Richard Ellis julkinen
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Have you ever been in a situation where you've felt prompted by God to obey Him...and you've felt your neck stiffen because you just don't want to do it? Those are the instances where we need to ask Him to soften us the most! He's going to call us to action in ways that make us uncomfortable, because He has a purpose beyond what we can see, and oft…
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God created the entire universe, and expanded it far beyond anything we have yet to discover. He created humanity. He knows all things -- past, present, and future. The idea that we could impress Him with anything we say or do is laughable in comparison. He sent His only Son to cover our sin so that our lives could bring Him glory, not through our …
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It's likely that many of us are carrying hidden sin through our day-to-day lives. But whatever it is we're hiding will be exposed sooner or later; the only question is, do we want to expose it ourselves or wait until someone else finds out? Whatever we cover God will uncover, but the reverse is also true: whatever we're willing to uncover and surre…
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All you have to do is read Scripture to know that from the beginning of Creation, people have used excuses to try to get out of having God use them in miraculous ways. Yet when they were finally willing to be used, God was still willing to use them. He has the power to accomplish what anyone would deem "impossible", and there's no limit to what He …
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Suffering comes in a lot of different forms -- including choosing to do the right thing in the face of temptation. But even Jesus was tempted like we are today, and when we choose to follow Him, we're also choosing to suffer as He suffered. In those moments when we find ourselves facing a moment or a season of weakness, it's important to remember t…
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When Jesus tells His disciples that they're not of this world, He never told them not to be in this world. We're on this earth for a reason, and we can't run away from the sin and struggles that exist because of the broken nature of humanity. It's important, though, that we allow ourselves to be filled with God and His Holy Spirit before we walk ou…
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The story of Daniel in the lions' den is an extraordinary example of what it looks like to obey God even if it means risking one's own life. Our situation might not always look as drastic as Daniel's -- but God might not always rescue us like He did with Daniel, either. At the end of the day, our focus needs to be Kingdom first and not on this worl…
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When Jesus commanded us to love one another, He knew that would require us to love people who we don't always like. It's easy to love people who think and act like us; it's something entirely different to love people we disagree with or are even repulsed by. But when we love others -- even when it's hard -- we show the world the type of love that G…
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Proverbs 12:22 tells us, "Lying lips are an abomination to the LORD, but those who deal truthfully are His delight." We not only lie often, but we do it so flippantly, too. If we want to live lives that are pleasing to God then we've got to be truthful to Him and to the people around us -- and that comes from knowing the Truth Himself, Jesus Christ…
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Have you ever considered that jealousy is a disease of the heart and the spirit? The world around us constantly plays the comparison game, feeding a spirit of envy within us and making us feel like what we have isn't enough. Scripture tells us that in Jesus, we have more than we could ever need. When our contentment is found in Christ, it leads to …
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Often we have to win the small battles before we're ready to win the war. If we keep focusing on the "big" sin that we can't seem to shake, we'll keep losing on the small stuff too. Instead of trying to conquer our biggest sin struggle right away, it's sometimes better for us to focus on simpler victories first -- because once we begin to win with …
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How often do we get bogged down and overwhelmed by the things this world throws at us, instead of focusing on what we're here to do? Jesus gave us a job before He left: to take the Gospel to the entire planet. We need to live in the mindset that He can use us to take the world for the Gospel's sake, and when we trust Him to accomplish that goal thr…
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The resurrection of Jesus Christ was the pivotal moment through which all who choose to follow Him now have a way of escape from judgment, sin, and eternal separation from God. And with the resurrection came numerous sightings of the risen Jesus, and numerous attempts to discredit the fact that He rose again. Plots by the enemy to attack those who …
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When Jesus was crucified, His last words impacted not only those who were around Him that day -- the thief hanging on the cross next to Him; His brother, whom He told to take care of His mother; and the witnesses of the crucifixion as He proclaimed that "it is finished" -- but they also impact us today. His death was the full payment, once and for …
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The Bible tells us that this life is like a vapor. In fact, according to God's time, we're on this earth for mere minutes in the grand scheme of eternity. It's important for us to realize that time is slipping away, not so that we can live in fear of dying, but so that we can utilize what time we have left by following His will and living to glorif…
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You probably haven't thought much about the donkey and the colt that Jesus needed to ride on when He entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. But what if the man who owned them had been unwilling to give them when he heard the Lord needed them? We need to always be prepared and willing to give God whatever He asks, whenever He asks -- even if it means giv…
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God's Spirit takes up residence inside of us when we accept His salvation and submit our lives to Him. And when He's running the show, that means we no longer get to live the way we did before we chose to follow Him -- the way the world encourages us to live. He's the "landLord" now, and it's our responsibility to submit ourselves to live under His…
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The Apostle Paul writes about singleness being a gift from God, because it allows the individual to serve Him wholeheartedly. But he also addresses those who are gifted with marriage, and instructs them to give God their whole lives. If someone who loves and follows and serves the Lord is going to get married, it's important that the person they're…
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We can listen to sermons all day long, or read our Bibles from cover to cover. But if we never actually respond in obedience to what we're being told, it will eventually cease to have any impact on us spiritually. If we're ever unsure of the response we should have when reading Scripture, we can ask God to give us ears to truly hear what it says --…
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Jesus didn't teach His disciples to pray for monthly bread or yearly bread; He taught them to pray for daily bread. In other words, Jesus emphasized the importance and necessity of regular time in prayer with the Father. When we make a habit of praying and giving thanks to God, we're obedient to Him in the small things, and over time, the big thing…
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