Media Communications Specialist Kyle Scislowicz and City Manager Tom Tanghe chat about the upcoming amphitheater project in downtown Auburn Hills which is anticipated to break ground in September 2017.Kirjoittanut City of Auburn Hills
Kyle Scislowicz and City Manager Tom Tanghe discuss what may happen to the Palace of Auburn Hills in the future. Rumors are out there, but no definite plans have been finalized.Kirjoittanut City of Auburn Hills
Kyle Scislowicz and City Manager Tom Tanghe clarify which city Oakland University actually resides in. Well, kind of... (Forgive us for the sound quality near the end. A phone call interrupted the recording process. *Cough Tom*. We'll get it corrected for the next episode!)Kirjoittanut City of Auburn Hills
Kyle Scislowicz and City Manager Tom Tanghe discuss several hurdles the city of Auburn Hills encountered in 2016. Many are financially related to the economic downturn of nearly a decade ago.Kirjoittanut City of Auburn Hills
Speaking of Auburn Hills digs deeper into trending topics throughout the city and provides unique insight from our city manager. Follow us on Instagram (@cityofauburnhills) to watch a live stream of each podcast.Kirjoittanut City of Auburn Hills