37 grad,
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Punctul pe știri, un podcast cu Magda Grădinaru, marca Rock FM. Suntem asaltați de știri, informații și dezinformații din toate părțile. E greu de găsit o cheie de interpretare a tuturor în actualitatea agitată la care suntem martori și din care facem parte. Jurnalista Magda Grădinaru și invitații ei vor încerca să pună evenimentele în context, să pună întrebările de care avem nevoie și să formuleze răspunsuri posibile. Un dialog inteligent, relaxat și necesar.
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'180 grados' es... música. Pop, rock, soul, funk, R&B... y mucho más.
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Join Lukas Biewald on Gradient Dissent, an AI-focused podcast brought to you by Weights & Biases. Dive into fascinating conversations with industry giants from NVIDIA, Meta, Google, Lyft, OpenAI, and more. Explore the cutting-edge of AI and learn the intricacies of bringing models into production.
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Podcast de temas humanísticos variados. Historia, filosofía, política, religión... Desde un punto de vista divulgativo.
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Cykliczna, coczwartkowa audycja o grach planszowych.
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Cricket is great if you're into things like wasted youth, failed relationships, sun damage and broken dreams. A weekly show featuring news, views and interviews with major names from across the cricket scene.
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Gradcracker is the UK's careers website for STEM students.
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37 grad leben s2 | Zukünftige
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Join Syracuse University's Graduate School to learn about professional and career development, hear from alumni, and find out about events.
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with Naviere Walkewicz ’99 and Vince Greco P’17 - Association & Foundation news and updates for Grads!
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Retrouvez Mathieu et ses collaborateurs dans ce podcast sportif hors du commun. On vous y apporte l'actualité sportive et plein de prédictions au hockey, au basketball et même au soccer.
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Anthony Cruz, Amalie Hutchinson, Meghan Voll, Scott Walters, Mark Ambrogio, Ryan Baxter, Suzy Lee, Apurva Desai, Maria Khan, Garth Casbourn, Liam Clifford
The official podcast of the Society of Graduate Students at Western University in London, Ontario, Canada. We aim to showcase the innovative research that graduate students are conducting at Western University and appeal to various audiences including those within and beyond the academic community.
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This is a podcast designed to inspire and highlight the stories of women of color in graduate school who are prioritizing their overall health and wellness as they pursue higher education.
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Discussion of the latest movies with The Movie Grader and his friends.
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Grad School Buddy provides reliable resources that help grad students worldwide confidently navigate grad school and excel in their careers. We aim to equip and nurture the next generation of thinkers and doers interested in redefining rules and bringing positive change to their communities.
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Grading is an extremely important and largely unexamined piece of the classroom puzzle. In this weekly podcast, Sharona Krinsky and Robert Bosley, two long time classroom instructors from the K-12 and Higher Ed worlds, explore the nuts and bolts of grading student work. From looking at traditional grading practices to other types of grading such as alternative grading, equitable grading, ungrading, and more, join us as we and our guests provide the research, practices, and details needed to ...
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V oddaji Graditelji slovenskega doma predstavljamo Slovence in Slovenke iz matične domovine, zamejstva in zdomstva, ki so s svojim življenjem in delom gradili “slovenski dom” in zapustili trajne sledi v naši preteklosti. Poskušamo predstaviti čim več rojakov in rojakinj, ki so sooblikovali našo preteklost in utrdili slovenstvo med nami in v svetu. Običajno predstavimo življenje posameznika, kronološko ali kako drugače predstavimo njegova dela, njihov vpliv na okolje in odzive na njihovo delo ...
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Ever wonder what goes on inside the mind of a 5th grader? Listen to these true stories, thoughts, and feelings of students who are empowered to share!
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Deeply researched, technical interviews with experts thinking about AI and technology. thegradientpub.substack.com
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Breaking the Grade is a thought-provoking podcast that follows entrepreneurs in the education space as they make their way to the top. Tune in for stories about breaking norms, introducing new ideas, and shaping our future society through every lesson let out.
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A podcast about all things data, brought to you by data scientist Hugo Bowne-Anderson. It's time for more critical conversations about the challenges in our industry in order to build better compasses for the solution space! To this end, this podcast will consist of long-format conversations between Hugo and other people who work broadly in the data science, machine learning, and AI spaces. We'll dive deep into all the moving parts of the data world, so if you're new to the space, you'll hav ...
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The Middle-Grade Mavens are two Australian authors reviewing middle-grade children's books. We also chat with authors and illustrators about their inspiration, processes and experience and sometimes we interview publishers and agents to find out more about the industry. Whether you're a writer, school librarian, teacher, or just a book fan, this is for you. Julie Anne Grasso is the author of the Frankie Dupont Mystery series, cupcake enthusiast and part-time library book wrangler. Pamela Uec ...
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"Grading Papers" is a podcast that sheds light on the challenges faced by adjunct professors in higher education while offering practical solutions for professional growth and time management through technology innovations.
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Victors in Grad School explores what you can do to find success in your own graduate school journey no matter what you plan to do. Through experts and individual interviews you will be introduced to what it means to find success and tips on achieving success in graduate school.
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The Christian podcast for male educators facing the unique challenges of the classroom. We explore the stories, struggles, and strengths of men in teaching, all through a Biblical lens. Whether you’re seeking encouragement in the Word, practical teaching insights, or community among fellow educators, this is the place to grow in faith and purpose. Join us weekly as we bring together educational insights with God’s truth, uplifting those dedicated to shaping young minds.
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Gradical ist der Kunststoffexperte für Medizintechnik. Wir helfen Medizintechnikunternehmen den richtigen Kunststoff für ihre Anwendung auszuwählen. Das unter Berücksichtigung der technischen Eignung, der regulatorischen Anforderungen und der Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte. Der Gradical Podcast greift alle Themen rund um Kunststoffe in der Medizintechnik auf. Nachhaltigkeit, Sterilisation, das Medical Grade Konzept, Biokompatibilität und viele andere Themen erwarten Sie in diesem Podcast. Der Gastge ...
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Welcome to the Growth Over Grades podcast, a show connecting you with thought leaders, pioneers, and change agents who are leading the charge to support schools and districts in making the shift toward competency-based education and to promote growth, over grades.
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What Matters Today is a podcast series from the Geneva Graduate Institute in which we ask faculty members to comment on current issues impacting, economics, politics, health, and society.
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The New Grad Physio Podcast is the podcast of choice for any physio’s, sports therapists or sports rehabilitators wanting to learn how to become more confident with their patient assessments, treatments and rehab prescription. The podcast is hosted by Andy Barker, MSK & consultant sports physiotherapist. Andy currently consults with a number of elite athletes and sporting organisations, owns his own group of private practice clinics and mentors therapists from all over the world through his ...
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Does the world really need another music podcast? Yes, it needs this one.Rock ‘n’ Roll Grad School brings audiences along on a ride that feels like a late-night conversation on a tour bus traveling to the next gig.
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Hosted by CJ the DJ (Colette Steer), this is a 30 minute radio show featuring a graduate student or postdoc each week. Each episode is an opportunity for Queen’s grad students and postdocs to showcase their research to the Queen’s and Kingston community. From time to time, CJ the DJ also interviews an alum or interview grad students in relation to something topical for the day. Grad Chat is a collaboration between the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs and CFRC 101.9FM
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Gradical is the plastics expert for medical technology. We help medical technology companies to select the right plastic for their application. This takes into account technical suitability, regulatory requirements and sustainability aspects. The Gradical podcast covers all topics relating to plastics in medical technology. Sustainability, sterilization, the medical grade concept, biocompatibility and many other topics await you in this podcast. The host Lucas Pianegonda is a plastics expert ...
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The CUNY Graduate Center is a leader in public graduate education devoted to enhancing the public good through pioneering research, serious learning, and reasoned debate. The CUNY Graduate Center offers ambitious students more than 40 doctoral and master’s programs of the highest caliber, taught by top faculty from throughout CUNY — the nation’s largest public urban university. Through its nearly 40 centers, institutes, and initiatives, including its Advanced Science Research Center (ASRC), ...
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The University of California, Berkeley presents the Graduate Lectures. Seven lectureships comprise the Graduate Lectures, each with a distinct endowment history. These unique programs have brought distinguished visitors to Berkeley since 1909 to speak on a wide range of topics, from philosophy to the sciences.
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The University of California, Berkeley presents the Graduate Lectures. Seven lectureships comprise the Graduate Lectures, each with a distinct endowment history. These unique programs have brought distinguished visitors to Berkeley since 1909 to speak on a wide range of topics, from philosophy to the sciences.
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Welcome to a podcast that celebrates the visionaries and trailblazers of the hardscape and landscaping industry in the vibrant Phoenix Metro Valley. Each episode delves into the stories of industry leaders who are redefining landscapes and elevating the standard of excellence in their craft. But we don’t stop there—we also spotlight dynamic businesses and inspiring personalities from diverse fields who are “raising the grade,” offering fresh perspectives and innovative approaches. Whether yo ...
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Riffing on things that matter.
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Grad° Global - Der Podcast für Entwicklung und Klima
Stiftung Allianz für Entwicklung und Klima, Anja Backhaus
In Grad° Global, dem Podcast für Entwicklung und Klima, kommen Menschen zu Wort, die Ideen von einer guten Zukunft haben. Einer gerechten und klimafreundlichen Welt. Dafür müssen wir global denken und global handeln. Am besten schnell und jetzt schon dort wo es akut notwendig ist - in den Ländern der Südhalbkugel. Das heißt wir müssen Entwicklung und Klima zusammendenken. Wie? Darüber sprechen wir unter anderem bei Grad° Global. Der Podcast ist eine Produktion der Stiftung Allianz für Entwic ...
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Tota l’actualitat esportiva catalana
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Three teens talking about politics, current events, and some hip stuff for the kids. New episodes coming soon!
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Gradvall + Magnus är en podcast med Professor Pop, Jan Gradvall och Futurologen Magnus Lindkvist. Med optimism och upptäckarlust som drivkrafter vänds kreativitetens, skapandets och innovationens alla stenar för att ta reda på vad som grundlade allt ifrån pianokonserter och dataspel till multinationella företag och nobelprisvinnande upptäckter.
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Season 4 Episode 1: Mastering Communications in Global Development with Dani Clark
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40:40In the first episode of Season Four, we talk with Dani, a senior external affairs officer specializing in human development, to explore the role of communication in global development. Dani shares her journey from studying history to international relations, her transformative experience at Johns Hopkins, and how storytelling shapes her work in Glo…
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Borderline - Meine Seele im Ausnahmezustand (S2025/E16)
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27:08Borderline ist eine Persönlichkeitsstörung, die schwer zu diagnostizieren ist. Betroffene gehen oft einen langen Weg, bis sie eine Diagnose und zielgerichtete therapeutische Hilfe erhalten.Kirjoittanut ZDF
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Claudia Altenrath: Wie gelingt nachhaltige Transformation?
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29:36Claudia Altenrath ist Director Group Sustainability bei der Vaillant Group, ein international tätiges Familienunternehmen, das Produkte in den Bereichen Heizen, Kühlen und Warmwasser herstellt. Nachhaltigkeit hat dort eine lange Tradition – das Unternehmen entwickelte eine eigene Strategie, noch bevor gesetzliche Vorschriften es verlangten.Doch wie…
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Changing How You Treat Back, Shoulder & Knee Injuries
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22:30Whist the back, shoulder and knee are very different joints… And whilst patients with these problems will present with all manner of different symptoms… There are some similarities in how you assess, treat and rehab the back, shoulder and knee. Truth be told, I manage almost all injuries I see in a very similar way. Why? Because I have found this w…
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Rock n Roll Grad School #216: Deep Purple's Don Airey
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37:42Don Airey is metal royalty. He has played with some of the greatest artists ever and on songs you've heard thousands of times. With his newest solo record Pushed to the Edge, Don gathered some of his incredibly talented friends to make a real blast of a record that shows his great skill as a writer and, most importantly, as a musician. Pushed to th…
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Lara Bulger (Cultural Studies) – Documentary Film, how we can use it as a pedagogical tool and a medium for social change
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37:13Lara is looking at Canadian documentary film through both a contemporary and historical lens, as well as the limits of radical pedagogy and activism. Some of the themes that interest her include environmental racism, Indigenous sovereignty and food security. For upcoming interviews check out the Grad Chat webpage on Queen’s University School of Gra…
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Dating ohne Versteckspiel
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14:58Linay und Bunga finden nach Jahren wieder zueinander. Ihre Liebe ist stark, doch sie kämpfen gegen Ableismus und Rassismus – und wachsen gemeinsam über sich hinaus.Kirjoittanut ZDF
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Achieving Excellence in Grad School: Tips from Dr. Mohamed Mkaouer
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24:34Graduate school is a unique and deeply transformative journey. As Dr. Christopher Lewis outlines in this week's Victor's in Grad School podcast, every student travels their own path toward advanced degrees, facing distinct challenges and triumphs along the way. This episode features Dr. Mohamed Mkaouer, an Associate Professor and Director of the Ma…
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37. Thriving through Chronic Illness in Grad School
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33:48Let's talk! On this episode of the podcast, we sit down with health advocate and doctoral student Shay Webb who is currently pursuing a PhD in Health Science. As someone diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes and Rheumatoid Arthritis, she uses her passion for health equity to fuel her research and work in the legislative policy space. On this episode, you'…
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The Conference Playbook: How Education Companies Get Conferences Wrong (And How to Fix It)
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29:53Does this sound familiar? You just spent thousands of dollars flying to ANOTHER education conference, setting up a booth, shaking hands with decision-makers. You collected a stack of business cards, had great conversations, and walked away thinking, this was a success. Two weeks later? It was the kiss of death for their conference strategy—no follo…
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180 grados - Rock de Viernes - 14/03/25
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58:44Aprovechando que Sexy Zebras acaban de publicar la reivindicativa "Bravo" que, además, da nombre a su próximo disco, hacemos una sesión más roquera , que ha quedado así. KERALA DUST - Bells CHRIS ISAAK - Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing BRKN LOVE - Pulling Leeches ROYAL BLOOD - Figure It Out LADY BANANA - La Casa Magnética HERMANA FURIA - Vis a Vis HERMAN…
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As teachers, we are constantly bombarded with distractions, stress, and challenges that can pull us away from our mission. The responsibilities of lesson planning, grading, and student behavior can sometimes overshadow our calling to be Christ-like examples in the classroom. That’s why keeping God’s Word visible in our daily routines is so importan…
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Punctul pe știri cu Magda Gradinaru, episodul 29, invitat Ioan Stanomir: Alegerile post-Georgescu
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47:21Vineri, 14 martie. Durata: 30 minute Producator: Sorin Turcin Fārā Georgescu, dar cu un vot de dat. Cālin Georgescu e scos din joc, avem însă mulți alți candidați la prezidențiale și mai ales o societate radicalizată. Nu e treaba statului să verifice de ce oamenii votează chiar și când votul e fanatic, dar e treaba României să-și găsească un loc în…
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Punctul pe știri cu Magda Gradinaru, episodul 28, invitat Radu Hossu: Pacea vazută din Ucraina
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42:00Vineri, 14 martie. Durata: 30 minute Producator: Sorin Turcin Viața și pacea pe front: Se vorbește despre planul de pace pentru Ucraina cu politicieni și analiști politici, cu istorici și alți comentatori. Dar cum se aude planul de pace în Ucraina, pe front și în viețile celor care, de trei ani, reinventează curajul? O pace justă, asta vor ucrainen…
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180 grados - Haim, Lucy Dacus, Étienne de Crécy ft Damon Albarn y Hoonine - 13/03/25
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58:38Haim son portada de este podcast con "Relationships", su primera canción en dos años, escuchamos después a Hoonine con "Ven a Mi Casa", para su próximo EP, a Étienne de Crécy con Damon Albarn en "Rising Soul", una de las canciones de "Warm Up", el disco que publica este viernes y Lucy Dacus con la tremenda "Talk", también para su próximo disco, que…
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The Circus, with Pez and Higgos | EP 3 Preview
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15:57Listen to the full episode on Spotify Listen to the full episode on Apple Watch the full episode on Youtube Feedback and Drive By’s, Speakpipes, Opening Round, Hawks kit, scorebugs, the AFL Media Industrial Complex, Craig McRae disarming shotguns on Jetstar, what did Dan Ginnane say, I Was Not Impolitis, FRU Director says women’s game has a “gay pr…
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Ground Up Careers: Transforming the Construction Industry from Within
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57:24In this episode of Raising the Grade, we dive deep into the real challenges and opportunities facing the construction industry—focusing on workforce development, training, and innovative recruitment solutions. Join us as we explore how small, local construction companies can overcome the persistent workforce shortages that have long plagued the ind…
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Mastering the Trade: Lessons from a Tile Industry Expert
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50:13This week on Raising the Grade, we sit down with Steve Meyer from LATICRETE, a company at the forefront of tile installation materials and innovation. Steve shares his unique journey into the industry, from growing up with a chemist father who pioneered coatings and underlayments to developing expertise in concrete chemistry, tile installation, and…
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180 grados - Matt Berninguer y These New Puritans con Caroline Polachek - 12/03/25
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58:52Matt Berninger (The National) regresa, en solitario con "Get Sunk", su segundo disco, que abre con la luminosa y potente "Bonnet of Pins", portada de este podcast. Escuchamos también a These New Puritans con "Industrial Love Song", la mitad del doble single que acaban de publicar par su próximo disco, "Crooked Wing", que llega con la colaboración d…
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As teachers, we spend countless hours preparing lessons, managing classroom behavior, and guiding our students toward success. But how often do we pause and intentionally cover our classrooms in prayer? Colossians 4:2 reminds us to be devoted to prayer, to remain watchful, and to cultivate a spirit of gratitude.…
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The Great Transition: Finding Your Teaching Path After Federal Job Loss
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10:26Recent federal government layoffs have created financial and career uncertainty for adjunct professors who rely on federal jobs to supplement their teaching income. Several states are implementing programs to help these workers transition into teaching careers while addressing critical shortages in education. • Maryland has created alternative path…
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87 - The Impact of AI on Alternative Grading: Talking with Dr. Robert Talbert
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1:01:17Description In this episode we welcome back to the pod Dr. Robert Talbert. A mathematics professor at Grand Valley State University, author of books on Flipped Learning and Grading for Growth, Robert joins us to discuss his struggles with the increasing use of AI tools in his alternatively graded classes and how he is revising his courses to adjust…
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180 grados - Con Shego, en el CES - 11/03/25
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58:43Hoy nos hemos venido a la Escuela Superior de Sonido, Imagen y Tecnología, CES, para hace un programa especial con Shego, responsables de uno de los mejores discos de la temporada, "No Lo Volveré a Hacer". Raquel, Maite u Charlotte nos han contado cómo han arrancado la gira, nos han hablado de las canciones, mientras las escuchábamos, han estrenado…
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Episode 18: Revival of Christian Entertainment, King Josiah, & Choosing Righteousness
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46:28In this episode of Gospel and Gradebooks, Jamie and Timm break down exciting upcoming Christian entertainment, including House of David and The Chosen Season 5. Then, they dive into the incredible story of King Josiah, who became king of Judah at just eight years old. Despite coming from an ungodly lineage, Josiah chose righteousness, led a powerfu…
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497 | Am I Pronouncing This Correctly? Reading, Context, and Word Recognition
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29:22In this week's episode, hosts Liam Clifford and Bruno Mesquita interview Niki Sinha (they/them), a PhD candidate in Neuroscience. Niki's research delves into the processes by which, when we read, we connect letters with sound and words with meanings. As an example, the word "lead" has a very different meaning (and a very different pronunciation!) i…
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How a $100K Gift Is Shaping the Future of LGBTQ Studies Center
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30:21Founded at the CUNY Graduate Center over 30 years ago, CLAGS: The Center for LGBTQ Studies has been a leader in LGBTQ scholarship. Now, a $100,000 unrestricted gift from CUNY scholar James M. Saslow helping to secure its legacy and future impact. CLAGS Executive Director Matt Brim, a professor at the Graduate Center and the College of Staten Island…
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PAULICIANOS, BOGOMILOS Y CÁTAROS (La Senda de la Serpiente cap. 4)
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1:45:37Pues lo que dice el título hablamos de Paulicianos y Bogomilos, dos herejías de tipo gnóstico nacidas en Anatolia y los Balcanes, respectivamente, una consecuencia de la otra y su traslado a Occidente donde dan pie a los Cátaros o Albigenses
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180 grados - Bunbury, Colectivo Da Silva, Melifluo y Kerala Dust - 10/03/25
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58:50Bunbury oomparte “Las Chingadas Ganas De Llorar", segundo adelanto del que será su próximo disco “Cuentas pendientes”. Y comprobamos, una vez más, la necesidad de reinventarse de Bunbury en un pasaje en el que explora las raíces del folklore y os ritmos tradicionales de la lengua española. Es una suerte de bolero con una letra intensa y muy emotiva…
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As educators, we make countless choices each day—how to respond to a disrespectful student, whether to cut corners on lesson planning when we're exhausted, or how to treat a colleague who has wronged us. In these moments, we have the opportunity to choose righteousness—to honor God in our actions, even when it's difficult. Righteousness isn’t about…
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Dating im Doppelpack - Zwillinge auf Partnersuche (S2025/E14)
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27:16Alina und Alisa sind 35 Jahre alt, Singles und eineiige Zwillinge. Sie machen ohnehin fast alles zusammen: nun auch die Partnersuche. Werden die beiden ihr Glück finden?Kirjoittanut 3Sat
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Dating im Doppelpack - Zwillinge auf Partnersuche (S2025/E14)
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27:16Alina und Alisa sind 35 Jahre alt, Singles und eineiige Zwillinge. Sie machen ohnehin fast alles zusammen: nun auch die Partnersuche. Werden die beiden ihr Glück finden?Kirjoittanut ZDF
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IFE Conference 2025 (Mexico): Breaking Barriers -- AI and Strategic Partnerships Shaping Education
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26:18The education sector is buzzing with AI, but are schools and EdTech businesses truly leveraging it for sustainable growth? In this live episode, we cut through the hype to explore how AI, combined with strategic partnerships, can drive real impact. In this special live episode of Breaking the Grade, recorded LIVE from the IFE Conference in Monterre…
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The new Next Gen. Advisory, Base Access Changes, Elections, Reunions, and More
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23:30Your March Air Force Gradcast is here! Join hosts Lt. Col. (Ret.) Naviere Walkewicz ’99 and Vince Greco P ’17 to get the latest on Association of Graduates biennial board elections, the new Next Gen. Advisory Council, an important new member of the Association and Foundation Team, base access changes, and much more! Gradcast drops the first Friday …
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180 grados - Antesala del 8M - 07/03/25
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59:01Nos adelantamos al Día Internacional de la Mujer, que se celebra el 8 de marzo, con una sesión a base de las canciones que has elegido, con Gata Catana de portada y con el deseo de que, en un futuro, no haya que conmemorar días como este. GATA CATTANA - Lisístrata BEYONCE - Heated BOYGENIUS - Not Strong Enough PHOEBE BRIDGERS - Motion sickness BLON…
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If you’ve ever felt torn between your responsibilities at school and your commitments at home, you’re not alone. Teaching isn’t just a job—it’s a calling. We pour our energy into our students, staying late for meetings, grading on weekends, and constantly thinking about how to improve our lessons. At the same time, our families need us, too. It’s e…
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Punctul pe știri cu Magda Gradinaru, Episodul 27, invitat Vladimir Tismaneanu: Conspirația generalilor de 100 de ani, o comedie neagră
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20:00Vineri, 7 martie. Durata: 30 minute Producator: Sorin Turcin 6 martie 1945, ziua în care era instalat guvernul Petru Groza și începea coșmarul României, dictatura comunistă. Arc peste timp, în 6 martie 2025 aflam ca o grupare cu legături directe cu Moscova intenționa să ne scoată din NATO și chiar să schimbe numele țării: Geția. Hohotul de râs disp…
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Punctul pe știri cu Magda Gradinaru, Episodul 26, invitat Stefan Popescu: România, în mijlocul furtunii
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39:37Vineri, 7 martie. Durata: 30 minute Producator: Sorin Turcin România, între cei mai mari. Lumea pare scena unei încăierări generalizate: Donald Trump dă prima lovitură, premierul Justin Trudeau ripostează, răspunde și China și așa mai departe. Negocierile dure, care de obicei erau în spatele ușilor închise, acum sunt la vedere, și în tot acest tabl…
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180 grados - Arizona Baby, Silvestre y La Naranja, Grande Amore y Ronroneo - 06/03/25
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58:44Arizona Baby celebran el décimo quinto aniversario de "Second to None", su segundo disco con una gira y con una reedición que incluye dos canciones extra, una de ellas, "Shiralee Got Married", la que hoy compartimos en este podcast. Escuchamos "Océano", otro adelanto del próximo disco de los argentinos, Silvestre y La Naranja, al gallego Ronroneo c…
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Making The Complicated...Uncomplicated
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22:13When you really think about what you do as a physio, sports therapist or sports rehabber... You assess. You treat. You rehab. That's it. 3 things, yet nearly all therapists, even the experienced ones, make this process unnecessarily complicated. Listen to this week's episode to learn how to make sense of your patients injury... So you can help them…
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Odcinek prawie przedpremierowy! Przedpolskopremierowy? Wiecie o co chodzi. Porozmawiamy sobie dzisiaj o bieganiu dookoła okrągłej planszy i przerabianiu zasobów na punkty zwycięstwa. Zapraszamy do słuchania. (więcej…)Kirjoittanut Maciek "Ciuniek" Poleszak
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The Circus, with Pez and Higgos | EP 2 Preview
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
16:21Listen to the full episode on Spotify Listen to the full episode on Apple Watch the full episode on Youtube The thing you need to understand about cyclones, Vegas and the money-can’t-buy Halo effect, India get it done fair and square in “the Champions League”, Ponting’s broomstick, does a golden footballing generation loom? Josh, Harry and Giorgio …
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JULIO CESAR (Primer parte)
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
1:05:57Primera parte de una semblanza de Julio César con la participación de Jordi Cerdà.
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