
Shields up! There might be danger!”
“But there might not be,” said the princess,
“and I can’t reach!”
The knights worried most when Jacqueline walked by the beanstalk.
“Helloooo, Mr. Giant!” she called.
“Shhhh!He might hear,” said a knight.
“He’s nasty,” said another.
“My tummy hurts just thinking about him.”
“But you’ve never climbed up to meet him,” said Jacqueline.
“What if he’s nice?”
“Nuh uh! He’s different, and different means danger.”
“We’ll never know if we don’t go,” the princess insisted.
“Hark, no! We won’t go!”
“Suit yourselves,” said the princess.
Later, when midnight chimed, the princess climbed.
And at the top…
“Ahhhh! Human! Different! Danger!”
“Me? Dangerous? I’m the size of your toenail!”
“True,” said the giant, “but your kingdom is dangerous!”
“You’ve never climbed down to meet us.
We’re actually quite nice,” said the princess.
“You’ll never know if you don’t go!”
“My tummy hurts just thinking about it,” said the giant.
“But it does get lonely up here.”
“Then take a deep breath,” said the princess.
“We’ll climb down together.”
And so they did – one step at a time.
“Helloooo, royal knights,” Jacqueline called as the kingdom came closer.
“Shields up! Protect the princess! Wait! Where is the princess?”
“I’m up here, and there’s nothing to fear!”
But at the bottom…
“Ahhhh! Knights! Swords! Poking!”
“Ahhhh! Giant! Stepping! Squashing!”
“Wait!” said the princess.
“No one’s going to poke or squash anyone!”
“Maybe you’re right…” said the knights.
“Shields down.”
“I guess…” said the giant.
“Feet down.”
Feeling less worried took some time, but then the whole kingdom started to climb!
Soon everyone learned that different wasn’t dangerous.
It was delightful!
And forever after, the princess never missed a thing.
In fact, she had the best view of all!
1. What was the main character’s name?
Jack, Sarah, or Jacqueline?
2. The princess can go and do anything without protection.
True or false?
3. The princess was scared of everything.
True or false?
4. The princess climbs the beanstalk to find a mean creature!
True or false?
5. The giant was terrified of the humans and called them dangerous.
True or false?
6. Everyone saw there was nothing to fear at the end.
True or false?
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