When a young Eva Kollisch arrives as a refugee in New York in 1940, she finds a community among socialists who share her values and idealism. She soon discovers ‘the cause’ isn’t as idyllic as it seems. Little does she know this is the beginning of a lifelong commitment to activism and her determination to create radical change in ways that include belonging, love and one's full self. In addition to Eva Kollisch’s memoirs Girl in Movement (2000) and The Ground Under My Feet (2014), LBI’s collections include an oral history interview with Eva conducted in 2014 and the papers of Eva’s mother, poet Margarete Kolllisch, which document Eva’s childhood experience on the Kindertransport. Learn more at www.lbi.org/kollisch . Exile is a production of the Leo Baeck Institute , New York | Berlin and Antica Productions . It’s narrated by Mandy Patinkin. Executive Producers include Katrina Onstad, Stuart Coxe, and Bernie Blum. Senior Producer is Debbie Pacheco. Associate Producers are Hailey Choi and Emily Morantz. Research and translation by Isabella Kempf. Sound design and audio mix by Philip Wilson, with help from Cameron McIver. Theme music by Oliver Wickham. Voice acting by Natalia Bushnik. Special thanks to the Kollisch family for the use of Eva’s two memoirs, “Girl in Movement” and “The Ground Under My Feet”, the Sophia Smith Collection at Smith College and their “Voices of Feminism Oral History Project”, and Soundtrack New York.…
IT podcast made in Hong Kong. 一個香港人用廣東話製作的 IT Podcast
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由 tech YouTuber 主持嘅廣東話資訊科技 Podcast - 平時大家睇我地嘅片就睇得多啦,但好多時我地冇寫落稿度嘅內容可能仲多,可能係概念太複雜,可能係唔想條片太長,亦可能唔夠切合條片嘅主題。係呢個podcast我地就會將我地對科技大小事嘅想法同見解,毫無filter地同大家傾下。由大家手上嘅智能電話,到平日乘搭嘅車,去到太空探索科技我地都會講到。歡迎大家嚟到 The BIG BYTE。 Business enquiry: thebigbytepodcast@gmail.com Website: thebigbyte.notion.site Instargram: https://www.instagram.com/thebigbyte.podcast/ Co-hosts: Anson Cheung https://www.youtube.com/@ansoncheunghttps://www.instagram.com/ansoncheungth/ Wallace Studio HK https://www.youtube.com/@wallacestudioh ...
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三十好禍 年過三十,究竟是福是禍 古人常說三十而立 兩個三十了卻什麼都還沒立的胖 二十幾的我們總是幻想著三十的自己是什麼模樣 而如今,年過三十,卻是另一番考驗的開始? Society really loves to tell you there is a certain way you are supposed to be. A certain life you are supposed to live. A path you are supposed to take. And if you aren’t ready for that stuff at the age society decides, then it’s a huge amount of pressure. Facing the swerve in your 30s is a tough window of time for sure. Instagram | wang_and_yu 合作私訊 | chienming103@hotmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting
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「我的電腦Podcast」旗下另一節目:「🕚1分鐘解壓說.zip」 https://open.firstory.me/user/1minute-zip/platforms -------- Powered by Firstory Hosting
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#加密貨幣 #區塊鏈 #NFT #GameFi #DeFi 由專注在NFT與GameFi賽道的區塊鏈媒體-《 加密城市 Crypto City 》製作,每週分享有關加密貨幣的焦點新聞,用輕鬆、易懂的風格,讓幣圈小白快速了解最新消息,快加入加密城市,來成為市民吧!https://linktr.ee/cryptocitytw -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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第 991 集:超智能家居免費實現!Home Assistant Voice PE Review
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
2:02:370:00:00 – HKPUG 會訊 + 每週 IT 新聞 0:53:01 – 依輪乜事 1:05:32 – Main Topic 本集全長:2:02:37 Tag: 3月茶聚預告, Women Techmakers 婦女節系列活動推介, Flora 娜姐, 雞蛋妹, Rannes 文恩澄, Anita Wong, TechTalk, TikTok 被指助長兒童色情直播, Mozilla 更新使用條款引發個人資料或被用作人工智能訓練疑慮, Mozilla 被削未來三年的政府資助, 西班牙巴塞隆那 MWC 2025, 小米展出概念相機模組以強力磁鐵及金屬接觸點硬件連結手機, M4/3 感應器 f/1.4 鏡頭模組可共享手機相機軟件各功能兼無縫 plug and play, Apple 發佈 M…
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第 990 集:Amazon Alexa+ 引爆次世代 LLM 語音助理大戰
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
2:01:290:00:00 – HKPUG 會訊 + 每週 IT 新聞 0:51:17 – 依輪乜事 1:11:58 – Main Topic 本集全長:2:01:29 Tag: 三月茶聚登記預告, TechTalk, Apple 應英國政府要求在英國停止支援 Advanced Data Protection (ADP), Google Chrome 開始對未升級 Manifest V3 的 Extension 插件提出運行警告, 影響 uBlock Origin 等知名廣告攔截器運作, 香港財政預算案 2025 提出眾多人工智能政策, 新質生產力, 機械人, 低空經濟, Framework Gen 2 發佈會發表支援 AMD Ryzen AI 300 系列處理器之 Laptop 13、內建 Ryzen…
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第 989 集:iPhone 16e 大家 Buy 唔 Buy?
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
2:15:010:00:00 – HKPUG 會訊 + 每週 IT 新聞 0:45:03 – 依輪乜事 1:08:07 – Main Topic 本集全長:2:15:00 Tag: 三月茶聚預告, TechTalk, 警方破獲有人以流動 2G 基站攔截手機訊號發送 # 號開首寄件人之詐騙短訊, BBC 報導長期使用降噪耳機或導致聽覺處理失調症, Auditory processing disorder (APD), HP 收購 Humane AI 團隊並終止其服務, Microsoft 發表以 Topological Qubit 為基礎的全新量子電腦晶片 Majorana 1, 從物料根源改善錯誤率並與 Google Willow 採取不同策略, 依輪乜事, Grok-3 Beta 正式推出聲稱表現優秀,…
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EP403 國產AI越級打怪定吹水?拆解DeepSeek三大神話 vs 三大爭議!🇨🇳 VS 🤖
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
50:57🤖【前情提要】 今次同大家傾下呢個一出世就轟動全球嘅「國產AI奇蹟」——DeepSeek-R1!🇨🇳 喺中國嚴格監管下,居然聲稱做到同OpenAI ChatGPT平起平坐?今集同你揭開三大神奇賣點 VS 三大致命爭議,睇清究竟係技術超車定係吹水大法?👇 --- 爆點爭議全紀錄 ▫️💸 **成本羅生門** ⚠️ 官方聲稱:$558萬美金輕鬆練成GPT-4級AI 💥 踢爆實情: → Bernstein分析師:最少燒$2億美金! (Bernstein) → SemiAnalysis:硬件開支估$5億 (CNBC) → 用2,048張NVIDIA H800 仲要狂食280萬GPU小時電 (Bernstein) ▫️🖥️ **晶片黑幕** 🚫 被指偷用5萬張美國禁運H100晶片 (Scale AI C…
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第 988 集:由 DeepSeek 亂象,反思大眾該如何對待 AI 及其新聞
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
2:09:140:00:00 – HKPUG 會訊 + 每週 IT 新聞 0:40:40 – 依輪乜事 1:03:47 – Main Topic 本集全長:2:09:13 Tag: 2月茶聚回顧, ChatGPT Video Mode, Microsoft Adaptive Mouse, TechTalk, iOS App Store 發現偷閲螢幕截圖惡意軟件, iOS 18.3.1 修復 USB 安全漏洞, 的士業界因高德打車推出白牌車召喚服務而威脅發動罷載抗議, Adobe FireFly 推出有限度影片生成服務可每日免費生成兩段 1080p 5 秒影片, 依輪乜事, Elon Musk 與特朗普共同在白宮橢圓形辦公室接受傳媒質詢, 利益衝突, 選民意見, Elon Musk 提出收購 OpenAI …
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