Die hr2-Literaturrezension - Lesenswerte Neuerscheinungen für Kinder und Erwachsene
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Seriózní a regionální. Zábava, písničky, soutěže.
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Die Morgenfeier - biblisch fundiert und lebensnah entfaltet. Immer sonntags, 7.30 - 8.00 Uhr.
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Neuerscheinungen und Klassiker des Hörbuchmarkts
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Fotbalový podcast s veterány sportu.
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Ob "Winterreise pauschal" oder "Sound der DDR" - kommen Sie mit auf musikalische Entdeckungsreisen!
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Hörspielpool der neuen hr2-Ursendungen sowie ausgewählte Sendungen der ARD und dem hr-Archiv
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Podcast nejen o lyžování, ale i o všem, co se kolem hor, akčních sportů a vlastně všeho možnýho šustne.. Provozováno Šimonem Bartíkem a Tomášem Kroczkem. https://herohero.co/tupyhrany
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An jedem Werktag ein Gedanke für den Tag - und über ihn hinaus: anregend und informativ, tröstend und aktuell.
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Aufwändig produzierte Feature, investigative Recherchen und einfühlsame Porträts
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Reportagen aus der Welt der Kirchen und Religionen. Lebensfragen, Ethik, Theologie.
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Interessante Zeitgenossen - Menschen, die etwas zu sagen haben, unterhalten sich 50 Minuten lang mit einem Gastgeber über ihre Arbeit und ihr Leben.
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... von Bach bis Beatles, ausgewählt und präsentiert von prominenten Gästen.
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Die Jüdische Welt ist größer, vielfältiger, bunter geworden. Einmal im Monat berichtet hr2-kultur über das Leben in jüdischen Gemeinden und Organisationen. Dazu eine jüdische Ansprache zum Schabbat.
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HRM-Podcast - Der HR Business Podcast I Coaching I Digitalisierung I New Work I HR I Recruiting
HR Podcasts geben Ihnen spannende Einblicke in die Welt von Human Resources. Per Audio-On-Demand erhalten Sie regelmäßig Content zu aktuellen Studien, Best Practices, innovative Lösungen und allem was die Branche bewegt.So erhalten Sie hier Insider-Wissen von Branchenkennern, Kunden-Cases zu bestimmten HR- und Recruiting Lösungen, Studien, Marktentwicklungen und vielem mehr.Abonnieren und immer auf dem Laufenden bleiben.HR Podcast - der HR Streaming-Dienst
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In this series, David Green will be speaking to a range of senior HR leaders who are pushing a data-driven and digital HR agenda. There is an increasing need for HR professionals to become more digitally and numerically literate – to acquire the skills necessary to process, produce and leverage digital information to create business value. You'll hear from people leaders who are driving transformation in their organisations on how HR can prepare for the future and what HR leaders need to do ...
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Battlegrounds provides a needed forum with leaders from key countries to share their assessment of problem sets and opportunities that have implications for U.S. foreign policy and national security strategy.
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We deliver HR knowledge directly to your place.
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Unser Themenschwerpunkt am Vormittag
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HR Gurus Podcast is interested in sharing Knowledge & Awareness within HR Community.
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Join host Chris Rainey on the HR Leaders Podcast, where he sits down with top Chief People Officers, CHROs, and leading HR experts to uncover the strategies, trends, and insights shaping the future of human resources. Each episode dives into best practices in people management, leadership challenges, and transformative HR innovations that impact both business success and society at large. Whether you're an HR professional or simply passionate about modern workplace strategies, this podcast d ...
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I den här podden utforskar och diskuterar vi hur digitala verktyg och innovationer revolutionerar framtidens arbetsplatser och skapar värde för organisationen, dess medarbetare och chefer. Och även för HR förstås! Kontakt: hej@hrdigi.se
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This podcast is for HR Professionals, Business Owners, and CEOs who want to learn and discuss the tools, tactics, and strategies that help us create a happier, more productive employee workforce.
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A fearless podcast dissecting Australian workplaces, HR absurdities, employment law, unions & staff from a business-centric perspective, relieving challenges for employers.
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The HR Investigations Podcast: Exploring the Issues, Challenges, Strategies, and Solutions New episodes available bi-weekly
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Join Dave and Louisa for casual, but deep dives into all things Human Resources. From hiring trends, to helpfull suggestions for industry leaders as well as job seekers. Give a listen and join the conversation!
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Trends und Hintergründe aus der Kulturszene
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Welcome to the HR Empowerment Podcast. Join our team of industry experts today as they share strategies, insights and regulatory updates that are designed to keep you ahead of the curve.
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Lebensfragen - Glaubensfragen: Hintergründe zu Religion und Kirche
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HR Standout es un espacio donde conversaremos con líderes y profesionales de recursos humanos y áreas relacionadas sobre temas relevantes que impactan la profesión.
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The only one
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Honest HR is the go-to podcast for aspiring and informed HR professionals intent on transforming workplace challenges into golden opportunities. Hosted by Amber Clayton, Monique Akanbi, and Wendy Fong, this podcast brings you insights, trends, and actionable advice through relatable stories from the REAL world of HR.
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Mick and Hanna are human resources and business professionals who take a humorous and unfiltered approach to advocating for and celebrating great people management practices in the workplace. Welcome to HR After Hours.
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Welcome to HR Unpacked…a podcast about HR workplace issues, where we analyse and then discuss the latest developments in HR & Employment Law that impact both employers and employees. We will unpack the latest legislation and regulations to provide practical guidance on how to tackle the HR issues that are affecting the world of work.
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Podcast by HR2GO
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HR Party of One is your human resources how-to. Featuring engaging discussions on the latest HR issues facing fast-growing small businesses and startups. Each episode provides captivating, actionable insights on topics including hiring, culture, technology, leadership, and more.
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Offering a behind-the-scenes look at life in Human Resources and what’s really happening in the workplace. With a combined 30+ years of HR experience, Gina & Turiya share unfiltered, entertaining true stories on various topics relevant to anyone in the workplace (whether you work in HR or not!) They also offer listeners practical tips and advice on workplace related topics - minus the HR lingo and corporate buzzwords!
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Welcome to HR Disrupted, the podcast where Lucy Adams and guests reimagine traditional HR practices for a more agile, people-centric future. Each episode dives into innovative approaches for leaders and HR professionals, offering practical advice on leadership, employee engagement, and organisational culture. As CEO of Disruptive HR, the go-to agency for innovative people practices for the last ten years, Lucy brings fresh perspectives and solutions to the ever-changing challenges of modern ...
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Kort og direkte om nye regler, satser, tolkninger og oppdateringer innen lønn-, skatt, arbeids- og trygderett.
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Fun With HR’s weekly radio show featuring a mix of Human Resources and local community interviews.
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hr-iNFO berichtet über alle relevanten Themen aus Hessen, Deutschland und der Welt.
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At Work in America, the longest running and top downloaded HR podcast, focuses on human resources, management, leadership, and workforce technology. The show is hosted by Steve Boese, the Co-Chair of the HR Technology Conference and Trish Steed, CEO of H3 HR Advisors.
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At Tap’d, we help you make sense of the Future of Work, making technology understandable and easy to adopt. Our HR experience and consultancy = Your performance.
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This is the podcast for emerging HR professionals to get practical advice, tools and strategies to build their credibility, confidence and ultimately a fulfilling HR career!
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DriveThru HR serves up quick and insightful conversations on the latest trends, challenges, and innovations in Human Resources. With a focus on real-world HR issues, each episode delivers practical advice and expert perspectives to help professionals navigate the evolving workplace landscape. Fast, focused and forward-thinking. Since 2010.
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Welcome to our podcast, where career success meets real talk! 🎙️ Whether you’re navigating the job hunt, trying to boost your workplace experience, or just curious about HR, you're in the right place. Our episodes break down HR topics so you can stay ahead of the curve and make smarter career moves. Subscribe for tips on building your resume, acing interviews, and handling everyday job hurdles! 💼✨ You won’t want to miss what’s coming next.
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In de HR Podcast geven we je elke twee weken inzichten in leiderschap en innovatie in HR. Om je te informeren én te inspireren. Zodat je weet wat er speelt en hoe je daarmee kan omgaan! Van de makers van CHRO, HR Praktijk en HR Academy
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Blutbad in der Fabrikantenvilla (105)
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
1:23:59Am 15. Juni 1997 stirbt ein Fabrikanten-Ehepaar im nordhessischen Morschen. Ein Verwandter der Opfer, ein Polizist, findet die Leichen in ihrer Villa. Ihre Kehlen sind durchschnitten. Zunächst sieht alles nach einem Raubmord aus. Aber es gibt keine Einbruchsspuren. Die Adoptivtöchter geraten ins Visier der Ermittler.…
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HRUnpacked Episode 18- An update on the Employment Rights Bill - Potential labour law changes in 2025 and 2026 with Guest Nicola Mullineux - Associate Director - HR Content at Peninsula
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
54:53Welcome to this podcast where we will be reviewing the Employment Rights Bill, taking a look at some of the key employment law changes made as well as prospective changes over the next 12 months. We are delighted to welcome Nicola Mullineux , Associate Director - HR Content at Peninsula This podcast is based on the amended Bill as it was published …
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كتاب التعاطف في العمل (Softening the Edge)
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
22:01هل أصبح التعاطف (Empathy) أمرأ أساسيا في بيئة العمل أم أنه لا يتجاوز كونه من الامور المحببة في بيئة العمل ؟ في هذه المراجعة لكتاب Softening The Edge نناقش مدى أهمية مفهوم التعاطف في زمننا الحالي , وكيفية تطبيق هذا المفهوم في بيئات العمل..Kirjoittanut culture, تعاطف, Empathy
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How to Balance Empathy and Strategy in HR
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
44:02In this episode of the HR Leaders Podcast, we speak with Anisha Thomas, Head of People at Inscribe AI, about balancing empathy and strategic leadership in fast-growing startups. Anisha shares the emotional challenge of executing a reduction in force (RIF), leveraging AI agents for workforce efficiency and innovation, and discusses how transparent c…
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The Play by Play - Bracket Breakdown: Final Four-cast
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
26:24The Play by Play - Bracket Breakdown: Final Four-cast Hosts: Jack McFarlane & Nick Schlemmer Summary In this episode of The Play by Play podcast, hosts Jack McFarlane and Nick Schlemmer dive into the excitement of March Madness, discussing first-time tournament teams, their predictions for the Final Four, and potential Cinderella stories. They high…
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4. April - Nacht der Bibliotheken
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
24:43Unter dem Motto „Wissen. Teilen. Entdecken“ öffnen am 4. April mehr als 1800 Bibliotheken in Deutschland nachts ihre Türen. Organisiert vom Deutschen Bibliotheken Verband werden über 4000 Veranstaltungen stattfinden. Von Lesungen über Yogaübungen bis hin zum Bücherflohmarkt wird es eine bunte Palette an Angeboten für alle BürgerInnen und jede Alter…
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Lebensader für Rhein-Main: Der Neubau der Riedwasserleitung
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
18:38Die Riedleitung ist die „Hauptschlagader“ für die Wasserversorgung der Metropolregion Frankfurt und Rhein-Main aus dem Hessischen Ried. Der Bau der neuen Leitung ist eines der wichtigsten Infrastrukturprojekte für die Wasserversorgung. Aber wie steht es eigentlich um das Grundwasser?Kirjoittanut hr INFO
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(070) No More Non-Compete: What Happens When Employees Can Walk Away With Your Business?
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
30:35"The Non-Compete Chaos & What It Really Means for Small Business" In this episode of The HR Cartel Podcast, Tim Dive delivers a raw and unfiltered breakdown of the recent and proposed workplace legislation changes that could drastically shift how small and medium-sized businesses operate in Australia. From the alarming plans to outlaw non-compete c…
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When Your Job Becomes Your Identity: The Hidden Danger of Career Enmeshment
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
42:06How can you tell if your top employees are experiencing burn out? Is your entire identity wrapped up in your work? In this episode of Don't HR Alone, our host Rhamy Alejeal interviews clinical psychologist Dr. Janna Koretz, founder of Azimuth Psychological, to explore the hidden dangers of career enmeshment—when your job becomes your sole identity.…
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Erfolgreich als hochsensible Scanner Persönlichkeit – mit der Berufung zum Traumjob I Mit Bettina Reuss I Business Coaching: #170 - Scanner Persönlichkeiten und Berufswahl: Das Dilemma mit der Vielseitigkeit ...
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
22:24🌀 Scanner-Persönlichkeit & Beruf: Das Dilemma der Vielseitigkeit 🌀 "Warum kannst du dich nicht einfach mal entscheiden?" – Diesen Satz haben Scanner-Persönlichkeiten bestimmt schon oft gehört. 😵💫 Sie haben unzählige Interessen, sind extrem schnell im Denken und brauchen ständig neue Herausforderungen. Doch genau das kann im Berufsleben zum Problem…
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Battlegrounds w/ H.R. McMaster: General Nick Carter: Lessons of War and Prospects for Peace
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
47:37Join General Sir Nick Carter, the United Kingdom’s former Chief of the Defence Staff, and Hoover Senior Fellow H.R. McMaster, as they discuss the future of warfare through the lens of conflicts in Israel, Ukraine, and Africa. Drawing on his extensive military career - serving in Western Germany, Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan and Ira…
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Es ist einer der größten Sicherheits-Skandale in der jüngeren US-Geschichte: Spitzen der US-Regierung haben Details eines geplanten Angriffs auf die Huthi-Terroristen über die Messenger-App „Signal“ diskutiert und - wohl aus Versehen - einen Journalisten mitlesen lassen. Was dieser Chat auch über das Verhältnis von Europa und den USA aussagt, ordne…
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Crafting a Clear and Inclusive Dress Code
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
17:31How can HR pros ensure dress code policies are equitable and culturally sensitive? What’s the best way to address violations? Is it okay for different departments to create their own guidelines? Honest HR’s newest host Nicole Belyna, SHRM’s director of talent, and Deron Lehman, CHRO of Barber National Institute, discuss strategies and best practice…
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Gen Z and the 'snowflake' myth
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
38:07It seems as though there’s a news article every day about how the younger generation lack the resilience or work ethic of their parents. There’s even a nickname to sum up this apparent lack of discipline and disregard for the demands of the workplace - the so-called Snowflake generation. Do younger people present problems for employers in terms of …
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How to Drive Workforce Experience and Learning with Digital Coaching (an Interview with Anna Tavis)
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
40:47For a long time, coaching was an exclusive privilege—mainly reserved for senior leaders. But thanks to AI and digital platforms, that is changing. Coaching is now accessible at every level of an organisation, transforming how employees learn, grow and develop. However, this shift also raises important questions: Is digital coaching as effective as …
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EP. 1311 Performance Pipeline ขับเคลื่อนผลงานขององค์กรอย่างไร ให้สำเร็จตามเป้าหมาย by Prakal PantapalangkuraKirjoittanut Prakal Pantapalangkura
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In this episode of Tap'd Talks HR, Anthony discusses Line Manager Capability with Laura Weaving, CEO of Perform, the modern management development platform. In a world of different generations, where employees want, and expect, more, and different things, from their managers, are organisations doing enough to support their managers? With research r…
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Fun with HR March 22, 2025 Season 4 Episode 27
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
1:02:45Rosandra & Jeff spent the hour talking about how the American's with Disabilities Act interfaces with HR and interesting challenges they have been facing interviewing potential employees for their clients.Kirjoittanut funwithhrthebigshow
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Frühlingsgefühle - Gefühlsbereit leben
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
24:42Pünktlich zum Frühjahrbeginn schickte uns der Frühling Wärme auf die Haut und Sonne ins Gesicht. Auf den Wiesen, Ufern und Feldwegen sah man heitere Menschen im Genussmodus. Es ist eine Zeit des Aufbruchs und für manchen auch der Verliebtheit. Wir sprechen mit Ilka Hoffmann-Bisinger über die Gefühle der Liebe und wir hören von Lukas Klaschinski war…
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We explore practical succession planning strategies to ensure your organization is prepared for leadership transitions and sustained success.Kirjoittanut Aurora Training Advantage
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Tap av førerkort, utdanningspermisjon og skattefri bilgodtgjørelse
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
36:06Først ut i dagens episode er utdanningspermisjon – når kan arbeidsgiver dekke utdanning skattefritt, når kan man kreve permisjon, og er denne lønnet? Vi ser også på hva som skjer når ansatte mister førerkortet, havner i varetekt eller soner en dom – hvilke rettigheter og plikter har arbeidsgiver og arbeidstaker i en slik situasjon? Til slutt er vi …
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HR All Around the World
Toista Myöhemmin
Toista Myöhemmin
1:01:53How alike or different is the workplace across the globe? How do these similarities or differences influence HR strategies and practices? We're joined by two amazing global HR executives, Amrita Bhaumik and Martha Nelson Trott, to discuss all things global HR. Listen as we discuss the strategic, cultural, and operational considerations HR pros and …
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