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SmartAss Comedy


SmartAss Comedy is my Brainchild. Growing up and into adulthood, people thought I had the brain of a child. I’m a bit silly and goofy. I like to get people smiling, and put that with a laugh or a giggle, WOW it’s wonderful. SmartAss Comedy is where people come to smile, laugh, have a good time. I started with stories. Stories from my life and stories from people around the world. All are true and yes, I do add some flavor. But what happens in the story is true. Observing and commenting on ev ...
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Smartare Fitness Podden

Presenteras av Certan

Är du trött på allt fitness-skitsnack? Du ska äta såhär och träna sådär. Du matas av information om den senaste dieten eller mirakelmetoden från alla håll? I den här podden kommer vi utan filter hjälpa dig att se igenom bullshiten och navigera dig i fitnessdjungeln. Enjoy!
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RRR - Triple R

Visual art, theatre, film and literature. Segments include: - 'Art Attack' - fortnightly visual arts reviews with Ace Wagstaff and Tai Snaith. - 'Shoot the Messenger' - fortnightly theatre news & reviews with Fleur Kilpatrick. - 'Drawn Out' - monthly chat about comic books and graphic novels with Bernard Caleo. Please email [email protected] for all interview requests. About the Presenter Richard Watts has many years experience working in the arts industry, including five years as the Artisti ...
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Smarta Samtal podcast

Smarta Samtal

I livesamtal och podcasts erbjuder Stiftelsen Smarta samtal politiskt och kommersiellt oberoende mötesarenor för människor från olika delar av samhället i gränsöverskridande och utforskande samtal med fokus på lösningar på vår tids stora samhällsfrågor.
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The SmartAlec Podcast | An Inside Look at Colorado Politics from Democratic House Majority Leader Alec Garnett

Rep. Alec Garnett (Majority Leader, Colorado House of Representatives)

The SmartAlec Podcast is your regular update on Colorado politics. House Speaker Alec Garnett has teamed up with the Get More Smarter Podcast hosts, seasoned politicos Jason Bane of and Ian Silverii of ProgressNow Colorado, to talk through the most newsworthy issues of the day. In a news cycle too often dominated by distant stories in Washington DC, The SmartAlec Podcast keeps you informed on the local Colorado issues that affect you the most. Check out the full episodes of ...
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Welcome to Smartalks, the podcast that brings you to the heart of real conversations with inspiring leaders and CEOs in Switzerland and Dubai. We bring you interviews with the biggest names, innovators and disruptors in the industry. From entrepreneurs to financial experts, digital strategists to executives, Smartalks gives you an honest, unfiltered look into their successes, struggles and everything in between. Whether it's stories of their journey to the top, opinions on the state of their ...
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show series
Isaiah 31 Picking the Wrong Friends: Who has been the worst boyfriend or girlfriend you have taken home or could take home? The kind that would make your dad reach for the gun? You see parents are touchy about bad friends. The reason being, is the power of friendship to mold us. You can just have the wrong friends. Now put on the clothes of Isaiah’…
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Vill du börja springa men vet inte hur du ska komma igång? Eller har du testat men gett upp för snabbt? I det här avsnittet av SmarterFitness djupdyker vi i löpträning för nybörjare – hur du startar på rätt sätt, undviker vanliga misstag och håller motivationen uppe. Tillsammans med John Sjödin, löpcoach och författare till den populära artikeln Lö…
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Send us a text I had been on the side of the Interstate for hours. My thumb had been out there for so long it was getting sunburn! Finally, a car was stopping or not stopping to end my misery. Fortunately, stopping it was. Adding to my fortune, the car was a Super Bee which was one of the fastest cars on the road back then. It was going to be a fas…
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Isaiah 30:1-21 Listening to God does not come naturally to us, but when we do learn to listen, we discover the truth that Isaiah shares in verse 15, In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength. Contact Pastor Smart from our Church website or send an email. [email protected] Music: …
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I det här avsnittet djupdyker vi i stress och återhämtning på arbetsplatsen – och varför vi ofta gör fel när vi behöver återhämtning som mest. Med oss har vi stressforskaren Niclas Almén, som ger insikter om hur vi kan designa arbetsmiljöer och strategier för att skapa en mer hållbar arbetsvardag. Vi pratar om: 🔹 Återhämtningsparadoxen – varför vi …
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Isaiah 29:15-24 Spiritual Renewal. What does spiritual renewal look like, even from a really low starting point? Here we see the reasons, the promise and the experience of renewal. Contact Pastor Smart from our Church website or send an email. [email protected] Music: Achaidh Cheide - Celtic by Kevin MacLeod is license…
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Send us a text When you reach a certain point in life, your sense of time can get a bit foggy. What you think will happen in the future is usually based on what is happening in your present time. You will say things about what will be in a future time without thinking it through. This can and usually does become quite an embarrassing situation and …
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I det här avsnittet pratar vi med stressforskaren Niclas Almén om hur vi egentligen bör förhålla oss till stress. Är stress något vi ska undvika till varje pris – eller kan det vara en naturlig del av ett balanserat liv? Vi djupdyker i: 🔹 Vad stress egentligen är och skillnaden mellan hotfull och normal stress 🔹 Varför ett passivt eller undvikande …
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Isaiah 29:1-14 The Blind Leading The Blind: We see here God's people in maintenance mode, then called to renew their mission by getting to the heart of the issue which is the human heart. Contact Pastor Smart from our Church website or send an email. [email protected] Music: Achaidh Cheide - Celtic by Kevin MacLeod is …
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Isaiah 28 : The Foundation of Faith vs Addiction, Anger and Anxiety. It’s when the rubber hits the road that you learn what you trust. So this section of Isaiah is about who and what you put your trust in, especially when there is real pressure in life. Contact Pastor Smart from our Church website or send an email. smartalk@…
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Send us a text When you’re a Kid, adventures happen just about every day. The story of this adventure is that summer’s One In A Million. Me and the Boys started that day like every other start of a summer day. But this day exploded into a “There’s no way this is happening!” day! So, sit back and have a listen. You’ll find out how and why this “Was …
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Isaiah 27 : The Fruitful Life. When God is at work he protects us, he prunes us and he purifies us. Contact Pastor Smart from our Church website or send an email. [email protected] Music: Achaidh Cheide - Celtic by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.…
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Send us a text A friend of mine and myself went on a hitchhiking trip. In the middle of it, that’s when it happened. To this day I get creepy feelings every time I think about that trip. You say you are never grossed or creeped out. I don’t believe it. Listen to this story and honestly tell me it didn’t bother you. If that’s you, I’m impressed. Ple…
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Isaiah 26: Feet on the Path. If you pick the right path to walk in life it can be marked by peace even in the face of tough decisions you may face. Contact Pastor Smart from our Church website or send an email. [email protected] Music: Achaidh Cheide - Celtic by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attrib…
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Isaiah 25 : You're Invited to the Party! Hope in the face of death. Contact Pastor Smart from our Church website or send an email. [email protected] Music: Achaidh Cheide - Celtic by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.…
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Du kanske hatar att träna, du kanske har väldigt lite tid att träna på men vill ändå få maximala resultat. Såhär gör du! Köp våra produkter på ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Skriv upp dig på ⁠⁠VIP-listan - Nyhetsbrev⁠⁠ Följ oss på ⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠, ⁠⁠Youtube⁠⁠ & ⁠⁠TikTok⁠⁠
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Send us a text Two Stressed-Out People set off for a Weekend Get-A-Way. After arriving at the Motel where they had reserved a room, the festivities began. Everything was going as planned. Then was the consumption of Get-Ya-Goings. Now fired up, the Planned Out Activity List said it was time for a Stress-Removal-Activity. The problem with a Planned …
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Isaiah 24 : The Second Coming. Are you a pessimist or an optimist about the future? There are two approaches to life that are like living in two totally different cities. The question is what are these cities like, and how do you move from the one facing destruction to the one that is eternally secure? Contact Pastor Smart from our Church website o…
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Är höftlyft verkligen bra? Hur balanserar man upp en muskel sida som är svag? Kan time under tension förstöra dina resultat och mycket mer! -- Köp våra produkter på ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Skriv upp dig på ⁠⁠VIP-listan - Nyhetsbrev⁠⁠ Följ oss på ⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠, ⁠⁠Youtube⁠⁠ & ⁠⁠TikTok⁠⁠ --
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Galatians 6:7-18 : Sowing For The Future. As we look ahead in life we see that our actions are like a farmer sowing seed. So make sure it's the right seed in the right field and sow with the right attitudes and the right tools. Contact Pastor Smart from our Church website or send an email. [email protected] Music: Acha…
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Send us a text As I get older and look back on the things we did years ago, I don’t understand how I stayed alive to tell those stories today. Only Kids can turn an apparent fun thing into a death trap. You don’t do it on purpose. It happens because you haven’t been on this Planet long enough to know that what you are about to do is really Stupid! …
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I det här avsnittet går vi igenom hur många gånger i veckan du ska träna en muskel! Är högre frekvens bättre eller sämre? Kan helkroppspass kanske vara det bästa? Glöm inte att köpa det ultimata kostprogrammet - tappa fett och forma kroppen!…
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Galatians 5:25-6:5 : Walking in The Spirit. This phrase sounds very mystical, but Paul shows that it's intensely practical in its impact on our relationships. Contact Pastor Smart from our Church website or send an email. [email protected] Music: Achaidh Cheide - Celtic by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Com…
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Send us a text So many things happen to children as they go through the grades while attending school. This is crazy true in the middle grades. That’s the age when kids are starting to physically and mentally change. This story takes place in my school when we were experiencing those changes and the traumas that went along with them. Then came The …
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Galatians 5:16-24 : Dr Jekyll or Mister Hide. Literature in many stories reflects the deep sense of being divided within our will. But the power of God's Spirit at work can bring us a profound wholeness. Contact Pastor Smart from our Church website or send an email. [email protected] Music: Achaidh Cheide - Celtic by K…
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SmartArts takes over the Triple R Performance Space for a very special broadcast to celebrate the show's 20th anniversary! Richard Watts OAM first brought Triple R's flagship morning arts program to life in December 2004, hosting hundreds of conversations every year with local artists, established talent and international touring legends from acros…
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Send us a text You fall in love with something you have known all your life. The wedding date is set. The excitement builds but you begin to have doubts. But the doubts go away when you see her, you know this is right. Finally the day is here. In private, you and your Bride are wed. But something is very wrong. What is it? Find out in this episode …
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Galatians 5:1-15 : Running Free. Where does genuine human freedom come from? How do we connect to it? How can we abuse such a freedom? Contact Pastor Smart from our Church website or send an email. [email protected] Music: Achaidh Cheide - Celtic by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 lic…
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Tappa fett och forma kroppen kurs här: ⁠⁠ I det här avsnittet diskuterar herr och fru Haroun själva om sitt förflutna beteende kring mat. David kom precis ur sin fitnessbubbla och Mathilda förstod inte riktigt vart hon stod i det hela. Ett avsnitt vi tror att många kan känna ig…
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Join Richard Watts for his penultimate episode before he closes out 2024 with his 20th anniversary next week! Details for the live event happening on Thursday 19th can be found here: Whether you’re a Midsumma Festival veteran or you’re wanting to go for the first time, Chief Executive…
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Galatians 4:21-31 : Losing My Religion. A message of hope following the devastation of Hurricane Milton and loss of power. Contact Pastor Smart from our Church website or send an email. [email protected] Music: Achaidh Cheide - Celtic by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https:…
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Tappa fett och forma kroppen kurs här: I det här avsnittet diskuterar herr och fru Haroun själva om sitt förflutna beteende kring mat. David kom precis ur sin fitnessbubbla och Mathilda förstod inte riktigt vart hon stod i det hela. Ett avsnitt vi tror att många kan känna igen…
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Malia Walsh, the guest director of Women’s Circus annual Member Cabaret, tells us all about the end of year showcase, Braver than a Bear. Music therapist Paul Byrnes joins discusses the federal government’s decision to remove Music Therapy as a recognized therapeutic support under the NDIS; according to the Australian Music Therapy Association (AMT…
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Send us a text This story is about a guy that was exposed to something at an early age that got bigger and bigger as he grew. And at the same time he grew to love. People that came in contact with him thought he was a Nut Job. Let me know what you think after you listen to his story. If you enjoyed this story, there are more to come. So go ahead an…
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Galatians 4:8-20 : Don't Die Another Day! God gives his children many gifts and because they are so precious the Apostle Paul goes to great lengths in these words to encourage us not to lose them, whether it's the freedom Christ brings us or the Joy of his Spirit. Like James Bond, we face hostile forces that would rob these treasures and put us bac…
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Niklas Andersson är tillbaks igen och går igenom det inte helt självklara förhållandet mellan smärta och skada. Innebär smärta att där finns en allvarlig skada? Hur behandlas skador på ett vettigt sätt? (07:20)-Vad är smärta? (15:20)-Smärta som indikator på skador (23:25)-Hur behandlas skador på ett bra sätt? (37:30)-Summering Följ oss: ⁠⁠⁠https://…
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Tai Snaith is back with Art Attack! She checked out the latest exhibition at the new Ordinance Gallery, Cardboards by Darcey Bella Arnold. The Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM) Head of Percussion Peter Neville stops by to tell Richard about their festival, Sounds of Australia. It runs from the 28-30 November at the Abbotsford Convent. Tic…
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Send us a text Want to make a Great Day Go to Hell? Lose your Car Keys in a lake, river, ocean, or any body of water. That should do it. That’s what happens in this story. But is there a happy ending? Find out in this Podcast! If you enjoyed this story, there are more stories here and more to come. So go ahead and hit Follow so you won’t miss any o…
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Galatians 3:26-4:7 : Defining Your Religion: Slavery or Sonship. In this amazing passage, we learn about the freedom, joy, and privileges of being sons and daughters of God through our faith in Christ. Contact Pastor Smart from our Church website or send an email. [email protected] Music: Achaidh Cheide - Celtic by Kev…
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I dagens avsnitt benar vi ut myter kring ryggproblematik relaterat till styrketräning tillsammans med kiropraktorn Niklas Andersson. Är det katastrof att träna med böjd rygg? Beror alla problem på svag bål? (00:00)-Niklas Andersson presenteras (05:50)-Lyfta med böjd rygg? (20:00)-Får man ont i ryggen på grund av svag bål? (24:35)-Finns det dåliga ö…
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With MQFF closing on Sunday November 24th, filmmaker Alice Maio Mackay and actor Connor Pullinger join Richard to talk about the last few days of the festival. Alice’s film Carnage for Christmas screens on Sunday 24th (last day of MQFF) at 3.15pm at Cinema Nova. Connor’s film Bulldog is a contender for Australian Shorts & Awards (screening and awar…
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Galatians Chapter 3:15-25: The Craftsman's Tools. When God works upon your life, he is like an artist. Here we see two particular tools he uses to craft our character into the likeness of Christ, God's Law and God's promises. We also think about the timing in God using these tools: why Christ came when he did and not earlier. Contact Pastor Smart f…
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