In diesem Podcast möchte ich dazu beitragen, über psychische Krankheiten, insbesondere die Depression, aufzuklären und zu entstigmatisieren. Betroffene, Angehörige und neugieriege Menschen bekommen Einblicke in meine eigene, lange Krankheitsgeschichte, werden aber auch mit Zahlen, Daten und Fakten versorgt. Über Interviews mit weiteren Betroffenen, Ärzten, Psychiatern oder Therapeuten möchte ich ein besseres Verständnis schaffen und dafür sorgen, dass psychische Krankheiten in unserer Gesell ...
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If God is loving, then why are we blue? This podcast contains sermons of hope and encouragement for those who are hurting, anxious or depressed.
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A friend
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Hauptberuflich depressiv?! - Der Podcast über Depression, Mental Health und Co.
Gordon Schönwälder
Depression ist Sch**ße. Gar keine Frage. Aber sie taucht in unserer Gesellschaft sehr, sehr oft auf. Deswegen gehört sie enttabuisiert und als potentiell tödliche Krankheit akzeptiert. Dieser Podcast soll depressive Menschen oder die, die glaube, an einer Depression zu leiden, Unterstützung geben. Dabei nehmen wir den Trend von Mental Health und Mental Load sehr dankbar auf. Egal, ob nun Burnout, Angststörungen oder andere Facetten von Depression sprechen wir an und geben dem Gegner so ein G ...
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Millions of people struggle with anxiety & depression every single day. Regulate & Rewire is where Amanda, a nervous system focused and trauma-informed practitioner, teaches you the lessons she learned on her healing journey and the tangible research-based tools she uses with clients everyday to help them regulate their nervous system & rewire their mind – in hopes of helping you do the same. Each episode features specific takeaways for you to apply to your healing journey today. Website: ww ...
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Depression affects more than 375,000,000 worldwide. So, if you don't have it yourself, you know someone who does. Giving Voice to Depression was founded to start discussions that reduce stigma and promote understanding. We look at depression from many angles. Terry McGuire, a journalist with depression interviews a guest each week about their experience of depression. Some have episodes, others live with the mood disorder chronically. All share things that do and do not help their mental-hea ...
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The Delivered podcast is a place of hope and insight as we shine light on the taboo topic of Postpartum Depression. I will be diving deep into the world of Postpartum Depression with the help of the medical professionals and loved ones who guided me along in my journey. PPD is much more than a diagnosis. This podcast will explore the depths of PPD to show it's weight & the several treatments that helped myself & other moms overcome Postpartum Depression.
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A mental health podcast, sharing everyday stories and life experiences from the perspective of a single mother who balances mental health with everyday life and parenting. An authentic view into the struggles and triumphs of mental health.
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In this podcast we will be destroying the STIGMA that surrounds mental health and EXPLORE the possibilities if we come together and find healthy outlets. ASKING FOR HELP IS STRONG!Suicide Hotline-- 1-800-273-8255Suicide text line-- Text CONNECT to 741741Substance Abuse Hotline—1-800-622-4357Eating Disorder Hotline-- 1-630-577-1330RAINN National Sexual Assault Hotline—1-800-656-HOPELGBT Hotline- 1-888-843-4564Email or DM me [email protected]
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Malheureusement dans notre société tant que nous ne sommes pas confrontés à la dépression, nous n’y prêtons pas attention. C’est pourtant une maladie très répandue ayant ses propres codes et modifiant au plus profond le comportement des personnes touchées. Peu importe ce que la dépression, vous dit, il est possible d’arriver au bout du tunnel et avoir une vie pleine de sens. Chaque vendredi j’aborderai des solutions à mettre en place pour garde joie et motivation. De plus je proposerai des c ...
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Get UNSTUCK. Be inspired by the best motivational, inspirational, and brain health experts to live a happier and more purposeful life! Join host Malikee Josephs Monday through Friday for your dose of motivation. If you’re struggling with feelings of unhappiness, loneliness, emptiness, anxiety, sadness, grief & loss, or not having a sense of purpose, this show is for YOU! ——————If you are in need of medical care, please consult with a therapist or physician.If you are in a crisis or thinking ...
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A way for us to vent and discuss what makes us sad and depressed.
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Kopfsalat - Der "Freunde fürs Leben" Podcast über Depression und mentale Gesundheit
Freunde fürs Leben
Jeder ist mal traurig. Jeder schläft mal schlecht. Doch “deprimiert” ist nicht gleich “depressiv”. Deprimiert-Sein geht vorbei, eine Depression bleibt, wenn man nichts tut. Vor allem junge Menschen leiden heute unter großem Druck und sind häufig von Depressionen oder anderen psychischen Erkrankungen betroffen. Trotzdem bestehen viele Missverständnisse und Symptome werden immer wieder verharmlost. Betroffene, Freund:innen, Angehörige und Kolleg:innen sind oft überfordert. Deshalb ist es wicht ...
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Shining hope through Science, Stories, and Inspiration, as vehicles to transporting you to the other side of depression. It is our prayer that you receive powerful life lessons from each and every episode that you can apply to your daily life to help you reach the other side of depression. If you have an questions for Dr Earle, please reach out to him at [email protected]. If you, or someone you know, is struggling with the thought of suicide, please, contact the Suicide Prevention Hotline ...
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Two friends, Amy Watson & Sarah Ullrich, understand the need to continue the conversation after completing a really great book that you didn't want to end. You know that feeling you get when you finish a good book, and you simply can't move on? Find yourself needing just a little more? This multi-trope romance podcast gives you the opportunity to dig deeper with us into books we love as we discuss all the reasons we can't move on.
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Adult ADHD and Depression can be sucktastic! Let's have a laugh or two while we work to get on the other end of our unique skull spaghetti. Nominated for best male host in the 2024 Podcasters Peoples Choice Awards, and currently a top 2% global podcast! Subscribe to the ADHD Big Brother podcast if you want short, entertaining episodes, delivered weekly, that will nudge you forward on managing those adult ADHD symptoms. Do any of these debilitate you: I have no motivation to do boring things. ...
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legacy project
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Do you feel hopeless struggling with trauma-related depression that isolates and beats you down? Does worthlessness and shame from past trauma sometimes cripple your ability to function? Do you desperately wish you could connect with God and other women to help you heal naturally but don’t know where to start? You are not alone, friend. Welcome to Heal Depression with God. I’m Beth, a cancer-conquering, set-free from-depression daughter of the King, mom of five and grandma, prayer warrior, e ...
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Win Over Depression -A Podcast about how #MentalWellness #self-care #blackmentalhealth
Tamera C. Trotter
Welcome to "Win Over Depression," your go-to podcast for mental health empowerment, hosted by the insightful Tamera Trotter. Dive into our weekly episodes dropping every Friday, where we explore crucial mental health topics, share personal stories, and promote a positive impact on your overall well-being. Each episode equips listeners with valuable tools and strategies to navigate the complexities of mental health. Tamera's warm and empathetic approach creates a supportive community, fosteri ...
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My thoughts, and guest experiences on depression. How it affects us all.
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Broken to Blessed | Addiction Recovery, Marriage + Divorce, Anxiety, Depression for Christians, Mental Health Support
Randi Tisdall— Christian Mental Health Support, Addiction Recovery, Overcome Divorce, Self Improvement
Do you feel completely broken? Are you facing obstacles like addiction, depression, anxiety, divorce, grief, or all of the above? And you’re awake at night, wondering how you’re going to overcome it all? Hi there, I’m Randi, a work in progress. My battles have been many, from addiction to depression and most recently: divorce. I’ve felt lost and broken, and wondered how I was going to survive. But God is bigger than our problems, and if you’re walking a dark season, know that there is peace ...
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depression in schools Cover art photo provided by Pablo Varela on Unsplash:
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Teen depression
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Ditching Depression for Busy Moms: Health Coach, Mental Health First Aid, Depression Coping Skills, Anxeity Natural Remedies
Melanie Bourbeau - Whole Health Coach for Women,Mental Health Coach
Are you tired of missing out on special moments with your family becasue you feel that you are not present due to your mental health issues? Does social anxiety and perfectionism keep you from experiencing better relationships? Do you wish you could overcome the signs of depression in your life? Are you ready to stop feeling overwhelmed and exhausted constantly? I am so excited you are here! Welcome to the Ditching Depression For Busy Moms. the inspiring mental health podcast. My name is Mel ...
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From Ashes To Grace I PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Heal from trauma, Latter-Day Saint
Kristy Ross I Embodied Grace Coaching I Christian Entrepreneur, Trauma Recovery Coach
Hey fellow daughters of God! Welcome to From Ashes To Grace. Do you want to move past PTSD triggers and improved relationships? Do you find yourself up late at night wishing for more connection, true friends, and heal from your adverse childhood experiences? Do you wake up with big ambitious goals only to feel sadness, anger, and stuck in negative thought patterns when you experience flashbacks and frequent overwhelm, only to avoid certain situations...again?
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We talk
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Depression great
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Wie fühlt es sich an, wenn der Morgen wie ein schwerer Fels auf dir lastet, wenn die Nacht dich trotz Müdigkeit nicht zu Ruhe kommen lässt oder wenn dein Kopf vor lauter Gedankenchaos keinen klaren Moment findet? Genau darüber sprechen wir. Wir, Stefanie und Roman, teilen Geschichten aus dem Alltag: von den Kämpfen mit schlaflosen Nächten, dem Gefühl der Überforderung bei jeder kleinen Aufgabe, getrieben von Scham oder Selbstzweifeln – und den Momenten, in denen man doch einen Funken Hoffnun ...
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Erfahrungen mit Depressionen, Ängste, Trauma und Borderline... Positiver Lebensweg und was ich erreicht habe!
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A mental health podcast by two wildly unqualified mentally ill humans. Our names are Emily and Jayme and we like to think we're funny. Even if we aren't we sure as fuck are gonna keep laughing at our own bullshit. Every week we have a new theme, along with reoccurring segments that are really just excuses to bitch or force media upon you. Hope you enjoy! You can find your hosts on Instagram and Twitter @emannshaver and @jmecart ~*~ logo & banner made using ~*~
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school Cover art photo provided by Jeremy Galliani on Unsplash:
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Fuck Depression. A podcast where we talk about openly about depression, our experiences and remind ourselves that even though depression is serious we don’t have to take ourselves seriously. . [email protected]
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This is my podcast!
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Learning about depression and the effects of the mental state. Cover art photo provided by Daniel Olah on Unsplash:
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This is on How the Great Depression changed America.
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"Banks would never be able to expand credit in concert were it not for the intervention and encouragement of government," writes Murray Rothbard. This audio book edition is narrated by Harold Fritsche. Music by Kevin MacLeod.
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Depression 1 This is for teens who are trying to fight depression And this is my first series.
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Two sad Kids talking to each other
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Depression topics and/or with updates of my life.
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183 - ADHD Money and Finances - Learning or Doing?
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
16:03If you haven't listened to last week's episode with the amazing Tina Mathams, that's a great starting point to the conversation this month about finances. We going deeper than "what's your budget software/app". This week let's talk about the assignment she gave us and dig into the differences between learning, and doing. And please, please, please,…
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134 : Comment fonctionner et dépasser la dernière phase de la dépression !
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
30:41➡️Dans cet épisode , on explore la dernière phase de la dépression, cette étape frustrante où l’on va mieux, mais pas encore totalement. 💭 Comment l’accepter sans culpabiliser ? Je te donne des clés pour avancer sereinement vers la guérison. 💙✨ Nouvel outil gratuit pour prendre soin de ta dépression : Dernier…
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Welcome back to this week’s episode of From Ashes to Grace. Life is busy so I’m STILLLLLL working on optimizing my podcast. As mentioned last week, it and my business will most likely be named Sacred Sunsets. I’m really excited for the direction this is going. I really want to thank those of you who have participated in my market research for this.…
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Untethered Episode 19: The Ultimate Achievement, How to Operate in Love
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
31:32The Secret of the Spiritual heart is learning how to let go....allowing the heart to remain in a state of openness. The Untethered Soul seeks to remind us of who we truly are. It provides insights that can help us be free from limitations and soar beyond boundaries others and ourselves have set. Addtionally, it is our prayer that you receive powerf…
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Hi friend, Welcome to Ditching Depression For Busy Moms! In today's episode I am praying for you! I asked God what my topic was for today and I never got any answer, so when I don't know what to say I always pray! May this prayer for depression lift you To reach out go to: email me at [email protected]…
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14-Feeling Anxious? Three Ways the Prince of Peace Calms the Chaos of Trauma
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
24:52Have you ever dreaded an upcoming medical procedure or faced a traumatic situation, where fear paralyzed you? You are not alone. Anxiety pounded my heart, as I prepped to have my first chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer. Restless and unable to sleep, I trekked out in the middle of the night before the procedure to the lake near my house. The …
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John: The Voice That Shook Heaven
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
29:01God’s voice boomed from Heaven. Did the people listen and obey? No. They dismissed it as ‘thunder.’ Many say they’re waiting for proof of God and His plan, asking for a clearer revelation from on high. Yet when He answers, guess what? They ignore Him. What about you? This will be the focus of today’s study in John 12.…
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E32: Reclaiming Yourself: the Hidden Journey of Motherhood, with Sarah Barnett, Postpartum Doula & Chef
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
45:35In this special episode of Delivered, we are so fortunate to be joined again by Sarah Barnett, who is an amazing postpartum doula, chef, and retreat host. In this raw and real episode, we dive into the untold stories of motherhood—the moments that transform, challenge, and empower. Becoming a mother is often portrayed as a joyful journey, but the r…
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053 The One Thing You Need to Do When Life is Too Painful to Cope
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
21:31Do you ever feel stuck in the pain? Stuck in the feelings, stuck in the circumstances, stuck in the addiction, whatever the pain is. We feel like we're running around in circles, doing the same thing over and over again but there's no healing in sight. But there's one thing we can (and need to) do when life gets too painful to cope. And by doing th…
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Why We Get Stuck (in Anxiety & Depression): Understanding Nervous System Dysregulation (Part 3: B2B Series)
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
29:23In part 3 of our Back to Basics series, we explore why we get stuck in states of dysregulation and why anxiety and depression persist. Learn how modern living patterns and past experiences shape our nervous system responses, and discover a compassionate approach to understanding your symptoms. In this episode, you'll learn: Why anxiety and depressi…
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Ep. 349: When Life Explodes (Johnny Crowder)
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
24:55We'd love to hear your feedback! What happens when everything falls apart at once? Musician and mental health advocate Johnny Crowder recently faced that exact reality—losing his home, his band, and his relationship (with the woman he expected to marry,) all within days. In this 25-minute episode, he talks about the depression that followed ("a bea…
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The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
37:43What makes the bones of a good romcom? We break it down as we chat about our hot and cold MMC who is getting a first hand lesson in writing an engaging romcom. Plus, Sarah has us laughing as she falls for the biggest breach of contract between a reader and a romcom author.Kirjoittanut Amy Watson & Sarah Ullrich
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970 | Leo Buscaglia: "90% Of What We Worry About Doesn't Happen."
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
22:00The bubbly and loving Leo Buscaglia is back on the show to encourage us to live without regrets. Source: Leo Buscaglia – The Art of Being Fully Human Connect with Leo Buscaglia: Website: Book: Born for Love: Reflections on Loving Previous Episodes: 938 | Leo Buscaglia: “Live.” 867 | Leo Buscaglia: "Wasting So Much Time." 81…
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Kopfsalat - Einsamkeit und Beziehungen (2) mit Janosch Schobin
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
1:18:21Die „Sonderedition Einsamkeit“ des Freunde fürs Leben Podcast „Kopfsalat“ geht weiter mit einer Folge zum Thema Einsamkeit und Beziehungen. Zu Gast ist der Soziologe und Autor Janosch Schobin. Er spricht über die gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhänge von sozialer Isolation und Beziehungen und erläutert, warum Einsamkeit heute als eines der großen Proble…
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Back with a new episode! Sometimes we NEED to measure our growth to know that the work is working!
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Mental Health Crisis Line-- 988 Suicide Hotline-- 1-800-273-8255 Suicide text line-- Text CONNECT to 741741 Substance Abuse Hotline—1-800-622-4357 Eating Disorder Hotline-- 1-630-577-1330 RAINN National Sexual Assault Hotline—1-800-656-HOPE LGBT Hotline-- 1-888-843-456 Follow me: Twitch: TheMentalHealthStreamer Instagram/Tiktok: J…
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023: Mein radikaler Cut im Job – Weil Weitermachen mit Depression keine Option war
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
19:39Ich musste raus aus dieser Selbstständigkeit So konnte es nicht weitergehen. Meine Selbstständigkeit war jahrelang ein wichtiger Teil meiner Identität – aber irgendwann wurde klar: Ich brauche einen radikalen Schnitt. Warum ich mich entschieden habe, nur noch zur Hälfte selbstständig zu sein und was das mit meiner Depression zu tun hat, erfährst du…
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EPISODE #155- Navigating Mental Wellness Amidst Life's Chaos: Strategies for Peace and Resilience
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
15:06Please share how this podcast is affecting your mental well-being. Please also know that we have a course called the "14 Days To Mental Health Wellness" Type this is your search bar. Support the show Win Over Depression Course: '14 Days to Mental Health Wellness" GET THE COURSE NOW: COPY AND PASTE IN YOUR BROWSER pe…
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Beneath the Noise Episode 1
Toista myöhemmin
Toista myöhemmin
35:20Emily's back with a new podcast called Beneath the Noise, here's the first episode. love y'all hope you're well. If you want more you can find my ass wherever you find your podcasts. Part two of this is now up on the Beneath the Noise page. New episodes every Sunday evening. Hope you enjoy.Reality isn’t fixed. It bends, shifts, warps—sometimes so s…
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