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Grab a drink of your choice, whether a martini or a hot tea, and enjoy the show with people from different areas of Arts & Entertainment. From novelists to comics and music to painting, it's time to be inspired! Supported by fans at
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I started this podcast because I was tired of being stereotyped as lazy, triggered and entitled. I wanted to give voice to a different kind of millennial and invite us to write a new story - one of a generation willing to challenge the status quo, embrace nuance and paradox, and reject PC-culture. This podcast isn’t about finding answers, it’s about asking the right questions. How can we reinvent ourselves and the narratives we’ve been expected to inherit? How can we take ownership over the ...
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show series
According to Paul in Romans 8, the comfort of the Holy Ghost for us includes the promise of our resurrection one day. The same spirit that raised up Christ will also raise up all of Christ's people!That power of Christ rising again will be deployed in every single one of the Lord's people!Then glory will be revealed in us, a glory that far exceeds …
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Peter claimed he would die before he would ever deny Jesus.When it came time for Christ's betrayal, Peter demurred. Why was this?The key is Christ's forbidding Peter from fighting to stop His murder. In other words, Christ deprived Peter of a "fair fight" with swords and fists. So long as Peter could strike the enemies of Jesus with weapons of war,…
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There has been catastrophic damage by Hurricane Helene in Georgia, Tennessee, North and South Carolina. Some areas received over 2 feet of rain in eight hours. Some are calling this a 1000-year flood.There is massive flooding, where whole towns have been swept away in rivers of raging muddy water. It appears that many hundreds of people have been s…
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Jesus never fails to save His loved ones! He never faces failure in saving anybody!When we were brought to Christ, we were already dead – dead in our trespasses and sins! In fact, we were too dead to come to Jesus on our own. In Ephesians 2, Paul describes our deadness. We had, not the Holy Spirit, but that vile spirit that works in all the childre…
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We all need to be saved from various things in our lives. In some cases, we need somebody with knowledge and skill to save us. Other times, we need someone with wisdom and prudence. Or sometimes, we need somebody with connections and influence to save us.But sometimes, we need a savior with the power and strength to save us!What is the nature of ou…
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Leviticus 4:3 is a little noticed, curious text of scripture. There we find this requirement: "If the anointed priest sins, bringing guilt on the people, he must bring to the Lord a young bull without defect as a sin offering for the sin he has committed."Thus, God held all of Israel guilty for the sins of their priests!This is another example of t…
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Scripture makes it clear that the Savior joys in His people, and is pleased to meet with us here this morning.First, Jesus is certainly here with us today, for He told His disciples, that wherever two or three of us gather in His name, He is in the midst with us.Jesus was promised of olden time by God that Christ would see His saved ones. Isaiah re…
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God made all the world perfect and good, with no animal or human death. It was a paradise! None of God's creatures killed another creature!God placed man as His highest creation over all the rest of the creation, giving him dominion over the creation and commanding him to subdue it. God provided only vegetables and fruit for food to His all creatur…
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In Romans, Paul dealt with life and death, both spiritual and physical, and we learn that spiritual life and physical life are not always tied together. Spiritual death and physical death only APPEAR not to be tied together.In the Garden of Eden, God gave a commandment: if you eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, in that day, you shal…
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The Spirit bears witness to all believers, that we are the children of God by adoption, that we are therefore heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ, and that because we suffer with Christ and in Christ, we shall also be glorified in and with Christ!God has given us a miraculous faith to trust in Jesus, and to persevere in all our trials and sor…
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Our Lord Jesus was cruelly mocked and taunted during His ministry, and certainly when He was crucified to save us.Isaiah had foretold that this would be: "He is despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief. And we hid our faces from Him, and esteemed Him not."When Jesus cast a demon out of the blind and dumb man, the Ph…
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The Olympics are supposed to promote peace between nations in sport competitions.But this year, the Olympic games were re-purposed to promote sexual perversion in the name of "inclusion," and to force it into the faces of the public, to bring "peace and acceptance" for open rebellion against the Creator, Who made humans male and female.It is indeed…
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With the world abuzz about the news of the failed assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump, all sorts of foolishness is being circulated, abusing scripture to claim that Donald Trump is literally God's anointed servant to rescue America.Not only so, but the questions being raised about God's providence, make it evident that almos…
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The world is abuzz with the news of the failed assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump.This failed attempt is but another instance of God's providence in our lives. That's because God is in control, and He determines all things. God has numbered our days beforehand, and He both gives life and takes life away.God ordains, and ult…
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God spared not His Own Son, but delivered Him up for us all! No wonder Jesus cried out on the cross, "My God, my God, why have You forsaken me!"God did not rescue Christ from the suffering the wrath for our sin, for He "was delivered for our offenses."Scripture is clear: God Himself crucified the Lord Jesus using the hands of wicked men. He was del…
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Scripture also teaches that Christ, as our High Priest, sacrificed Himself to God for the propitiation of our crimes, which were laid on Him.Paul declared that Christ, out of love, gave Himself for us as an offering and sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling savor.No Old Testament lamb ever "gave itself" up as a sacrifice, but God's Lamb gave Himsel…
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The Scriptures clearly teach that Jesus was murdered by an evil people out of a rabid rage and rebellion against Him.Jesus foretold the acts of those wicked men. He repeatedly told His disciples that He must be betrayed into the hands of evil men, and brutally slain by them.When Jesus raised Lazarus from the grave, that pushed Israel's wicked ruler…
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Sometimes we read a short text in Scripture that we've never paid attention to before, and it fairly jumps out at us!Such was the case in Matthew 27:2, where the arrest of Jesus is described: "and when they had bound Him, they led Him away, and delivered Him to Pontius Pilate."We know how Christ was cruelly crucified, nailed to a cross, tortured an…
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Scripture teaches that God Himself rejoices over saving us!It was foretold that God would rejoice to save His people. The prophet Zephaniah recorded God's joyous singing over His saved people: "The LORD has taken away thy judgments, He hath cast out thine enemy. The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; He will save, He will rejoice over the…
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The lot of mankind is frailty and weakness, when the body just won't go anymore. This often results in a loss of appetite and motivation and drive. It feels like a dishrag wrung out.This is a profound weakness, not to be confused with routine hunger, thirst, or tiredness. Rather, it is an invincible weakness that knows no cure.Sometimes it is the r…
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Paul comforted believers, that the sufferings of this world are nothing compared to the glory to be revealed in us at the return of Christ!Paul's personal salvation testimony was intricately tied to the union of Christ with His people in suffering. On Paul's way to persecute believers in Damascus, the Lord Himself confronted Paul with the reality: …
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The saints are also joined together with Christ in persecutions and sufferings in this life. Christ promised that we would be persecuted.But Christ also linked that persecution with our eternal life to come at the end! His teaching on this matter tracks well with Paul's exhortation, that if we suffer with Christ, we will also be glorified with Him.…
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Paul explains in Romans 8 the union of Christ and His people in suffering, death, and glory: "since we suffer with Christ, we will also be glorified together with Christ."Because we have been united with Christ as God's sons, we share with Christ in His humanity, as does Christ with us. We are all brethren with Christ in the royal family of God!All…
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We look to many people to rescue us from danger and trouble. Firemen, policemen, EMT medics, doctors, or just a kind and strong passerby.But they are not always able to save the people who cry out to them for help. In our community, we have heard just this week of a poor woman whose car was swept off the highway by high waters, submerged upside dow…
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In Romans 8, Paul taught that those who belong to Christ are not of the flesh, but of the Spirit, which dwells in each of us.If Christ is therefore in us, our bodies are still dead, subject to the corruption of sin and death, but our spirits are alive, because Christ's righteousness has been imputed to us!And if we are led by the Spirit of God, we …
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This Easter Sunday, we especially celebrate the resurrection of Christ. It is a most glorious thing! It brings joy to all believers!But there was a time when the prospect of our salvation was a sad thing. That was true before salvation had been accomplished, and before the purpose and consequences of Christ's death dawned upon the disciples.Jesus h…
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The disciples asked Christ, who will be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? They were always jockeying for the best positions, sometimes to the point of embarrassment!They did this because they viewed the kingdom in terms of earthly kingdoms, where there were positions of power and prestige close to the king. How do we get into those slots in th…
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Paul makes clear in Galatians how we become sons of God: by being joined to Christ by faith, baptized into Christ by the Holy Ghost, put into union with Christ.There has always been an infinite love between God the Father and Christ the Son, as equal persons of the Godhead, loving and delighting in each other.Being in Christ, we now partake of that…
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When Mary Magdalene finally recognized Christ at the tomb on that resurrection Sunday morning, He disclosed to her a great truth: that His heavenly Father is also Father to His redeemed people!After His resurrection, Christ made explicit what He had previously mentioned during His ministry: that all people who trust in Jesus are the children of God…
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Christ described how He has many things to say to His people, but they were not able to bear them at that time.His disciples couldn't accept the death of Christ! They wanted a physical kingdom instead of a justifying sacrifice.They were prejudiced against the non-Jewish people, thinking that Israel was God's only chosen people, and not understandin…
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Christ tells us that the Comforter will reprove the world. This is speaking of the Holy Ghost's convicting power in the lost, either directly, or mostly through God's Word, often preached by believers.Jesus tells us that the Comforter reproves the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment. Every man is a sinner, but righteousness is required.…
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Christ reiterates the coming persecution of His people. The cause is, that the wicked have not known Christ or the Father.Christ explains that He didn't tell His disciples these things earlier, because He was then with them. But now He is dying, and ascending to glory, so they will be without His personal, tangible, physical presence and comfort an…
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The Comforter will teach us all things, and bring to remembrance the things that Christ said. The Comforter will, as it were, take His place when Christ ascends to glory, and continue to teach and to bring to mind the things that Jesus had told them during His ministry.Christ warned us, that the world will hate us, because it hated Him first. That'…
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Christ promised us that He will pray that the Father give us "another Comforter," Who is the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Truth. Christ promises He will not leave us comfortless, and we will know the Comforter because He will dwell in us.So the comfort we have in the Holy Ghost is, first, that He dwells in us, giving us life, and sustaining that life …
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Jesus called the Holy Ghost our Comforter, Whom the Father would send in Christ's name after He rose from the grave and ascended to Heaven.Jesus promised us that the Holy Ghost within us would help us to reply to our persecutors, and that indeed, it would be the Spirit speaking through and for us, to defend the honor and right of our Savior.Jesus a…
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Everyone longs for a comforter in times of trouble. Not just words, but someone to come along beside us, and help carry the load with us, or at least to understand and sympathize with our trouble.The great irony of the suffering and sacrifice of our Lord Jesus is this: in order to comfort us by saving us, it was necessary that Christ have no man to…
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How wonderful it is to be gathered together around the Lord's Table to remember how He died to save us, especially after missing out last Lord's Day!Some false religions claim that this table forgives sins and is a propitiatory sacrifice. That is the blasphemy of the Catholic mass, that somehow Christ left some of our sins unforgiven when He died o…
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In John 10, Christ Himself explained why most people do not believe in Him. It wasn't enough for them to see His glorious miracles, nor that He Himself had preached the Gospel to them. They still did not believe in Him.So Christ explained it to them: "You do not believe, because you are not my sheep."Many false preachers today are sure that Jesus g…
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The gift of faith is given to us by God, by the powerful working of the Holy Ghost in all the Lord's people. Lost men are naturally helpless to believe the Gospel under their own steam, and yet in each of our believing hearts, there was first a powerful work of the Holy Ghost to convert us!A large part of the miracle power of God in our salvation i…
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Without regeneration, the natural man is at enmity with God. But the work of the Spirit makes us alive to God, and works obedience in us, and faith to trust in Christ and His Gospel unto salvation.Paul specifically describes the limits of what natural, sinful men can do or know. The only way men can know the things that God has given to us is by th…
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As Christ explained to Nicodemus, spiritually dead lost people cannot see the kingdom of God unless they are first born again by the power of the Holy Ghost. In fact, it takes a miracle from God for people to believe the Gospel!Just as God worked a powerful work in the hearts of the people of Nineveh to bring them to believe His word and cry out fo…
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In Jonah's story, the power of God to save Jonah from the sea is obvious to us. But the power of God to save Nineveh is often missed.Those people were exceedingly wicked and violent. They started wars, and plundered and murdered entire nations.But God delivered Nineveh from divine judgment by a powerful working in their hearts, to hear Jonah's warn…
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Jonah gives us a striking example of thanksgiving and praise in time of great distress.He ran from God's commandment to prophesy to Nineveh, and took flight on the sea. God stirred up a great tempest against the boat, and the sailors were finally forced to throw Jonah overboard due to God's wrath against him for his disobedience.God prepared a grea…
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Hebrews 13 warns believers not to trust in strange doctrines and rituals with sacrifices and meats, such as the old Jewish religion under the Mosaic law. Rather, believers must be established in God's grace, His Gospel, our salvation through the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus.Those who have been preoccupied with animal sacrifices, physical rituals, an…
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God has provided His people with offerings and spiritual sacrifices and gifts of worship and praise and obedience to Him, and has expressed His delight in receiving them from His people.None of these offerings are for sin – only the sacrifice made by Christ of His Own body and blood were made for our sin. There are no other sin offerings, and there…
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Roman Catholic clerics blasphemously claim that their so-called priests "bring Christ down from His throne, and place Him upon our altar to be offered up again for the sins of man. The priest speaks, and lo, Christ the eternal and omnipotent God, bows his head in humble obedience to the priest's command."But Hebrews makes it clear: any sacrifice th…
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After an incredibly meaningful and successful five years, I’ve decided to end the podcast. Thank you for all of your support, time, and trust. I’m off to begin a new chapter, and I’ll hope you’ll continue to follow along. To stay in touch, subscribe for free at Song featured: “A Better Son/Daughter” by Rilo Kiley Sign up for…
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The Bible nowhere teaches a concept of a liturgical priesthood in the church! Nowhere is a priest appointed to offer sacrifices for sin other than Christ!Apostles, prophets, pastors, elders – none are ever authorized to represent Christ's body and blood before God for the forgiveness of sin.Christ alone has already presented His body and blood unto…
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Ian MacKenzie is a new paradigm artist who’s been tracking the global emergence of imaginal culture for the past 15 years. From the desert of Burning Man to the heart of Occupy Wall St, Ian has amplified the voices of visionaries, artists and activists who have been working toward planetary system change. He is the co-director of The Village of Lov…
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The devil specializes in twisting and perverting God's Word, as he seeks to overthrow the Gospel, and destroy the exclusivity of Christ's finished work to save us.No perversion is more wide-spread and destructive than that of the Roman Catholic false religion. They appoint priests other than Christ, who sacrifice the Mass, which blasphemes the Lord…
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