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A Kansas City Podcast Is it hard for you to keep track of all the different kingdom missions in Kansas City, and how they are working as a cohesive whole to accomplish the purposes of God for this great city? Join in the weekly conversations with Kansas City local Nathan Sack as he interviews kingdom leaders to both discover individual missions and keep up with what God is doing today. Learn about ongoing missions and get short weekly kingdom digest with local leaders in Kansas City.
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Kingdom of God

Sangram Kodavatikanti

My purpose of this podcast is to help everyone to become better disciples of Christ. And to advance the kingdom of God. Using scriptures and teachings. Matthew 28: 19,20 Cover art photo provided by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash:
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Farmer of Hearts - Finding Hope in God’s Kingdom

生命恩泉 Fountain of Love and Life

As we navigate through the maze of life in this fast changing world, it’s easy to lose sight of the important things that keep us going and help us stay on track. In a world plagued by an epidemic of depression and hopelessness like never before, it’s clear that what the world offers is leading us in the wrong direction. On the other hand, studies consistently show that individuals with higher levels of hope report lower levels of depression and anxiety. High hope is also linked to better st ...
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The Kingdom of God Is Within You

Leo Tolstoy on

When Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace was published in 1869, his genius was immediately recognized by people all over the world. In the later part of Leo Tolstoy's life, however, he began to share his deepest thoughts about Christianity in his writing. His definition of Christianity was not the same as the priests and bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church where there was so much pomp and pageantry. Tolstoy could care less for all that ceremony. He was a radical follower of Jesus Christ's teachin ...
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The Kingdom of God or Nothing

The Kingdom of God or Nothing

we are seeking to Gather the tribe of Ephriam and learn to live Gods higher laws so that Zion can be redeemed before the coming of Messiah ben Judah. JST, Genesis 9:21–25. Compare Genesis 9:16–17 21 And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant, which I made unto thy father Enoch; that, when men should keep all my commandments, Zion should again come on the earth, the city of Enoch which I have caught up unto myself. 22 And this is m ...
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show series
Man it is great to get to know John Losh and begin to work with him in an official capacity to discover more of what God is doing in Kansas City. It is truly an honor to be acquaintances and friends with John Losh. Enjoy the Podcast! A true renaissance man, John's interests span from intricate railroad history to creating "Moments of Tranquility" Y…
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During the past four days of this retreat, we have outlined the initial framework and image of the theme of this retreat, "Finding Hope in God’s Kingdom." We have examined the current state of both the world and our hearts, as well as our ultimate hope — our true destination. This has helped us establish both the starting point and the final destin…
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Over the past few days, we have discussed that, as pilgrims on this earthly journey, we must first recognize where we currently stand and gain clarity about our final destination. Today, let us reflect on the journey in between. As we embrace this Jubilee with the theme “Pilgrims of Hope,” it is helpful to understand what a pilgrimage truly is in o…
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During yesterday's retreat, we mentioned that the Global Positioning System (GPS) we commonly use today requires us to input both the starting point and the destination so that the system can successfully guide us to our destination. This serves as a reminder that our lives need a clear goal and direction, and we must be aware of our current positi…
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When promoting this online retreat, we mentioned: "In a world plagued by an epidemic of depression and hopelessness like never before, it’s clear that what the world offers is leading us in the wrong direction." But just how serious is this problem? In recent years, alarming statistics on mental health have continued to rise, particularly in the pr…
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"Farmer of Hearts" was launched at the beginning of the pandemic. Over the past five years, “farmers of hearts” from all over the world have been cultivating their hearts. In addition to preparing their hearts to remember the suffering that Jesus endured for us and to celebrate His glorious resurrection, they have also been constantly straightening…
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Interviewed Zack Nicholson with Minding the Gap in Kansas City a ministry that addresses literacy in schools, supports school staff and does after school christian clubs in Kansas City. Zack highlighted the alarming statistic that only about a third of U.S. students read proficiently by third grade, increasing their likelihood of dropping out of hi…
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Got to discuss Kansas City transportation with Michael Miller!!! We addressed transportation challenges in Kansas City, particularly in the east side of the city where a lack of jobs and labor force forces residents to seek employment elsewhere. We have noticed the city's efforts to address this issue through the development of a new ride public ri…
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Nola Wood shares her personal journey into politics, highlighting the importance of stewardship and the sanctity of life. She recounts her involvement in picketing an abortion provider in Wichita and distributing pro-life messages. Additionally Nola emphasized the need for Christians to vote for candidates based on shared values rather than party l…
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United in Crisis Kansas City! During this interview, the initiative "United in Crisis KC" becomes apparent as a focused effort to prepare and empower the local church in responding to disasters. In times of crisis, the church has the chance to take the lead in serving the community of its city. The aim of United in Crisis KC is to provide Christian…
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As we come to the final day of the 40-day retreat, let us once again focus our attention on the theme of this retreat: "Finding God in All Things." At the heart of this theme is a relationship, an ultimate relationship with God. If the ultimate goal of Christians in this world is to "inherit eternal life", and if being with God forever is the meani…
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Yesterday we learned that through the examination of consciousness, we can heighten our awareness of God’s blessings in our lives and become more grateful so that we can more easily find God in all things. But how can we be grateful if we find no blessings from God in our lives, but only pain and suffering? How can we find God in all things in such…
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We had mentioned before that the "present moment" is the only time when we can truly "find God" and "encounter God". When we are fully present in the "here and now", that is the time when we can best experience God’s presence. However, for us to be able to achieve this state of "living in the present" does not happen overnight. Fortunately, we can …
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During the last ten days of the retreat, we kept mentioning that the relationship God wants to have with us is a marriage relationship. The concept of marriage originates from God Himself. Since we perceive God as a father figure and Jesus Christ also embodies a male identity, when we talk about our relationship with God being a marital one, it's e…
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Yesterday we reflected on God's love, that is too much for us to bear. Do you have any new insights into the love that God has poured on you? Have you been touched by this overwhelming and inexplicable love? Did it pull your heart strings? Do you feel compelled to respond in some way? Or perhaps you think that you have already done your best to rep…
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In this thought-provoking podcast centered around family structure and its multifaceted impact on society, Nathan Sack and Michael Miller passionately delve into the intricacies of raising children, navigating teenage identity formation, grappling with trauma and mental health, and addressing the systemic challenges faced by urban communities, part…
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The question we asked ourselves in the previous day’s retreat about why we wish to enter heaven is one we really need to face. Reflecting on this question helps us understand the relationship between "heaven" and "earth", the connection between "eternity" and "the present moment". Our answers will become our life goals, helping us live each moment …
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As we enter the final seven days of the retreat, it's time to ask ourselves some very serious questions about life, especially those concerning life and death. These are the questions we often avoid or are afraid to face. However, it's only when we seriously face these core, essential, and ultimate questions in life that we can truly confront ourse…
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We used the term "Unlimited Connection Plan" yesterday to describe the most ideal mode of communication between us and God. This “Unlimited Connection Plan” does not require signing any contract, does not charge any fees, does not have any unfavourable terms and fine prints, and is entirely user-driven. It is applicable for life, remaining eternall…
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Yesterday, one of the reflection questions we asked was: "Do you have difficulty receiving God's messages?" I wonder what your answer was. I remember someone once asked me this: "You said you received messages from God. How did you receive them? Did you really hear His voice, or was it just a feeling? Under what circumstances did you receive these …
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Based on yesterday's meditation, we understand that we are truly "alive" only when we are in a state of "whole-person presence", meaning that our body, heart, spirit, and mind are all present together. The only time we can truly "find God" and "encounter God" is in the "present moment"! This is an evidence of being "wholly alive" as Christians and …
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Yesterday we talked about the importance of "living in the present moment" which is the prerequisite for us to find God in all things. Although God is not bound by time and space, we cannot live outside of the "here and now". Therefore, the only time we can truly "find God" and "encounter God" is in "this moment"! This concept is important for Chri…
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At this stage of the retreat, it’s time to ask about your current status. If you've been following along with the retreat, you may find yourself in one of two states, with two distinctly different mindsets. The first is that you're thoroughly enjoying the content of the retreat and the opportunity for meditation, to the point where you may have eve…
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Most of you are probably familiar with the concept of "life planning". There are many courses available that cater to this strong demand, especially among the younger generation. They are full of aspirations for the future, hoping not only to "get ahead of the starting line" but also to grasp sufficient information and skills to plan for and establ…
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In yesterday's reflection, Jesus made a promise to you that He will hold a wedding feast with you in the Kingdom of Heaven, and He has already begun preparing for this wedding. What about you? Have you started? How will you prepare? We often use the term "the wedding of the century" to describe those wedding banquets where the brides and grooms spa…
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Our theme for yesterday's retreat was: When “Selfless Love” Meets “Senseless Love”. If this situation occurs between a man and a woman, it is not hard to predict how the story will unfold. This "encounter" will not have a positive outcome. Unfortunately, for believers in general, the description is quite fitting when it comes to their relationship …
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I hope that at this stage of the retreat, you will better understand God’s feelings and His helplessness. If we had not sinned, betrayed Him, or deviated from His righteousness and teachings, Jesus would not need to endure the crucifixion for us, and the Heavenly Father would not have to agonize and be torn in seeking a way to save us, given His ow…
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Yesterday, I invited you to explore why you follow God. In the reflection, I also asked about your ultimate desire in life: is it the joy of eternal life or the Father Himself? You might wonder, aren't they the same? If there's the Father, there's eternal life, and vice versa, right? Yes, but that's not the crux of the question. The crucial point l…
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We acknowledge that the reflections of these past few days have been challenging, much like the challenging requirements Jesus sets for being His disciples. Jesus wants us to face our relationship with Him, to understand who He truly is for us, and not just establish a relationship based on hearsay or imitation of others’ relationships with God. He…
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In yesterday's reflection, we realized that the image of God in our hearts is also influenced by how we understand His requirements for us as disciples. If we misunderstand the underlying reasons for these requirements, it will greatly affect the image of God in our hearts, as well as our mutual identities and roles in our relationship with God. In…
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From yesterday's reflection, we learned that God, who seeks our greatest good, knows very well how we can obtain the greatest strength and grace from Him. He has graciously given us two pieces of divine wisdom, assisting us in fulfilling the mission of being Christians, so that God's plan may be fully realized in us. The first wisdom teaches us to …
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Yesterday, we experienced the essence of God and how it revealed some enlightening truths to us. These revelations help us better understand why God has such high expectations of us and assist us in responding to His various invitations with the right mindset and actions. One thing we must always remember is that no matter how high the expectations…
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Yesterday, in our reflection, we inferred three key points from the nature of God. For ease of reference, we will call these three key points as the Three Revelations of God's Nature. The first revelation: Out of love for us, God is willing to do all things and become all things. This revelation reminds us that God is willing to bestow grace upon u…
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In the reflection of the past week on the encounter between the rich young man and Jesus, one particularly thought-provoking point emerged. What Jesus asked of the rich young man is also what He asks of each of us Christians who long for eternal life. Jesus said to the rich young man, "Go, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will h…
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"Who do you say that I am?" This is a simple question that Jesus asked His disciples, and it is also a question that is constantly asked to each of us who follow Him today. This question reveals God's profound desire for a deep and unique relationship with each one of us. In the past, present, and future, there is no one else in the world who can t…
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On the sixteenth day of retreat, you might have a question: why does it seem like we haven't yet touched upon the main topic, which focuses on "finding God in all things"? In fact, while this theme is important, it is not our ultimate goal. I hope that over the past fifteen days, you have realized that the ultimate objective of this retreat is to e…
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Yesterday we mentioned that God interacts with us in different roles and images in order to meet our unique needs. What evidence do we have in the Scripture that this is the nature of God? Let’s look for some clues from one of the greatest apostles in the Bible! In the First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians, chapter 9, verses 19 to 23, he says, “F…
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Yesterday, we mentioned the importance of seeking and recognizing the role and image of God in our lives. One thing we need to bear in mind is that at different stages of our life, faith, and spiritual growth, God communicates and interacts with us in different roles and images, and this is entirely normal. Moreover, even the same image may be pres…
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As we build our relationships with God, we need to fully understand God's actual role in our lives. Mutual understanding of our respective roles and positions can help and guide us in establishing an appropriate way of interacting—how to treat, respect, accept, trust, understand and cooperate with each other. These principles of human interaction a…
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The encounter between the rich young man and Jesus did not lead to a better outcome for him. Apart from the fact that he was unwilling to let go of his possessions, the core issue was that he didn't truly trust Jesus, the "Good Teacher" he had sought. Ironically, the person he longed for turned out to be someone he didn't trust! But why couldn't th…
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At this stage of the retreat, especially after the reflection on the tenth day, I hope you can sense that in choosing Jesus as the love of our lives and in responding to and living out God's call, there is a clear disparity between our willing hearts and our practical actions. We must never rely solely on subjective feelings to determine whether we…
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In the Gospel of Mark, chapter 10, verses 17 to 22, it is written: “As he (Jesus) was setting out on a journey, a man ran up and knelt before him, and asked him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone. You know the commandments: ‘You shall not murder; You sha…
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How absurd it is for us Christians to find ourselves becoming God's greatest adversaries. There seems to be no conflict between choosing what you desire, and choosing what God desires. But the heart of the matter is this: what we think is good is often very different from what God thinks is good. In the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 6, verses 19 to 21…
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Did the song "Need You Every Minute" that we used to reflect on and connect with our relationship with God yesterday give you a special, fresh, and warm feeling? I hope yesterday's experience allowed you to savour the realization that our personal relationship with God can be much like that between the best of friends or lovers—very human, affectio…
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A week ago, at the beginning of the retreat, I asked everyone a question: Do you desire to find God in all things? I wonder what your answer was. If you have been following this retreat, I believe your answer is yes. But when you think about the theme of this retreat, "Finding God in All Things," what comes to your mind? How does it make you feel? …
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In the first five days of the retreat, we mentioned that if we are not aware of our need for God, it is difficult for us to have the motivation and desire to establish a relationship with Him, especially since God is not someone we can see or touch. This awareness and awakening can be achieved through several ways. The first is to choose a simple l…
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Sometimes, we feel ignored or excluded by others not because they intentionally alienate us, but rather due to a mistaken impression they have about us. This misconception is often based on a flawed understanding of our preferences, likes, dislikes, or needs. Such misconceptions can easily lead to mismatch in expectations, giving rise to unnecessar…
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Like many of us, you may have had the following experience: You knew that in your circle of friends, an event that you valued very much and looked forward to was coming up, but in the end, you found out you were not invited. The feeling of not being valued, being excluded, being given the cold shoulder, or even being shut out is very painful. The f…
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“A friend in need is a friend indeed” does not only apply to human relationships, but it is also reflected in our relationship with God. God is faithful and His love for us never changes. Yet we only acknowledge God’s faithfulness when we are in need. Whenever we encounter adversity, such as setbacks at work or school, challenges in family and marr…
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The theme of "Finding God in All Things" for this year's retreat actually poses an important question to us: "Do we need God?" Or conversely, it is God asking us, "Do you need me?" This is a question worth pondering. In the process of growing up, we are taught to be "independent", to take care of our own needs, and this "handle it yourself" mentali…
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