show episodes
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Tapping is a powerful tool for reducing pain, physical trauma, and eliminating limiting beliefs. Each week tapping expert, Gene Monterastelli, and his amazing guests answer the most common (and uncommon) questions on how to get the most out of EFT. If you want to maximize your success with tapping, this is an indispensable resource. The host of the Tapping Q & A Podcast, Gene Monterastelli, works one-on-one with small business owners and entrepreneurs to he ...
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The Bible in Fewer Words

Carole and Steve Wells

Have you ever tried to read the Bible but just couldn't get through it? Well, if so, this podcast is for you. We've taken the Bible, the whole Bible and nothing but the Bible, and reduced it to its core, leaving nothing out - except for the boring parts that no one is interested in, and no one needs to know about. It is, in fact, the Bible in fewer words. So join Carole and Steve Wells as they present the Bible in a way its never been presented before.
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South Bay Church

LA International Church of Christ

This is the podcast of the South Bay Church, Los Angeles. We’re a vibrant, growing church community of families, single adults, and teens from all over the South Bay area --all ages, races, and backgrounds. We love to hear the Bible communicated in a way that is relevant, easy to understand, and applies to every-day life. This podcast features lessons and sermons from our Sunday worship services as well as other midweek meetings and special events.
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show series
In this episode, Paul tells us what he thinks about marriage. He's against it. He'd prefer that no one get married - except for those who can't control themselves. Because it's better to marry than to burn. So Paul's advice is this: If you're not married, don't get married; if you are married, stay married - but don't have sex. Jesus is coming, so …
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In this episode, Paul tells us what to do with a man who has sex with his father's wife: Give him to Satan who will destroy his body so that his spirit will be saved by Jesus. We also learn about who we should shun and who won't inherit the kingdom of God (gay and effeminate men, among others). The text and notes for this episode can be found here:…
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When I work with clients, I pay close attention to the language they use and I pay particular attention to keywords that alert me to how the subconscious mind might be informing their narrative. It is so much easier to create change and transformation with tapping if we can identify the often misguided stories driven by the subconscious mind. One o…
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Before we can take action aimed at improving our lives, we need to know what to do, how to do it, have access to the necessary resources, and the internal desire or reason to take action. Sometimes you might have these four elements in place and still find yourself struggling to act because you are held back by internal resistance. For as long as I…
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Do you ever feel like no matter how much time you spend working on your personal growth, you’re never truly moving forward? One of the biggest challenges in creating lasting healing and transformation is the simple fact that there’s never enough time and energy to tackle it all. At any given moment, you might want to improve your health, deepen you…
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No matter how much we consciously want to focus on a task, subconscious resistance can get in the way, making us distracted and unproductive. Part of us might be resisting tasks because of anxiety about the quality of what we produce, if we can get enough done, how others will receive our efforts, and whether we will be happy with the end result, t…
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When we are working on our resistance to taking a particular action, we often end up referring to the past to see if we can identify the roots of our reluctance in not wanting to repeat past mistakes or struggles. Combing through mistakes we have made can bring up old feelings of defeat and disappointment, leaving us feeling worse than when we star…
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Paul gives us some good advice in chapter 12: love others, do good, avoid evil. But then in the next chapter he says that all rulers are appointed by God and must be obeyed. In chapter 15, Paul says it's okay for us to eat whatever we want - even veggies, if you're a weakling. Just be sure to be fully persuaded in your own mind. Because whoever dou…
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When we are working on healing and creating transformation in our lives, we spend much time looking backwards. The way we understand ourselves, the world, and our place in the world is informed and created by our past, which means our limiting beliefs, insecurities, and bad habits are often rooted there too. That is why there are so many tapping to…
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In this episode Paul explains how we were once married to the law of Moses, but Jesus killed the law, so now we can marry Jesus and live happily ever after. Now you don't have to obey God's laws in the Bible, you just have to obey Jesus. Paul also tells us that God hated Esau, so he may hate you too, and you're not allowed to complain about it. God…
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In this episode Paul tells us that we are all evil in God's eyes and that none of us has ever done anything good. So we deserve to be tormented by God. According to Paul, God has made his existence obvious from his creation, so those who don't believe in him have no excuse. For their unbelief, God has let them become unclean. Men abandoned the natu…
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Paul continues his trial in Jerusalem, claiming to be a good Pharisee who has never done anything wrong. But the Jews weren't buying it. So they went on a hunger strike, refusing to eat anything until they were allowed to kill Paul. To protect Paul from the Jews, Paul is taken to Caesarea to be tried there. When they couldn't decide what to do with…
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The Buddhist concept of the "monkey mind" describes our human tendency to get restless, distracted, or confused. For some reason, my monkey mind has been going crazy these past few weeks. I feel like I haven't been dealing with a monkey so much as a troop of them! (I just learned that a group of monkeys is called a troop!) Every fifteen or twenty m…
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In this episode: Christians perform their first book burning, a young man falls asleep and falls to his death during one of Paul's sermons, four men take vows after shaving their heads, and Paul is arrested by the Jews who try to kill him. The text and notes for this episode can be found here:…
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One of the most common forms of resistance people encounter when doing any sort of deep transformational work (tapping included) is the fear of what will be uncovered. The two most common fears are either that there will be an overwhelming number of emotions that will be difficult to handle or that a previously suppressed traumatic memory will surf…
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Paul circumcises Timothy, not because he believes circumcision is required (he doesn't), but because he is worried about what Timothy's Jewish neighbors might think. It was a politically correct circumcision. Then the Holy Ghost prohibited Paul from preaching in Asia and Bithynia. So he went to Macedonia instead - since he had a dream about a man f…
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The episode begins with the Holy Ghost sending Paul and Barnabas to Cyprus to do some work for him. While there, Paul blinded a man for opposing God and being a child of the devil. The Jews tried to stone to death Paul and Barnabas twice, but they escaped without a single stone hitting them. Chapter 15 has the famous Council of Jerusalem, where it …
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Peter has a dream (which is repeated three times) in which a sheet drops down from the sky with every kind of animal on it. Then a voice from heaven commands him to kill and eat all of the animals. Some time later, Peter is imprisoned and an angel rescues him while he is sleeping between two soldiers. Then king Herod made a speech that was so good …
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One of the phrases that Gary Craig used in the original EFT training videos that has stuck with me is "the comedies of our mind". When using this phrase, Gary was referring to the recurring thoughts that we had about ourselves that, when they were examined in the light of day, were seen to be comical or even farcical. For example, right before I tr…
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In this episode, Saul of Tarsus (who will later be called Paul) experiences his famous conversion on the road to Damascus. Also, Simon Magus tries to buy some spiritual powers, and thereby invents the sin of simony. And Philip baptizes an Ethiopian eunuch without asking him to renounce his "eunuchness" before being baptized. The text and notes for …
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The first Christians were also the first communists. Everyone gave everything they had to the apostles, who distributed everything to each member according to their need. It went along okay for a few verses, until a married couple (Ananias and Sapphira) sold their house, gave the some of money to the apostles, but kept some for themselves. So God k…
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The author of the gospel of Luke writes to Theophilus again to tell him about what the apostles did after Jesus died. Jesus hung out with the apostles for forty days, then he beamed up to heaven while the apostles watched. About ten days later, on the feast of Pentecost, the Holy Ghost came down put split tongues of fire on each of the apostles hea…
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New opportunities can be so exciting as they bring the promise of growth, change, and countless possibilities. The problem is that most of us already have full lives and we don't have the time or energy to add something new. When this happens, we have a tendency to take one of two approaches. One approach is to take the plunge in the hope that thin…
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The exciting double ending of the gospel of John. Jesus rises from the dead, but no one seems to recognize him, at least at first sight. Thomas refuses to believe until he touches Jesus's wounds. Peter goes fishing naked and Jesus helps him catch 153 fish. And Jesus says it's none of Peter's business about whether or not the disciple whom Jesus lov…
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If you've listened to our previous episodes, then you've heard about Jesus's death before. But the story in John is different, so we're telling it again. Here we learn who cut off the ear of the high priest. And hear Pilate ask the question, "What is truth?" The text and notes for this episode can be found here:…
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Tapping without words is one of my favorite ways to tap and I do it multiple times a day. Recently, a few of my friends from the tapping community referred to this type of tapping as "content-free tapping". When I heard this, not only did I learn a new piece of vocabulary, it actually reframed my understanding of wordless tapping. This week in the …
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There are only three people in the gospels who are said to be loved by Jesus, at least by name: Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. In this episode we meet all three, when Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. The text and notes for this episode can be found here: If you enjoy these podcasts, consider su…
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In the gospel of Mark, Jesus cured two people with his spit: A blind man by spitting in his eyes, and a man who couldn't speak by rubbing his spit on the man's tongue (Episode 252). But in this episode, Jesus does something even more impressive. He cures a blind man by making mud out of his spit and then rubbing it in the blind man's eyes. Why don'…
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Maintaining high standards for ourselves is a good thing and means we have goals to shoot for and measuring sticks with which to evaluate our progress. Unfortunately, it is all too easy to fall into self-criticism and self-judgment if we fall short of these standards. So much so that it rarely feels like a choice, but the moment we fall short, the …
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In chapter 6, Jesus tells his disciples that they must eat his flesh and drink his blood or they won't have any life in them. That was just too much for many of them. So many his disciples left him. In the next chapter we learn that Jesus's brothers didn't believe in him and the people accuse Jesus of having a devil. Jesus says that living waters w…
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If you've heard only one verse in the Bible, it's likely this one: "For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16 And it sounds kind of nice, until you read John 3:18, which clarifies its meaning: "He that believeth on him [Jesus] is not condemned: but …
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One of the highlights of this year's 24 Hours of Tapping was the conversation that I had with Kerri Rhodes. Kerri is one of the program directors of the Helping Addicts Recover Progressively (HARP) program in the Chesterfield (VA) County Jail. The inmates use many of the tools created by the Peaceful Heart Network to create emotional healing and tr…
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The gospel of John begins where Genesis began - in the beginning. God, it turns out, wasn't alone when he created things. He had the word with him. Or the word was him. Or something like that. We are, of course, supposed to know what John is saying here, without him actually saying it. Jesus is God. Or the son of God. Or something like that. The te…
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Most of the time, when we sit down to tap, we are trying to create positive change. We are trying to: Release a negative emotion and create a positive one in its place Clear resistance and limiting beliefs so that we can take consistent action Heal a past trauma or story so that our present is not haunted by our past I love every single one of thes…
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Chapters 19-23 repeat many of the stories that were covered in previous episodes: the last supper, Jesus's arrest, trial, and crucifixion. But the last chapter, chapter 24, has some fun stories that are told nowhere else: Jesus's mysterious appearance on the road to Emmaus, his ghost-like appearance to his apostles, and his final meal (boiled fish …
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Jesus says some strange things in this episode. In the parable of the wise, dishonest steward, he says we should make friends with unrighteous wealthy people so that they will provide us with an eternal home. He says that whatever people value most is an abomination to God. He says we are God's worthless slaves and that God will treat us as badly a…
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There is a verse in the gospel of Luke that is clearly states Jesus's views about the family. It's not one that you are likely to hear in church, and few Christians know of its existence. "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my discip…
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This episode begins with the disciples asking Jesus if they could burn to death the Samaritans that didn't welcome them - like Elijah did in 2 Kings 1. Jesus saic, "No" - but then in the next chapter he says it'll be worse for any city that doesn't welcome them than it was for the city of Sodom. The same chapter has has my vote for the best story i…
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The primary goal of our subconscious mind is to keep us safe. To do this, it is constantly learning lessons from our experience. For example, after touching a hot stove a small child quickly learns quickly not to do that again. This only becomes a problem when the subconscious mind learns the "wrong" lesson from an experience. I frequently see this…
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In this episode, the people of Nazareth, Jesus's hometown, try to push Jesus off a cliff. But somehow he manages to escape. Then he miraculously catches so many fish that it almost sinks two boats. Jesus preaches a sermon on a plain that is a reduced version of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. And we learn about Mary Magdalene, her seven dev…
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The only information in the New Testament about the birth of Jesus is found in the gospels of Mathew and Luke. These stories disagree about just about everything - except for the name of his parents (Mary and Joseph), where he was born (Bethlehem) and who he was descended from (David). But since Linus used Luke's story in Charlie Brown Christmas, t…
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Wanting to belong is a basic human desire. For our ancestors thousands of years ago, belonging to a tribe was a matter of life and death. Without the protection of a tribe and its strength in numbers, death was a real prospect, so this desire to be accepted is part of our genetic heritage. Even today, on a subconscious level, belonging equals safet…
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Erik Tait is a world class magician and someone I love to see perform. He has spent over two decades performing as a juggler, standup comedian, and magician. In 2020 Erik decided that he wanted to compete in the 2022 FISM, which is the world championship of magic. Even though he is comfortable on almost any stage in the world, in preparing for the …
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This chapter is a favorite of Catholics. It includes three of their most popular prayers: the Hail Mary, Magnificat, and the Benedictus. Each of these prayers are said and sung millions of times every day. The Liturgy would be impoverished without them. But there is also a story that is told in this chapter. The angel Gabriel arrives in Jerusalem a…
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