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Episode 351 Nicole's Precipitous VBAC with a Nuchal Hand After Moving Overseas
Manage episode 449529660 series 2500712
Nicole is a military spouse who had her VBAC in England. She shares what it was like to unexpectedly move overseas during pregnancy, how she navigated not receiving her household goods in time, and how she made the choice to deliver on base versus off.
Nicole’s first birth was a Cesarean during the height of COVID. During pushing, she was required to pause, take a COVID test, and wait an hour for the results or risk being separated from her baby after birth. Labor had gone smoothly up until that point, and Nicole knew something had changed after the pause. Things felt different, progress stalled, and ultimately Nicole consented to the Cesarean.
Her VBAC was a surprisingly wild precipitous birth with only 2 hours between her first contraction and pushing the baby out! Meagan and Nicole discuss the unique challenges of precipitous births and how important it is to hold space for every birth experience.
How to VBAC: The Ultimate Prep Course for Parents
Full Transcript under Episode Details
Meagan: Hello. Welcome to The VBAC Link. Today is Veteran’s Day. If you are just joining us this month for the very first time, then welcome to your first specialized episode week. I don’t even know what to call it. What would you call this, Nicole? I don’t even know.
Nicole: A one-of-a-kind situation.
Meagan: Last month in October, we had Midwifery Week and now we have Veterans. Nicole is the wife of a Servicemember and she definitely and experience that I think a lot of military members and moms experience and people don’t think about it. I don’t think about that. When I was having my baby, it was like, Which hospital should I go to? There are 10-15 right around me.
Then you’re like, “Oh, hey. I’m pregnant and now I’m moving overseas.” You know? I think it’s something that we just don’t think about. It’s fun to have it be Veteran’s Day and to have a Servicemember’s wife sharing your story today. We might even talk a little bit about navigating the military healthcare system and what choices you made. We learned a little bit about that before we started recording.
We’ve got her amazing story today. Where are you right now?
Nicole: I’m in England right now.
Meagan: You are in England, okay. And that’s where you had your baby.
Nicole: Yes.
Meagan: Awesome. So England mamas, definitely listen up for sure. All mamas, really. We do have a Review of the Week so I’m going to get into that then we’ll start with your first story. This is from Roxyrutt and it says, “Inspiring”. It says, “Listening to these podcasts has been truly inspiring and I have been on my own hopeful VBAC journey. Listening to other stories has been incredibly helpful in my mental preparation.”
We were just talking about that before we started recording as well just how impactful these stories can be for anyone but especially during your VBAC journey.
It says, “My due date is April 17th this month–” so this is obviously a little while ago. It says, “I’m hoping to have my own VBAC story to share. Thank you all for what you do.” Thank you so much, Roxyrutt, for sharing your review.
As always, we love your reviews. You can email them to us at info@thevbaclink.com or you can comment “Review” on your podcast. I think it’s on Apple Podcasts, Spotify– I don’t know if Google allows reviews. You might just have to do a rating. But wherever you listen to your podcasts, if you can leave a review, please do so.
Okay, Nicole. Let’s get going on your stories. I seriously thank you so much for joining me today.
Nicole: Oh, thank you so much for having me. Like we mentioned before we started recording, this podcast has been extremely inspirational to me and it really led me to having the VBAC of my dreams.
Meagan: And you had a precipitous VBAC, right? Did you have a pretty precipitous VBAC if I’m remembering right? It was 2 hours or something?
Nicole: Yeah. It was so quick.
Meagan: Okay. We are going to talk about that. Don’t let me forget about that in the end. It is something that we don’t talk about a lot. Most people think about birth being a long time.
Nicole: Yeah.
Meagan: Yeah. Precipitous birth can come out of left field and I want to talk about that. But first of course, every VBAC starts with a C-section so let’s hear about your first.
Nicole: Okay, yeah. So I had my first in June 2020 so literally right as the world was shutting down. Everybody was terrified with reason, right? I go in. I remember I had my baby shower planned and everything was planning and everything was canceled. I just felt depleted and I was scared.
I remember watching videos on how to have a birth and what to do and all of the birthing videos and there was like, “Here’s a segment on if you have a C-section.” I was like, That will never be me. I don’t have to watch this because that will never happen. That is not in my cards. That is not in my birthing plan I typed up and had signed. That is not in my cards.
So I decided with my doctor that I wanted to be induced and I said at 40 weeks I had done my time. Get this baby out of me. I had committed to 40 weeks because she kept saying, “Well, we can do it at 38 weeks if you’re comfortable or 39 weeks.” I was like, “Nope. I will do it until 40 weeks. I’ve done my time. At this point, this baby is evicted.”
On June 20th, I went in for my induction. Everything went smoothly. I was progressing but not as fast as they would like so we started Pitocin. That went well. I was doing really well and all of a sudden they were like, “I think we need to break your water.” I had heard horror stories about your water breaking and it’s super painful and you’re miserable after it. So I was like, “Well, let’s get the epidural because why would I put myself through that if they have the option to make this smooth and comfortable? Why would I sit there and not be comfortable during this?”
So I got the epidural and I just laid there. I laid in bed for a really long time then at about 3:00 in the morning, I got the urge to push. I let the nurses know. They checked. They said I was at 10 centimeters. Everything was good to go. They came in at about 3:10 and I started pushing. I pushed until about 6:00 AM. At that point, at about 5:00 AM, I started getting really hot.
I noticed that they had turned the temperature in the room up obviously for baby. I started getting really overwhelmed and really hot. I started to throw up. My doctor turned down the temperature. She was like, “Let’s turn down the temperature. I feel like you’re just getting hot.” I was like, “I’m just hot. I just don’t feel so good. I’m just hot.”
They turned the temperature down then a new NICU nurse came in and she turned it up. I was watching her turn it up and I was just so uncomfortable. I started throwing up again and they were like, “Well, we need to pause because everything you’re doing is an epidural symptom but it’s also a symptom of COVID so we’re going to stop you because we have to test you. You can either continue to push–”
Meagan: We have to test you.
Nicole: Yeah. I had gotten tested before I went in and then during my labor 3 hours in of pushing, they literally stopped me and said, “We need to do a COVID test.” I did a COVID test and it was crazy. You see all of these doctors in scrubs and masks and then all of a sudden they come in in these inflatable suits and everybody has these– which is more terrifying. I’m already scared.
Meagan: Yeah, talk about invading your space.
Nicole: Yeah, then you’re telling me that I have an hour until this test comes back. I can either continue to push but if I push and have my baby, you’re immediately going to take her away until my results come back or I can pause, not push for the hour and just let my body do it naturally and then resume pushing if my test comes back negative and I can continue to have skin on skin and the one-on-one time with my baby.
Meagan: Hashtag, eye roll.
Nicole: Yeah. So during that time, I was pushing well up until the COVID test. My baby was descending correctly. I stopped. I waited an hour and something shifted to where she then twisted a little bit and she– once my test came back negative and I was able to push again– was getting stuck on my pelvic bone and I could not get her out. They were tying blankets together and my husband would hold one end of the blanket and I would push and pull the end of the blanket as hard as I could to try and get her down.
I was doing everything to push this baby out. Nothing was working. I started to develop preeclampsia so that was red flag number one. Then my baby’s heart rate started to drop in between each contraction which I guess means that it could be around the neck and it’s more concerning if it’s between contractions versus during the contraction.
So after her heart rate started dropping and continuously dropped, they decided to call it an emergency C-section.
I just remember feeling devastated. I remember shouting– not shouting, but crying to my husband, “I don’t want this. I don’t want a C-section.” My doctor was like, “I have to hear it from you that you are okay to have the C-section.” I was like, “I mean, I guess if that’s the only way to get this baby out but I don’t want it.”
I remember feeling the pain from my C-section and feeling so depleted. I pushed from 3:00 to 6:00 then I stopped for an hour. We resumed at 7:00. We pushed from 7:00 to 9:00 and then they called the emergency C-section and I had her at 9:36. It was a lot and I was pushing hard.
I just remember getting back to the room, because my mother-in-law was there, and saying, “I haven’t held her yet.” I didn’t want anybody to hold the baby without me holding her first. I had heard stories of people who were like, “Everybody in my family got to hold the baby before I held my baby.” I just remember crying and I cried for weeks. I just felt like my body gave up on me.
My recovery was terrible and that’s what my doctor kept saying. She was like, “You have both recoveries. You pushed for so long that you’re recovering from pushing and then you’re also recovering from your C-section.” Then because I pushed so hard and I was trying so hard, I had tore all of the right side abs so I couldn’t even move my legs to get in and out of bed for 4 weeks because my whole ab muscles were just torn.
I had to go see therapy for that and I remember trying to drive me and this infant to therapy sessions and I was just in pain and then the drive home– it was so hard. I just felt like I was really bonding with my baby, but I felt like I was so disconnected with myself. I just couldn’t do it. I had to have therapy because I went into postpartum depression. It was the hardest moment of my life because I really just felt like everybody was like, “Oh, it’s so beautiful though. Your body did its job and it birthed this healthy baby.” I just wanted to scream every time somebody said that because I was like, “But it didn’t. I pushed for hours, literally hours, and it didn’t do its job. I had to have my baby taken out of me.”
Meagan: You didn’t feel that way.
Nicole: Uh-huh. Yeah. People would be like, “Well, aren’t you glad that you didn’t have vaginal tearing?” I was like, “No, but I had hip to hip tearing and not just through the skin. It was muscles and layers.” I felt like everybody was trying to comfort me and it just felt like I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs because I didn’t feel like anybody was understanding what mentally I was going through.
Meagan: Yeah. I think that happens so often in the provider world but also just in our family and friends’ world. We get thrown the, “Aren’t you just happy you have a healthy baby?” It’s like, “Yeah, duh.” But then also that thing, “Well, aren’t you glad that didn’t happen to your vagina? Aren’t you glad you don’t have to deal with incontinence?” Or similar things where in people’s minds, I don’t think they realize that it’s causing harm or that there are ill feelings at all. They are just saying these things, but it’s like, “I don’t feel like I birthed my baby and I don’t feel good about it and I’m dealing with a lot of trauma physically to my body, not just even emotionally but physically to my body. No, I’m not feeling great right now and it’s okay that I don’t feel great. I understand that you’re just trying to help and validate me maybe, I don’t know.” Maybe that’s what people are doing but it doesn’t always feel good.
Nicole: Yeah, people kept telling me to be mad at my provider. I was like, “I hear you. But at the end of the day, she’s new to COVID just like we are. She’s going into this trying to navigate it.” I think she did and I think she made the best calls, but everybody was like, “Why are you mad at yourself? Be mad at this person.” I was like, it wasn’t her fault necessarily. She didn’t know what was happening. COVID was so new and it was just blowing up in Utah. It was just this big thing and it seemed like nobody was listening to the fact that I was upset with my body and how my body handled this. Everybody was just like, “Well, it’s a healthy baby. Blame this person or that person. It’s COVID.”
I was like, “But what about me? You’re not listening to me.” That was so tough. I felt like I was screaming it and people were trying to silence it without purposely trying to silence it.
Meagan: Right. Okay, so I have some questions for you. So when they were offering you sheets and it sounds like you were maybe playing some tug-of-war. What I call it in my doula mind is tug-of-war where you are pulling and tugging and all of those things. Obviously, they were really trying to help this baby get out vaginally and things like that. Did they offer you changing of positions even though you had that epidural? Were they like, “Hey, let’s try to get you on your side or get you on your hands and knees?” You said you kind of felt your C-section a little bit, right? Is that what you said? So it maybe wasn’t as deep of an epidural so maybe you could have done hands and knees or something? Did they ever offer anything like that?
Nicole: They didn’t. They did try the vacuum three times but it immediately would just pop right off of her head because she was shifted.
Meagan: Asynclitic a little bit, maybe?
Nicole: Yeah, so they said that after three times it was unsafe at that point and it was going to have the same results. Nothing was going to happen.
I didn’t want to do the vacuum, but once we were at that position, I was like, “Let’s just try it.” I agreed to three times and then we were done. Keep it safe. That’s when we started doing the tug-of-war and we did that for a long time. My husband was holding it and he was like, “The first time, you almost knocked me down because I wasn’t expecting you.” I was pulling so hard. I just wanted this baby out.
Yeah, they didn’t move me in any positions. I was just on my back. Now that I know better, I wish I would have tried.
Meagan: But again, you didn’t know what you didn’t know. For listeners, if you are in a situation where your baby might be tilted to the side asynclitic or transverse and maybe you have done tug-of-war and things like this, and even then, sometimes it doesn’t work. For some reason, the baby is where they are, but a little bit of a tilt to the side especially if there is one side where they feel the baby’s head or try to get on hands and knees to change that pelvic dynamic can help. But I love that they were like, “Let’s do tug-of-war. Let’s do these things.”
I love that providers are still encouraging other things in other ways. It sounds like they really did try and avoid a Cesarean by doing a vacuum and doing the tug-of-war. That is super awesome.
I was also wondering if you have any tips for moms who have maybe pushed for a really long time like you did and had essentially have vaginal pelvic floor trauma and also gone down the Cesarean route. Is there anything you would suggest to moms? Or even for moms who maybe had a C-section and had this possibly happen. Yeah, do you have any tips that you would suggest to help with healing both physically and mentally?
Nicole: Yeah. One of the biggest things that we did which was incredibly helpful– I’ll give you a funny story after– but one of the biggest things that we did was my husband would get out of bed. We breastfed. He would hand me baby. I would breastfeed her and burp her and then he would get out of bed, change her, and put her back down.
That was incredibly helpful because all I had to do was go from laying to sitting. I couldn’t pick my legs up to move them out of the bed without it being excruciating, so having him just help me sit up and hold baby made a huge difference.
Having that support person there to help do the heavy lifting technically to get in and out of bed was next-level game changer. It helped me. I got to sleep more because he changed the diaper. We took turns then he would sleep during feedings. We were really changing.
I do remember going to the pediatrician and my husband talking to the pediatrician and I was like, “Wrong person to ask.” He was like, “She keeps waking in the middle of the night and rocking holding this invisible baby and bouncing it.” It was because I would forget that I gave the baby back to my husband.
Meagan: Yeah, because you’re so tired.
Nicole: I’m so tired and he would be like, “It’s freaking me out.” I picked up my little Yorkie and I was rocking her. My husband was like, “That’s the dog.” I thought I had fell asleep and the baby was next to me so I picked up the dog. I remember the husband talking to the pediatrician and I was like, “That is the wrong doctor. He knows nothing about my mental state,” and him being like, “It’s terrifying,” but it really did help me. It might have scared him, but it just was so helpful and I just felt like I didn’t have to worry about dropping the baby walking in and out of bed. It helped speed up my recovery because I wasn’t constantly getting in and out at all hours of the night.
Meagan: Yeah, that is so impactful. I love that you pointed that out. I know that some postpartum doulas do that too but if your partner is able to help you in that way, I also think it’s really great because that helps them bond with the baby too. I mean, they might not be feeding the baby but they are changing and carrying and soothing the baby back to sleep as well. I love that. I love that you did that. How long did you do that until you were feeling better and getting in and out of bed was feasible?
Nicole: It took me about 3 weeks until I felt comfortable and confident. That was another thing. I could feel comfortable but wasn’t confident to get in and out of bed without worrying about a sharp pain or something glitching or stumbling.
Meagan: Mhmm. I’m so proud of you guys for being a team and making sure that you took care of that.
Nicole: We’ll keep him.
Meagan: You needed to take care of yourself and I love that you were like, “This is what we need. This is what we need to do.”
Awesome. Well, before we get into your next story which is amazing, we’re going to take a quick moment and listen to me, I guess, about our sponsor.
Okay, and we’re back. Let’s get onto this VBAC story.
Nicole: So being military, we had decided my daughter was so great and so fun at about 8 months or 9 months and we were like, “Let’s do this again. Let’s have another one. We want them close in age. Let’s try again.”
So she turned 1 in June. In May, we decided to go on a long weekend because my husband had just graduated college. He’s military and was going to school which is a whole other added pressure.
Meagan: That’s a lot.
Nicole: Yeah. We flew our mother-in-law out. She stayed with our baby for Memorial Day Weekend and him and I went to Tahoe for the weekend.
We decided starting in May that we were going to start trying again. We were like, on May 1st, we’re going to start trying for a baby.
We get back from Tahoe on June 1st. I think it was June 1st. It was right at the end of May and the beginning of June. His coworkers were like, “Guess what? You have orders to RAF Lakenheath in England.” My husband was like, “No, I don’t. You’re kidding. I don’t. That’s a joke.”
He called me and he was like, “I have bad news.” We had just dropped my car off at the dealership that morning so I was like, “Oh no, what we thought was a minor issue was huge.” He was like, “We have orders to England.”
I was like, “That’s not terrible news. That’s the best news I’ve heard all month.” He was like, “No, that’s terrible,” because he was planning on getting out of the military.
Meagan: Oh no.
Nicole: We had 2 weeks to decide if he was going to stay in and take these orders or if he was going to get out. We spent 2 weeks going back and forth if this was the best option for our family and if this what we wanted. What could we do over there? We decided that we would go overseas if we decided to wait on having a baby. We cut it off. No more babies at the beginning of June.
We were like, “We’re done. We’re going to have our one. Towards the end of our 4 years is when we are going to start trying for our second. That way, we can get back here and have our baby back in the States.” We were like, “We’ll travel with our one child because it’s easier to travel with one than two. We’ll travel with one kid. We’ll do our 4 years there and when we come back, we’ll have our next baby.” It wasn’t ideal because we wanted them close in age, but at least we were traveling and eventually, we would have our second.
He took the orders on June 2nd. I was prepping for my daughter’s first birthday. We were having a pool party. I was like, okay. Her birthday’s on June 20th. It is June 16th. I wonder when I’m going to get my period because I don’t want to be on my period and swimming.
Meagan: During the pool party, yeah.
Nicole: I looked at my app and I was 7 days late. I was like, What? I don’t think that’s right, but let’s just take a test. I took a test and I was pregnant.
So, the joke was on us.
Meagan: Oh my gosh.
Nicole: Yes. We found out in June that we were having our second and we were due to be in England in November. So at the end of the month in November was our DEROS date or the day that we were supposed to be in England and he was supposed to be signed onto the base.
We decided that we would just pack up and do this all while I was pregnant. We moved over there on November 15th. Once I got here, I was like, Well, what do I do now? I am halfway through my pregnancy. I have nothing because COVID again, had stopped all of our furniture stuff because the ports were closed and that whole issue of everything being shut down. The world was still closed so we were like, “What do we do?”
We had sent our stuff at the beginning of October to arrive in England and they were like, “Well, you’re not expecting anything.” We had bought all of our baby stuff before because we were like, “Well, we’ll just buy it here and ship it over there, and then we won’t have to worry about trying to buy it over there.” There are different sizes of cribs there, and the bedding size is different. I don’t want people to buy us sheets then all of a sudden it’s UK sizes and it doesn’t fit and it’s unsafe for baby.
It was a big thing. We bought all of our stuff. I was ready to have it. Then we got here and they were like, “It looks like you’re not going to get any of your household goods until April.”
Meagan: November to April?
Nicole: October to April because we shipped in October.
Meagan: Oh my gosh.
Nicole: Uh-huh. Yeah. We were living in temporary furniture that was terrible. We had to go out and buy blow-up mattresses because those were more comfortable than the beds that they gave us. It was wild.
Then I’m trying to find a doctor. I’m trying to find a provider. I don’t know what I’m doing. I’ve called all of the birthing doulas because of the podcast that I had been religiously listening to. I was like, “I know what a doula is. That’s what I need.” They were all booked up because by the time we got here in November and I got the chance to interview them, they were all booked up for the month of February when my baby was due.
So now I’m sitting here, “Well, what do I do? Do I have the baby on base? Do I have the baby off base?” I don’t know. I don’t know anything about where we’re living. I don’t know anything about the hospitals. I don’t know anything. I’m just guessing off of people’s posts on Facebook, but they are so hit-and-miss. Somebody is going to post a really great story, then all of a sudden, somebody makes a post of a traumatizing story which scares you. It’s like, was the good story one in a million, or was the traumatizing story one in a million? I was just navigating this.
I started going to my doctor’s appointments on base because I knew that Tricare covered the OB/GYN. I was trying to navigate how it would cover overseas. I had to make a lot of phone calls and all of that fun stuff. I was like, “Well, I’ll just start on base and see if I need to transfer off base.”
On base was okay. It’s way different seeing a military doctor than it is seeing a provider who chooses this field and who wants this field. All of my prenatal care was okay. There were a few things that I wasn’t a fan of and if we weren’t talking about it, I could tell you what is the strep B test, right?
Meagan: Group B strep?
Nicole: Mhmm. They test you. They swab you to see if you have a skin infection to see if you need to be on antibiotics. In the states, my doctor performed that on me. Here, they gave me a test tube and told me I had 5 minutes to complete it. I was like, “What? I can’t even see down there let alone swab myself.” I just remember crying in the thing and begging people to do it and they were like, “We don’t do it. You have to perform it on yourself.” My husband was home watching our toddler, so I had no support with me. It was definitely different.
I looked at the hospitals off base and I was really unsure with the way that I had them. You would give birth in a birthing suite with your husband, then they would send him home and move you to this big room with other moms who had their babies. I was really navigating, what is the best fit for me and how am I going to have this baby and my VBAC? I want this VBAC. Who is going to advocate for me? I don’t have a doula. I’m doing this by myself. My husband only knows so much. He doesn’t understand it all, so he is only retaining half of what I’m saying.
I made it to 40 weeks. I was like, “Get this baby out of here.” My mother-in-law was here to watch my daughter. That’s another thing. You have to find childcare for your toddler because you don’t have family around to watch your baby. We were so new here. We didn’t have friends here to watch our baby. My mother-in-law luckily came out and made it for the birth. She watched my daughter. I decided that since she was here, and I needed to get this baby out before she left so I had childcare, I would do a membrane sweep because I was 40 weeks and I think I was 2 days at that point.
I did a membrane sweep. That was unsuccessful at 40 weeks and 2 days. I did a second one. That was very successful. We had my membrane sweep in the morning. I remember just doing lunges and squats all day long. We took my daughter to a forest. She just ran, and I did lunges behind her. There are videos of my husband following my daughter around, and I’m in the background just doing lunges and doing anything to keep active, to keep this baby going.
I went to bed that night on February 23rd. I went to bed at about 9:00 PM. I woke up at 2:00 AM. It was about 2:30 when I woke up. I felt this really sharp pain in my stomach. I thought he had kicked my bladder, so I stood up on the bed. It was like a movie. You heard the gush, and then all of a sudden, water was just trickling down my legs. I was like, “Well, I still feel like I have to pee, so that was definitely my water breaking not me having to go to the bathroom and him kicking my bladder,” which signaled me having to go to the bathroom.
My husband had just come to bed at about 2:00 AM. He had only been asleep for about 30 minutes. I was like, “Hey, no rush. This is going to take hours.” Again, nobody thinks that labor happens fast. I woke him up. I was like, “No rush. I just need you to go downstairs and get my military ID,” because at this point, I decided to have him on base. I was like, “I just need you to get my military ID because they are going to ask for that information in labor and delivery. Let them know that my water broke and that we would be in in a few hours. No rush. I’m going to take a shower. I’m going to go back to sleep. I’m just going to sleep this off. We will wake up in the morning, say goodbye to Naomi, and then go to the hospital.”
Again, I had told my daughter that I would see her in the morning, and then I left the room that night saying, “Why did I say that? There’s no guarantee.” I had been saying for weeks, “I hope you sleep good,” and that’s it. Then of course, the one time that I accidentally said, “I’ll see you in the morning,” I wasn’t seeing her in the morning.
He calls Labor and Delivery and they were like, “Well, because of her past, we want her in now.” I was like, “No. No. I don’t want to labor in a hospital. I want to labor as long as I can at home. I want to do this by myself. I want to be comfortable. I don’t want people to tell me what I should be doing then it going against what I want to do. I really want to do this by myself.”
He’s arguing with Labor and Delivery. He was like, “Well, let me talk to my wife, and I will call you back.” I was like, “I’m going to get in the shower real quick and wash myself off because my water just broke.”
Meagan: Had you started contracting at this point or just trickling?
Nicole: Very minimal. It was every 5 minutes. It was very minimal, nothing crazy. I could totally go clean my car at this point. I was walking on water. My water broke. I’m great. I feel good. I feel nothing.
I’m in the shower. All I did was put shampoo in my hair. I didn’t even get it rinsed out, and all of a sudden, my contractions went from 0 to 100. I could not breathe. I could not talk through them. I could not even do anything. I felt like my mind was so focused on the pain. My husband was trying to ask me questions, and I couldn’t even register what he was saying through each contraction.
I told him, “Call them back because we are on our way now. I need to get out of the shower. I need you to throw conditioner in my hair while I have this next contraction. I need to rinse it out, then we need to go.”
He’s trying to talk to them and put conditioner in my hair. I’m having a contraction. I put my pants on, and as I’m pulling them up, another contraction hit. Then they started going from having a contraction for a minute and a half to a break for 30 seconds, and then immediately back into another contraction for a minute and a half.
I was like, “What is happening?” I never felt this with my daughter. I had the epidural. Things went so smoothly and so slowly that it was cake. This was the next level. I waddled into the car. I remember sitting in the front seat and saying, “I can’t do this.” I climbed into my toddler’s car seat because I had the infant car seat up, and I couldn’t fit in between the two car seats, so I had to sit with my knees in my toddler’s car seat. I was holding onto the back headrest for support and just standing there.
I was on my knees, chest against the back of her car seat, and I’m just holding onto this headrest with every contraction. I’d have three in a row. I’d have one for a minute and thirty, a break for 30 seconds, a minute and thirty, a break for 30 seconds, a minute and thirty, then I’d have a two-minute break, and then they would kick back up again.
My husband was just flying. The roads were closed on our normal fastway to base. We lived 30 minutes away, so it was an extra 15 minutes to get to base. He was flying at 2:50 in the morning at this point. I’m sorry, it was 3:50 in the morning at this point. We get to the hospital at 4:05. I am hugging a tree outside because my husband couldn’t figure out how to open the wheelchair. Poor guy, he was trying so hard to help me.
Meagan: I’m sure. It was a frantic moment. Yeah.
Nicole: Yeah. He couldn’t figure out how to open it. He had to go to the ER and get somebody in the ER to help him. They were wheeling me up, and I remember yelling at them because they kept saying, “We’ll have to do triage and see if you’re in active labor before we can bring your husband back.” I remember telling this poor ER nurse, “You’d better not split my husband and I up. I am not doing triage. We are going into a room. We are having this baby.” She was like, “Ma’am, I think we’re just going to put you in a room. I don’t think we are going to need triage.”
I get into the room. I am continuously having contractions. They tried to stop me to do a COVID test. I death-glared this guy because he wanted to do a COVID test on me. I was like, “Been there, done that. Not doing that again.”
I remember them trying to put an IV in my hand. I was like, “I don’t need an IV. This kid is coming out of me. I know I tested positive for the strep test, but I don’t need an IV. He’s already out. There’s nothing that this is going to help.”
I get up on the bed. They tried to get me to lay on my back to push and I couldn’t. I remember my husband was like, “No, that’s not how she wanted to push. She wants to push with her knees on the bed and her chest against the back holding on. That’s how she wants to deliver him.”
He was advocating for me which I was so grateful for because I felt the entire time that he didn’t know what I wanted because he didn’t understand my terms, he didn’t understand why, he didn’t understand the VBAC world, so I felt like I was talking to thin air. So for him to sit there and be like, “No, that is not how she is going to deliver this baby. She wants to be on her knees hunkering down.”
I did. I got up there. I pushed two pushes, and he was out. His hand was stuck to his face.
Meagan: Nuchal hand, wow.
Nicole: He was holding onto his face. He got a little stuck because of his elbow, so after I got his head out, they made me flip over and deliver him on my back which I was totally okay with because we had done the hard part. I remember my husband saying that was the weirdest thing watching me turn around with this baby hanging out.
He was like, “You just flipped around like it was nothing.” I was like, “I knew he was fine.”
I tore because his hand was up and it was added pressure. But yeah, he came out in two pushes. He was born by 4:36, so 2 hours and I had my baby. It was absolutely wild.
I just remember that I had him. I was just in the chaos of it, and about two minutes later, my husband was like, “Nicole, you had a VBAC.” I just started shouting it. I was like, “I had a VBAC.” It didn’t even dawn on me in the craziness of it all that I pushed this baby out of me. I was just like, “Is he okay? Is he healthy? Does everything look good? Are you sure he has 10 toes and 10 fingers? Is everything good?” My husband was like, “Nicole, you had a VBAC. You really did it.”
Yeah. It was crazy. He came so fast which was unexpected and nobody tells you about that. It was just wild, but I had a VBAC.
Meagan: You had a VBAC with a nuchal hand too. That can be a little tricky sometimes, right? That is amazing, but I love just how intuitively from the very beginning, your body too was like, hands and knees. Forward-leaning position. That’s what your body intuitively was telling you to do to get this baby here. I love that you just went with that. I love that he advocated for you despite not really understanding. I can relate to that. My husband did not understand why I wanted to do what I wanted to do, but it’s so nice to have them be there for you in that ending moment when it really matters so much.
Nicole: Absolutely, yeah. I was shocked. When he started saying it and he was like, “No. She wants to push like this,” I was like, “What? You listened?”
Meagan: You listened. I love that. Oh, well thank you so much for sharing that story. Huge congrats and man, precipitous labor like you said, people don’t talk about it. It does happen. It’s funny because I had a long, 42-hour labor. Someone asked me, “Would you rather have a long labor that took forever like that or would you rather have a precipitous labor?” I had said that I really wanted a fourth and I just hoped it went faster.
I don’t know. I don’t know which one I would prefer because long is exhausting and hard, but man, precipitous– and I have seen them. I have supported them as a doula and seen 2-3 hour-long labors. It’s a lot of change in a body to happen in such a short period of time, and it’s so intense. I mean, it is the next level. So, I don’t know.
Nicole: It’s crazy. It’s crazy that they are so fast, but your body just knows what it’s doing. That blew my mind. With my daughter, I felt like I was trying. I was listening to everybody, and they were telling me what to do. I was just following suit, but with this one, there were no decisions being made. My body was like, “This is how it’s going to happen and that’s it.” I remember shouting for the epidural when I got in the hospital room. I was like, “I want that epidural. Call the anesthesiologist now.” They were like, “Honey, I think he’s already here. I don’t think we have time for that.”
My body was like, “No, you’re not sitting down. You’re not going to do this. This is how–” I didn’t even have time to focus on my breathing. My body was just doing it itself which is crazy thinking back on it. My body just knew. I was so down on myself thinking my body had failed me, but then having a super fast labor, my body was just like, “Nope, this is how we’re going to get it done and that’s it.”
Meagan: Okay, so with precipitous labor too, like you said, it went from 0 to 100 like that. Do you have any tips for moms with that experience of that type of intensity? Obviously, listening to your body and getting to your birthing location on time. I’m assuming that’s continuing. Sometimes, I feel like it can be really intense when it feels like they are ramping up and then they piddle out. But it does, it seems to ramp up, like you said, from 0 to 100 and it hangs on. It holds on tight and it is not stopping.
Nicole: Yeah. Definitely listen to your body. I felt like I spoke up a lot with what was happening at one point. I’ve always been this way where there are certain sounds that make me nauseous if I’m under a lot of stress or if I’m feeling sick, so my husband talking– it’s funny because he was like, “Say your affirmations. You are brave. You can do this.” His talking was making me nauseous. I was like, “Stop. Stop talking. Although it is what I want to hear, it is not helping.”
Being super open about what was happening like when he went to get the wheelchair, I was like, “I can’t sit in this car. I have to get out.” He was like, “Just sit in the car. Let me help you.” Being super aware and open about what I was feeling and what my body was telling me to do because going up and holding onto this tree, and every time I walk past this tree at medical, I’m like, “I almost gave birth right there had we not gotten that wheelchair open.” Hunkering down on that tree gave so much more relief that it was sitting in the car waiting for him. Although, I know that the car probably would have been the safest option for me rather than the tree with dirt and bushes–
Meagan: Hey, that’s actually pretty cool if that happened.
Nicole: Right? But knowing what it was and being communicative. Even through all the chaos, every second that I could, I was saying, “This is what I need right now. This is what I’m feeling.” That was helpful not only for myself mentally because I didn’t have the option. Things were just happening, but mentally being aware, and also allowing my husband to help me and support me where I needed was also really helpful.
Meagan: I love that. Speak up. Follow your body. Have an awesome partner to help guide you through. I think too like what you said earlier, he listened. That goes with speaking up, talking about our feelings, and talking about our desires. Even if you don’t think it’s being understood or really heard, it probably is.
Nicole: Yeah. It was just so crazy to me with him being like, “I’m so confused why somebody would want to push like that,” then him being like, “No, she’s going to push like that.” I was like, “What? You remembered.” Even in all the craziness, and he thought for sure when I told him to stop when we were driving, he thought I meant to stop the car because he thought I was going to have the baby before I could finish after my contraction, “Stop talking.”
Yeah, so even through all of the craziness and his mind going rampant, because he’s going through it too thinking, “Am I going to deliver this baby on the side of the road?” Now that we’re in a different country, who do we call? Do we call 9-9-9 or do we call 9-1-1? Do we call base or do we call locals? We’re in the middle of the country. His mindset is going, so having him say that in the craziness was even more powerful.
Meagan: Mhmm. Oh my gosh. Well, huge congrats again. Thank you so much for coming on and sharing your story. I do know that it’s going to impact someone out there, probably hundreds and thousands of people to be honest, so yeah. Thank you so much. Do you have any other tips or any advice that you’d like to give to any moms in regards to VBAC, in regards to birth, in regards to preparation, or in regards to navigating military changes? Delivering on base or off base? Are there any other suggestions that you’d like to give?
Nicole: I would say to really trust your instinct. I was obsessed with my first doctor with my daughter and she was my second daughter going into this. Obviously, I couldn’t keep her. I tried to get her to come over here, but she wouldn’t. Trust in your instinct in what you think is right for you and your baby. It’s so interesting to where you believe that this is one thing and this is how it should be, but then when your instincts are kicking in and they are telling you, “This is what’s best for you and your baby,” it’s a whole other path. I just recommend to listen. Listen to your body. Listen to what your gut is telling you. It will fall into place. Things are scary and sometimes things are wild, especially with the military and moving in the middle of a pregnancy. It is terrifying. I’ve known spouses who stay after and they bring their baby over when their baby is 8 weeks old and can finally get a passport. But knowing that you can do it overseas, I definitely think it’s special because your partner is there. It’s just a crazy ride, but if you trust yourself, your self will always guide you in the right way.
Meagan: Yeah. We’ve been saying it since this podcast started in 2018. Your intuition is so impactful. Trust it all the way. Go with it. I love that advice. Thank you.
Nicole: Thank you.
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Manage episode 449529660 series 2500712
Nicole is a military spouse who had her VBAC in England. She shares what it was like to unexpectedly move overseas during pregnancy, how she navigated not receiving her household goods in time, and how she made the choice to deliver on base versus off.
Nicole’s first birth was a Cesarean during the height of COVID. During pushing, she was required to pause, take a COVID test, and wait an hour for the results or risk being separated from her baby after birth. Labor had gone smoothly up until that point, and Nicole knew something had changed after the pause. Things felt different, progress stalled, and ultimately Nicole consented to the Cesarean.
Her VBAC was a surprisingly wild precipitous birth with only 2 hours between her first contraction and pushing the baby out! Meagan and Nicole discuss the unique challenges of precipitous births and how important it is to hold space for every birth experience.
How to VBAC: The Ultimate Prep Course for Parents
Full Transcript under Episode Details
Meagan: Hello. Welcome to The VBAC Link. Today is Veteran’s Day. If you are just joining us this month for the very first time, then welcome to your first specialized episode week. I don’t even know what to call it. What would you call this, Nicole? I don’t even know.
Nicole: A one-of-a-kind situation.
Meagan: Last month in October, we had Midwifery Week and now we have Veterans. Nicole is the wife of a Servicemember and she definitely and experience that I think a lot of military members and moms experience and people don’t think about it. I don’t think about that. When I was having my baby, it was like, Which hospital should I go to? There are 10-15 right around me.
Then you’re like, “Oh, hey. I’m pregnant and now I’m moving overseas.” You know? I think it’s something that we just don’t think about. It’s fun to have it be Veteran’s Day and to have a Servicemember’s wife sharing your story today. We might even talk a little bit about navigating the military healthcare system and what choices you made. We learned a little bit about that before we started recording.
We’ve got her amazing story today. Where are you right now?
Nicole: I’m in England right now.
Meagan: You are in England, okay. And that’s where you had your baby.
Nicole: Yes.
Meagan: Awesome. So England mamas, definitely listen up for sure. All mamas, really. We do have a Review of the Week so I’m going to get into that then we’ll start with your first story. This is from Roxyrutt and it says, “Inspiring”. It says, “Listening to these podcasts has been truly inspiring and I have been on my own hopeful VBAC journey. Listening to other stories has been incredibly helpful in my mental preparation.”
We were just talking about that before we started recording as well just how impactful these stories can be for anyone but especially during your VBAC journey.
It says, “My due date is April 17th this month–” so this is obviously a little while ago. It says, “I’m hoping to have my own VBAC story to share. Thank you all for what you do.” Thank you so much, Roxyrutt, for sharing your review.
As always, we love your reviews. You can email them to us at info@thevbaclink.com or you can comment “Review” on your podcast. I think it’s on Apple Podcasts, Spotify– I don’t know if Google allows reviews. You might just have to do a rating. But wherever you listen to your podcasts, if you can leave a review, please do so.
Okay, Nicole. Let’s get going on your stories. I seriously thank you so much for joining me today.
Nicole: Oh, thank you so much for having me. Like we mentioned before we started recording, this podcast has been extremely inspirational to me and it really led me to having the VBAC of my dreams.
Meagan: And you had a precipitous VBAC, right? Did you have a pretty precipitous VBAC if I’m remembering right? It was 2 hours or something?
Nicole: Yeah. It was so quick.
Meagan: Okay. We are going to talk about that. Don’t let me forget about that in the end. It is something that we don’t talk about a lot. Most people think about birth being a long time.
Nicole: Yeah.
Meagan: Yeah. Precipitous birth can come out of left field and I want to talk about that. But first of course, every VBAC starts with a C-section so let’s hear about your first.
Nicole: Okay, yeah. So I had my first in June 2020 so literally right as the world was shutting down. Everybody was terrified with reason, right? I go in. I remember I had my baby shower planned and everything was planning and everything was canceled. I just felt depleted and I was scared.
I remember watching videos on how to have a birth and what to do and all of the birthing videos and there was like, “Here’s a segment on if you have a C-section.” I was like, That will never be me. I don’t have to watch this because that will never happen. That is not in my cards. That is not in my birthing plan I typed up and had signed. That is not in my cards.
So I decided with my doctor that I wanted to be induced and I said at 40 weeks I had done my time. Get this baby out of me. I had committed to 40 weeks because she kept saying, “Well, we can do it at 38 weeks if you’re comfortable or 39 weeks.” I was like, “Nope. I will do it until 40 weeks. I’ve done my time. At this point, this baby is evicted.”
On June 20th, I went in for my induction. Everything went smoothly. I was progressing but not as fast as they would like so we started Pitocin. That went well. I was doing really well and all of a sudden they were like, “I think we need to break your water.” I had heard horror stories about your water breaking and it’s super painful and you’re miserable after it. So I was like, “Well, let’s get the epidural because why would I put myself through that if they have the option to make this smooth and comfortable? Why would I sit there and not be comfortable during this?”
So I got the epidural and I just laid there. I laid in bed for a really long time then at about 3:00 in the morning, I got the urge to push. I let the nurses know. They checked. They said I was at 10 centimeters. Everything was good to go. They came in at about 3:10 and I started pushing. I pushed until about 6:00 AM. At that point, at about 5:00 AM, I started getting really hot.
I noticed that they had turned the temperature in the room up obviously for baby. I started getting really overwhelmed and really hot. I started to throw up. My doctor turned down the temperature. She was like, “Let’s turn down the temperature. I feel like you’re just getting hot.” I was like, “I’m just hot. I just don’t feel so good. I’m just hot.”
They turned the temperature down then a new NICU nurse came in and she turned it up. I was watching her turn it up and I was just so uncomfortable. I started throwing up again and they were like, “Well, we need to pause because everything you’re doing is an epidural symptom but it’s also a symptom of COVID so we’re going to stop you because we have to test you. You can either continue to push–”
Meagan: We have to test you.
Nicole: Yeah. I had gotten tested before I went in and then during my labor 3 hours in of pushing, they literally stopped me and said, “We need to do a COVID test.” I did a COVID test and it was crazy. You see all of these doctors in scrubs and masks and then all of a sudden they come in in these inflatable suits and everybody has these– which is more terrifying. I’m already scared.
Meagan: Yeah, talk about invading your space.
Nicole: Yeah, then you’re telling me that I have an hour until this test comes back. I can either continue to push but if I push and have my baby, you’re immediately going to take her away until my results come back or I can pause, not push for the hour and just let my body do it naturally and then resume pushing if my test comes back negative and I can continue to have skin on skin and the one-on-one time with my baby.
Meagan: Hashtag, eye roll.
Nicole: Yeah. So during that time, I was pushing well up until the COVID test. My baby was descending correctly. I stopped. I waited an hour and something shifted to where she then twisted a little bit and she– once my test came back negative and I was able to push again– was getting stuck on my pelvic bone and I could not get her out. They were tying blankets together and my husband would hold one end of the blanket and I would push and pull the end of the blanket as hard as I could to try and get her down.
I was doing everything to push this baby out. Nothing was working. I started to develop preeclampsia so that was red flag number one. Then my baby’s heart rate started to drop in between each contraction which I guess means that it could be around the neck and it’s more concerning if it’s between contractions versus during the contraction.
So after her heart rate started dropping and continuously dropped, they decided to call it an emergency C-section.
I just remember feeling devastated. I remember shouting– not shouting, but crying to my husband, “I don’t want this. I don’t want a C-section.” My doctor was like, “I have to hear it from you that you are okay to have the C-section.” I was like, “I mean, I guess if that’s the only way to get this baby out but I don’t want it.”
I remember feeling the pain from my C-section and feeling so depleted. I pushed from 3:00 to 6:00 then I stopped for an hour. We resumed at 7:00. We pushed from 7:00 to 9:00 and then they called the emergency C-section and I had her at 9:36. It was a lot and I was pushing hard.
I just remember getting back to the room, because my mother-in-law was there, and saying, “I haven’t held her yet.” I didn’t want anybody to hold the baby without me holding her first. I had heard stories of people who were like, “Everybody in my family got to hold the baby before I held my baby.” I just remember crying and I cried for weeks. I just felt like my body gave up on me.
My recovery was terrible and that’s what my doctor kept saying. She was like, “You have both recoveries. You pushed for so long that you’re recovering from pushing and then you’re also recovering from your C-section.” Then because I pushed so hard and I was trying so hard, I had tore all of the right side abs so I couldn’t even move my legs to get in and out of bed for 4 weeks because my whole ab muscles were just torn.
I had to go see therapy for that and I remember trying to drive me and this infant to therapy sessions and I was just in pain and then the drive home– it was so hard. I just felt like I was really bonding with my baby, but I felt like I was so disconnected with myself. I just couldn’t do it. I had to have therapy because I went into postpartum depression. It was the hardest moment of my life because I really just felt like everybody was like, “Oh, it’s so beautiful though. Your body did its job and it birthed this healthy baby.” I just wanted to scream every time somebody said that because I was like, “But it didn’t. I pushed for hours, literally hours, and it didn’t do its job. I had to have my baby taken out of me.”
Meagan: You didn’t feel that way.
Nicole: Uh-huh. Yeah. People would be like, “Well, aren’t you glad that you didn’t have vaginal tearing?” I was like, “No, but I had hip to hip tearing and not just through the skin. It was muscles and layers.” I felt like everybody was trying to comfort me and it just felt like I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs because I didn’t feel like anybody was understanding what mentally I was going through.
Meagan: Yeah. I think that happens so often in the provider world but also just in our family and friends’ world. We get thrown the, “Aren’t you just happy you have a healthy baby?” It’s like, “Yeah, duh.” But then also that thing, “Well, aren’t you glad that didn’t happen to your vagina? Aren’t you glad you don’t have to deal with incontinence?” Or similar things where in people’s minds, I don’t think they realize that it’s causing harm or that there are ill feelings at all. They are just saying these things, but it’s like, “I don’t feel like I birthed my baby and I don’t feel good about it and I’m dealing with a lot of trauma physically to my body, not just even emotionally but physically to my body. No, I’m not feeling great right now and it’s okay that I don’t feel great. I understand that you’re just trying to help and validate me maybe, I don’t know.” Maybe that’s what people are doing but it doesn’t always feel good.
Nicole: Yeah, people kept telling me to be mad at my provider. I was like, “I hear you. But at the end of the day, she’s new to COVID just like we are. She’s going into this trying to navigate it.” I think she did and I think she made the best calls, but everybody was like, “Why are you mad at yourself? Be mad at this person.” I was like, it wasn’t her fault necessarily. She didn’t know what was happening. COVID was so new and it was just blowing up in Utah. It was just this big thing and it seemed like nobody was listening to the fact that I was upset with my body and how my body handled this. Everybody was just like, “Well, it’s a healthy baby. Blame this person or that person. It’s COVID.”
I was like, “But what about me? You’re not listening to me.” That was so tough. I felt like I was screaming it and people were trying to silence it without purposely trying to silence it.
Meagan: Right. Okay, so I have some questions for you. So when they were offering you sheets and it sounds like you were maybe playing some tug-of-war. What I call it in my doula mind is tug-of-war where you are pulling and tugging and all of those things. Obviously, they were really trying to help this baby get out vaginally and things like that. Did they offer you changing of positions even though you had that epidural? Were they like, “Hey, let’s try to get you on your side or get you on your hands and knees?” You said you kind of felt your C-section a little bit, right? Is that what you said? So it maybe wasn’t as deep of an epidural so maybe you could have done hands and knees or something? Did they ever offer anything like that?
Nicole: They didn’t. They did try the vacuum three times but it immediately would just pop right off of her head because she was shifted.
Meagan: Asynclitic a little bit, maybe?
Nicole: Yeah, so they said that after three times it was unsafe at that point and it was going to have the same results. Nothing was going to happen.
I didn’t want to do the vacuum, but once we were at that position, I was like, “Let’s just try it.” I agreed to three times and then we were done. Keep it safe. That’s when we started doing the tug-of-war and we did that for a long time. My husband was holding it and he was like, “The first time, you almost knocked me down because I wasn’t expecting you.” I was pulling so hard. I just wanted this baby out.
Yeah, they didn’t move me in any positions. I was just on my back. Now that I know better, I wish I would have tried.
Meagan: But again, you didn’t know what you didn’t know. For listeners, if you are in a situation where your baby might be tilted to the side asynclitic or transverse and maybe you have done tug-of-war and things like this, and even then, sometimes it doesn’t work. For some reason, the baby is where they are, but a little bit of a tilt to the side especially if there is one side where they feel the baby’s head or try to get on hands and knees to change that pelvic dynamic can help. But I love that they were like, “Let’s do tug-of-war. Let’s do these things.”
I love that providers are still encouraging other things in other ways. It sounds like they really did try and avoid a Cesarean by doing a vacuum and doing the tug-of-war. That is super awesome.
I was also wondering if you have any tips for moms who have maybe pushed for a really long time like you did and had essentially have vaginal pelvic floor trauma and also gone down the Cesarean route. Is there anything you would suggest to moms? Or even for moms who maybe had a C-section and had this possibly happen. Yeah, do you have any tips that you would suggest to help with healing both physically and mentally?
Nicole: Yeah. One of the biggest things that we did which was incredibly helpful– I’ll give you a funny story after– but one of the biggest things that we did was my husband would get out of bed. We breastfed. He would hand me baby. I would breastfeed her and burp her and then he would get out of bed, change her, and put her back down.
That was incredibly helpful because all I had to do was go from laying to sitting. I couldn’t pick my legs up to move them out of the bed without it being excruciating, so having him just help me sit up and hold baby made a huge difference.
Having that support person there to help do the heavy lifting technically to get in and out of bed was next-level game changer. It helped me. I got to sleep more because he changed the diaper. We took turns then he would sleep during feedings. We were really changing.
I do remember going to the pediatrician and my husband talking to the pediatrician and I was like, “Wrong person to ask.” He was like, “She keeps waking in the middle of the night and rocking holding this invisible baby and bouncing it.” It was because I would forget that I gave the baby back to my husband.
Meagan: Yeah, because you’re so tired.
Nicole: I’m so tired and he would be like, “It’s freaking me out.” I picked up my little Yorkie and I was rocking her. My husband was like, “That’s the dog.” I thought I had fell asleep and the baby was next to me so I picked up the dog. I remember the husband talking to the pediatrician and I was like, “That is the wrong doctor. He knows nothing about my mental state,” and him being like, “It’s terrifying,” but it really did help me. It might have scared him, but it just was so helpful and I just felt like I didn’t have to worry about dropping the baby walking in and out of bed. It helped speed up my recovery because I wasn’t constantly getting in and out at all hours of the night.
Meagan: Yeah, that is so impactful. I love that you pointed that out. I know that some postpartum doulas do that too but if your partner is able to help you in that way, I also think it’s really great because that helps them bond with the baby too. I mean, they might not be feeding the baby but they are changing and carrying and soothing the baby back to sleep as well. I love that. I love that you did that. How long did you do that until you were feeling better and getting in and out of bed was feasible?
Nicole: It took me about 3 weeks until I felt comfortable and confident. That was another thing. I could feel comfortable but wasn’t confident to get in and out of bed without worrying about a sharp pain or something glitching or stumbling.
Meagan: Mhmm. I’m so proud of you guys for being a team and making sure that you took care of that.
Nicole: We’ll keep him.
Meagan: You needed to take care of yourself and I love that you were like, “This is what we need. This is what we need to do.”
Awesome. Well, before we get into your next story which is amazing, we’re going to take a quick moment and listen to me, I guess, about our sponsor.
Okay, and we’re back. Let’s get onto this VBAC story.
Nicole: So being military, we had decided my daughter was so great and so fun at about 8 months or 9 months and we were like, “Let’s do this again. Let’s have another one. We want them close in age. Let’s try again.”
So she turned 1 in June. In May, we decided to go on a long weekend because my husband had just graduated college. He’s military and was going to school which is a whole other added pressure.
Meagan: That’s a lot.
Nicole: Yeah. We flew our mother-in-law out. She stayed with our baby for Memorial Day Weekend and him and I went to Tahoe for the weekend.
We decided starting in May that we were going to start trying again. We were like, on May 1st, we’re going to start trying for a baby.
We get back from Tahoe on June 1st. I think it was June 1st. It was right at the end of May and the beginning of June. His coworkers were like, “Guess what? You have orders to RAF Lakenheath in England.” My husband was like, “No, I don’t. You’re kidding. I don’t. That’s a joke.”
He called me and he was like, “I have bad news.” We had just dropped my car off at the dealership that morning so I was like, “Oh no, what we thought was a minor issue was huge.” He was like, “We have orders to England.”
I was like, “That’s not terrible news. That’s the best news I’ve heard all month.” He was like, “No, that’s terrible,” because he was planning on getting out of the military.
Meagan: Oh no.
Nicole: We had 2 weeks to decide if he was going to stay in and take these orders or if he was going to get out. We spent 2 weeks going back and forth if this was the best option for our family and if this what we wanted. What could we do over there? We decided that we would go overseas if we decided to wait on having a baby. We cut it off. No more babies at the beginning of June.
We were like, “We’re done. We’re going to have our one. Towards the end of our 4 years is when we are going to start trying for our second. That way, we can get back here and have our baby back in the States.” We were like, “We’ll travel with our one child because it’s easier to travel with one than two. We’ll travel with one kid. We’ll do our 4 years there and when we come back, we’ll have our next baby.” It wasn’t ideal because we wanted them close in age, but at least we were traveling and eventually, we would have our second.
He took the orders on June 2nd. I was prepping for my daughter’s first birthday. We were having a pool party. I was like, okay. Her birthday’s on June 20th. It is June 16th. I wonder when I’m going to get my period because I don’t want to be on my period and swimming.
Meagan: During the pool party, yeah.
Nicole: I looked at my app and I was 7 days late. I was like, What? I don’t think that’s right, but let’s just take a test. I took a test and I was pregnant.
So, the joke was on us.
Meagan: Oh my gosh.
Nicole: Yes. We found out in June that we were having our second and we were due to be in England in November. So at the end of the month in November was our DEROS date or the day that we were supposed to be in England and he was supposed to be signed onto the base.
We decided that we would just pack up and do this all while I was pregnant. We moved over there on November 15th. Once I got here, I was like, Well, what do I do now? I am halfway through my pregnancy. I have nothing because COVID again, had stopped all of our furniture stuff because the ports were closed and that whole issue of everything being shut down. The world was still closed so we were like, “What do we do?”
We had sent our stuff at the beginning of October to arrive in England and they were like, “Well, you’re not expecting anything.” We had bought all of our baby stuff before because we were like, “Well, we’ll just buy it here and ship it over there, and then we won’t have to worry about trying to buy it over there.” There are different sizes of cribs there, and the bedding size is different. I don’t want people to buy us sheets then all of a sudden it’s UK sizes and it doesn’t fit and it’s unsafe for baby.
It was a big thing. We bought all of our stuff. I was ready to have it. Then we got here and they were like, “It looks like you’re not going to get any of your household goods until April.”
Meagan: November to April?
Nicole: October to April because we shipped in October.
Meagan: Oh my gosh.
Nicole: Uh-huh. Yeah. We were living in temporary furniture that was terrible. We had to go out and buy blow-up mattresses because those were more comfortable than the beds that they gave us. It was wild.
Then I’m trying to find a doctor. I’m trying to find a provider. I don’t know what I’m doing. I’ve called all of the birthing doulas because of the podcast that I had been religiously listening to. I was like, “I know what a doula is. That’s what I need.” They were all booked up because by the time we got here in November and I got the chance to interview them, they were all booked up for the month of February when my baby was due.
So now I’m sitting here, “Well, what do I do? Do I have the baby on base? Do I have the baby off base?” I don’t know. I don’t know anything about where we’re living. I don’t know anything about the hospitals. I don’t know anything. I’m just guessing off of people’s posts on Facebook, but they are so hit-and-miss. Somebody is going to post a really great story, then all of a sudden, somebody makes a post of a traumatizing story which scares you. It’s like, was the good story one in a million, or was the traumatizing story one in a million? I was just navigating this.
I started going to my doctor’s appointments on base because I knew that Tricare covered the OB/GYN. I was trying to navigate how it would cover overseas. I had to make a lot of phone calls and all of that fun stuff. I was like, “Well, I’ll just start on base and see if I need to transfer off base.”
On base was okay. It’s way different seeing a military doctor than it is seeing a provider who chooses this field and who wants this field. All of my prenatal care was okay. There were a few things that I wasn’t a fan of and if we weren’t talking about it, I could tell you what is the strep B test, right?
Meagan: Group B strep?
Nicole: Mhmm. They test you. They swab you to see if you have a skin infection to see if you need to be on antibiotics. In the states, my doctor performed that on me. Here, they gave me a test tube and told me I had 5 minutes to complete it. I was like, “What? I can’t even see down there let alone swab myself.” I just remember crying in the thing and begging people to do it and they were like, “We don’t do it. You have to perform it on yourself.” My husband was home watching our toddler, so I had no support with me. It was definitely different.
I looked at the hospitals off base and I was really unsure with the way that I had them. You would give birth in a birthing suite with your husband, then they would send him home and move you to this big room with other moms who had their babies. I was really navigating, what is the best fit for me and how am I going to have this baby and my VBAC? I want this VBAC. Who is going to advocate for me? I don’t have a doula. I’m doing this by myself. My husband only knows so much. He doesn’t understand it all, so he is only retaining half of what I’m saying.
I made it to 40 weeks. I was like, “Get this baby out of here.” My mother-in-law was here to watch my daughter. That’s another thing. You have to find childcare for your toddler because you don’t have family around to watch your baby. We were so new here. We didn’t have friends here to watch our baby. My mother-in-law luckily came out and made it for the birth. She watched my daughter. I decided that since she was here, and I needed to get this baby out before she left so I had childcare, I would do a membrane sweep because I was 40 weeks and I think I was 2 days at that point.
I did a membrane sweep. That was unsuccessful at 40 weeks and 2 days. I did a second one. That was very successful. We had my membrane sweep in the morning. I remember just doing lunges and squats all day long. We took my daughter to a forest. She just ran, and I did lunges behind her. There are videos of my husband following my daughter around, and I’m in the background just doing lunges and doing anything to keep active, to keep this baby going.
I went to bed that night on February 23rd. I went to bed at about 9:00 PM. I woke up at 2:00 AM. It was about 2:30 when I woke up. I felt this really sharp pain in my stomach. I thought he had kicked my bladder, so I stood up on the bed. It was like a movie. You heard the gush, and then all of a sudden, water was just trickling down my legs. I was like, “Well, I still feel like I have to pee, so that was definitely my water breaking not me having to go to the bathroom and him kicking my bladder,” which signaled me having to go to the bathroom.
My husband had just come to bed at about 2:00 AM. He had only been asleep for about 30 minutes. I was like, “Hey, no rush. This is going to take hours.” Again, nobody thinks that labor happens fast. I woke him up. I was like, “No rush. I just need you to go downstairs and get my military ID,” because at this point, I decided to have him on base. I was like, “I just need you to get my military ID because they are going to ask for that information in labor and delivery. Let them know that my water broke and that we would be in in a few hours. No rush. I’m going to take a shower. I’m going to go back to sleep. I’m just going to sleep this off. We will wake up in the morning, say goodbye to Naomi, and then go to the hospital.”
Again, I had told my daughter that I would see her in the morning, and then I left the room that night saying, “Why did I say that? There’s no guarantee.” I had been saying for weeks, “I hope you sleep good,” and that’s it. Then of course, the one time that I accidentally said, “I’ll see you in the morning,” I wasn’t seeing her in the morning.
He calls Labor and Delivery and they were like, “Well, because of her past, we want her in now.” I was like, “No. No. I don’t want to labor in a hospital. I want to labor as long as I can at home. I want to do this by myself. I want to be comfortable. I don’t want people to tell me what I should be doing then it going against what I want to do. I really want to do this by myself.”
He’s arguing with Labor and Delivery. He was like, “Well, let me talk to my wife, and I will call you back.” I was like, “I’m going to get in the shower real quick and wash myself off because my water just broke.”
Meagan: Had you started contracting at this point or just trickling?
Nicole: Very minimal. It was every 5 minutes. It was very minimal, nothing crazy. I could totally go clean my car at this point. I was walking on water. My water broke. I’m great. I feel good. I feel nothing.
I’m in the shower. All I did was put shampoo in my hair. I didn’t even get it rinsed out, and all of a sudden, my contractions went from 0 to 100. I could not breathe. I could not talk through them. I could not even do anything. I felt like my mind was so focused on the pain. My husband was trying to ask me questions, and I couldn’t even register what he was saying through each contraction.
I told him, “Call them back because we are on our way now. I need to get out of the shower. I need you to throw conditioner in my hair while I have this next contraction. I need to rinse it out, then we need to go.”
He’s trying to talk to them and put conditioner in my hair. I’m having a contraction. I put my pants on, and as I’m pulling them up, another contraction hit. Then they started going from having a contraction for a minute and a half to a break for 30 seconds, and then immediately back into another contraction for a minute and a half.
I was like, “What is happening?” I never felt this with my daughter. I had the epidural. Things went so smoothly and so slowly that it was cake. This was the next level. I waddled into the car. I remember sitting in the front seat and saying, “I can’t do this.” I climbed into my toddler’s car seat because I had the infant car seat up, and I couldn’t fit in between the two car seats, so I had to sit with my knees in my toddler’s car seat. I was holding onto the back headrest for support and just standing there.
I was on my knees, chest against the back of her car seat, and I’m just holding onto this headrest with every contraction. I’d have three in a row. I’d have one for a minute and thirty, a break for 30 seconds, a minute and thirty, a break for 30 seconds, a minute and thirty, then I’d have a two-minute break, and then they would kick back up again.
My husband was just flying. The roads were closed on our normal fastway to base. We lived 30 minutes away, so it was an extra 15 minutes to get to base. He was flying at 2:50 in the morning at this point. I’m sorry, it was 3:50 in the morning at this point. We get to the hospital at 4:05. I am hugging a tree outside because my husband couldn’t figure out how to open the wheelchair. Poor guy, he was trying so hard to help me.
Meagan: I’m sure. It was a frantic moment. Yeah.
Nicole: Yeah. He couldn’t figure out how to open it. He had to go to the ER and get somebody in the ER to help him. They were wheeling me up, and I remember yelling at them because they kept saying, “We’ll have to do triage and see if you’re in active labor before we can bring your husband back.” I remember telling this poor ER nurse, “You’d better not split my husband and I up. I am not doing triage. We are going into a room. We are having this baby.” She was like, “Ma’am, I think we’re just going to put you in a room. I don’t think we are going to need triage.”
I get into the room. I am continuously having contractions. They tried to stop me to do a COVID test. I death-glared this guy because he wanted to do a COVID test on me. I was like, “Been there, done that. Not doing that again.”
I remember them trying to put an IV in my hand. I was like, “I don’t need an IV. This kid is coming out of me. I know I tested positive for the strep test, but I don’t need an IV. He’s already out. There’s nothing that this is going to help.”
I get up on the bed. They tried to get me to lay on my back to push and I couldn’t. I remember my husband was like, “No, that’s not how she wanted to push. She wants to push with her knees on the bed and her chest against the back holding on. That’s how she wants to deliver him.”
He was advocating for me which I was so grateful for because I felt the entire time that he didn’t know what I wanted because he didn’t understand my terms, he didn’t understand why, he didn’t understand the VBAC world, so I felt like I was talking to thin air. So for him to sit there and be like, “No, that is not how she is going to deliver this baby. She wants to be on her knees hunkering down.”
I did. I got up there. I pushed two pushes, and he was out. His hand was stuck to his face.
Meagan: Nuchal hand, wow.
Nicole: He was holding onto his face. He got a little stuck because of his elbow, so after I got his head out, they made me flip over and deliver him on my back which I was totally okay with because we had done the hard part. I remember my husband saying that was the weirdest thing watching me turn around with this baby hanging out.
He was like, “You just flipped around like it was nothing.” I was like, “I knew he was fine.”
I tore because his hand was up and it was added pressure. But yeah, he came out in two pushes. He was born by 4:36, so 2 hours and I had my baby. It was absolutely wild.
I just remember that I had him. I was just in the chaos of it, and about two minutes later, my husband was like, “Nicole, you had a VBAC.” I just started shouting it. I was like, “I had a VBAC.” It didn’t even dawn on me in the craziness of it all that I pushed this baby out of me. I was just like, “Is he okay? Is he healthy? Does everything look good? Are you sure he has 10 toes and 10 fingers? Is everything good?” My husband was like, “Nicole, you had a VBAC. You really did it.”
Yeah. It was crazy. He came so fast which was unexpected and nobody tells you about that. It was just wild, but I had a VBAC.
Meagan: You had a VBAC with a nuchal hand too. That can be a little tricky sometimes, right? That is amazing, but I love just how intuitively from the very beginning, your body too was like, hands and knees. Forward-leaning position. That’s what your body intuitively was telling you to do to get this baby here. I love that you just went with that. I love that he advocated for you despite not really understanding. I can relate to that. My husband did not understand why I wanted to do what I wanted to do, but it’s so nice to have them be there for you in that ending moment when it really matters so much.
Nicole: Absolutely, yeah. I was shocked. When he started saying it and he was like, “No. She wants to push like this,” I was like, “What? You listened?”
Meagan: You listened. I love that. Oh, well thank you so much for sharing that story. Huge congrats and man, precipitous labor like you said, people don’t talk about it. It does happen. It’s funny because I had a long, 42-hour labor. Someone asked me, “Would you rather have a long labor that took forever like that or would you rather have a precipitous labor?” I had said that I really wanted a fourth and I just hoped it went faster.
I don’t know. I don’t know which one I would prefer because long is exhausting and hard, but man, precipitous– and I have seen them. I have supported them as a doula and seen 2-3 hour-long labors. It’s a lot of change in a body to happen in such a short period of time, and it’s so intense. I mean, it is the next level. So, I don’t know.
Nicole: It’s crazy. It’s crazy that they are so fast, but your body just knows what it’s doing. That blew my mind. With my daughter, I felt like I was trying. I was listening to everybody, and they were telling me what to do. I was just following suit, but with this one, there were no decisions being made. My body was like, “This is how it’s going to happen and that’s it.” I remember shouting for the epidural when I got in the hospital room. I was like, “I want that epidural. Call the anesthesiologist now.” They were like, “Honey, I think he’s already here. I don’t think we have time for that.”
My body was like, “No, you’re not sitting down. You’re not going to do this. This is how–” I didn’t even have time to focus on my breathing. My body was just doing it itself which is crazy thinking back on it. My body just knew. I was so down on myself thinking my body had failed me, but then having a super fast labor, my body was just like, “Nope, this is how we’re going to get it done and that’s it.”
Meagan: Okay, so with precipitous labor too, like you said, it went from 0 to 100 like that. Do you have any tips for moms with that experience of that type of intensity? Obviously, listening to your body and getting to your birthing location on time. I’m assuming that’s continuing. Sometimes, I feel like it can be really intense when it feels like they are ramping up and then they piddle out. But it does, it seems to ramp up, like you said, from 0 to 100 and it hangs on. It holds on tight and it is not stopping.
Nicole: Yeah. Definitely listen to your body. I felt like I spoke up a lot with what was happening at one point. I’ve always been this way where there are certain sounds that make me nauseous if I’m under a lot of stress or if I’m feeling sick, so my husband talking– it’s funny because he was like, “Say your affirmations. You are brave. You can do this.” His talking was making me nauseous. I was like, “Stop. Stop talking. Although it is what I want to hear, it is not helping.”
Being super open about what was happening like when he went to get the wheelchair, I was like, “I can’t sit in this car. I have to get out.” He was like, “Just sit in the car. Let me help you.” Being super aware and open about what I was feeling and what my body was telling me to do because going up and holding onto this tree, and every time I walk past this tree at medical, I’m like, “I almost gave birth right there had we not gotten that wheelchair open.” Hunkering down on that tree gave so much more relief that it was sitting in the car waiting for him. Although, I know that the car probably would have been the safest option for me rather than the tree with dirt and bushes–
Meagan: Hey, that’s actually pretty cool if that happened.
Nicole: Right? But knowing what it was and being communicative. Even through all the chaos, every second that I could, I was saying, “This is what I need right now. This is what I’m feeling.” That was helpful not only for myself mentally because I didn’t have the option. Things were just happening, but mentally being aware, and also allowing my husband to help me and support me where I needed was also really helpful.
Meagan: I love that. Speak up. Follow your body. Have an awesome partner to help guide you through. I think too like what you said earlier, he listened. That goes with speaking up, talking about our feelings, and talking about our desires. Even if you don’t think it’s being understood or really heard, it probably is.
Nicole: Yeah. It was just so crazy to me with him being like, “I’m so confused why somebody would want to push like that,” then him being like, “No, she’s going to push like that.” I was like, “What? You remembered.” Even in all the craziness, and he thought for sure when I told him to stop when we were driving, he thought I meant to stop the car because he thought I was going to have the baby before I could finish after my contraction, “Stop talking.”
Yeah, so even through all of the craziness and his mind going rampant, because he’s going through it too thinking, “Am I going to deliver this baby on the side of the road?” Now that we’re in a different country, who do we call? Do we call 9-9-9 or do we call 9-1-1? Do we call base or do we call locals? We’re in the middle of the country. His mindset is going, so having him say that in the craziness was even more powerful.
Meagan: Mhmm. Oh my gosh. Well, huge congrats again. Thank you so much for coming on and sharing your story. I do know that it’s going to impact someone out there, probably hundreds and thousands of people to be honest, so yeah. Thank you so much. Do you have any other tips or any advice that you’d like to give to any moms in regards to VBAC, in regards to birth, in regards to preparation, or in regards to navigating military changes? Delivering on base or off base? Are there any other suggestions that you’d like to give?
Nicole: I would say to really trust your instinct. I was obsessed with my first doctor with my daughter and she was my second daughter going into this. Obviously, I couldn’t keep her. I tried to get her to come over here, but she wouldn’t. Trust in your instinct in what you think is right for you and your baby. It’s so interesting to where you believe that this is one thing and this is how it should be, but then when your instincts are kicking in and they are telling you, “This is what’s best for you and your baby,” it’s a whole other path. I just recommend to listen. Listen to your body. Listen to what your gut is telling you. It will fall into place. Things are scary and sometimes things are wild, especially with the military and moving in the middle of a pregnancy. It is terrifying. I’ve known spouses who stay after and they bring their baby over when their baby is 8 weeks old and can finally get a passport. But knowing that you can do it overseas, I definitely think it’s special because your partner is there. It’s just a crazy ride, but if you trust yourself, your self will always guide you in the right way.
Meagan: Yeah. We’ve been saying it since this podcast started in 2018. Your intuition is so impactful. Trust it all the way. Go with it. I love that advice. Thank you.
Nicole: Thank you.
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